16 research outputs found

    AutoPar: automating the parallelization of functional programs

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    As the pervasiveness of parallel architectures in computing increases, so does the need for efficiently implemented parallel software. However, the development of parallel software is inherently more difficult than that of sequential software and is fraught with many pitfalls, such as race conditions and locking issues, amongst others. Developers are typically more comfortable developing sequentially, yet as the limitations of single-core processor speeds are reached, they have no choice but to reach for parallel implementations to obtain the required performance increases. An obvious solution to the parallelisation problem is to allow developers to continue to develop sequentially and generate efficient parallel programs automatically from these sequential ones. There are many existing techniques which automate the parallelisation process, however these techniques place many constraints upon the programs they are applicable to. This thesis defines a fully automatic parallelisation technique which places no restriction on its input programs and is applicable to programs defined using any data-type. The technique consists of two components: the first allows a given program to be redefined in terms of well-partitioned data. The second then explicitly parallelises the resulting program using Glasgow parallel Haskell. The technique is applied to several Haskell programs, the results of which have then been benchmarked with respect to the performance of handparallelised versions of the original programs. The benchmarking process has recorded the execution time and parallel performance of each benchmark program. The evaluation of the benchmark results has allowed for the merit of the automated parallelisation technique to be shown

    Query Flattening and the Nested Data Parallelism Paradigm

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    This work is based on the observation that languages for two seemingly distant domains are closely related. Orthogonal query languages based on comprehension syntax admit various forms of query nesting to construct nested query results and express complex predicates. Languages for nested data parallelism allow to nest parallel iterators and thereby admit the parallel evaluation of computations that are themselves parallel. Both kinds of languages center around the application of side-effect-free functions to each element of a collection. The motivation for this work is the seamless integration of relational database queries with programming languages. In frameworks for language-integrated database queries, a host language's native collection-programming API is used to express queries. To mediate between native collection programming and relational queries, we define an expressive, orthogonal query calculus that supports nesting and order. The challenge of query flattening is to translate this calculus to bundles of efficient relational queries restricted to flat, unordered multisets. Prior approaches to query flattening either support only query languages that lack in expressiveness or employ a complex, monolithic translation that is hard to comprehend and generates inefficient code that is hard to optimize. To improve on those approaches, we draw on the similarity to nested data parallelism. Blelloch's flattening transformation is a static program transformation that translates nested data parallelism to flat data parallel programs over flat arrays. Based on the flattening transformation, we describe a pipeline of small, comprehensible lowering steps that translates our nested query calculus to a bundle of relational queries. The pipeline is based on a number of well-defined intermediate languages. Our translation adopts the key concepts of the flattening transformation but is designed with specifics of relational query processing in mind. Based on this translation, we revisit all aspects of query flattening. Our translation is fully compositional and can translate any term of the input language. Like prior work, the translation by itself produces inefficient code due to compositionality that is not fit for execution without optimization. In contrast to prior work, we show that query optimization is orthogonal to flattening and can be performed before flattening. We employ well-known work on logical query optimization for nested query languages and demonstrate that this body of work integrates well with our approach. Furthermore, we describe an improved encoding of ordered and nested collections in terms of flat, unordered multisets. Our approach emits idiomatic relational queries in which the effort required to maintain the non-relational semantics of the source language (order and nesting) is minimized. A set of experiments provides evidence that our approach to query flattening can handle complex, list-based queries with nested results and nested intermediate data well. We apply our approach to a number of flat and nested benchmark queries and compare their runtime with hand-written SQL queries. In these experiments, our SQL code generated from a list-based nested query language usually performs as well as hand-written queries

    Pattern discovery for parallelism in functional languages

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    No longer the preserve of specialist hardware, parallel devices are now ubiquitous. Pattern-based approaches to parallelism, such as algorithmic skeletons, simplify traditional low-level approaches by presenting composable high-level patterns of parallelism to the programmer. This allows optimal parallel configurations to be derived automatically, and facilitates the use of different parallel architectures. Moreover, parallel patterns can be swap-replaced for sequential recursion schemes, thus simplifying their introduction. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that recursion schemes are present in all functional programs. Automatic pattern discovery techniques can be used to discover recursion schemes. Current approaches are limited by both the range of analysable functions, and by the range of discoverable patterns. In this thesis, we present an approach based on program slicing techniques that facilitates the analysis of a wider range of explicitly recursive functions. We then present an approach using anti-unification that expands the range of discoverable patterns. In particular, this approach is user-extensible; i.e. patterns developed by the programmer can be discovered without significant effort. We present prototype implementations of both approaches, and evaluate them on a range of examples, including five parallel benchmarks and functions from the Haskell Prelude. We achieve maximum speedups of 32.93x on our 28-core hyperthreaded experimental machine for our parallel benchmarks, demonstrating that our approaches can discover patterns that produce good parallel speedups. Together, the approaches presented in this thesis enable the discovery of more loci of potential parallelism in pure functional programs than currently possible. This leads to more possibilities for parallelism, and so more possibilities to take advantage of the potential performance gains that heterogeneous parallel systems present

    Automatically deriving cost models for structured parallel processes using hylomorphisms

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    This work has been partially supported by the EU Horizon 2020 grant “RePhrase: Refactoring Parallel Heterogeneous Resource-Aware Applications - a Software Engineering Approach” (ICT-644235), by COST Action IC1202 (TACLe), supported by COST (European Cooperation on Science and Technology), and by EPSRC grant EP/M027317/1 “C33: Scalable & Verified Shared Memory via Consistency-directed Cache Coherence”.Structured parallelism using nested algorithmic skeletons can greatly ease the task of writing parallel software, since common, but hard-to-debug, problems such as race conditions are eliminated by design. However, choosing the best combination of algorithmic skeletons to yield good parallel speedups for a specific program on a specific parallel architecture is still a difficult problem. This paper uses the unifying notion of hylomorphisms, a general recursion pattern, to make it possible to reason about both the functional correctness properties and the extra-functional timing properties of structured parallel programs. We have previously used hylomorphisms to provide a denotational semantics for skeletons, and proved that a given parallel structure for a program satisfies functional correctness. This paper expands on this theme, providing a simple operational semantics for algorithmic skeletons and a cost semantics that can be automatically derived from that operational semantics. We prove that both semantics are sound with respect to our previously defined denotational semantics. This means that we can now automatically and statically choose a provably optimal parallel structure for a given program with respect to a cost model for a (class of) parallel architecture. By deriving an automatic amortised analysis from our cost model, we can also accurately predict parallel runtimes and speedups.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Functional programming and graph algorithms

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    This thesis is an investigation of graph algorithms in the non-strict purely functional language Haskell. Emphasis is placed on the importance of achieving an asymptotic complexity as good as with conventional languages. This is achieved by using the monadic model for including actions on the state. Work on the monadic model was carried out at Glasgow University by Wadler, Peyton Jones, and Launchbury in the early nineties and has opened up many diverse application areas. One area is the ability to express data structures that require sharing. Although graphs are not presented in this style, data structures that graph algorithms use are expressed in this style. Several examples of stateful algorithms are given including union/find for disjoint sets, and the linear time sort binsort. The graph algorithms presented are not new, but are traditional algorithms recast in a functional setting. Examples include strongly connected components, biconnected components, Kruskal's minimum cost spanning tree, and Dijkstra's shortest paths. The presentation is lucid giving more insight than usual. The functional setting allows for complete calculational style correctness proofs - which is demonstrated with many examples. The benefits of using a functional language for expressing graph algorithms are quantified by looking at the issues of execution times, asymptotic complexity, correctness, and clarity, in comparison with traditional approaches. The intention is to be as objective as possible, pointing out both the weaknesses and the strengths of using a functional language

    Transformation of functional programs for identification of parallel skeletons

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    Hardware is becoming increasingly parallel. Thus, it is essential to identify and exploit inherent parallelism in a given program to effectively utilise the computing power available. However, parallel programming is tedious and error-prone when done by hand, and is very difficult for a compiler to do automatically to the desired level. One possible approach to parallel programming is to use transformation techniques to automatically identify and explicitly specify parallel computations in a given program using parallelisable algorithmic skeletons. Current existing methods for systematic derivation of parallel programs or parallel skeleton identification allow automation. However, they place constraints on the programs to which they are applicable, require manual derivation of operators with specific properties for parallel execution, or allow the use of inefficient intermediate data structures in the parallel programs. In this thesis, we present a program transformation method that addresses these issues and has the following attributes: (1) Reduces the number of inefficient data structures used in the parallel program; (2) Transforms a program into a form that is more suited to identifying parallel skeletons; (3) Automatically identifies skeletons that can be efficiently executed using their parallel implementations. Our transformation method does not place restrictions on the program to be parallelised, and allows automatic verification of skeleton operator properties to allow parallel execution. To evaluate the performance of our transformation method, we use a set of benchmark programs. The parallel version of each program produced by our method is compared with other versions of the program, including parallel versions that are derived by hand. Consequently, we have been able to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed transformation method. The results demonstrate improvements in the efficiency of parallel programs produced in some examples, and also highlight the role of some intermediate data structures required for parallelisation in other examples

    Structured arrows : a type-based framework for structured parallelism

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    This thesis deals with the important problem of parallelising sequential code. Despite the importance of parallelism in modern computing, writing parallel software still relies on many low-level and often error-prone approaches. These low-level approaches can lead to serious execution problems such as deadlocks and race conditions. Due to the non-deterministic behaviour of most parallel programs, testing parallel software can be both tedious and time-consuming. A way of providing guarantees of correctness for parallel programs would therefore provide significant benefit. Moreover, even if we ignore the problem of correctness, achieving good speedups is not straightforward, since this generally involves rewriting a program to consider a (possibly large) number of alternative parallelisations. This thesis argues that new languages and frameworks are needed. These language and frameworks must not only support high-level parallel programming constructs, but must also provide predictable cost models for these parallel constructs. Moreover, they need to be built around solid, well-understood theories that ensure that: (a) changes to the source code will not change the functional behaviour of a program, and (b) the speedup obtained by doing the necessary changes is predictable. Algorithmic skeletons are parametric implementations of common patterns of parallelism that provide good abstractions for creating new high-level languages, and also support frameworks for parallel computing that satisfy the correctness and predictability requirements that we require. This thesis presents a new type-based framework, based on the connection between structured parallelism and structured patterns of recursion, that provides parallel structures as type abstractions that can be used to statically parallelise a program. Specifically, this thesis exploits hylomorphisms as a single, unifying construct to represent the functional behaviour of parallel programs, and to perform correct code rewritings between alternative parallel implementations, represented as algorithmic skeletons. This thesis also defines a mechanism for deriving cost models for parallel constructs from a queue-based operational semantics. In this way, we can provide strong static guarantees about the correctness of a parallel program, while simultaneously achieving predictable speedups.“This work was supported by the University of St Andrews (School of Computer Science); by the EU FP7 grant “ParaPhrase:Parallel Patterns Adaptive Heterogeneous Multicore Systems” (n. 288570); by the EU H2020 grant “RePhrase: Refactoring Parallel Heterogeneous Resource-Aware Applications - a Software Engineering Approach” (ICT-644235), by COST Action IC1202 (TACLe), supported by COST (European Cooperation Science and Technology); and by EPSRC grant “Discovery: Pattern Discovery and Program Shaping for Manycore Systems” (EP/P020631/1)” -- Acknowledgement

    SIMD code generation in data-parallel programming

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    Today';s desktop PCs feature a variety of parallel processing units. Developing applications that exploit this parallelism is a demanding task, and a programmer has to obtain detailed knowledge about the hardware for efficient implementation. CGiS is a data-parallel programming language providing a unified abstraction for two parallel processing units: graphics processing units (GPUs) and the vector processing units of CPUs. The CGiS compiler framework fully virtualizes the differences in capability and accessibility by mapping an abstract data-parallel programming model on those targets. The applicability of CGiS for GPUs has been shown in previous work; this work focuses on applying the abstract programming model of CGiS to CPUs with SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) instruction sets. We have identified, adapted and implemented a set of program analyses to expose and access the available parallelism. The code generation phase is based on selected optimization algorithms tailored to SIMD code generation. Via code generation profiles, it is possible to adapt the code generation strategy to different target architectures. To assess the effectiveness of our approach, we have implemented backends for the two most widespread SIMD instruction sets, namely Intel';s Streaming SIMD Extensions and Freescale';s AltiVec. Additionally, we integrated a prototypical backend for the Cell Broadband Engine as an example for a multi-core architecture. Our experimental results show excellent average performance gains by a factor of 3 compared to standard scalar C++ implementations and underline the viability of this approach: real-world applications can be implemented easily with CGiS and result in efficient code.Parallelverarbeitung wird heutzutage in handelsüblichen PCs von einer Reihe verschiedener Komponenten unterstützt. Grafikprozessoren (GPUs) und Vektoreinheiten in CPUs sind zwei dieser Komponenten. Da die Entwicklung von Anwendungen, die diese Parallelität nutzen, eine anspruchsvolle Aufgabe ist, muss sich ein Programmierer detaillierte Kenntnisse der internen Hardwarestruktur aneignen. Mit CGiS stellen wir eine datenparallele Programmiersprache vor, die eine gemeinsame Abstraktion für Grafikprozessoren und Vektoreinheiten in CPUs bietet und ein einheitliches Programmiermodell für beide bereitstellt. In vorherigen Arbeiten haben wir bereits die Nutzbarkeit von CGiS für GPUs gezeigt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit bilden wir das abstrakte Programmiermodel von CGiS auf CPUs mit SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) Instruktionssatz ab. Wir haben eine Reihe relevanter Programmanalysen angepasst und implementiert um Parallelität aufzudecken und zu nutzen. Die Codegenerierungsphase basiert auf ausgewählten Optimierungsalgorithmen, die speziell auf die Generierung von SIMD-Code zugeschnitten sind. Durch Profile für verschiedene Architekturen ist es uns möglich, die Codegenierung zu steuern. Um die Effektivität unseres Ansatzes unter Beweis zu stellen, haben wir Backends für die beiden am weitesten verbreiteten SIMD-Instruktionssätze implementiert: Die "Streaming SIMD Extensions" von Intel und AltiVec von Freescale. Zusätzlich haben wir ein prototypisches Backend für den Cell Prozessor von IBM, als Beispiel für eine Multi-Core-Architektur, integriert. Die Ergebnisse unserer Experimente belegen eine ausgezeichnete durchschnittliche Beschleunigung um einen Faktor von 3 im Vergleich zu handgeschriebenen C++-Implementierungen. Diese Resultate untermauern unseren Ansatz: Mittels CGiS lässt sich leistungsstarker Code für SIMD- und Multi-Core-Applikationen generieren

    ACP : algebra of communicating processes : workshop : proceedings, 2nd, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 1995

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    A Calculational Approach to Flattening Nested Data Parallelism in Functional Languages

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    . The data-parallel programming model is currently the most successful model for programming massively parallel computers. Unfortunately, it is, in its present form, restricted to exploiting flat data parallelism, which is not suitable for some classes of algorithms, e.g. those operating on irregular structures. Recently, some effort has been made to implement nested data-parallel programs efficiently by compiling them into equivalent flat programs using a transformation called flattening. However, previous translations of nested into flat data-parallel programs have proved unwieldy when it comes to inventing and specifying optimizations and verifying the translation. This paper presents a new formalization of the flattening transformation in a calculational style. The formalization is easily verified and provides a good starting point for the development of new optimizations. Some optimizations invented on the basis of this new formalism are described. Furthermore, we present practica..