43 research outputs found

    Research in Business Process Management: A bibliometric analysis

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    It contains several growing subtopics such as process mining, process flexibility and process compliance. BPM is also highly relevant for numerous related fields, such as Business Intelligence, ERP systems or Knowledge Management. The growing number of publications and the variety of topics in BPM make it useful to apply bibliometric methods on this scientific field. With bibliometric methods, topical clusters, essential authors and the relationships between them can be discovered. In this work, the BibTechMon software from the Austrian Institute of Technology is utilized to perform the bibliometric analyses. As a novelty for the work with BibTechMon, data from Google Scholar is used as the basis of the analyses. The nature of Google Scholar data differs significantly from the data of other scientific databases. These differences lead to changes on how the bibliometric analyses can be performed. After these changes have been assessed, several bibliometric analyses in the BPM field and related fields are performed. As a result of these analyses, diverse topical clusters in BPM and its related fields could be discovered. Additionally, important authors for each cluster and for the BPM field as a whole were determined. In order to evaluate the results of the bibliometric analyses, I conducted an interview on BPM with Professor Reichert, who is an active researcher in the field. Subsequently, his statements are compared with the results of the bibliometric analyses and the match between the bibliometric analyses and his statements is assessed

    Identificação e Caracterização de Redes Científicas de Dados Curriculares

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    A anålise de redes sociais tem sido foco de vårios estudos nas diversas åreas do conhecimento. Principalmente as redes de colaboração científicas, onde dados sobre produtividade e intensidade de colaboração revelam informaçÔes importantes para o entendimento da evolução das pesquisas. Este artigo apresenta o processo de extração de dados da Plataforma Lattes e a modelagem dos dados extraídos em uma imensa rede de colaboração científica. As principais contribuiçÔes do trabalho são um método de extração de toda a base de currículos e a proposta de um algoritmo para a identificação das colaboraçÔes com baixo custo computacional, se apresentando como uma excelente alternativa para a anålise de grandes redes. Com a rede modelada, diversas técnicas de anålise de redes sociais podem ser aplicadas com o objetivo de obter resultados que apresentam uma visão da produtividade e colaboração de todos os usuårios cadastrados na plataforma


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    Scientific communities are social structures composed by people and/or institutions connected through relationships, who have common interests and objectives, sharing information and knowledge. Following this view, social networks have been used to analyze and understand these communities, particularly through their scientific publications. From another perspective, recently born scientific communities are still consolidating their themes of interest and have little understanding about the existence as well as the potential of collaboration networks within the community. In these communities, the information analysis from publications face the challenge of low structure and the absence of consolidated parameters for grouping themes of interest. This work presents an approach to analyze scientific communities through text mining of their publications. The collaborative networks of authorship are automatically extracted and the publications context (classification) automatically found. A computational tool has also been developed to support these analyses. A case study with the Brazilian research community in Information Systems was conducted based on the past editions of the Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems.Comunidades cientĂ­ficas sĂŁo estruturas sociais compostas por pessoas e/ou instituiçÔes que se conectam atravĂ©s de relaçÔes e compartilham interesses comuns – informação, conhecimento e esforços em busca do mesmo objetivo. Esta caracterĂ­stica tem levado ao uso de abordagens de anĂĄlise de redes sociais para a compreensĂŁo destas comunidades, tendo como base suas publicaçÔes cientĂ­ficas. Contudo, comunidades de formação recente ainda estĂŁo consolidando seus assuntos de interesse e possuem pouco entendimento tanto da existĂȘncia como do potencial de relaçÔes de colaboração entre seus participantes. Nestas comunidades, a anĂĄlise de informação a partir de publicaçÔes enfrenta o desafio da pouca estruturação de sua produção e poucos parĂąmetros para agrupamento de temas de interesse. Este trabalho apresenta uma abordagem para a obtenção de indicadores para anĂĄlise de comunidades cientĂ­ficas usando mineração de textos, que envolvem a rede de colaboração entre autores e o contexto de publicação (classificação de artigos). Uma ferramenta computacional para o apoio Ă  anĂĄlise foi tambĂ©m desenvolvida. A proposta foi avaliada considerando a comunidade nacional de Sistemas de Informação, com base nas publicaçÔes nas ediçÔes do SimpĂłsio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação

    CESR Conversion Damping Ring Studies of Electron Cloud Instabilities (CESR-TA)

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    A health-oriented emotion-centred origami-based PSS concept. A product-service system concept aimed to help users manage and reduce their stress more tangibly to improve their health and well-being.

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    Emotions have a fundamental role in the experience, perception, cognition, and development of people (Barrett et al., 2016; Plutchik, 2001). Negative emotions such as stress, if not managed appropriately, may be a risk factor in developing diseases such as dementia, cardiovascular problems, and depression, amongst others (Dum et al., 2016; Sandi et al., 2001). This interdisciplinary research presents OrigamEase, a health-oriented emotion-centred origami-based PSS concept to help adults manage their stress more tangibly, in response to its main research question: How can engineering design research contribute to improving people’s emotional health and wellbeing? OrigamEase was designed throughout this research, and its design and testing served to develop a health & well-being oriented, emotion-centred engineering design methodology (HWOEED). Therefore, the design of this methodology is the result of the structuring and ordering of the developmental process of exploring, conducting and streamlining the research, design and testing of OrigamEase. The design of OrigamEase (both the product and the service part) is based on the cognitive research stream of emotions and stress. Therefore, this research also aims to broaden the knowledge about the implications and management of the emotional experience of stress from an engineering and design point of view, complementing the available solutions for stress management through a structured, measurable, and tangible tool. The HWOEED methodology is influenced by Kansei Engineering and Design Thinking methodologies and integrates various engineering design research methods. However, this methodology proposes a different application of the integration of emotional considerations into engineering design processes., it seeks to improve the emotional experience of users to preserve and promote their health and well-being through specifically designed products, services or PSS. Therefore, these designs become the means and not the end of the engineering design efforts. Also, this methodology can be transferrable to other engineering design solutions. OrigamEase was tested with 114 adults between 18 and 70 years old through three pilot tests (n=43) and six trial tests (n=71) using a concurrent triangulation mixed methods design. Then the results from these tests were contrasted with two control tests (n=22). The results show that using OrigamEase reduced the measured stress levels of participants (self-reported, heart rate and electrodermal activity) significantly, supporting the experiment hypothesis. Stress levels were recorded before and after using OrigamEase; then, a repeated-measures t-test was applied to find if these differences were significant or not. After using OrigamEase, 73.2% of participants reported feeling less stressed (mean reduction=13.94%), 85.5% experienced a reduction in their heart rate (mean reduction=9.8 bpm), and 78.9% had a lower electrodermal activity (mean reduction= 10.8 points). The testing of OrigamEase served as an initial application validation of the HWOEED methodology. This research demonstrates that engineering and design fields not only can but need to contribute to research on emotions through interdisciplinary research. Emotions are a fundamental part of all human experiences, impacting a person’s health and well-being profoundly

    A genealogical exploration of the conditions of possibility for re-feeding to emerge as a treatment regimen

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    Following the genealogical work of Foucault, Rose and others, this thesis aimed to trace the conditions of possibility for re-feeding to emerge and continue as a primary treatment regimen for self-starving individuals. This focus was in relation to the known poor long-term outcomes – an approximately fifty per cent recovery rate - for people who come into contact with services and are diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. Historical and present case narratives, which captured re-feeding practices in 1960s and 2000s, were presented and analysed using the genealogical research strategies of ‘surface of emergence’ and ‘descent’ in relation to five perspectival dimensions, namely strategies, authorities, technologies, subjectivities and problematizations. Re-feeding emerged in relation to neo-hygienic strategies for public health for preventative and individualised medicine, and the reconfigured authority of psychiatry as a ‘mental medicine’, which had new physical technologies such as modified insulin therapy and psychopharmacological treatments, to shape the conduct and bodies of self-starving individuals in accordance with the ‘norms’ of health. Increasingly, re-feeding practices have become imbricated within strategies for the ‘administration of risk’ as self-starving individuals have become problematized in terms of the degree of AN or level of risk they pose. Overtime re-feeding as a life-saving measure, and self-starvation as a ‘mental disorder’, has become ‘black boxed’ in relation to bio-political strategies for administering risk within the context of rights, choice and empowerment, and a culture of blame and sanctions. Implications for research and clinical practice are discussed

    Affordances for practice in CRM : A critical realist approach

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    As digitalization sweeps through workplaces, the academics have been intrigued by the theory of sociomateriality to better explain the dynamic, emergent and entangled consequences of the technologies on contemporary organizing and work practices. Sociomateriality, connoting the ontological inseparability of the material and the social, emerged to challenge the various dichotomies in information systems research by employing an agential realist stance. Later, this line of inquiry has been utilized alongside multiple theories in organization, management and sociological studies in order to understand how matter matters in organizational life. Simultaneously, its ontological base has expanded – a critical realist approach to sociomateriality arose from the criticism on the relational view on humans and artifacts. This study has been conducted from the critical realist approach to understand how a customer relationship management (CRM) system matters to strategy. It utilizes the practice-based approach, namely strategy-as-practice and the affordance approach to explain how a new customer-oriented strategy can be enacted through the interplay between the old and new technologies as well as the customer-facing employees. The thesis takes place in a case study environment, employing qualitative methods such as observation and semi-structured interviews. The case company is an occupational healthcare provider in Finland. The study identified the following constraints that trigger organizational change and lead to new technology implementation and new practices in customer relationship management: data inconsistency, routine discrepancy and relationship erosion. The perceived affordances post-dating the constraints were knowledge diffusion, management and controlling, workflow integration as well as analysis and development. Affordances are experienced in all levels of the organization