53 research outputs found

    Measuring graph similarity through continuous-time quantum walks and the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence

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    In this paper we propose a quantum algorithm to measure the similarity between a pair of unattributed graphs. We design an experiment where the two graphs are merged by establishing a complete set of connections between their nodes and the resulting structure is probed through the evolution of continuous-time quantum walks. In order to analyze the behavior of the walks without causing wave function collapse, we base our analysis on the recently introduced quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence. In particular, we show that the divergence between the evolution of two suitably initialized quantum walks over this structure is maximum when the original pair of graphs is isomorphic. We also prove that under special conditions the divergence is minimum when the sets of eigenvalues of the Hamiltonians associated with the two original graphs have an empty intersection

    An R-convolution Graph Kernel based on Fast Discrete-Time Quantum Walk

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    In this paper, a novel R-convolution kernel, named the fast quantum walk kernel (FQWK), is proposed for unattributed graphs. In FQWK, the similarity of the neighborhood-pair substructure between two nodes is measured via the superposition amplitude of quantum walks between those nodes. The quantum interference in this kind of local substructures provides more information on the substructures so that FQWK can capture finer-grained local structural features of graphs. In addition, to efficiently compute the transition amplitudes of multi-step discrete-time quantum walks, a fast recursive method is designed. Thus compared with all the existing kernels based on the quantum walk, FQWK has the highest computation speed. Extensive experiments demonstrate that FQWK outperforms state-of-the-art graph kernels in terms of classification accuracy for unattributed graphs. Meanwhile, it can be applied to distinguish a larger family of graphs including cospectral graphs, regular graphs, and even strong regular graphs which are not distinguishable by classical walkbased methods

    Quantum kernels for unattributed graphs using discrete-time quantum walks

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    In this paper, we develop a new family of graph kernels where the graph structure is probed by means of a discrete-time quantum walk. Given a pair of graphs, we let a quantum walk evolve on each graph and compute a density matrix with each walk. With the density matrices for the pair of graphs to hand, the kernel between the graphs is defined as the negative exponential of the quantum Jensen–Shannon divergence between their density matrices. In order to cope with large graph structures, we propose to construct a sparser version of the original graphs using the simplification method introduced in Qiu and Hancock (2007). To this end, we compute the minimum spanning tree over the commute time matrix of a graph. This spanning tree representation minimizes the number of edges of the original graph while preserving most of its structural information. The kernel between two graphs is then computed on their respective minimum spanning trees. We evaluate the performance of the proposed kernels on several standard graph datasets and we demonstrate their effectiveness and efficiency

    Fast depth-based subgraph kernels for unattributed graphs

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    In this paper, we investigate two fast subgraph kernels based on a depth-based representation of graph-structure. Both methods gauge depth information through a family of K-layer expansion subgraphs rooted at a vertex [1]. The first method commences by computing a centroid-based complexity trace for each graph, using a depth-based representation rooted at the centroid vertex that has minimum shortest path length variance to the remaining vertices [2]. This subgraph kernel is computed by measuring the Jensen-Shannon divergence between centroid-based complexity entropy traces. The second method, on the other hand, computes a depth-based representation around each vertex in turn. The corresponding subgraph kernel is computed using isomorphisms tests to compare the depth-based representation rooted at each vertex in turn. For graphs with n vertices, the time complexities for the two new kernels are O(n 2) and O(n 3), in contrast to O(n 6) for the classic Gärtner graph kernel [3]. Key to achieving this efficiency is that we compute the required Shannon entropy of the random walk for our kernels with O(n 2) operations. This computational strategy enables our subgraph kernels to easily scale up to graphs of reasonably large sizes and thus overcome the size limits arising in state-of-the-art graph kernels. Experiments on standard bioinformatics and computer vision graph datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our new subgraph kernels

    A nested alignment graph kernel through the dynamic time warping framework

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    In this paper, we propose a novel nested alignment graph kernel drawing on depth-based complexity traces and the dynamic time warping framework. Specifically, for a pair of graphs, we commence by computing the depth-based complexity traces rooted at the centroid vertices. The resulting kernel for the graphs is defined by measuring the global alignment kernel, which is developed through the dynamic time warping framework, between the complexity traces. We show that the proposed kernel simultaneously considers the local and global graph characteristics in terms of the complexity traces, but also provides richer statistic measures by incorporating the whole spectrum of alignment costs between these traces. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed kernel

    HAQJSK: Hierarchical-Aligned Quantum Jensen-Shannon Kernels for Graph Classification

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    In this work, we propose a family of novel quantum kernels, namely the Hierarchical Aligned Quantum Jensen-Shannon Kernels (HAQJSK), for un-attributed graphs. Different from most existing classical graph kernels, the proposed HAQJSK kernels can incorporate hierarchical aligned structure information between graphs and transform graphs of random sizes into fixed-sized aligned graph structures, i.e., the Hierarchical Transitive Aligned Adjacency Matrix of vertices and the Hierarchical Transitive Aligned Density Matrix of the Continuous-Time Quantum Walk (CTQW). For a pair of graphs to hand, the resulting HAQJSK kernels are defined by measuring the Quantum Jensen-Shannon Divergence (QJSD) between their transitive aligned graph structures. We show that the proposed HAQJSK kernels not only reflect richer intrinsic global graph characteristics in terms of the CTQW, but also address the drawback of neglecting structural correspondence information arising in most existing R-convolution kernels. Furthermore, unlike the previous Quantum Jensen-Shannon Kernels associated with the QJSD and the CTQW, the proposed HAQJSK kernels can simultaneously guarantee the properties of permutation invariant and positive definiteness, explaining the theoretical advantages of the HAQJSK kernels. Experiments indicate the effectiveness of the proposed kernels

    A quantum Jensen-Shannon graph kernel for unattributed graphs

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    In this paper, we use the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence as a means of measuring the information theoretic dissimilarity of graphs and thus develop a novel graph kernel. In quantum mechanics, the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence can be used to measure the dissimilarity of quantum systems specified in terms of their density matrices. We commence by computing the density matrix associated with a continuous-time quantum walk over each graph being compared. In particular, we adopt the closed form solution of the density matrix introduced in Rossi et al. (2013) [27,28] to reduce the computational complexity and to avoid the cumbersome task of simulating the quantum walk evolution explicitly. Next, we compare the mixed states represented by the density matrices using the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence. With the quantum states for a pair of graphs described by their density matrices to hand, the quantum graph kernel between the pair of graphs is defined using the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence between the graph density matrices. We evaluate the performance of our kernel on several standard graph datasets from both bioinformatics and computer vision. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed quantum graph kernel

    Adaptive feature selection based on the most informative graph-based features

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    In this paper, we propose a novel method to adaptively select the most informative and least redundant feature subset, which has strong discriminating power with respect to the target label. Unlike most traditional methods using vectorial features, our proposed approach is based on graph-based features and thus incorporates the relationships between feature samples into the feature selection process. To efficiently encapsulate the main characteristics of the graph-based features, we probe each graph structure using the steady state random walk and compute a probability distribution of the walk visiting the vertices. Furthermore, we propose a new information theoretic criterion to measure the joint relevance of different pairwise feature combinations with respect to the target feature, through the Jensen-Shannon divergence measure between the probability distributions from the random walk on different graphs. By solving a quadratic programming problem, we use the new measure to automatically locate the subset of the most informative features, that have both low redundancy and strong discriminating power. Unlike most existing state-of-the-art feature selection methods, the proposed information theoretic feature selection method can accommodate both continuous and discrete target features. Experiments on the problem of P2P lending platforms in China demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method