9,034 research outputs found

    Regulation and promotion of an addictive product : Spanish tobacco business in the spread of cigarette consumption (1880s to 1930s)

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    Tobacco is an addictive product, a big business and an important source of fiscal revenues. From 1880s to 1930s tobacco consumption spread in Western World mainly in the form of cigarettes. Supply changes such as mass production techniques, mass distribution and brand advertising and demand changes such as growing GNP or urbanization levels, interacted explaining changes and convergence in international consumption patterns. However, some differences have to be found regarding the national regulation framework. Tobacco industry was organized either under a fiscal monopoly or under a highly taxed industry mainly within an oligopoly. This paper analyses in depth and on a comparative basis, the Spanish case, paying special attention on the difference made by the regulatory framework and the lack of development of modern business tools such as brand advertising on consumption patterns and business activity. Spanish consumers were behaving as expected in the economic literature on addiction (rational addiction model) without brand advertising. That has to be related with the addictive character of tobacco consumption and more specifically with industrial organization of Spanish tobacco market. This is consistent with what is found in economic literature about addiction and market structure: for oligopoly or monopoly, if marginal cost is increasing, supply of an addictive good may be as high or higher than for perfect competition. This paper concludes that brand advertising is essential for market share mechanisms but its relation with the expansion of tobacco market is not as clear as it could be found on policies banning tobacco advertising or in Business and economic history literature. The lack of branding development in the Spanish case is just a consequence of the fact that tobacco industry was organized in Spain under a fiscal monopoly, and it was the lack of competence of the monopoly that make the Spanish products non-competitive, and as a matter of fact, the opportunities for a traditional tobacco producer of exporting or becoming a foreign direct investor were lost in Spain


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    Tobacco is an addictive product, a big business and an important source of fiscal revenues. From 1880s to 1930s tobacco consumption spread in Western World mainly in the form of cigarettes. Supply changes such as mass production techniques, mass distribution and brand advertising and demand changes such as growing GNP or urbanization levels, interacted explaining changes and convergence in international consumption patterns. However, some differences have to be found regarding the national regulation framework. Tobacco industry was organized either under a fiscal monopoly or under a highly taxed industry mainly within an oligopoly. This paper analyses in depth and on a comparative basis, the Spanish case, paying special attention on the difference made by the regulatory framework and the lack of development of modern business tools such as brand advertising on consumption patterns and business activity. Spanish consumers were behaving as expected in the economic literature on addiction (rational addiction model) without brand advertising. That has to be related with the addictive character of tobacco consumption and more specifically with industrial organization of Spanish tobacco market. This is consistent with what is found in economic literature about addiction and market structure: for oligopoly or monopoly, if marginal cost is increasing, supply of an addictive good may be as high or higher than for perfect competition. This paper concludes that brand advertising is essential for market share mechanisms but its relation with the expansion of tobacco market is not as clear as it could be found on policies banning tobacco advertising or in Business and economic history literature. The lack of branding development in the Spanish case is just a consequence of the fact that tobacco industry was organized in Spain under a fiscal monopoly, and it was the lack of competence of the monopoly that make the Spanish products non-competitive, and as a matter of fact, the opportunities for a traditional tobacco producer of exporting or becoming a foreign direct investor were lost in Spain.

    Regulation and promotion of an addictive product : Spanish tobacco business in the spread of cigarette consumption (1880s to 1930s).

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    Tobacco is an addictive product, a big business and an important source of fiscal revenues. From 1880s to 1930s tobacco consumption spread in Western World mainly in the form of cigarettes. Supply changes such as mass production techniques, mass distribution and brand advertising and demand changes such as growing GNP or urbanization levels, interacted explaining changes and convergence in international consumption patterns. However, some differences have to be found regarding the national regulation framework. Tobacco industry was organized either under a fiscal monopoly or under a highly taxed industry mainly within an oligopoly. This paper analyses in depth and on a comparative basis, the Spanish case, paying special attention on the difference made by the regulatory framework and the lack of development of modern business tools such as brand advertising on consumption patterns and business activity. Spanish consumers were behaving as expected in the economic literature on addiction (rational addiction model) without brand advertising. That has to be related with the addictive character of tobacco consumption and more specifically with industrial organization of Spanish tobacco market. This is consistent with what is found in economic literature about addiction and market structure: for oligopoly or monopoly, if marginal cost is increasing, supply of an addictive good may be as high or higher than for perfect competition. This paper concludes that brand advertising is essential for market share mechanisms but its relation with the expansion of tobacco market is not as clear as it could be found on policies banning tobacco advertising or in Business and economic history literature. The lack of branding development in the Spanish case is just a consequence of the fact that tobacco industry was organized in Spain under a fiscal monopoly, and it was the lack of competence of the monopoly that make the Spanish products non-competitive, and as a matter of fact, the opportunities for a traditional tobacco producer of exporting or becoming a foreign direct investor were lost in Spain.

    The Coexistence of PDO and Brand Labels: The Case of the Ready-sliced Parma Ham

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    The general purpose of the paper is to investigate consumer's attitude towards high quality agri-food products. The research analyses PDO labelled products packaged by law in the production area. Within the same area, the Producers' Group imposes the use of the Consortium label as a quality sign. As consequence, collective labels as well are find on a product packaging, by virtue of the fact that not only they graphically and symbolically represent quality, but they also inform customers about the properties of a specific PDO good. Moreover, on the same package other labels (industrial and private ones) are displayed on the same package. At this purpose, the research analysis of the customers' perception of such particular labels combination focusing the case of the ready-sliced Parma ham. The analysis gives the opportunity of evaluating, from an economic perspective, aspects related to the use of multi-labelling strategy

    The e-Branding in Ecuador and the e-University

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    [EN] This paper presents an analysis of all the universities in Ecuador, in order to evaluate the use of digital media and obtain information on the management of university e-branding. The study explores, to a large extent, the digital variables currently used for broadcasting and we include the resources of two indexed databases as a dissemination flow. All this data has been analyzed through statistics and web performance tools. The results indicate the universities in Ecuador do not present a clear use of the academic e-branding as a strategy of dissemination, exposure, and visibility improvement to increase their ranking level. However, it is clear that some have demonstrated the relevance of the uses of these systems to improve their worldwide level spread.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/INNODOCT/INN2018Del-Pino-Espinoza, A.; Lloret-Romero, M. (2019). The e-Branding in Ecuador and the e-University. Editorial Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2018.2018.8762OC


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    The document has been organised first and foremost with the aim of examining best practices with regard to branding, and secondly with a view to using the knowledge thus acquired to consider the possible creation of a tourist location, territorial and geographical brand for the Adriatic Area. The research and application of the results have been carried out in the PADMA–LAB (Pan Adriatic Destination Management Laboratory) Project, under the EU framework Interreg III A Programme. The paper is a contribution to the development, through a process of capacity and institution building, of an InterAdriatic “Territorial Brand” shared strategy, encouraging evolution of interregional and local organisational models. Our contribution intends to provide the basis for joint discussion on these topics, to establish a common language, the essential prerequisite for application of the concepts to the real-life case of the Adriatic Area developing in Adriatic brand. The methods of research, analysis, exchanging of experiences with the aim to involve institutions are based on the action learning process, applying the learning international laboratories. A brand capability for providing unified representation of the components of a geographical area’s supply package will therefore depend not only on the appropriate choice of the elements which make up the brand, but also on the choice of the appropriate means of conveying the brand to its target and ensuring its appropriate reception by them. From the point of view of the design and creation of the geographical area brand, the distinction must first be made between fake and genuine brands. In the case of fake brands, they are not actually created and managed, but for intentional brands this does occur, and there are various activities involved. All geographical areas have “historic brands” of varying degrees of strength, created by the events and history of the area itself. One further comment must be made on the properties of a geographical brand. Unlike corporate and network brands, which are privately owned and can be managed by private players, geographical brands are “public assets” and so they must be managed by the relevant institutions in the area of reference. In our Project several opportunities and options have been evaluated and for each one the feasibility is defined of repositioning the Adriatic from a mass-market seaside holiday destination to a destination for “authentic tourism”. This work and research are still in progress, but it is possible to anticipate some results. One of the common, historical and original assets which identify Adriatic brand is: the use of organic and natural products coming from the country and from the sea and how these products could be prepared (oenology and gastronomy).Rad je prilog procesu razvoja strategije InterAdriatic “Territorial Brand” s ciljem potpore razvoja interregionalnog i lokalnog organizacijskog modela. IstraĆŸivanja i aktivnosti oko primjene izvedeni su u PADMA–LAB (Pan Adriatic Destination Management Laboratory), projekt u sklopu EU mreĆŸe Interreg III A Programme. Glavni cilj istraĆŸivanja bio je postupak stvaranja ‘proizvoda’ i koriĆĄtenja stečenog iskustva za stvaranje turističkih lokacija, koje bi bile zemljopisna marka Jadranskog mora. S tim u vezi ĆŸeljeli smo stvoriti temelje za zajedničku diskusiju i usklađenje stavova, ĆĄto je preduvjet za stvarnu primjenu slučaja Jadranskog područja razvijenog u ‘Jadranski proizvod’. KoriĆĄtenjem međunarodnog laboratorija, primijenjene metode istraĆŸivanja, analiza, razmjene iskustava između dvije stvarnosti, temelje se na procesu učenja. Sposobnost ‘proizvoda’ da predstavlja cijeli paket komponenata geografskog područja ovisit će ne samo o odgovarajućem izboru elemenata koji čine ‘proizvod’, već i o izboru odgovarajućeg načina prijenosa ‘proizvoda’ do njenog cilja, i osiguranje odgovarajućeg prijema na cilju. S glediĆĄta kreacije treba razlikovati dva tipa ‘proizvoda’: zanemareni i namjeran. U slučaju ‘zanemarenog proizvoda’ on stvarno niti nije stvoren, naprotiv ‘namjeran proizvod’ postoji i uključuje raznolike aktivnosti. Sva geografska područja imaju ‘povijesni proizvod’ različite značajnosti, koji je stvoren događajima kroz povijest područja. JoĆĄ je jedno značenje ‘geografskog proizvoda’ vaĆŸno. Dok su ‘korporacijski’ i ‘mreĆŸni proizvodi’ u privatnom vlasniĆĄtvu i mogu se privatno upravljati, ‘geografski proizvod’ je javno vlasniĆĄtvo pa stoga njime moraju upravljati odgovarajuće institucije područja. U naĆĄem projektu je razmatrano viĆĄe mogućnosti i za svaku je procijenjen izbor i izvedivost zamjene ‘jadranske forme masovnog usputnog turizma’ u odrediĆĄte autentičnog turizma. Iako je ovaj rad u tijeku moguće je zamijetiti neke rezultate. Jedna od zajedničkih, izvornih karakteristika koje se odnose na ‘Jadranski proizvod’ je: koriĆĄtenje ekoloĆĄkih prirodnih proizvoda iz okolice i mora, te način pripreme tih proizvoda (enoloĆĄki i gastronomski)

    Research, education and co-creation: the university in place / Ricerca, formazione e co-creazione: l'universitĂ  sul campo

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    In regional development strategies, universities are playing an increasingly decisive role as a knowledge generator and facilitator in the dialogue between local actors. This paper aims to understand the role that the University of Macerata can play in the process of interaction between business, public sector and research. Following a series of events organized by the University of Macerata with this objective, in this context will be analyzed the results of a focus group within an Entrepreneurial Discovery Process event. The participating stakeholders identified the university as the centre of a regional innovation ecosystem, where knowledge can be generated and transmitted.Nelle strategie di sviluppo regionale le universitĂ  stanno assumendo un ruolo sempre piĂč decisivo, quale generatore di conoscenza e facilitatore nel dialogo tra gli attori locali. Questo contributo ha l’obiettivo di capire il ruolo che puĂČ ricoprire l’UniversitĂ  di Macerata nel processo di interazione tra imprese, settore pubblico e mondo accademico. A seguito di una serie di eventi organizzati da parte dell’UniversitĂ  di Macerata con questo obiettivo, in questo contesto verranno analizzati i risultati emersi da un focus group all’interno di un evento Entrepreneurial Discovery Process. Gli stakeholders partecipanti hanno individuato l'universitĂ  come il centro di un ecosistema regionale dell'innovazione, all’interno del quale poter generare e trasmettere una conoscenza diffusa.

    Implementing the Codes of Conducts: a real provocation for the Romanian Garment Industry Case Study field research in 2 Romanian work wear producing companies

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    CCC_08_08_26_eng_ROMANIAN_STUDY.pdf: 154 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020
