8 research outputs found

    Optoelectronic sensors for detecting insects entering semiochemical traps.

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    In a ever globalising world the threat posed by invasive insect species is on the rise. Semiochemical attractants developed for invasive insects allow for early detection of an incursion of invasive insects through trapping networks. These semiochemical technologies are being developed at a rapid pace for many high risk invasive insects. However, the methods used in trapping programs have remained largely the same since the 1970s. Maintaining these grids requires large labour investments, as traps need to be manually inspected. This limits the number of insect species which can be monitored. A simple sensor capable of detecting insects caught in traps has the potential to reduce labour costs and allow faster detection of invasive insects. In doing this it would free up resources, allowing for more invasive insect surveillance programs to be put in place. Faster detection also means a greater chance of successfully eradicating an invasive insect population. In this thesis I propose a low power, low cost optoelectronic beam break sensor for detecting insects as they enter semiochemical traps. The sensor is based on a single opamp AC coupled transimpedance amplifier which is sensitive to modulated near infrared light but rejects ambient infrared from the sun. This allows for reliable detection of insects in a range of different lighting conditions. It may also be used to identify the species of sensed insects based on their beam disruption patterns in the future. The sensors efficacy was tested in the field and in the laboratory with both model species and Gypsy moth. It proved to be durable and capable of reliably detecting insects for a small power budget. The data obtained from this sensor appears to contain biometrics which could be used for species identification in the future. While I do not present a polished product ready for immediate field deployment, it is hoped that the work presented can be used to improve invasive insect detection capabilities in the future

    Ultra-low power IoT applications: from transducers to wireless protocols

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    This dissertation aims to explore Internet of Things (IoT) sensor nodes in various application scenarios with different design requirements. The research provides a comprehensive exploration of all the IoT layers composing an advanced device, from transducers to on-board processing, through low power hardware schemes and wireless protocols for wide area networks. Nowadays, spreading and massive utilization of wireless sensor nodes pushes research and industries to overcome the main limitations of such constrained devices, aiming to make them easily deployable at a lower cost. Significant challenges involve the battery lifetime that directly affects the device operativity and the wireless communication bandwidth. Factors that commonly contrast the system scalability and the energy per bit, as well as the maximum coverage. This thesis aims to serve as a reference and guideline document for future IoT projects, where results are structured following a conventional development pipeline. They usually consider communication standards and sensing as project requirements and low power operation as a necessity. A detailed overview of five leading IoT wireless protocols, together with custom solutions to overcome the throughput limitations and decrease the power consumption, are some of the topic discussed. Low power hardware engineering in multiple applications is also introduced, especially focusing on improving the trade-off between energy, functionality, and on-board processing capabilities. To enhance these features and to provide a bottom-top overview of an IoT sensor node, an innovative and low-cost transducer for structural health monitoring is presented. Lastly, the high-performance computing at the extreme edge of the IoT framework is addressed, with special attention to image processing algorithms running on state of the art RISC-V architecture. As a specific deployment scenario, an OpenCV-based stack, together with a convolutional neural network, is assessed on the octa-core PULP SoC

    Personalized ambient parameters monitoring: design and implementing of a wrist-worn prototype for hazardous gases and sound level detection

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    The concentration is on “3D space utilization” as the concept and infrastructure of designing of a wearable in ambient parameters monitoring. This strategy is implemented according to “multi-layer” approach. In this approach, each group of parameters from the same category is monitored by a modular physical layer enriched with the respected sensors. Depending on the number of parameters and layers, each physical layer is located on top of another. The intention is to implement a device for “everyone in everywhere for everything”

    Innovative Technologies and Services for Smart Cities

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    A smart city is a modern technology-driven urban area which uses sensing devices, information, and communication technology connected to the internet of things (IoTs) for the optimum and efficient utilization of infrastructures and services with the goal of improving the living conditions of citizens. Increasing populations, lower budgets, limited resources, and compatibility of the upgraded technologies are some of the few problems affecting the implementation of smart cities. Hence, there is continuous advancement regarding technologies for the implementation of smart cities. The aim of this Special Issue is to report on the design and development of integrated/smart sensors, a universal interfacing platform, along with the IoT framework, extending it to next-generation communication networks for monitoring parameters of interest with the goal of achieving smart cities. The proposed universal interfacing platform with the IoT framework will solve many challenging issues and significantly boost the growth of IoT-related applications, not just in the environmental monitoring domain but in the other key areas, such as smart home, assistive technology for the elderly care, smart city with smart waste management, smart E-metering, smart water supply, intelligent traffic control, smart grid, remote healthcare applications, etc., signifying benefits for all countries

    Hardware-software design of embedded systems for intelligent sensing applications

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    This Thesis wants to highlight the importance of ad-hoc designed and developed embedded systems in the implementation of intelligent sensor networks. As evidence four areas of application are presented: Precision Agriculture, Bioengineering, Automotive and Structural Health Monitoring. For each field is reported one, or more, smart device design and developing, in addition to on-board elaborations, experimental validation and in field tests. In particular, it is presented the design and development of a fruit meter. In the bioengineering field, three different projects are reported, detailing the architectures implemented and the validation tests conducted. Two prototype realizations of an inner temperature measurement system in electric motors for an automotive application are then discussed. Lastly, the HW/SW design of a Smart Sensor Network is analyzed: the network features on-board data management and processing, integration in an IoT toolchain, Wireless Sensor Network developments and an AI framework for vibration-based structural assessment

    XLIII Jornadas de Automática: libro de actas: 7, 8 y 9 de septiembre de 2022, Logroño (La Rioja)

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    [Resumen] Las Jornadas de Automática (JA) son el evento más importante del Comité Español de Automática (CEA), entidad científico-técnica con más de cincuenta años de vida y destinada a la difusión e implantación de la Automática en la sociedad. Este año se celebra la cuadragésima tercera edición de las JA, que constituyen el punto de encuentro de la comunidad de Automática de nuestro país. La presente edición permitirá dar visibilidad a los nuevos retos y resultados del ámbito, y su uso en un gran número de aplicaciones, entre otras, las energías renovables, la bioingeniería o la robótica asistencial. Además de la componente científica, que se ve reflejada en este libro de actas, las JA son un punto de encuentro de las diferentes generaciones de profesores, investigadores y profesionales, incluyendo la componente social que es de vital importancia. Esta edición 2022 de las JA se celebra en Logroño, capital de La Rioja, región mundialmente conocida por la calidad de sus vinos de Denominación de Origen y que ha asumido el desafío de poder ganar competitividad a través de la transformación verde y digital. Pero también por ser la cuna del castellano e impulsar el Valle de la Lengua con la ayuda de las nuevas tecnologías, entre ellas la Automática Inteligente. Los organizadores de estas JA, pertenecientes al Área de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática del Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica de la Universidad de La Rioja (UR), constituyen un pilar fundamental en el apoyo a la región para el estudio, implementación y difusión de estos retos. Esta edición, la primera en formato íntegramente presencial después de la pandemia de la covid-19, cuenta con más de 200 asistentes y se celebra a caballo entre el Edificio Politécnico de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial y el Monasterio de Yuso situado en San Millán de la Cogolla, dos marcos excepcionales para la realización de las JA. Como parte del programa científico, dos sesiones plenarias harán hincapié, respectivamente, sobre soluciones de control para afrontar los nuevos retos energéticos, y sobre la calidad de los datos para una inteligencia artificial (IA) imparcial y confiable. También, dos mesas redondas debatirán aplicaciones de la IA y la implantación de la tecnología digital en la actividad profesional. Adicionalmente, destacaremos dos clases magistrales alineadas con tecnología de última generación que serán impartidas por profesionales de la empresa. Las JA también van a albergar dos competiciones: CEABOT, con robots humanoides, y el Concurso de Ingeniería de Control, enfocado a UAVs. A todas estas actividades hay que añadir las reuniones de los grupos temáticos de CEA, las exhibiciones de pósteres con las comunicaciones presentadas a las JA y los expositores de las empresas. Por último, durante el evento se va a proceder a la entrega del “Premio Nacional de Automática” (edición 2022) y del “Premio CEA al Talento Femenino en Automática”, patrocinado por el Gobierno de La Rioja (en su primera edición), además de diversos galardones enmarcados dentro de las actividades de los grupos temáticos de CEA. Las actas de las XLIII Jornadas de Automática están formadas por un total de 143 comunicaciones, organizadas en torno a los nueve Grupos Temáticos y a las dos Líneas Estratégicas de CEA. Los trabajos seleccionados han sido sometidos a un proceso de revisión por pares