249 research outputs found

    Investigating applications on the A64FX

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    The A64FX processor from Fujitsu, being designed for computational simulation and machine learning applications, has the potential for unprecedented performance in HPC systems. In this paper, we evaluate the A64FX by benchmarking against a range of production HPC platforms that cover a number of processor technologies. We investigate the performance of complex scientific applications across multiple nodes, as well as single node and mini-kernel benchmarks. This paper finds that the performance of the A64FX processor across our chosen benchmarks often significantly exceeds other platforms, even without specific application optimisations for the processor instruction set or hardware. However, this is not true for all the benchmarks we have undertaken. Furthermore, the specific configuration of applications can have an impact on the runtime and performance experienced

    In Situ Visualization of Performance Data in Parallel CFD Applications

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    This thesis summarizes the work of the author on visualization of performance data in parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. Current performance analysis tools are unable to show their data on top of complex simulation geometries (e.g. an aircraft engine). But in CFD simulations, performance is expected to be affected by the computations being carried out, which in turn are tightly related to the underlying computational grid. Therefore it is imperative that performance data is visualized on top of the same computational geometry which they originate from. However, performance tools have no native knowledge of the underlying mesh of the simulation. This scientific gap can be filled by merging the branches of HPC performance analysis and in situ visualization of CFD simulations data, which shall be done by integrating existing, well established state-of-the-art tools from each field. In this threshold, an extension for the open-source performance tool Score-P was designed and developed, which intercepts an arbitrary number of manually selected code regions (mostly functions) and send their respective measurements – amount of executions and cumulative time spent – to the visualization software ParaView – through its in situ library, Catalyst –, as if they were any other flow-related variable. Subsequently the tool was extended with the capacity to also show communication data (messages sent between MPI ranks) on top of the CFD mesh. Testing and evaluation are done with two industry-grade codes: Rolls-Royce’s CFD code, Hydra, and Onera, DLR and Airbus’ CFD code, CODA. On the other hand, it has been also noticed that the current performance tools have limited capacity of displaying their data on top of three-dimensional, framed (i.e. time-stepped) representations of the cluster’s topology. Parallel to that, in order for the approach not to be limited to codes which already have the in situ adapter, it was extended to take the performance data and display it – also in codes without in situ – on a three-dimensional, framed representation of the hardware resources being used by the simulation. Testing is done with the Multi-Grid and Block Tri-diagonal NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB), as well as with Hydra and CODA again. The benchmarks are used to explain how the new visualizations work, while real performance analyses are done with the industry-grade CFD codes. The proposed solution is able to provide concrete performance insights, which would not have been reached with the current performance tools and which motivated beneficial changes in the respective source code in real life. Finally, its overhead is discussed and proven to be suitable for usage with CFD codes. The dissertation provides a valuable addition to the state of the art of highly parallel CFD performance analysis and serves as basis for further suggested research directions

    Optimizing the Performance of Directive-based Programming Model for GPGPUs

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    Accelerators have been deployed on most major HPC systems. They are considered to improve the performance of many applications. Accelerators such as GPUs have an immense potential in terms of high compute capacity but programming these devices is a challenge. OpenCL, CUDA and other vendor-specific models for accelerator programming definitely offer high performance, but these are low-level models that demand excellent programming skills; moreover, they are time consuming to write and debug. In order to simplify GPU programming, several directive-based programming models have been proposed, including HMPP, PGI accelerator model and OpenACC. OpenACC has now become established as the de facto standard. We evaluate and compare these models involving several scientific applications. To study the implementation challenges and the principles and techniques of directive- based models, we built an open source OpenACC compiler on top of a main stream compiler framework (OpenUH as a branch of Open64). In this dissertation, we present the required techniques to parallelize and optimize the applications ported with OpenACC programming model. We apply both user-level optimizations in the applications and compiler and runtime-driven optimizations. The compiler optimization focuses on the parallelization of reduction operations inside nested parallel loops. To fully utilize all GPU resources, we also extend the OpenACC model to support multiple GPUs in a single node. Our application porting experience also revealed the challenge of choosing good loop schedules. The default loop schedule chosen by the compiler may not produce the best performance, so the user has to manually try different loop schedules to improve the performance. To solve this issue, we developed a locality-aware auto-tuning framework which is based on the proposed memory access cost model to help the compiler choose optimal loop schedules and guide the user to choose appropriate loop schedules.Computer Science, Department o

    Software caching techniques and hardware optimizations for on-chip local memories

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    Despite the fact that the most viable L1 memories in processors are caches, on-chip local memories have been a great topic of consideration lately. Local memories are an interesting design option due to their many benefits: less area occupancy, reduced energy consumption and fast and constant access time. These benefits are especially interesting for the design of modern multicore processors since power and latency are important assets in computer architecture today. Also, local memories do not generate coherency traffic which is important for the scalability of the multicore systems. Unfortunately, local memories have not been well accepted in modern processors yet, mainly due to their poor programmability. Systems with on-chip local memories do not have hardware support for transparent data transfers between local and global memories, and thus ease of programming is one of the main impediments for the broad acceptance of those systems. This thesis addresses software and hardware optimizations regarding the programmability, and the usage of the on-chip local memories in the context of both single-core and multicore systems. Software optimizations are related to the software caching techniques. Software cache is a robust approach to provide the user with a transparent view of the memory architecture; but this software approach can suffer from poor performance. In this thesis, we start optimizing traditional software cache by proposing a hierarchical, hybrid software-cache architecture. Afterwards, we develop few optimizations in order to speedup our hybrid software cache as much as possible. As the result of the software optimizations we obtain that our hybrid software cache performs from 4 to 10 times faster than traditional software cache on a set of NAS parallel benchmarks. We do not stop with software caching. We cover some other aspects of the architectures with on-chip local memories, such as the quality of the generated code and its correspondence with the quality of the buffer management in local memories, in order to improve performance of these architectures. Therefore, we run our research till we reach the limit in software and start proposing optimizations on the hardware level. Two hardware proposals are presented in this thesis. One is about relaxing alignment constraints imposed in the architectures with on-chip local memories and the other proposal is about accelerating the management of local memories by providing hardware support for the majority of actions performed in our software cache.Malgrat les memòries cau encara son el component basic pel disseny del subsistema de memòria, les memòries locals han esdevingut una alternativa degut a les seves característiques pel que fa a l’ocupació d’àrea, el seu consum energètic i el seu rendiment amb un temps d’accés ràpid i constant. Aquestes característiques son d’especial interès quan les properes arquitectures multi-nucli estan limitades pel consum de potencia i la latència del subsistema de memòria.Les memòries locals pateixen de limitacions respecte la complexitat en la seva programació, fet que dificulta la seva introducció en arquitectures multi-nucli, tot i els avantatges esmentats anteriorment. Aquesta tesi presenta un seguit de solucions basades en programari i maquinari específicament dissenyat per resoldre aquestes limitacions.Les optimitzacions del programari estan basades amb tècniques d'emmagatzematge de memòria cau suportades per llibreries especifiques. La memòria cau per programari és un sòlid mètode per proporcionar a l'usuari una visió transparent de l'arquitectura, però aquest enfocament pot patir d'un rendiment deficient. En aquesta tesi, es proposa una estructura jeràrquica i híbrida. Posteriorment, desenvolupem optimitzacions per tal d'accelerar l’execució del programari que suporta el disseny de la memòria cau. Com a resultat de les optimitzacions realitzades, obtenim que el nostre disseny híbrid es comporta de 4 a 10 vegades més ràpid que una implementació tradicional de memòria cau sobre un conjunt d’aplicacions de referencia, com son els “NAS parallel benchmarks”.El treball de tesi inclou altres aspectes de les arquitectures amb memòries locals, com ara la qualitat del codi generat i la seva correspondència amb la qualitat de la gestió de memòria intermèdia en les memòries locals, per tal de millorar el rendiment d'aquestes arquitectures. La tesi desenvolupa propostes basades estrictament en el disseny de nou maquinari per tal de millorar el rendiment de les memòries locals quan ja no es possible realitzar mes optimitzacions en el programari. En particular, la tesi presenta dues propostes de maquinari: una relaxa les restriccions imposades per les memòries locals respecte l’alineament de dades, l’altra introdueix maquinari específic per accelerar les operacions mes usuals sobre les memòries locals

    Easing parallel programming on heterogeneous systems

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    El modo más frecuente de resolver aplicaciones de HPC (High performance Computing) en tiempos de ejecución razonables y de una forma escalable es mediante el uso de sistemas de cómputo paralelo. La tendencia actual en los sistemas de HPC es la inclusión en la misma máquina de ejecución de varios dispositivos de cómputo, de diferente tipo y arquitectura. Sin embargo, su uso impone al programador retos específicos. Un programador debe ser experto en las herramientas y abstracciones existentes para memoria distribuida, los modelos de programación para sistemas de memoria compartida, y los modelos de programación específicos para para cada tipo de co-procesador, con el fin de crear programas híbridos que puedan explotar eficientemente todas las capacidades de la máquina. Actualmente, todos estos problemas deben ser resueltos por el programador, haciendo así la programación de una máquina heterogénea un auténtico reto. Esta Tesis trata varios de los problemas principales relacionados con la programación en paralelo de los sistemas altamente heterogéneos y distribuidos. En ella se realizan propuestas que resuelven problemas que van desde la creación de códigos portables entre diferentes tipos de dispositivos, aceleradores, y arquitecturas, consiguiendo a su vez máxima eficiencia, hasta los problemas que aparecen en los sistemas de memoria distribuida relacionados con las comunicaciones y la partición de estructuras de datosDepartamento de Informática (Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores, Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial, Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos)Doctorado en Informátic

    E-AMOM: An Energy-Aware Modeling and Optimization Methodology for Scientific Applications on Multicore Systems

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    Power consumption is an important constraint in achieving efficient execution on High Performance Computing Multicore Systems. As the number of cores available on a chip continues to increase, the importance of power consumption will continue to grow. In order to achieve improved performance on multicore systems scientific applications must make use of efficient methods for reducing power consumption and must further be refined to achieve reduced execution time. In this dissertation, we introduce a performance modeling framework, E-AMOM, to enable improved execution of scientific applications on parallel multicore systems with regards to a limited power budget. We develop models for each application based upon performance hardware counters. Our models utilize different performance counters for each application and for each performance component (runtime, system power consumption, CPU power consumption, and memory power consumption) that are selected via our performance-tuned principal component analysis method. Models developed through E-AMOM provide insight into the performance characteristics of each application that affect performance for each component on a parallel multicore system. Our models are more than 92% accurate across both Hybrid (MPI/OpenMP) and MPI implementations for six scientific applications. E-AMOM includes an optimization component that utilizes our models to employ run-time Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) and Dynamic Concurrency Throttling to reduce power consumption of the scientific applications. Further, we optimize our applications based upon insights provided by the performance models to reduce runtime of the applications. Our methods and techniques are able to save up to 18% in energy consumption for Hybrid (MPI/OpenMP) and MPI scientific applications and reduce the runtime of the applications up to 11% on parallel multicore systems