778 research outputs found

    Mechanisms for Automated Negotiation in State Oriented Domains

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    This paper lays part of the groundwork for a domain theory of negotiation, that is, a way of classifying interactions so that it is clear, given a domain, which negotiation mechanisms and strategies are appropriate. We define State Oriented Domains, a general category of interaction. Necessary and sufficient conditions for cooperation are outlined. We use the notion of worth in an altered definition of utility, thus enabling agreements in a wider class of joint-goal reachable situations. An approach is offered for conflict resolution, and it is shown that even in a conflict situation, partial cooperative steps can be taken by interacting agents (that is, agents in fundamental conflict might still agree to cooperate up to a certain point). A Unified Negotiation Protocol (UNP) is developed that can be used in all types of encounters. It is shown that in certain borderline cooperative situations, a partial cooperative agreement (i.e., one that does not achieve all agents' goals) might be preferred by all agents, even though there exists a rational agreement that would achieve all their goals. Finally, we analyze cases where agents have incomplete information on the goals and worth of other agents. First we consider the case where agents' goals are private information, and we analyze what goal declaration strategies the agents might adopt to increase their utility. Then, we consider the situation where the agents' goals (and therefore stand-alone costs) are common knowledge, but the worth they attach to their goals is private information. We introduce two mechanisms, one 'strict', the other 'tolerant', and analyze their affects on the stability and efficiency of negotiation outcomes.Comment: See http://www.jair.org/ for any accompanying file

    Spatio-Temporal Context in Agent-Based Meeting Scheduling

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    Meeting scheduling is a common task for organizations of all sizes. It involves searching for a time and place when and where all the participants can meet. However, scheduling a meeting is generally difficult in that it attempts to satisfy the preferences of all participants. Negotiation tends to be an iterative and time consuming task. Proxy agents can handle the negotiation on behalf of the individuals without sacrificing their privacy or overlooking their preferences. This thesis examines the implications of formalizing meeting scheduling as a spatiotemporal negotiation problem. The “Children in the Rectangular Forest” (CRF) canonical model is applied to meeting scheduling. By formalizing meeting scheduling within the CRF model, a generalized problem emerges that establishes a clear relationship with other spatiotemporal distributed scheduling problems. The thesis also examines the implications of the proposed formalization to meeting scheduling negotiations. A protocol for meeting location selection is presented and evaluated using simulations

    Computational model of negotiation skills in virtual artificial agents

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    Negotiation skills represent crucial abilities for engaging in effective social interactions in formal and informal settings. Serious games, intelligent systems and virtual agents can provide solid tools upon which one-to-one training and assessment can be reliably made available. The aim of the present work is to fill the gap between the recent growing interest towards soft skills, and the lack of a robust and modern methodology for supporting their investigation. A computational model for the development of Enact, a 3D virtual intelligent platform for training and testing negotiation skills, will be presented. The serious game allows users to interact with simulated peers in scenarios depicting daily life situations and receive a psychological assessment and adaptive training reflecting their negotiation abilities. To pursue this goal, this work has gone through different research stages, each with a unique methodology, results and discussion described in its specific section. In the first phase, the platform was designed to operationalize the examined negotiation theory, developed and assessed. The negotiation styles considered, consistently with previous findings, have been found not to correlate with personality traits, coping strategies and perceived self-efficacy. The serious game has been widely tested for its usability and underwent two development and release stages aimed at improving its accuracy, usability and likeability. The variables measured by the platform have been found to predict in all cases at least two of the negotiation styles considered. Concerning the user feedback, the game has been judged as useful, more pleasant than the traditional test, and the perceived time spent on the game resulted significantly lower than the real time spent. In the second stage of this research, the game scenarios were used to collect a dataset of documents containing natural language negotiations between users and the virtual agents. The dataset was used to assess the correlations between the personal pronouns' use and the negotiation styles. Results showed that more engaged styles generally used pronouns with a significantly higher frequency than less engaged styles. Styles with a high concern for self showed a higher frequency of singular personal pronouns while styles with a high concern for others used significantly more relational pronouns. The corpus of documents was also used to perform multiclass classification on the negotiation styles using machine learning. Both linear (SVM) and non-linear models (MNB, CNN) performed reliably with a state-of-the-art accuracy

    Single Function Agents and their Negotiation Behavior in Expert Systems

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    A Single Function Agent (SiFA) is a software agent, with only one function, one point of view, and one target object on which to act. For example, an agent might be a critic (function) of material (target) from the point of view of cost. This research investigates the possibilities and implications of the SiFA concept, and analyzes the definition language, negotiation language and negotiation strategies of the agents. After defining a domain-independent set of agent types we investigated negotiation, analyzing which pairs/groups of agents have reason to communicate, and what the information passed between them should be, as well as what knowledge was needed to support the negotiation. A library for the CLIPS expert system shell was built, which allows development of SiFA based expert systems from domain independent templates. We will present two such systems, one as implemented for the domain of ceramic component material selection and the other (in development) for simple sailboat design. The effect of negotiation on the design process and the results are discussed, as well as directions for future research into SiFAs

    Complex negotiations in multi-agent systems

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    Los sistemas multi-agente (SMA) son sistemas distribuidos donde entidades autónomas llamadas agentes, ya sean humanos o software, persiguen sus propios objetivos. El paradigma de SMA ha sido propuesto como la aproximación de modelo apropiada para aplicaciones como el comercio electrónico, los sistemas multi-robot, aplicaciones de seguridad, etc. En la comunidad de SMA, la visión de sistemas multi-agente abiertos, donde agentes heterogéneos pueden entrar y salir del sistema dinámicamente, ha cobrado fuerza como paradigma de modelado debido a su relación conceptual con tecnologías como la Web, la computación grid, y las organizaciones virtuales. Debido a la heterogeneidad de los agentes, y al hecho de dirigirse por sus propios objetivos, el conflicto es un fenómeno candidato a aparecer en los sistemas multi-agente. En los últimos años, el término tecnologías del acuerdo ha sido usado para referirse a todos aquellos mecanismos que, directa o indirectamente, promueven la resolución de conflictos en sistemas computacionales como los sistemas multi-agente. Entre las tecnologías del acuerdo, la negociación automática ha sido propuesta como uno de los mecanismos clave en la resolución de conflictos debido a su uso análogo en la resolución de conflictos entre humanos. La negociación automática consiste en el intercambio automático de propuestas llevado a cabo por agentes software en nombre de sus usuarios. El objetivo final es conseguir un acuerdo con todas las partes involucradas. Pese a haber sido estudiada por la Inteligencia Artificial durante años, distintos problemas todavía no han sido resueltos por la comunidad científica todavía. El principal objetivo de esta tesis es proponer modelos de negociación para escenarios complejos donde la complejidad deriva de (1) las limitaciones computacionales o (ii) la necesidad de representar las preferencias de múltiples individuos. En la primera parte de esta tesis proponemos un modelo de negociación bilateral para el problema deSánchez Anguix, V. (2013). Complex negotiations in multi-agent systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/21570Palanci

    A hybrid model of electronic negotiation : integration of negotiation support and automated negotiation models

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    Electronic business negotiations are enabled by different electronic negotiation models: automated negotiation models for software agents, negotiation support models for human negotiators, and auction models for both. To date, there is no electronic negotiation model that enables bilateral multi-issue negotiations between a human negotiator and a negotiation agent?an important task in electronic negotiation research. In this thesis, a model is presented that integrates the automated negotiation model and the negotiation support model. The resulting hybrid negotiation model paves the way for human-agent business negotiations. The integration of two models is realised at the levels of negotiation process, communication support and decision making. To this end, the negotiation design, negotiation process, negotiation decision making, and negotiation communication in negotiation support systems (NSSs) and agent negotiation systems (ANSs) are studied and analysed. The analyses on these points help in strengthening the motivation behind hybrid negotiation model and setting aims for the integration of an NSS and an ANS in hybrid negotiation model. We mainly propose a human-agent negotiation design, negotiation process protocols to support the design, a hybrid communication model for human-agent interaction, an agent decision-making model for negotiation with human, and a component for interoperability between NSS and ANS. The agent decision-making model is composed of heuristic and argumentation-based negotiation techniques. It is proposed after analysing different automated negotiation models for different human negotiation strategies. The proposed communication model supports human negotiator and negotiation agent to understand and process negotiation messages from each other. This communication model consists of negotiation ontology, a wrapper agent, and a proper selection of an agent communication language (ACL) and a content language. The wrapper agent plays a role for interoperability between agent system and NSS by providing a communication interface along with the negotiation ontology. The negotiation ontology, ACL and agent content language make the communication model of negotiation agent in ANS. The proposed hybrid model is realised by integrating an ANS into NSS Negoisst. The research aim is to show that a hybrid negotiation system, composed of two heterogeneous negotiation models, can enable human-agent multi-issue integrative negotiations.Elektronische ökonomische Verhandlungen werden durch verschiedene Verhandlungsmodelle ermöglicht: Automatisierte Verhandlungsmodelle für Softwareagenten, Verhandlungsunterstützung für menschliche Verhandelnde und Auktionsmodelle für Beide. Bis heute existiert kein elektronisches Verhandlungsmodell, das bilaterale multi-attributive Verhandlungen zwischen einem menschlichen Verhandelnden und einem Verhandlungsagenten ? eine wichtige Aufgabe in der Forschung im Bereich elektronischer Verhandlungen. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Modell präsentiert, welches das automatisierte Verhandlungsmodell und das Verhandlungsunterstützungsmodell integriert. Das resultierende hybride Verhandlungsmodell ebnet den Weg für ökonomische Mensch-Agent-Verhandlungen. Die Integration der zwei Modelle ist realisiert auf der Ebene von Verhandlungsprozess, Kommunikationsunterstützung und Entscheidungsunterstützung. Dazu werden Verhandlungsdesign, Verhandlungsprozess, verhandlungsbezogene Entscheidungsfindung und Verhandlungskommunikation in Verhandlungsunterstützungssystemen (NSS) und Agentenverhandlungssystemen (ANS) studiert und analysiert. Die Analysen zu diesen Punkten verstärken die Motivation hinter dem hybriden Verhandlungsmodell und bestimmen die Ziele für die Integration von NSS und ANS. Es werden hauptsächlich ein Mensch-Agent-Verhandlungsdesign, Verhandlungsprozessprotokolle zur Unterstützung des Designs, ein hybrides Kommunikationsmodell für Mensch-Agent-Kommunikation, ein Agenten-Entscheidungsmodell für die Verhandlung mit menschlichem Gegenpart und eine Komponente für die Interoperabilität zwischen NSS und ANS. Das Entscheidungsmodell für Agenten besteht aus heuristischen und argumentativen Verhandlungstechniken. Es wird aufgestellt nachdem verschiedene automatisierte Verhandlungsmodelle für verschiedene menschliche Verhandlungsstrategien analysiert worden sind. Die vorgeschlagenen Kommunikationsmodelle unterstützen menschliche Verhandler und Verhandlungsagenten dabei Verhandlungsnachrichten voneinander zu verstehen und zu verarbeiten. Dieses Kommunikationsmodell besteht aus einer Verhandlungsontologie, einem Wrapper-Agenten und einer angemessenen Auswahl der Agentenkommunikationssprache (ACL) und der Inhaltssprache. Der Wrapper-Agent spielt eine Rolle bei der Interoperabilität zwischen dem Agentensystem und dem NSS durch eine Kommunikationsschnittstelle zusammen mit der Verhandlungsontologie. Die Verhandlungsontologie, die ACL und die Inhaltssprache der Agenten ergeben das Kommunikationsmodell der Verhandlungsagenten im ANS. Das vorgestellte hybride Modell ist realisiert als Integration eines ANS in das NSS Negoisst. Das Forschungsziel ist zu zeigen, dass ein hybrides Verhandlungssystem, basierend auf zwei heterogenen Verhandlungsmodellen, integrative multi-attributive Mensch-Agent-Verhandlungen ermöglicht

    A hybrid model of electronic negotiation : integration of negotiation support and automated negotiation models

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    Electronic business negotiations are enabled by different electronic negotiation models: automated negotiation models for software agents, negotiation support models for human negotiators, and auction models for both. To date, there is no electronic negotiation model that enables bilateral multi-issue negotiations between a human negotiator and a negotiation agent?an important task in electronic negotiation research. In this thesis, a model is presented that integrates the automated negotiation model and the negotiation support model. The resulting hybrid negotiation model paves the way for human-agent business negotiations. The integration of two models is realised at the levels of negotiation process, communication support and decision making. To this end, the negotiation design, negotiation process, negotiation decision making, and negotiation communication in negotiation support systems (NSSs) and agent negotiation systems (ANSs) are studied and analysed. The analyses on these points help in strengthening the motivation behind hybrid negotiation model and setting aims for the integration of an NSS and an ANS in hybrid negotiation model. We mainly propose a human-agent negotiation design, negotiation process protocols to support the design, a hybrid communication model for human-agent interaction, an agent decision-making model for negotiation with human, and a component for interoperability between NSS and ANS. The agent decision-making model is composed of heuristic and argumentation-based negotiation techniques. It is proposed after analysing different automated negotiation models for different human negotiation strategies. The proposed communication model supports human negotiator and negotiation agent to understand and process negotiation messages from each other. This communication model consists of negotiation ontology, a wrapper agent, and a proper selection of an agent communication language (ACL) and a content language. The wrapper agent plays a role for interoperability between agent system and NSS by providing a communication interface along with the negotiation ontology. The negotiation ontology, ACL and agent content language make the communication model of negotiation agent in ANS. The proposed hybrid model is realised by integrating an ANS into NSS Negoisst. The research aim is to show that a hybrid negotiation system, composed of two heterogeneous negotiation models, can enable human-agent multi-issue integrative negotiations.Elektronische ökonomische Verhandlungen werden durch verschiedene Verhandlungsmodelle ermöglicht: Automatisierte Verhandlungsmodelle für Softwareagenten, Verhandlungsunterstützung für menschliche Verhandelnde und Auktionsmodelle für Beide. Bis heute existiert kein elektronisches Verhandlungsmodell, das bilaterale multi-attributive Verhandlungen zwischen einem menschlichen Verhandelnden und einem Verhandlungsagenten ? eine wichtige Aufgabe in der Forschung im Bereich elektronischer Verhandlungen. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Modell präsentiert, welches das automatisierte Verhandlungsmodell und das Verhandlungsunterstützungsmodell integriert. Das resultierende hybride Verhandlungsmodell ebnet den Weg für ökonomische Mensch-Agent-Verhandlungen. Die Integration der zwei Modelle ist realisiert auf der Ebene von Verhandlungsprozess, Kommunikationsunterstützung und Entscheidungsunterstützung. Dazu werden Verhandlungsdesign, Verhandlungsprozess, verhandlungsbezogene Entscheidungsfindung und Verhandlungskommunikation in Verhandlungsunterstützungssystemen (NSS) und Agentenverhandlungssystemen (ANS) studiert und analysiert. Die Analysen zu diesen Punkten verstärken die Motivation hinter dem hybriden Verhandlungsmodell und bestimmen die Ziele für die Integration von NSS und ANS. Es werden hauptsächlich ein Mensch-Agent-Verhandlungsdesign, Verhandlungsprozessprotokolle zur Unterstützung des Designs, ein hybrides Kommunikationsmodell für Mensch-Agent-Kommunikation, ein Agenten-Entscheidungsmodell für die Verhandlung mit menschlichem Gegenpart und eine Komponente für die Interoperabilität zwischen NSS und ANS. Das Entscheidungsmodell für Agenten besteht aus heuristischen und argumentativen Verhandlungstechniken. Es wird aufgestellt nachdem verschiedene automatisierte Verhandlungsmodelle für verschiedene menschliche Verhandlungsstrategien analysiert worden sind. Die vorgeschlagenen Kommunikationsmodelle unterstützen menschliche Verhandler und Verhandlungsagenten dabei Verhandlungsnachrichten voneinander zu verstehen und zu verarbeiten. Dieses Kommunikationsmodell besteht aus einer Verhandlungsontologie, einem Wrapper-Agenten und einer angemessenen Auswahl der Agentenkommunikationssprache (ACL) und der Inhaltssprache. Der Wrapper-Agent spielt eine Rolle bei der Interoperabilität zwischen dem Agentensystem und dem NSS durch eine Kommunikationsschnittstelle zusammen mit der Verhandlungsontologie. Die Verhandlungsontologie, die ACL und die Inhaltssprache der Agenten ergeben das Kommunikationsmodell der Verhandlungsagenten im ANS. Das vorgestellte hybride Modell ist realisiert als Integration eines ANS in das NSS Negoisst. Das Forschungsziel ist zu zeigen, dass ein hybrides Verhandlungssystem, basierend auf zwei heterogenen Verhandlungsmodellen, integrative multi-attributive Mensch-Agent-Verhandlungen ermöglicht


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    This dissertation examines the problem of coordinating two different types of actors in a vehicular traffic network system, namely: the traffic lights and the connected and automated vehicles traversing the traffic network. The work is motivated by an extensive previous literature showing that traffic network synchronization has substantial potential throughput and fuel economy benefits. The literature presents many algorithms for synchronizing the traversal of intersections by connected and automated vehicles (CAVs), as well as the synchronization of traffic lights within a given network. However, the integrated solution of these two synchronization problems remains relatively unexplored. The main challenge of any algorithm proposed in this area consists of managing the trade-off between computational efficiency, communication requirements, and performance. This dissertation seeks to contribute to the list of proposed coordination strategies for CAVs and smart traffic lights by formulating a decentralized framework based on combining ideas from gradient-based multi-agent control, trajectory planning and control barrier functions. The overall proposed control framework consists of describing vehicles and traffic lights by an extra state that directly or indirectly represent its timing (i.e arrival time for the vehicles, and switching time for the traffic lights). This timing variable evolves according to a networked multi-agent system, where the planned timing of neighboring agents governs the evolution of the planned timing of the ego agent. The planned timing state is then translated into a control action for the agents (i.e. acceleration for the vehicles, switching actuation for the traffic lights), through trajectory planning and safety regulation. The proposed coordination framework (i) can coordinate both vehicles and traffic lights, (ii) scales efficiently to large numbers of vehicles and intersections, (iii) is computationally efficient, (iv) can work under different levels of connectivity assumptions and in the presence of human drivers, and (v) can allow for different types of coordination strategies encoded in the underlying ETFs

    Social Welfare

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    "Social Welfare" offers, for the first time, a wide-ranging, internationally-focused selection of cutting-edge work from leading academics. Its interdisciplinary approach and comparative perspective promote examination of the most pressing social welfare issues of the day. The book aims to clarify some of the ambiguity around the term, discuss the pros and cons of privatization, present a range of social welfare paradoxes and innovations, and establish a clear set of economic frameworks with which to understand the conditions under which the change in social welfare can be obtained