1,469 research outputs found

    Set of Common Base Concepts

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    Caught in the middle – language use and translation : a festschrift for Erich Steiner on the occasion of his 60th birthday

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    This book celebrates Erich Steiner’s scholarly work. In 25 contributions, colleagues and friends take up issues closely related to his research interests in linguistics and translation studies. The result is a colourful kaleidoscope reflecting the many strands of research questions that Erich Steiner helped advance in the past decades and the cheerful, inspiring atmosphere he continues to create

    Typological parameters of genericity

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    Different languages employ different morphosyntactic devices for expressing genericity. And, of course, they also make use of different morphosyntactic and semantic or pragmatic cues which may contribute to the interpretation of a sentence as generic rather than episodic. [...] We will advance the strong hypo thesis that it is a fundamental property of lexical elements in natural language that they are neutral with respect to different modes of reference or non-reference. That is, we reject the idea that a certain use of a lexical element, e.g. a use which allows reference to particular spatio-temporally bounded objects in the world, should be linguistically prior to all other possible uses, e.g. to generic and non-specific uses. From this it follows that we do not consider generic uses as derived from non-generic uses as it is occasionally assumed in the literature. Rather, we regard these two possibilities of use as equivalent alternative uses of lexical elements. The typological differences to be noted therefore concern the formal and semantic relationship of generic and non-generic uses to each other; they do not pertain to the question of whether lexical elements are predetermined for one of these two uses. Even supposing we found a language where generic uses are always zero-marked and identical to lexical sterns, we would still not assume that lexical elements in this language primarily have a generic use from which the non-generic uses are derived. (Incidentally, none of the languages examined, not even Vietnamese, meets this criterion.

    Equivalence in scientific and technical translation : a text-in-context-based study

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    Scientific and technical translation has always played a pivotal role in disseminating knowledge. Today, the domain of science and technology is the main area of translation work. Nevertheless, there is still a discrepancy between the growing need for high-quality technical translations and the short supply of competent technical translators to produce them, a situation which may be due in part to the recent neglect of the equivalence concept in the theoretical/descriptive and applied branches of translation studies (TS). This thesis sets out to redefine, reassess, and reinstate equivalence as a useflul concept in TS by adopting an approach based on the English-German language pair and on one specific text genre and type. The investigation of equivalence as a qualitative complete-text-in-context-based concept is embedded in an equivalence-relevant methodology based on two methodological pillars, the first being a theoretically sound translation comparison and the second a highly refined translation corpus. Within this methodological framework, equivalence-relevant features are investigated and described at the syntactic, lexical-semantic, terminological-phraseological and overall textual levels. These levels are hierarchically interrelated in descending and ascending order and may be conditioned by pragmatic aspects, viz., domain knowledge and register considerations. The comparison is made using a high-quality corpus selected on the basis of a threefold set of selection criteria, with a special emphasis on the qualitative criteria. This helps us generate well-underpinned intersubjectifiable regularities in the form of potential equivalents established in the TT for ST equivalence-relevant features and enables us to obtain meaningful generalizations. Both regularities and generalizations should be capable of implementation in the applied branches of TS and, at the same time, help dynamize and intersubjectify the complex concept of equivalence. So, hopefully, this thesis will also contribute toward creating a link between the methodological, theoretical/descriptive and applied branches of TS to their mutual benefit.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    VIL: A Visual Inter Lingua

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    As the world becomes smaller through advances in telecommunications, the need for communication between speakers of different languages becomes greater. Concerns about cultural and economic hegemony argue against the use of any natural language, and machine translation is not yet perfected and available to speakers of all languages. With the technological developments of the last decade, such as powerful computers, graphical interfaces, and the World Wide Web, an excellent opportunity has been created for a computer-mediated visual interlingua to meet this need. An iconic language could be designed to take advantage of the technology. People would be able to communicate with an iconic language without the need to draw pictures themselves, since they could choose these pictures from the screen. This dissertation describes VIL, an iconic visual interlingua based on the notion of simplified speech. Similar to pidgins, languages arising from the prolonged contact between people speaking two or more languages, VIL utilizes features that are in the \u27greatest common denominator\u27 of features in different languages. This allows its complexity to be significantly reduced; for example, it has no inflection, no number, gender, or tense markers, and no articles. VIL has no linear order. This is possible because it was designed as a visual language, in contrast to written languages which are the result of a transfer to visual modality of spoken language, which evolved in the context of auditory modality where sequencing and ordering is critical. After reviewing previous research on universal languages that are artificial, non-artificial, and visual, VIL is described in detail, including its parts of speech, its grammar, and its organization for verbs, nouns, and adjectives. Throughout the discussion a set of principles is proposed, some of which are relevant to any universal language, others specific to visual or iconic languages. The development of a set of icons is also presented. Finally, the evaluations of the icons, language, and the system itself are described

    Combining translation into the second language and second language learning : an integrated computational approach

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    This thesis explores the area where translation and language learning intersects. However, this intersection is not one in the traditional sense of second language teaching: where translation is used as a means for learning a foreign language. This thesis treats translating into the foreign language as a separate entity, one that is as important as learning the foreign language itself. Thus the discussion in this thesis is especially relevant to an academic institution which contemplates training foreign language learners who can perform translation into the foreign language at a professional level. The thesis concentrates on developing a pedagogical model which can achieve the goal of fostering linguistic competence and translation competence at the same time. It argues that constructing such a model under a computerised framework is a viable approach, since the task of translation nowadays relies heavily on all kinds o

    Baltic Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture, Vol.10

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    Kontorslokaler nyttjas generellt cirka 2500 av årets 8760 timmar. Ett vanligt problem med kontorslokaler är det termiska klimatet, antingen är det för varmt, för kallt, eller så drar det. Höga temperaturer, över ca 26°C, bidrar till trötthet, nedsatt koncentration och gör att luften känns mindre fräsch. Stora variationen av lasten mellan dag och nattetid kan också resultera i att lokalerna överventileras under nattetid och underventileras under dagtid. Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka och jämföra Ecoclimes komforttaks lösning med andra olika värme och kylsystem i kontorslokaler. Att undersöka vilka eventuella fördelar Ecoclimes komforttak har gällande komfort, kyla, ventilation och ur energisynpunkt. Simuleringsprogrammet IDA ICE har använts för att simulera komforten och rumstemperaturer för ett kontor och ett konferensrum i en byggnad placerad i centrala Umeå. Resultaten från simuleringar indikerar att Ecoclimes komforttak, sänker den operativa temperaturen och höjer komforten med en mindre andel missnöjda i sitt rum jämfört med andra system trots samma rumstemperatur. För att bedömma andelen missnöjda i ett rum har komfortindexet PMV(Predicted mean vote) och PPD(Predicted percentage dissatisfied) använts. Den höga passiva effekten bidrar också till mindre energianvändning av ventilationsfläktar ifall ett VAV-system med rumstempertaurreglering används. Vidare har en känslighetsanalys genomförts på komforttaken där det undersöks hur kyleffekten påverkar kyltider, temperatur och komfort. Känslighetsanalysen visar att en ökning eller minskning av kyleffekten med 10% påverkar resultaten mest under en mycket varm dag jämfört med en normalvarm. Skillnaden i komfort var dock liten, endast 0,2 procentenheter från grundfallet