96 research outputs found

    On the Pursuit of Static and Coherent Weaving

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    Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) has been shown to be a useful model for software development. Special care must be taken when we try to adapt AOP to strongly typed functional languages which come with features like type inference mechanism, polymorphic types, higher-order functions and type-scoped pointcuts. Specifically, it is highly desirable that weaving of aspect-oriented functional programs can be performed statically and coherently. In [13], we showed a type-directed weaver which resolves all advice chainings coherently at static time. The novelty of this paper lies in the extended framework which supports static and coherent weaving in the presence of polymorphic recursive functions, advising advice bodies and higher-order advices

    Type-Directed Weaving of Aspects for Polymorphically Typed Functional Languages

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    Incorporating aspect-oriented paradigm to a polymorphically typed functional language enables the declaration of type-scoped advice, in which the effect of an aspect can be harnessed by introducing possibly polymorphic type constraints to the aspect. The amalgamation of aspect orientation and functional programming enables quick behavioral adaption of functions, clear separation of concerns and expressive type-directed programming. However, proper static weaving of aspects in polymorphic languages with a type-erasure semantics remains a challenge. In this paper, we describe a type-directed static weaving strategy, as well as its implementation, that supports static type inference and static weaving of programs written in an aspect-oriented polymorphically typed functional language, AspectFun. We show examples of type-scoped advice, identify the challenges faced with compile-time weaving in the presence of type-scoped advice, and demonstrate how various advanced aspect features can be handled by our techniques. Lastly, we prove the correctness of the static weaving strategy with respect to the operational semantics of AspectFun

    What Does Aspect-Oriented Programming Mean for Functional Programmers?

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    Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) aims at modularising crosscutting concerns that show up in software. The success of AOP has been almost viral and nearly all areas in Software Engineering and Programming Languages have become "infected" by the AOP bug in one way or another. Interestingly the functional programming community (and, in particular, the pure functional programming community) seems to be resistant to the pandemic. The goal of this paper is to debate the possible causes of the functional programming community's resistance and to raise awareness and interest by showcasing the benefits that could be gained from having a functional AOP language. At the same time, we identify the main challenges and explore the possible design-space

    Side-Effect Localization for Lazy, Purely Functional Languages via Aspects

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    Many side-effecting programming activities, such as profiling and tracing, can be formulated as crosscutting concerns and be framed as side-effecting aspects in the aspect-oriented programming paradigm. The benefit gained from this separation of concerns is particularly evident in purely functional programming, as adding such aspects using techniques such as monadification will generally lead to crosscutting changes. This paper presents an approach to provide side-effecting aspects for lazy purely functional languages in a user transparent fashion. We propose a simple yet direct state manipulation construct for developing side-effecting aspects and devise a systematic monadification scheme to translate the woven code to monadic style purely functional code. Furthermore, we present a static and dynamic semantics of the aspect programs and reason about the correctness of our monadification scheme with respect to them

    A Typed Slicing Compilation of the Polymorphic RPC Calculus

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    The polymorphic RPC calculus allows programmers to write succinct multitier programs using polymorphic location constructs. However, until now it lacked an implementation. We develop an experimental programming language based on the polymorphic RPC calculus. We introduce a polymorphic Client-Server (CS) calculus with the client and server parts separated. In contrast to existing untyped CS calculi, our calculus is not only able to resolve polymorphic locations statically, but it is also able to do so dynamically. We design a type-based slicing compilation of the polymorphic RPC calculus into this CS calculus, proving type and semantic correctness. We propose a method to erase types unnecessary for execution but retaining locations at runtime by translating the polymorphic CS calculus into an untyped CS calculus, proving semantic correctness.Comment: A long version of PPDP 2021 (23rd International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming

    Optimization Coaching for JavaScript

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    The performance of dynamic object-oriented programming languages such as JavaScript depends heavily on highly optimizing just-in-time compilers. Such compilers, like all compilers, can silently fall back to generating conservative, low-performance code during optimization. As a result, programmers may inadvertently cause performance issues on users\u27 systems by making seemingly inoffensive changes to programs. This paper shows how to solve the problem of silent optimization failures. It specifically explains how to create a so-called optimization coach for an object-oriented just-in-time-compiled programming language. The development and evaluation build on the SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine, but the results should generalize to a variety of similar platforms

    Static and dynamic semantics of NoSQL languages

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    We present a calculus for processing semistructured data that spans differences of application area among several novel query languages, broadly categorized as "NoSQL". This calculus lets users define their own operators, capturing a wider range of data processing capabilities, whilst providing a typing precision so far typical only of primitive hard-coded operators. The type inference algorithm is based on semantic type checking, resulting in type information that is both precise, and flexible enough to handle structured and semistructured data. We illustrate the use of this calculus by encoding a large fragment of Jaql, including operations and iterators over JSON, embedded SQL expressions, and co-grouping, and show how the encoding directly yields a typing discipline for Jaql as it is, namely without the addition of any type definition or type annotation in the code

    Overcoming Restraint: Composing Verification of Foreign Functions with Cogent

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    Cogent is a restricted functional language designed to reduce the cost of developing verified systems code. Because of its sometimes-onerous restrictions, such as the lack of support for recursion and its strict uniqueness type system, Cogent provides an escape hatch in the form of a foreign function interface (FFI) to C code. This poses a problem when verifying Cogent programs, as imported C components do not enjoy the same level of static guarantees that Cogent does. Previous verification of file systems implemented in Cogent merely assumed that their C components were correct and that they preserved the invariants of Cogent's type system. In this paper, we instead prove such obligations. We demonstrate how they smoothly compose with existing Cogent theorems, and result in a correctness theorem of the overall Cogent-C system. The Cogent FFI constraints ensure that key invariants of Cogent's type system are maintained even when calling C code. We verify reusable higher-order and polymorphic functions including a generic loop combinator and array iterators and demonstrate their application to several examples including binary search and the BilbyFs file system. We demonstrate the feasibility of verification of mixed Cogent-C systems, and provide some insight into verification of software comprised of code in multiple languages with differing levels of static guarantees
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