249 research outputs found

    Exploiting cache locality at run-time

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    With the increasing gap between the speeds of the processor and memory system, memory access has become a major performance bottleneck in modern computer systems. Recently, Symmetric Multi-Processor (SMP) systems have emerged as a major class of high-performance platforms. Improving the memory performance of Parallel applications with dynamic memory-access patterns on Symmetric Multi-Processors (SMP) is a hard problem. The solution to this problem is critical to the successful use of the SMP systems because dynamic memory-access patterns occur in many real-world applications. This dissertation is aimed at solving this problem.;Based on a rigorous analysis of cache-locality optimization, we propose a memory-layout oriented run-time technique to exploit the cache locality of parallel loops. Our technique have been implemented in a run-time system. Using simulation and measurement, we have shown our run-time approach can achieve comparable performance with compiler optimizations for those regular applications, whose load balance and cache locality can be well optimized by tiling and other program transformations. However, our approach was shown to improve significantly the memory performance for applications with dynamic memory-access patterns. Such applications are usually hard to optimize with static compiler optimizations.;Several contributions are made in this dissertation. We present models to characterize the complexity and present a solution framework for optimizing cache locality. We present an effective estimation technique for memory-access patterns to support efficient locality optimizations and information integration. We present a memory-layout oriented run-time technique for locality optimization. We present efficient scheduling algorithms to trade off locality and load imbalance. We provide a detailed performance evaluation of the run-time technique

    Medical image synthesis using generative adversarial networks: towards photo-realistic image synthesis

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    This proposed work addresses the photo-realism for synthetic images. We introduced a modified generative adversarial network: StencilGAN. It is a perceptually-aware generative adversarial network that synthesizes images based on overlaid labelled masks. This technique can be a prominent solution for the scarcity of the resources in the healthcare sector

    Reconocimiento de huellas dactilares para aplicaciones forenses

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica y de las Comunicaciones. Fecha de lectura: mayo de 2015The author was awarded with a European Commission Marie Curie Fellowship under the Innovative Training Networks (ITN) in the project Bayesian Biometrics for Forensics (BBfor2, FP7-PEOPLE-ITN-2008) under Grant Agreement number 238803 between 2011 and 2013. The author was also funded through the European Union Project - Biometrics Evaluation and Testing (BEAT) for 2014 and 2015 which supported the research summarized in this Dissertatio

    Visual representation learning with deep neural networks under label and budget constraints

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    This thesis presents the work done in the area of semi-supervised learning, label noise, and budgeted training for deep learning approaches to computer vision. The improvements seen in computer vision since the successful introduction of deep learning rely on the availability of large amounts of labeled data and long lasting training processes. First, this research studies the three main alternatives to fully supervised deep learning categorized in three different levels of supervision: unsupervised learning (no label involved), semi-supervised learning (a small set of labeled data is available), and label noise (all the samples are labeled but some of them are incorrect). These alternatives aim at reducing the cost of building fully annotated and finely curated datasets, which in most cases is time consuming and requires expert annotators. State-of-the-art performance has been achieved in several semi-supervised, unsupervised, and label noise benchmarks including CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and STL-10. Additionally, the solutions proposed for learning in the presence of label noise have been validated in realistic benchmarks built with datasets annotated from web information: WebVision and Clothing1M. Second, this research explores alternatives to reduce the computational cost of the training of deep learning systems that currently require hours or days to reach state-of-the-art performance. Particularly, this research studied budgeted training, i.e.~when the training process is limited to a fixed number of iterations. Experiments in this setup showed that for better model convergence, variety in the data is preferable than the importance of the samples used during training. As a result of this research, three main author publications have been generated, one more has been recently submitted to review for a conference, and several other secondary author publications have been produced in close collaboration with other researchers in the centre

    Design Of Computer Vision Systems For Optimizing The Threat Detection Accuracy

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    This dissertation considers computer vision (CV) systems in which a central monitoring station receives and analyzes the video streams captured and delivered wirelessly by multiple cameras. It addresses how the bandwidth can be allocated to various cameras by presenting a cross-layer solution that optimizes the overall detection or recognition accuracy. The dissertation presents and develops a real CV system and subsequently provides a detailed experimental analysis of cross-layer optimization. Other unique features of the developed solution include employing the popular HTTP streaming approach, utilizing homogeneous cameras as well as heterogeneous ones with varying capabilities and limitations, and including a new algorithm for estimating the effective medium airtime. The results show that the proposed solution significantly improves the CV accuracy. Additionally, the dissertation features an improved neural network system for object detection. The proposed system considers inherent video characteristics and employs different motion detection and clustering algorithms to focus on the areas of importance in consecutive frames, allowing the system to dynamically and efficiently distribute the detection task among multiple deployments of object detection neural networks. Our experimental results indicate that our proposed method can enhance the mAP (mean average precision), execution time, and required data transmissions to object detection networks. Finally, as recognizing an activity provides significant automation prospects in CV systems, the dissertation presents an efficient activity-detection recurrent neural network that utilizes fast pose/limbs estimation approaches. By combining object detection with pose estimation, the domain of activity detection is shifted from a volume of RGB (Red, Green, and Blue) pixel values to a time-series of relatively small one-dimensional arrays, thereby allowing the activity detection system to take advantage of highly capable neural networks that have been trained on large GPU clusters for thousands of hours. Consequently, capable activity detection systems with considerably fewer training sets and processing hours can be built

    Biological and biomimetic machine learning for automatic classification of human gait

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    Machine learning (ML) research has benefited from a deep understanding of biological mechanisms that have evolved to perform comparable tasks. Recent successes of ML models, superseding human performance in human perception based tasks has garnered interest in improving them further. However, the approach to improving ML models tends to be unstructured, particularly for the models that aim to mimic biology. This thesis proposes and applies a bidirectional learning paradigm to streamline the process of improving ML models’ performance in classification of a task, which humans are already adept at. The approach is validated taking human gait classification as the exemplar task. This paradigm possesses the additional benefit of investigating underlying mechanisms in human perception (HP) using the ML models. Assessment of several biomimetic (BM) and non-biomimetic (NBM) machine learning models on an intrinsic feature of gait, namely the gender of the walker, establishes a functional overlap in the perception of gait between HP and BM, selecting the Long-Short-Term-Memory (LSTM) architecture as the BM of choice for this study, when compared with other models such as support vector machines, decision trees and multi-layer perceptron models. Psychophysics and computational experiments are conducted to understand the overlap between human and machine models. The BM and HP derived from psychophysics experiments, share qualitatively similar profiles of gender classification accuracy across varying stimulus exposure durations. They also share the preference for motion-based cues over structural cues (BM=H>NBM). Further evaluation reveals a human-like expression of the inversion effect, a well-studied cognitive bias in HP that reduces the gender classification accuracy to 37% (p<0.05, chance at 50%) when exposed to inverted stimulus. Its expression in the BM supports the argument for learned rather than hard-wired mechanisms in HP. Particularly given the emergence of the effect in every BM, after training multiple randomly initialised BM models without prior anthropomorphic expectations of gait. The above aspects of HP, namely the preference for motion cues over structural cues and the lack of prior anthropomorphic expectations, were selected to improve BM performance. Representing gait explicitly as motion-based cues of a non-anthropomorphic, gender-neutral skeleton not only mitigates the inversion effect in BM, but also improves significantly the classification accuracy. In the case of gender classification of upright stimuli, mean accuracy improved by 6%, from 76% to 82% (F1,18 = 16, p<0.05). For inverted stimuli, mean accuracy improved by 45%, from 37% to 82% (F1,18 = 20, p<0.05). The model was further tested on a more challenging, extrinsic feature task; the classification of the emotional state of a walker. Emotions were visually induced in subjects through exposure to emotive or neutral images from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) database. The classification accuracy of the BM was significantly above chance at 43% accuracy (p<0.05, chance at 33.3%). However, application of the proposed paradigm in further binary emotive state classification experiments, improved mean accuracy further by 23%, from 43% to 65% (F1,18 = 7.4, p<0.05) for the positive vs. neutral task. Results validate the proposed paradigm of concurrent bidirectional investigation of HP and BM for the classification of human gait, suggesting future applications for automating perceptual tasks for which the human brain and body has evolved

    Aplicação de técnicas de Clustering ao contexto da Tomada de Decisão em Grupo

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    Nowadays, decisions made by executives and managers are primarily made in a group. Therefore, group decision-making is a process where a group of people called participants work together to analyze a set of variables, considering and evaluating a set of alternatives to select one or more solutions. There are many problems associated with group decision-making, namely when the participants cannot meet for any reason, ranging from schedule incompatibility to being in different countries with different time zones. To support this process, Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) evolved to what today we call web-based GDSS. In GDSS, argumentation is ideal since it makes it easier to use justifications and explanations in interactions between decision-makers so they can sustain their opinions. Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) is a subfield of Argument Mining closely related to Natural Language Processing. It intends to classify opinions at the aspect level and identify the elements of an opinion. Applying ABSA techniques to Group Decision Making Context results in the automatic identification of alternatives and criteria, for example. This automatic identification is essential to reduce the time decision-makers take to step themselves up on Group Decision Support Systems and offer them various insights and knowledge on the discussion they are participants. One of these insights can be arguments getting used by the decision-makers about an alternative. Therefore, this dissertation proposes a methodology that uses an unsupervised technique, Clustering, and aims to segment the participants of a discussion based on arguments used so it can produce knowledge from the current information in the GDSS. This methodology can be hosted in a web service that follows a micro-service architecture and utilizes Data Preprocessing and Intra-sentence Segmentation in addition to Clustering to achieve the objectives of the dissertation. Word Embedding is needed when we apply clustering techniques to natural language text to transform the natural language text into vectors usable by the clustering techniques. In addition to Word Embedding, Dimensionality Reduction techniques were tested to improve the results. Maintaining the same Preprocessing steps and varying the chosen Clustering techniques, Word Embedders, and Dimensionality Reduction techniques came up with the best approach. This approach consisted of the KMeans++ clustering technique, using SBERT as the word embedder with UMAP dimensionality reduction, reducing the number of dimensions to 2. This experiment achieved a Silhouette Score of 0.63 with 8 clusters on the baseball dataset, which wielded good cluster results based on their manual review and Wordclouds. The same approach obtained a Silhouette Score of 0.59 with 16 clusters on the car brand dataset, which we used as an approach validation dataset.Atualmente, as decisões tomadas por gestores e executivos são maioritariamente realizadas em grupo. Sendo assim, a tomada de decisão em grupo é um processo no qual um grupo de pessoas denominadas de participantes, atuam em conjunto, analisando um conjunto de variáveis, considerando e avaliando um conjunto de alternativas com o objetivo de selecionar uma ou mais soluções. Existem muitos problemas associados ao processo de tomada de decisão, principalmente quando os participantes não têm possibilidades de se reunirem (Exs.: Os participantes encontramse em diferentes locais, os países onde estão têm fusos horários diferentes, incompatibilidades de agenda, etc.). Para suportar este processo de tomada de decisão, os Sistemas de Apoio à Tomada de Decisão em Grupo (SADG) evoluíram para o que hoje se chamam de Sistemas de Apoio à Tomada de Decisão em Grupo baseados na Web. Num SADG, argumentação é ideal pois facilita a utilização de justificações e explicações nas interações entre decisores para que possam suster as suas opiniões. Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) é uma área de Argument Mining correlacionada com o Processamento de Linguagem Natural. Esta área pretende classificar opiniões ao nível do aspeto da frase e identificar os elementos de uma opinião. Aplicando técnicas de ABSA à Tomada de Decisão em Grupo resulta na identificação automática de alternativas e critérios por exemplo. Esta identificação automática é essencial para reduzir o tempo que os decisores gastam a customizarem-se no SADG e oferece aos mesmos conhecimento e entendimentos sobre a discussão ao qual participam. Um destes entendimentos pode ser os argumentos a serem usados pelos decisores sobre uma alternativa. Assim, esta dissertação propõe uma metodologia que utiliza uma técnica não-supervisionada, Clustering, com o objetivo de segmentar os participantes de uma discussão com base nos argumentos usados pelos mesmos de modo a produzir conhecimento com a informação atual no SADG. Esta metodologia pode ser colocada num serviço web que segue a arquitetura micro serviços e utiliza Preprocessamento de Dados e Segmentação Intra Frase em conjunto com o Clustering para atingir os objetivos desta dissertação. Word Embedding também é necessário para aplicar técnicas de Clustering a texto em linguagem natural para transformar o texto em vetores que possam ser usados pelas técnicas de Clustering. Também Técnicas de Redução de Dimensionalidade também foram testadas de modo a melhorar os resultados. Mantendo os passos de Preprocessamento e variando as técnicas de Clustering, Word Embedder e as técnicas de Redução de Dimensionalidade de modo a encontrar a melhor abordagem. Essa abordagem consiste na utilização da técnica de Clustering KMeans++ com o SBERT como Word Embedder e UMAP como a técnica de redução de dimensionalidade, reduzindo as dimensões iniciais para duas. Esta experiência obteve um Silhouette Score de 0.63 com 8 clusters no dataset de baseball, que resultou em bons resultados de cluster com base na sua revisão manual e visualização dos WordClouds. A mesma abordagem obteve um Silhouette Score de 0.59 com 16 clusters no dataset das marcas de carros, ao qual usamos esse dataset com validação de abordagem

    Fourth NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies

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    This report contains copies of all those technical papers received in time for publication just prior to the Fourth Goddard Conference on Mass Storage and Technologies, held March 28-30, 1995, at the University of Maryland, University College Conference Center, in College Park, Maryland. This series of conferences continues to serve as a unique medium for the exchange of information on topics relating to the ingestion and management of substantial amounts of data and the attendant problems involved. This year's discussion topics include new storage technology, stability of recorded media, performance studies, storage system solutions, the National Information infrastructure (Infobahn), the future for storage technology, and lessons learned from various projects. There also will be an update on the IEEE Mass Storage System Reference Model Version 5, on which the final vote was taken in July 1994