4,493 research outputs found

    NATGAS: a model of the European natural gas market

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    The NATural GAS model is an integrated model of the European wholesale gas market providing long-run projections of supply, transport, storage and consumption patterns in the model region, aggregated in 5-year periods, distinguishing two seasons (winter and summer). Model results include levels of investment in the various branches, output and consumption, depletion of reserves and price levels. The NATGAS model computes long-term effects of policy measures on future gas production and gas prices in Europe. NATGAS is an equilibrium model describing behaviour of gas producers, investors in infrastructure (pipeline, LNG capacity, as well as storage), traders and consumers. NATGAS covers the main European demand regions, including the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands and Italy. Moreover, it covers the main origins of supply on the European market, such as Russia, Norway, Algeria, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and LNG. In this memorandum, we first discuss the theoretical background as well as the model specifications. Afterwards, we describe the data we used, present some results and assess validity by computing sensitivities and comparing with current developments.

    Benefits and Costs of Diversification in the European Natural Gas Market

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    Die Dissertationsschrift thematisiert die Frage nach den Kosten und Nutzen einer Diversifikationsstrategie im europäischen Erdgasmarkt und gliedert sich in neun Kapitel. In einer Vorbetrachtung beschreiben die Kapitel eins bis vier die Ausganglage mit Blick auf Angebots- und Nachfragestrukturen sowie der Gasinfrastruktur. Unsicherheiten in Bezug auf die Entwicklung der Nachfrage, Importverfügbarkeit und Preisniveaus werden diskutiert. In einem analytischen Rahmen wird das Thema Diversifikation in den Kontext der Energiesicherheit eingeordnet. Die Kapitel fünf bis sieben befassen sich mit der Beschreibung und der Analyse des europäischen Gasmarkts. Dafür wird ein lineares Modell, GAMAMOD-EU, entwickelt, welches als stochastische Optimierung den Ausbau der Erdgasinfrastruktur unter Einbezug von drei Unsicherheitsdimensionen in den Jahren 2030 und 2045 abbildet. Zusätzlich werden drei Diversifikationsstrategien in Hinblick auf Infrastrukturentwicklung und Versorgungssicherheit analysiert. In einer Erweiterung wird der Import Grüner Gase in die Betrachtung einbezogen. Kapitel acht stellt das deutsche Gasnetzmodell GAMAMOD-DE mit einer Fallstudie vor, die die Versorgungslage im kalten Winter 2012 nachmodelliert. Im abschließenden Kapitel neun werden die zu Beginn aufgeworfenen Forschungsfragen beantwortet, politische Handlungsempfehlungen gegeben und der weitere Forschungsbedarf skizziert.:Table of Contents List of Figures List of Tables Abbreviations Country Codes Nomenclature: GAMAMOD-EU Nomenclature: GAMAMOD-DE 1 Introduction 2 Uncertainties in Gas Markets 3 Diversification in Gas Markets to Ensure Security of Supply 4 Natural Gas Infrastructure 5 The European Natural Gas Market Model (GAMAMOD-EU) 6 Results on Security of Supply in the European Gas Market 7 Impact of Green Gas Imports on Infrastructure Investments 8 The German Natural Gas Market Model (GAMAMOD-DE) 9 Conclusion and Outlook Laws and Communication Papers References AppendixThe dissertation addresses the question of the costs and benefits of a diversification strategy in the European natural gas market and is divided into nine chapters. In a preliminary analysis, chapters one to four describe the initial situation with regard to supply and demand structures as well as the gas infrastructure. Uncertainties regarding the development of demand, import availability and price levels are discussed. In an analytical framework, the topic of diversification is placed in the context of energy security. Chapters five to seven deal with the description and analysis of the European gas market. For this purpose, a linear model, GAMAMOD-EU, is developed, which maps the expansion of the natural gas infrastructure as a stochastic optimisation, taking into account three uncertainty dimensions in the years 2030 and 2045. In addition, three diversification strategies are analysed with regard to infrastructure development and security of supply. In an extension, the import of green gases is included in the analysis. Chapter eight presents the German gas grid model GAMAMOD-DE with a case study, which models the supply situation in the cold winter of 2012. In the concluding chapter nine, the research questions raised at the beginning are answered, political recommendations for action are given and the need for further research is outlined.:Table of Contents List of Figures List of Tables Abbreviations Country Codes Nomenclature: GAMAMOD-EU Nomenclature: GAMAMOD-DE 1 Introduction 2 Uncertainties in Gas Markets 3 Diversification in Gas Markets to Ensure Security of Supply 4 Natural Gas Infrastructure 5 The European Natural Gas Market Model (GAMAMOD-EU) 6 Results on Security of Supply in the European Gas Market 7 Impact of Green Gas Imports on Infrastructure Investments 8 The German Natural Gas Market Model (GAMAMOD-DE) 9 Conclusion and Outlook Laws and Communication Papers References Appendi

    Multi-Period Natural Gas Market Modeling - Applications, Stochastic Extensions and Solution Approaches

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    This dissertation develops deterministic and stochastic multi-period mixed complementarity problems (MCP) for the global natural gas market, as well as solution approaches for large-scale stochastic MCP. The deterministic model is unique in the combination of the level of detail of the actors in the natural gas markets and the transport options, the detailed regional and global coverage, the multi-period approach with endogenous capacity expansions for transportation and storage infrastructure, the seasonal variation in demand and the representation of market power according to Nash-Cournot theory. The model is applied to several scenarios for the natural gas market that cover the formation of a cartel by the members of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum, a low availability of unconventional gas in the United States, and cost reductions in long-distance gas transportation. The results provide insights in how different regions are affected by various developments, in terms of production, consumption, traded volumes, prices and profits of market participants. The stochastic MCP is developed and applied to a global natural gas market problem with four scenarios for a time horizon until 2050 with nineteen regions and containing 78,768 variables. The scenarios vary in the possibility of a gas market cartel formation and varying depletion rates of gas reserves in the major gas importing regions. Outcomes for hedging decisions of market participants show some significant shifts in the timing and location of infrastructure investments, thereby affecting local market situations. A first application of Benders decomposition (BD) is presented to solve a large-scale stochastic MCP for the global gas market with many hundreds of first-stage capacity expansion variables and market players exerting various levels of market power. The largest problem solved successfully using BD contained 47,373 variables of which 763 first-stage variables, however using BD did not result in shorter solution times relative to solving the extensive-forms. Larger problems, up to 117,481 variables, were solved in extensive-form, but not when applying BD due to numerical issues. It is discussed how BD could significantly reduce the solution time of large-scale stochastic models, but various challenges remain and more research is needed to assess the potential of Benders decomposition for solving large-scale stochastic MCP

    Linepack planning models for gas transmission network under uncertainty

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    Open market transient behaviours create challenges for National Grid, the UK gas transmission network operator, in meeting limits on pressure and linepack, i.e. the quantity of gas in the network. In this paper, four mixed-integer linear programming models are proposed for the optimal linepack planning to compensate for the fluctuation of gas demand. The first model minimises total deviation between planned and targeted linepacks such that all the customer’s demand and other network constraints are satisfied. The second model determines actions, including timings, to minimise total cost for resolving the gas deficit. We then extend this to a third model to deal with the periodical supply shortfall in the gas transmission network, and a fourth model to investigate the impact of compressor failure on the linepack management. The efficiency of these models is investigated and validated using real case study data. Experimental results show that our models can produce the optimal linepack plans under certain scenarios that current tools at National Grid cannot achieve

    Unconventional gas: potential energy market impacts in the European Union

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    In the interest of effective policymaking, this report seeks to clarify certain controversies and identify key gaps in the evidence-base relating to unconventional gas. The scope of this report is restricted to the economic impact of unconventional gas on energy markets. As such, it principally addresses such issues as the energy mix, energy prices, supplies, consumption, and trade flows. Whilst this study touches on coal bed methane and tight gas, its predominant focus is on shale gas, which the evidence at this time suggests will be the form of unconventional gas with the most growth potential in the short- to medium-term. This report considers the prospects for the indigenous production of shale gas within the EU-27 Member States. It evaluates the available evidence on resource size, extractive technology, resource access and market access. This report also considers the implications for the EU of large-scale unconventional gas production in other parts of the world. This acknowledges the fact that many changes in the dynamics of energy supply can only be understood in the broader global context. It also acknowledges that the EU is a major importer of energy, and that it is therefore heavily affected by developments in global energy markets that are largely out of its control.JRC.F.3-Energy securit

    AI Knowledge Transfer from the University to Society

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    AI Knowledge Transfer from the University to Society: Applications in High-Impact Sectors brings together examples from the "Innovative Ecosystem with Artificial Intelligence for Andalusia 2025" project at the University of Seville, a series of sub-projects composed of research groups and different institutions or companies that explore the use of Artificial Intelligence in a variety of high-impact sectors to lead innovation and assist in decision-making. Key Features Includes chapters on health and social welfare, transportation, digital economy, energy efficiency and sustainability, agro-industry, and tourism Great diversity of authors, expert in varied sectors, belonging to powerful research groups from the University of Seville with proven experience in the transfer of knowledge to the productive sector and agents attached to the Andalucía TECH Campu

    California Methanol Assessment; Volume II, Technical Report

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    A joint effort by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the California Institute of Technology Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering has brought together sponsors from both the public and private sectors for an analysis of the prospects for methanol use as a fuel in California, primarily for the transportation and stationary application sectors. Increasing optimism in 1982 for a slower rise in oil prices and a more realistic understanding of the costs of methanol production have had a negative effect on methanol viability in the near term (before the year 2000). Methanol was determined to have some promise in the transportation sector, but is not forecasted for large-scale use until beyond the year 2000. Similarly, while alternative use of methanol can have a positive effect on air quality (reducing NOx, SOx, and other emissions), a best case estimate is for less than 4% reduction in peak ozone by 2000 at realistic neat methanol vehicle adoption rates. Methanol is not likely to be a viable fuel in the stationary application sector because it cannot compete economically with conventional fuels except in very limited cases. On the production end, it was determined that methanol produced from natural gas will continue to dominate supply options through the year 2000, and the present and planned industry capacity is somewhat in excess of all projected needs. Nonsubsidized coal-based methanol cannot compete with conventional feedstocks using current technology, but coal-based methanol has promise in the long term (after the year 2000), providing that industry is willing to take the technical and market risks and that government agencies will help facilitate the environment for methanol. Given that the prospects for viable major markets (stationary applications and neat fuel in passenger cars) are unlikely in the 1980s and early 1990s, the next steps for methanol are in further experimentation and research of production and utilization technologies, expanded use as an octane enhancer, and selected fleet implementation. In the view of the study, it is not advantageous at this time to establish policies within California that attempt to expand methanol use rapidly as a neat fuel for passenger cars or to induce electric utility use of methanol on a widespread basis