10,502 research outputs found

    Automatic medical term generation for a low-resource language: translation of SNOMED CT into Basque

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    211 p. (eusk.) 148 p. (eng.)Tesi-lan honetan, terminoak automatikoki euskaratzeko sistemak garatu eta ebaluatu ditugu. Horretarako,SNOMED CT, terminologia kliniko zabala barnebiltzen duen ontologia hartu dugu abiapuntutzat, etaEuSnomed deritzon sistema garatu dugu horren euskaratzea kudeatzeko. EuSnomedek lau urratsekoalgoritmoa inplementatzen du terminoen euskarazko ordainak lortzeko: Lehenengo urratsak baliabidelexikalak erabiltzen ditu SNOMED CTren terminoei euskarazko ordainak zuzenean esleitzeko. Besteakbeste, Euskalterm banku terminologikoa, Zientzia eta Teknologiaren Hiztegi Entziklopedikoa, eta GizaAnatomiako Atlasa erabili ditugu. Bigarren urratserako, ingelesezko termino neoklasikoak euskaratzekoNeoTerm sistema garatu dugu. Sistema horrek, afixu neoklasikoen baliokidetzak eta transliterazio erregelakerabiltzen ditu euskarazko ordainak sortzeko. Hirugarrenerako, ingelesezko termino konplexuak euskaratzendituen KabiTerm sistema garatu dugu. KabiTermek termino konplexuetan agertzen diren habiaratutakoterminoen egiturak erabiltzen ditu euskarazko egiturak sortzeko, eta horrela termino konplexuakosatzeko. Azken urratsean, erregeletan oinarritzen den Matxin itzultzaile automatikoa osasun-zientziendomeinura egokitu dugu, MatxinMed sortuz. Horretarako Matxin domeinura egokitzeko prestatu dugu,eta besteak beste, hiztegia zabaldu diogu osasun-zientzietako testuak itzuli ahal izateko. Garatutako lauurratsak ebaluatuak izan dira metodo ezberdinak erabiliz. Alde batetik, aditu talde txiki batekin egin dugulehenengo bi urratsen ebaluazioa, eta bestetik, osasun-zientzietako euskal komunitateari esker egin dugunMedbaluatoia kanpainaren baitan azkeneko bi urratsetako sistemen ebaluazioa egin da

    Review of photoacoustic imaging plus X

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    Photoacoustic imaging (PAI) is a novel modality in biomedical imaging technology that combines the rich optical contrast with the deep penetration of ultrasound. To date, PAI technology has found applications in various biomedical fields. In this review, we present an overview of the emerging research frontiers on PAI plus other advanced technologies, named as PAI plus X, which includes but not limited to PAI plus treatment, PAI plus new circuits design, PAI plus accurate positioning system, PAI plus fast scanning systems, PAI plus novel ultrasound sensors, PAI plus advanced laser sources, PAI plus deep learning, and PAI plus other imaging modalities. We will discuss each technology's current state, technical advantages, and prospects for application, reported mostly in recent three years. Lastly, we discuss and summarize the challenges and potential future work in PAI plus X area

    Linear and Nonlinear Encoding Properties of an Identified Mechanoreceptor on the Fly wing Measured with Mechanical Noise Stimuli

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    The wing blades of most flies contain a small set of distal campaniform sensilla, mechanoreceptors that respond to deformations of the cuticle. This paper describes a method of analysis based upon mechanical noise stimuli which is used to quantify the encoding properties of one of these sensilla (the d-HCV cell) on the wing of the blowfly Calliphora vomitoria (L.). The neurone is modelled as two components, a linear filter that accounts for the frequency response and phase characteristics of the cell, followed by a static nonlinearity that limits the spike discharge to a narrow portion of the stimulus cycle. The model is successful in predicting the response of campaniform neurones to arbitrary stimuli, and provides a convenient method for quantifying the encoding properties of the sensilla. The d-HCV neurone is only broadly frequency tuned, but its maximal response near 150 Hz corresponds to the wingbeat frequency of Calliphora. In the range of frequencies likely to be encountered during flight, the d-HCV neurone fires a single phase-locked action potential for each stimulus cycle. The phase lag of the cell decreases linearly with increasing frequency such that the absolute delay between stimulus and response remains nearly constant. Thus, during flight the neurone is capable of firing one precisely timed action potential during each wingbeat, and might be used to modulate motor activity that requires afferent input on a cycle-by-cycle basis


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    Proceedings of the NODALIDA 2011 Workshop Constraint Grammar Applications. Editors: Eckhard Bick, Kristin Hagen, Kaili Müürisep, Trond Trosterud. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 14 (2011), vi+69 pp. © 2011 The editors and contributors. Published by Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) http://omilia.uio.no/nealt . Electronically published at Tartu University Library (Estonia) http://hdl.handle.net/10062/19231

    Electrifying catheters with light

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    Smart minimally invasive devices face a connectivity challenge. An example is found in intracardiac echocardiography where the signal transmission and supply of power at the distal end require many thin and fragile wires in order to keep the catheter slim and flexible. We have built a fully functional bench-top prototype to demonstrate that electrical wires may be replaced by optical fibers. The prototype is immediately scalable to catheter dimensions. The absence of conductors will provide intrinsic galvanic isolation as well as radio frequency (RF) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) compatibility. Using optical fibers, we show signal transfer of synthetic aperture ultrasound images as well as photo-voltaic conversion to supply all electronics. The simple design utilizes only off the shelf components and holds a promise of cost effectiveness which may be pivotal for translation of these advanced devices into the clinic

    Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) Pogo testing and results

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    To effectively assess the Pogo stability of the space shuttle vehicle, it was necessary to characterize the structural, propellant, and propulsion dynamics subsystems. Extensive analyses and comprehensive testing programs were established early in the project as an implementation of management philosophy of Pogo prevention for space shuttle. The role of the space shuttle main engine (SSMF) in the Pogo prevention plans, the results obtained from engine ground testing with analysis, and measured data from STS-1 flight are discussed

    Vibration reponse analysis in orthopaedics and its application at the lumbar spine

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    Vibration response analysis has been carried out on human lumbar spines in-vitro and in-vivo. Random vibration in the frequency range between 20 Hz and 2 kHz was applied to the L5 spinous process in the antero-posterior direction while motion response was measured at the other spinous processes of the lumbar spine. Transfer mobility which defines the lumbar spine's motion response to vibratory force was evaluated by using the fast Fourier transform and spectral averaging technique. There was high damping during the in-vitro tests and the lumbar spine was found to behave as a segmented beam hinged at the thoracic and sacral ends. Fundamental mode shape was observed at frequencies lower than 150 Hz and this pattern was also observed with simulated fusion of the facet joints and interbody fusion. Mobility summated for the whole range of frequency could be modelled by an exponential expression. Useful parameters have been identified and they were found to relate to the lumbar spine's vibratory characteristics resulting from structural modifications. Vibration testing performed on normal subjects revealed that a relaxed lumbar spine was highly damped and non-resonant. First flexural vibration mode was observed only under the action of the back extensors. Averaged figures have been established for the coefficients of an exponential expression which fits closely to the summated mobility curve. The mobility and its attenuation coefficients in different frequency bands have been evaluated from twelve normal subjects. Localized attenuation of vibration response and the reduction in mobility were observed on a patient with osteoporotic lumbar spine. Mobility in the low frequencies was reduced while the medium and high band mobility were enhanced in patients with postero-lateral fusion and instrumentation for fixation of the lumbar spine. The attenuation pattern of these patients was consistent, and corresponded to the existence of structural enhancement.Vibration response analysis has been carried out on human lumbar spines in-vitro and in-vivo. Random vibration in the frequency range between 20 Hz and 2 kHz was applied to the L5 spinous process in the antero-posterior direction while motion response was measured at the other spinous processes of the lumbar spine. Transfer mobility which defines the lumbar spine's motion response to vibratory force was evaluated by using the fast Fourier transform and spectral averaging technique. There was high damping during the in-vitro tests and the lumbar spine was found to behave as a segmented beam hinged at the thoracic and sacral ends. Fundamental mode shape was observed at frequencies lower than 150 Hz and this pattern was also observed with simulated fusion of the facet joints and interbody fusion. Mobility summated for the whole range of frequency could be modelled by an exponential expression. Useful parameters have been identified and they were found to relate to the lumbar spine's vibratory characteristics resulting from structural modifications. Vibration testing performed on normal subjects revealed that a relaxed lumbar spine was highly damped and non-resonant. First flexural vibration mode was observed only under the action of the back extensors. Averaged figures have been established for the coefficients of an exponential expression which fits closely to the summated mobility curve. The mobility and its attenuation coefficients in different frequency bands have been evaluated from twelve normal subjects. Localized attenuation of vibration response and the reduction in mobility were observed on a patient with osteoporotic lumbar spine. Mobility in the low frequencies was reduced while the medium and high band mobility were enhanced in patients with postero-lateral fusion and instrumentation for fixation of the lumbar spine. The attenuation pattern of these patients was consistent, and corresponded to the existence of structural enhancement