123 research outputs found

    Bias-Variance Tradeoffs in Joint Spectral Embeddings

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    Joint spectral embeddings facilitate analysis of multiple network data by simultaneously mapping vertices in each network to points in Euclidean space where statistical inference is then performed. In this work, we consider one such joint embedding technique, the omnibus embedding of arXiv:1705.09355 , which has been successfully used for community detection, anomaly detection, and hypothesis testing tasks. To date the theoretical properties of this method have only been established under the strong assumption that the networks are conditionally i.i.d. random dot product graphs. In practice we anticipate multiple networks will possess different structures, necessitating further analysis. Herein, we take a first step in characterizing the theoretical properties of the omnibus embedding in the presence of heterogeneous network data. Under a simple latent position model, we uncover a bias-variance tradeoff for latent position estimation. We establish an explicit bias expression, derive a uniform concentration bound on the residual, and prove a central limit theorem characterizing the distributional properties of these estimates. These explicit bias and variance expressions enable us to state sufficient conditions for exact recovery in community detection tasks and develop a pivotal test statistic to determine whether two graphs share the same set of latent positions; demonstrating that accurate inference is achievable despite the estimator's inconsistency. These results are demonstrated in several experimental settings where statistical procedures utilizing the omnibus embedding are competitive, and oftentimes preferable, to comparable embedding techniques. These observations accentuate the viability of the omnibus embedding for multiple graph inference beyond the homogeneous network setting.Comment: 45 pages, 7 figure

    A central limit theorem for an omnibus embedding of multiple random graphs and implications for multiscale network inference

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    Performing statistical analyses on collections of graphs is of import to many disciplines, but principled, scalable methods for multi-sample graph inference are few. Here we describe an "omnibus" embedding in which multiple graphs on the same vertex set are jointly embedded into a single space with a distinct representation for each graph. We prove a central limit theorem for this embedding and demonstrate how it streamlines graph comparison, obviating the need for pairwise subspace alignments. The omnibus embedding achieves near-optimal inference accuracy when graphs arise from a common distribution and yet retains discriminatory power as a test procedure for the comparison of different graphs. Moreover, this joint embedding and the accompanying central limit theorem are important for answering multiscale graph inference questions, such as the identification of specific subgraphs or vertices responsible for similarity or difference across networks. We illustrate this with a pair of analyses of connectome data derived from dMRI and fMRI scans of human subjects. In particular, we show that this embedding allows the identification of specific brain regions associated with population-level differences. Finally, we sketch how the omnibus embedding can be used to address pressing open problems, both theoretical and practical, in multisample graph inference

    Statistical inference on random dot product graphs: a survey

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    The random dot product graph (RDPG) is an independent-edge random graph that is analytically tractable and, simultaneously, either encompasses or can successfully approximate a wide range of random graphs, from relatively simple stochastic block models to complex latent position graphs. In this survey paper, we describe a comprehensive paradigm for statistical inference on random dot product graphs, a paradigm centered on spectral embeddings of adjacency and Laplacian matrices. We examine the analogues, in graph inference, of several canonical tenets of classical Euclidean inference: in particular, we summarize a body of existing results on the consistency and asymptotic normality of the adjacency and Laplacian spectral embeddings, and the role these spectral embeddings can play in the construction of single- and multi-sample hypothesis tests for graph data. We investigate several real-world applications, including community detection and classification in large social networks and the determination of functional and biologically relevant network properties from an exploratory data analysis of the Drosophila connectome. We outline requisite background and current open problems in spectral graph inference.Comment: An expository survey paper on a comprehensive paradigm for inference for random dot product graphs, centered on graph adjacency and Laplacian spectral embeddings. Paper outlines requisite background; summarizes theory, methodology, and applications from previous and ongoing work; and closes with a discussion of several open problem

    The Importance of Being Correlated: Implications of Dependence in Joint Spectral Inference across Multiple Networks

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    Spectral inference on multiple networks is a rapidly-developing subfield of graph statistics. Recent work has demonstrated that joint, or simultaneous, spectral embedding of multiple independent network realizations can deliver more accurate estimation than individual spectral decompositions of those same networks. Little attention has been paid, however, to the network correlation that such joint embedding procedures necessarily induce. In this paper, we present a detailed analysis of induced correlation in a {\em generalized omnibus} embedding for multiple networks. We show that our embedding procedure is flexible and robust, and, moreover, we prove a central limit theorem for this embedding and explicitly compute the limiting covariance. We examine how this covariance can impact inference in a network time series, and we construct an appropriately calibrated omnibus embedding that can detect changes in real biological networks that previous embedding procedures could not discern. Our analysis confirms that the effect of induced correlation can be both subtle and transformative, with import in theory and practice

    GraSPy: Graph Statistics in Python

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    We introduce GraSPy, a Python library devoted to statistical inference, machine learning, and visualization of random graphs and graph populations. This package provides flexible and easy-to-use algorithms for analyzing and understanding graphs with a scikit-learn compliant API. GraSPy can be downloaded from Python Package Index (PyPi), and is released under the Apache 2.0 open-source license. The documentation and all releases are available at https://neurodata.io/graspy

    The two-to-infinity norm and singular subspace geometry with applications to high-dimensional statistics

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    The singular value matrix decomposition plays a ubiquitous role throughout statistics and related fields. Myriad applications including clustering, classification, and dimensionality reduction involve studying and exploiting the geometric structure of singular values and singular vectors. This paper provides a novel collection of technical and theoretical tools for studying the geometry of singular subspaces using the two-to-infinity norm. Motivated by preliminary deterministic Procrustes analysis, we consider a general matrix perturbation setting in which we derive a new Procrustean matrix decomposition. Together with flexible machinery developed for the two-to-infinity norm, this allows us to conduct a refined analysis of the induced perturbation geometry with respect to the underlying singular vectors even in the presence of singular value multiplicity. Our analysis yields singular vector entrywise perturbation bounds for a range of popular matrix noise models, each of which has a meaningful associated statistical inference task. In addition, we demonstrate how the two-to-infinity norm is the preferred norm in certain statistical settings. Specific applications discussed in this paper include covariance estimation, singular subspace recovery, and multiple graph inference. Both our Procrustean matrix decomposition and the technical machinery developed for the two-to-infinity norm may be of independent interest.Comment: 36 page

    Information Recovery in Shuffled Graphs via Graph Matching

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    While many multiple graph inference methodologies operate under the implicit assumption that an explicit vertex correspondence is known across the vertex sets of the graphs, in practice these correspondences may only be partially or errorfully known. Herein, we provide an information theoretic foundation for understanding the practical impact that errorfully observed vertex correspondences can have on subsequent inference, and the capacity of graph matching methods to recover the lost vertex alignment and inferential performance. Working in the correlated stochastic blockmodel setting, we establish a duality between the loss of mutual information due to an errorfully observed vertex correspondence and the ability of graph matching algorithms to recover the true correspondence across graphs. In the process, we establish a phase transition for graph matchability in terms of the correlation across graphs, and we conjecture the analogous phase transition for the relative information loss due to shuffling vertex labels. We demonstrate the practical effect that graph shuffling---and matching---can have on subsequent inference, with examples from two sample graph hypothesis testing and joint spectral graph clustering.Comment: 55 pages, 6 figure

    Inference for multiple heterogeneous networks with a common invariant subspace

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    The development of models for multiple heterogeneous network data is of critical importance both in statistical network theory and across multiple application domains. Although single-graph inference is well-studied, multiple graph inference is largely unexplored, in part because of the challenges inherent in appropriately modeling graph differences and yet retaining sufficient model simplicity to render estimation feasible. This paper addresses exactly this gap, by introducing a new model, the common subspace independent-edge (COSIE) multiple random graph model, which describes a heterogeneous collection of networks with a shared latent structure on the vertices but potentially different connectivity patterns for each graph. The COSIE model encompasses many popular network representations, including the stochastic blockmodel. The model is both flexible enough to meaningfully account for important graph differences and tractable enough to allow for accurate inference in multiple networks. In particular, a joint spectral embedding of adjacency matrices - the multiple adjacency spectral embedding (MASE) - leads, in a COSIE model, to simultaneous consistent estimation of underlying parameters for each graph. Under mild additional assumptions, MASE estimates satisfy asymptotic normality and yield improvements for graph eigenvalue estimation and hypothesis testing. In both simulated and real data, the COSIE model and the MASE embedding can be deployed for a number of subsequent network inference tasks, including dimensionality reduction, classification, hypothesis testing and community detection. Specifically, when MASE is applied to a dataset of connectomes constructed through diffusion magnetic resonance imaging, the result is an accurate classification of brain scans by patient and a meaningful determination of heterogeneity across scans of different subjects

    Out-of-sample extension of graph adjacency spectral embedding

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    Many popular dimensionality reduction procedures have out-of-sample extensions, which allow a practitioner to apply a learned embedding to observations not seen in the initial training sample. In this work, we consider the problem of obtaining an out-of-sample extension for the adjacency spectral embedding, a procedure for embedding the vertices of a graph into Euclidean space. We present two different approaches to this problem, one based on a least-squares objective and the other based on a maximum-likelihood formulation. We show that if the graph of interest is drawn according to a certain latent position model called a random dot product graph, then both of these out-of-sample extensions estimate the true latent position of the out-of-sample vertex with the same error rate. Further, we prove a central limit theorem for the least-squares-based extension, showing that the estimate is asymptotically normal about the truth in the large-graph limit

    Link prediction in dynamic networks using random dot product graphs

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    The problem of predicting links in large networks is an important task in a variety of practical applications, including social sciences, biology and computer security. In this paper, statistical techniques for link prediction based on the popular random dot product graph model are carefully presented, analysed and extended to dynamic settings. Motivated by a practical application in cyber-security, this paper demonstrates that random dot product graphs not only represent a powerful tool for inferring differences between multiple networks, but are also efficient for prediction purposes and for understanding the temporal evolution of the network. The probabilities of links are obtained by fusing information at two stages: spectral methods provide estimates of latent positions for each node, and time series models are used to capture temporal dynamics. In this way, traditional link prediction methods, usually based on decompositions of the entire network adjacency matrix, are extended using temporal information. The methods presented in this article are applied to a number of simulated and real-world computer network graphs, showing promising results