2,425 research outputs found

    Sub-word indexing and blind relevance feedback for English, Bengali, Hindi, and Marathi IR

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    The Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation (FIRE) provides document collections, topics, and relevance assessments for information retrieval (IR) experiments on Indian languages. Several research questions are explored in this paper: 1. how to create create a simple, languageindependent corpus-based stemmer, 2. how to identify sub-words and which types of sub-words are suitable as indexing units, and 3. how to apply blind relevance feedback on sub-words and how feedback term selection is affected by the type of the indexing unit. More than 140 IR experiments are conducted using the BM25 retrieval model on the topic titles and descriptions (TD) for the FIRE 2008 English, Bengali, Hindi, and Marathi document collections. The major findings are: The corpus-based stemming approach is effective as a knowledge-light term conation step and useful in case of few language-specific resources. For English, the corpusbased stemmer performs nearly as well as the Porter stemmer and significantly better than the baseline of indexing words when combined with query expansion. In combination with blind relevance feedback, it also performs significantly better than the baseline for Bengali and Marathi IR. Sub-words such as consonant-vowel sequences and word prefixes can yield similar or better performance in comparison to word indexing. There is no best performing method for all languages. For English, indexing using the Porter stemmer performs best, for Bengali and Marathi, overlapping 3-grams obtain the best result, and for Hindi, 4-prefixes yield the highest MAP. However, in combination with blind relevance feedback using 10 documents and 20 terms, 6-prefixes for English and 4-prefixes for Bengali, Hindi, and Marathi IR yield the highest MAP. Sub-word identification is a general case of decompounding. It results in one or more index terms for a single word form and increases the number of index terms but decreases their average length. The corresponding retrieval experiments show that relevance feedback on sub-words benefits from selecting a larger number of index terms in comparison with retrieval on word forms. Similarly, selecting the number of relevance feedback terms depending on the ratio of word vocabulary size to sub-word vocabulary size almost always slightly increases information retrieval effectiveness compared to using a fixed number of terms for different languages

    Phonetic study and text mining of Spanish for English to Spanish translation system

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    Projecte realitzat en col.laboració amb el centre University of Southern Californi

    Lightweight Fingerprints for Fast Approximate Keyword Matching Using Bitwise Operations

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    We aim to speed up approximate keyword matching with the use of a lightweight, fixed-size block of data for each string, called a fingerprint. These work in a similar way to hash values; however, they can be also used for matching with errors. They store information regarding symbol occurrences using individual bits, and they can be compared against each other with a constant number of bitwise operations. In this way, certain strings can be deduced to be at least within the distance k from each other (using Hamming or Levenshtein distance) without performing an explicit verification. We show experimentally that for a preprocessed collection of strings, fingerprints can provide substantial speedups for k = 1, namely over 2.5 times for the Hamming distance and over 30 times for the Levenshtein distance. Tests were conducted on synthetic and real-world English and URL data

    Improving the translation environment for professional translators

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    When using computer-aided translation systems in a typical, professional translation workflow, there are several stages at which there is room for improvement. The SCATE (Smart Computer-Aided Translation Environment) project investigated several of these aspects, both from a human-computer interaction point of view, as well as from a purely technological side. This paper describes the SCATE research with respect to improved fuzzy matching, parallel treebanks, the integration of translation memories with machine translation, quality estimation, terminology extraction from comparable texts, the use of speech recognition in the translation process, and human computer interaction and interface design for the professional translation environment. For each of these topics, we describe the experiments we performed and the conclusions drawn, providing an overview of the highlights of the entire SCATE project

    Mining of Textual Data from the Web for Speech Recognition

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    Prvotním cílem tohoto projektu bylo prostudovat problematiku jazykového modelování pro rozpoznávání řeči a techniky pro získávání textových dat z Webu. Text představuje základní techniky rozpoznávání řeči a detailněji popisuje jazykové modely založené na statistických metodách. Zvláště se práce zabývá kriterii pro vyhodnocení kvality jazykových modelů a systémů pro rozpoznávání řeči. Text dále popisuje modely a techniky dolování dat, zvláště vyhledávání informací. Dále jsou představeny problémy spojené se získávání dat z webu, a v kontrastu s tím je představen vyhledávač Google. Součástí projektu byl návrh a implementace systému pro získávání textu z webu, jehož detailnímu popisu je věnována náležitá pozornost. Nicméně, hlavním cílem práce bylo ověřit, zda data získaná z Webu mohou mít nějaký přínos pro rozpoznávání řeči. Popsané techniky se tak snaží najít optimální způsob, jak data získaná z Webu použít pro zlepšení ukázkových jazykových modelů, ale i modelů nasazených v reálných rozpoznávacích systémech.The preliminary goals of this project were to get familiar with language modeling for speech recognition and techniques for acquisition of text data from the Web. Speech recognition techniques are introduced and statistical language modeling is described in detail. The text also covers mining models and techniques, information retrieval especially. Specific problems of Web mining are discussed and Google search is introduced. Special attention was paid to detailed description of implementation of the text mining system. However, the main goal of this work was to determine, whether the data acquired from the Web can provide some improvement into the recognition systems. The text is describing experiments, which use the retrieved Web data to update sample language models.

    Examining and improving the effectiveness of relevance feedback for retrieval of scanned text documents

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    Important legacy paper documents are digitized and collected in online accessible archives. This enables the preservation, sharing, and significantly the searching of these documents. The text contents of these document images can be transcribed automatically using OCR systems and then stored in an information retrieval system. However, OCR systems make errors in character recognition which have previously been shown to impact on document retrieval behaviour. In particular relevance feedback query-expansion methods, which are often effective for improving electronic text retrieval, are observed to be less reliable for retrieval of scanned document images. Our experimental examination of the effects of character recognition errors on an ad hoc OCR retrieval task demonstrates that, while baseline information retrieval can remain relatively unaffected by transcription errors, relevance feedback via query expansion becomes highly unstable. This paper examines the reason for this behaviour, and introduces novel modifications to standard relevance feedback methods. These methods are shown experimentally to improve the effectiveness of relevance feedback for errorful OCR transcriptions. The new methods combine similar recognised character strings based on term collection frequency and a string edit-distance measure. The techniques are domain independent and make no use of external resources such as dictionaries or training data