889 research outputs found

    A Bounded-Space Near-Optimal Key Enumeration Algorithm for Multi-Dimensional Side-Channel Attacks

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    Enumeration of cryptographic keys in order of likelihood based on side-channel leakages has a significant importance in cryptanalysis. Previous algorithms enumerate the keys in optimal order, however their space complexity is Ω(nd/2)\Omega(n^{d/2}) when there are d subkeys and n candidate values per subkey. We propose a new key enumeration algorithm that has a space complexity bounded by O(d2w+dn)O(d^2 w+dn), when w is a design parameter, which allows the enumeration of many more keys without exceeding the available space. The trade-off is that the enumeration order is only near-optimal, with a bounded ratio between optimal and near-optimal ranks. Before presenting our algorithm we provide bounds on the guessing entropy of the full key in terms of the easy-to-compute guessing entropies of the individual subkeys. We use these results to quantify the near-optimality of our algorithm\u27s ranking, and to bound its guessing entropy. We evaluated our algorithm through extensive simulations. We show that our algorithm continues its near-optimal-order enumeration far beyond the rank at which the optimal algorithm fails due to insufficient memory, on realistic SCA scenarios. Our simulations utilize a new model of the true rank distribution, based on long tail Pareto distributions, that is validated by empirical data and may be of independent interest

    Poly-Logarithmic Side Channel Rank Estimation via Exponential Sampling

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    Rank estimation is an important tool for a side-channel evaluations laboratories. It allows estimating the remaining security after an attack has been performed, quantified as the time complexity and the memory consumption required to brute force the key given the leakages as probability distributions over dd subkeys (usually key bytes). These estimations are particularly useful where the key is not reachable with exhaustive search. We propose ESrank, the first rank estimation algorithm that enjoys provable poly-logarithmic time- and space-complexity, which also achieves excellent practical performance. Our main idea is to use exponential sampling to drastically reduce the algorithm\u27s complexity. Importantly, ESrank is simple to build from scratch, and requires no algorithmic tools beyond a sorting function. After rigorously bounding the accuracy, time and space complexities, we evaluated the performance of ESrank on a real SCA data corpus, and compared it to the currently-best histogram-based algorithm. We show that ESrank gives excellent rank estimation (with roughly a 1-bit margin between lower and upper bounds), with a performance that is on-par with the Histogram algorithm: a run-time of under 1 second on a standard laptop using 6.5 MB RAM

    Decoding by Embedding: Correct Decoding Radius and DMT Optimality

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    The closest vector problem (CVP) and shortest (nonzero) vector problem (SVP) are the core algorithmic problems on Euclidean lattices. They are central to the applications of lattices in many problems of communications and cryptography. Kannan's \emph{embedding technique} is a powerful technique for solving the approximate CVP, yet its remarkable practical performance is not well understood. In this paper, the embedding technique is analyzed from a \emph{bounded distance decoding} (BDD) viewpoint. We present two complementary analyses of the embedding technique: We establish a reduction from BDD to Hermite SVP (via unique SVP), which can be used along with any Hermite SVP solver (including, among others, the Lenstra, Lenstra and Lov\'asz (LLL) algorithm), and show that, in the special case of LLL, it performs at least as well as Babai's nearest plane algorithm (LLL-aided SIC). The former analysis helps to explain the folklore practical observation that unique SVP is easier than standard approximate SVP. It is proven that when the LLL algorithm is employed, the embedding technique can solve the CVP provided that the noise norm is smaller than a decoding radius λ1/(2γ)\lambda_1/(2\gamma), where λ1\lambda_1 is the minimum distance of the lattice, and γO(2n/4)\gamma \approx O(2^{n/4}). This substantially improves the previously best known correct decoding bound γO(2n)\gamma \approx {O}(2^{n}). Focusing on the applications of BDD to decoding of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, we also prove that BDD of the regularized lattice is optimal in terms of the diversity-multiplexing gain tradeoff (DMT), and propose practical variants of embedding decoding which require no knowledge of the minimum distance of the lattice and/or further improve the error performance.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Back to Massey: Impressively fast, scalable and tight security evaluation tools

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    None of the existing rank estimation algorithms can scale to large cryptographic keys, such as 4096-bit (512 bytes) RSA keys. In this paper, we present the first solution to estimate the guessing entropy of arbitrarily large keys, based on mathematical bounds, resulting in the fastest and most scalable security evaluation tool to date. Our bounds can be computed within a fraction of a second, with no memory overhead, and provide a margin of only a few bits for a full 128-bit AES key

    A suite of quantum algorithms for the shortestvector problem

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    Crytography has come to be an essential part of the cybersecurity infrastructure that provides a safe environment for communications in an increasingly connected world. The advent of quantum computing poses a threat to the foundations of the current widely-used cryptographic model, due to the breaking of most of the cryptographic algorithms used to provide confidentiality, authenticity, and more. Consequently a new set of cryptographic protocols have been designed to be secure against quantum computers, and are collectively known as post-quantum cryptography (PQC). A forerunner among PQC is lattice-based cryptography, whose security relies upon the hardness of a number of closely related mathematical problems, one of which is known as the shortest vector problem (SVP). In this thesis I describe a suite of quantum algorithms that utilize the energy minimization principle to attack the shortest vector problem. The algorithms outlined span the gate-model and continuous time quantum computing, and explore methods of parameter optimization via variational methods, which are thought to be effective on near-term quantum computers. The performance of the algorithms are analyzed numerically, analytically, and on quantum hardware where possible. I explain how the results obtained in the pursuit of solving SVP apply more broadly to quantum algorithms seeking to solve general real-world problems; minimize the effect of noise on imperfect hardware; and improve efficiency of parameter optimization.Open Acces

    PRank: Fast Analytical Rank Estimation via Pareto Distributions

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    Rank estimation is an important tool for a side-channel evaluations laboratories. It allows estimating the remaining security after an attack has been performed, quantified as the time complexity and the memory consumption required to brute force the key given the leakages as probability distributions over dd subkeys (usually key bytes). These estimations are particularly useful where the key is not reachable with exhaustive search. We propose a new method called PRank for rank estimation, that is conceptually simple, and more time and memory efficient than previous proposals. Our main idea is to bound each subkey distribution by a Pareto-like function: since these are analytical functions, we can then estimate the rank by a closed formula. We evaluated the performance of PRank through extensive simulations based on two real SCA data corpora, and compared it to the currently-best histogram-based algorithm. We show that PRank gives a good rank estimation with much improved time and memory efficiency, especially for large ranks: For ranks between 28021002^{80}-2^{100} PRank estimation is at most 10 bits above the histogram rank and for ranks beyond 21002^{100} the PRank estimation is only 4 bits above the histogram rank---yet it runs faster, and uses negligible memory. PRank gives a new and interesting method to solve the rank estimation problem based on reduction to analytical functions and calculating one closed formula hence using negligible time and space

    Simple Key Enumeration (and Rank Estimation) using Histograms: an Integrated Approach

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    The main contribution of this paper, is a new key enumeration algorithm that combines the conceptual simplicity of the rank estimation algorithm of Glowacz et al. (from FSE 2015) and the parallelizability of the enumeration algorithm of Bogdanov et al. (SAC 2015) and Martin et al. (from ASIACRYPT 2015). Our new algorithm is based on histograms. It allows obtaining simple bounds on the (small) rounding errors that it introduces and leads to straightforward parallelization. We further show that it can minimize the bandwidth of distributed key testing by selecting parameters that maximize the factorization of the lists of key candidates produced by the enumeration, which can be highly beneficial, e.g. if these tests are performed by a hardware coprocessor. We also put forward that the conceptual simplicity of our algorithm translates into efficient implementations (that slightly improve the state-of-the-art). As an additional consolidating effort, we finally describe an open source implementation of this new enumeration algorithm, combined with the FSE 2015 rank estimation one, that we make available with the paper

    Not-so-adiabatic quantum computation for the shortest vector problem

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    Since quantum computers are known to break the vast majority of currently-used cryptographic protocols, a variety of new protocols are being developed that are conjectured, but not proven to be safe against quantum attacks. Among the most promising is lattice-based cryptography, where security relies upon problems like the shortest vector problem. We analyse the potential of adiabatic quantum computation for attacks on lattice-based cryptography, and give numerical evidence that even outside the adiabatic regime such methods can facilitate the solution of the shortest vector and similar problems.Comment: 15 pages total, 9 figures, journal submission to Phys Rev Research v2, corrected two typos (save --> safe, relies --> relies on

    Cold Boot Attacks on Post-Quantum Schemes

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