35 research outputs found

    Hybrid client-server and P2P network for web-based collaborative 3D design

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    National audienceOur proposed research project is to enable 3D distributed visualization and manipulation involving collaborative effort through the use of web-based technologies. Our project resulted from a wide collaborative application research fields: Computer Aided Design (CAD), Building Information Modeling (BIM) or Product Life Cycle Management (PLM) where design tasks are often performed in teams and need a fluent communication system. The system allows distributed remote assembling in 3D scenes with real-time updates for the users. This paper covers this feature using hybrid networking solution: a client-server architecture (REST) for 3D rendering (WebGL) and data persistence (NoSQL) associated to an automatically built peer-to-peer (P2P) mesh for real-time communication between the clients (WebRTC). The approach is demonstrated through the development of a web-platform prototype focusing on the easy manipulation, fine rendering and light update messages for all participating users. We provide an architecture and a prototype to enable users to design in 3D together in real time with the benefits of web based online collaboration

    Website Technology Trends for Augmented Reality Development

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    Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that is gaining increasing attention from academics and industry. AR is relied upon to be an innovative technology to enrich ways of interacting with the physical and cyberspace around users that can enhance user experience in various fields. Platforms for AR applications are usually hardware based and mobile based, for mobile applications AR is usually based. AR-based hardware requires quite expensive support, this is seen from the rendering space requirements and this makes it inflexible while AR-based applications on mobile smartphones require large storage space and do not make it convenient for cross-platform use. Currently many researchers are trying to create and develop website-based AR, as a solution to the spread of AR to be flexible and save storage space, website technology development trends are used as a method for improving the performance of website-based AR. Other support comes from open-source software and more developer platforms and program courses for Web AR that are made public. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art, various methods, technologies and challenges of existing AR, this can be a trigger for more research interest and efforts to provide AR experienc

    Website Technology Trends for Augmented Reality Development

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    Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that is gaining increasing attention from academics and industry. AR is relied upon to be an innovative technology to enrich ways of interacting with the physical and cyberspace around users that can enhance user experience in various fields. Platforms for AR applications are usually hardware based and mobile based, for mobile applications AR is usually based. AR-based hardware requires quite expensive support, this is seen from the rendering space requirements and this makes it inflexible while AR-based applications on mobile smartphones require large storage space and do not make it convenient for cross-platform use. Currently many researchers are trying to create and develop website-based AR, as a solution to the spread of AR to be flexible and save storage space, website technology development trends are used as a method for improving the performance of website-based AR. Other support comes from open-source software and more developer platforms and program courses for Web AR that are made public. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art, various methods, technologies and challenges of existing AR, this can be a trigger for more research interest and efforts to provide AR experienc

    Fingerprinting Mobile Browsers

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    Nowadays, billions of people access the Internet on mobile phones and a significant portion of the traffic comes from browsers. Mobile browsers could be used as a gateway to access the underlying resources of mobile devices for fingerprinting purposes. Browsers include APIs to access the underlying hardware and software resources, such as sensors, audio and media devices, battery, and so on. The growing number of APIs have created new opportunities for browser fingerprinting mechanisms. However, the widely used browser fingerprint systems are designed for the desktop environment and the identifying information gathered using these systems do not include the unique features of mobile phones such as device sensors. The goal of this thesis is to explore additional fingerprintable metrics in the mobile context and analyze their contribution in fingerprinting browsers. In this thesis, we investigated time evolution of browser's features fingerprints and fingerprinting in the wild in the context of mobile devices. In time evolution of feature's fingerprinting, we have examined the change in permission requirements of browsers over time and evolution of browser's features fingerprints for both Google Chrome and Firefox. In our experiment, we have seen that permission requirements have increased over time, e.g. Firefox 4.0 requires only four permissions, while Firefox 55.0 requires 24 permissions. In evolution of browser's features, we have seen fingerprints that are related to media, audio, WebGL, and canvas elements of the browser show a frequent change across versions. In addition, we have seen, for both Chrome and Firefox, the user agent string is unique for each version and media devices for Chrome is unique for each version as well in our dataset. In fingerprinting in the wild, we have collected fingerprints from 134 browsing sessions of which 96 were unique. From the gathered dataset, we have calculated the identifying information, entropy, contribution of each browser's feature in our test. The result shows that IP address, user agent, and media devices are the highest entropy contributors. In addition, we have observed that the maximum possible entropy gain in our dataset, 6.58 bits, can be obtained by joining only media devices and user agent strings. To sum up, in our experiment, we have acquired additional fingerprintable metrics form modern APIs, such as sensors, audio and media devices, and battery. In time evolution of browser feature's fingerprint experiments, we have seen that modern API feature's fingerprints show frequent change across versions. Similarly, in fingerprinting in the wild experiments, these APIs are among the highest entropy contributors

    Prototipe Augmented Reality Untuk Mengenalkan Gamelan Berbasis Web

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    Gamelan adalah seperangkat alat musik yang digunakan untuk mengiringi sebuah pertunjukan kesenian atau upacara yang berasal dari Jawa , Bali dan Lombok. Gamelan merupakan kumpulan alat-alat yang dimana alat tersebut memiliki hubungan saling ketergantungan. Seperti posisi kendhang yang digunakan untuk mengatur tempo jalannya sebuah pertunjukan kemudian alat-alat balungan seperti saron barung, demung, saron penerus, slenthem yang berfungsi untuk menjelaskan beat dan pokok dari sebuah pertunjukan. Lalu ada gong yang berfungsi untuk menjelaskan atau memberi peringatan kepada pemain gamelan waktu mulai dan waktu mengakhiri pertunjukan . Augmented Reality yang kemudian disingkat menjadi AR adalah sebuah tekhnologi yang memungkinkan komputer untuk menampilkan objek virtual secara tepat di sebuah objek nyata secara real time. AR ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengiklankan produk atau jasa seseorang atau sebuah perusahaan. Dengan sampel prototype demung, diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif untuk mengenalkan gamelan kepada khalayak umum. Menggunakan bahasa pemrograman javaScript diharapkan prototype ini akan menjadi lebih fleksibel dan dapat diakses oleh siapapun, kapanpun dan dimanapu

    The Entanglement: Volumetric Music Performances in a Virtual Metaverse Environment

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    Telematic music performances are an established performance practice in contemporary music. Performing music pieces with geographically distributed musicians is both a technological challenge and an artistic one. These challenges and the resulting possibilities can lead to innovative aesthetic realizations. This paper presents the implementation and realization of “The Entanglement,” a telematic concert performance in a metaverse environment. The system is realized using web-based frameworks to implement a platform-independent online multi-user environment with volumetric, three- dimensional, streaming of audio and video. This allows live performance of this improvisation piece based on an algorithmic quantum computer composition within a freely explorational virtual environment. We describe the development and realization of the piece and metaverse environment, as well as its artistic and conceptual contextualization

    Architectures for ubiquitous 3D on heterogeneous computing platforms

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    Today, a wide scope for 3D graphics applications exists, including domains such as scientific visualization, 3D-enabled web pages, and entertainment. At the same time, the devices and platforms that run and display the applications are more heterogeneous than ever. Display environments range from mobile devices to desktop systems and ultimately to distributed displays that facilitate collaborative interaction. While the capability of the client devices may vary considerably, the visualization experiences running on them should be consistent. The field of application should dictate how and on what devices users access the application, not the technical requirements to realize the 3D output. The goal of this thesis is to examine the diverse challenges involved in providing consistent and scalable visualization experiences to heterogeneous computing platforms and display setups. While we could not address the myriad of possible use cases, we developed a comprehensive set of rendering architectures in the major domains of scientific and medical visualization, web-based 3D applications, and movie virtual production. To provide the required service quality, performance, and scalability for different client devices and displays, our architectures focus on the efficient utilization and combination of the available client, server, and network resources. We present innovative solutions that incorporate methods for hybrid and distributed rendering as well as means to manage data sets and stream rendering results. We establish the browser as a promising platform for accessible and portable visualization services. We collaborated with experts from the medical field and the movie industry to evaluate the usability of our technology in real-world scenarios. The presented architectures achieve a wide coverage of display and rendering setups and at the same time share major components and concepts. Thus, they build a strong foundation for a unified system that supports a variety of use cases.Heutzutage existiert ein großer Anwendungsbereich für 3D-Grafikapplikationen wie wissenschaftliche Visualisierungen, 3D-Inhalte in Webseiten, und Unterhaltungssoftware. Gleichzeitig sind die Geräte und Plattformen, welche die Anwendungen ausführen und anzeigen, heterogener als je zuvor. Anzeigegeräte reichen von mobilen Geräten zu Desktop-Systemen bis hin zu verteilten Bildschirmumgebungen, die eine kollaborative Anwendung begünstigen. Während die Leistungsfähigkeit der Geräte stark schwanken kann, sollten die dort laufenden Visualisierungen konsistent sein. Das Anwendungsfeld sollte bestimmen, wie und auf welchem Gerät Benutzer auf die Anwendung zugreifen, nicht die technischen Voraussetzungen zur Erzeugung der 3D-Grafik. Das Ziel dieser Thesis ist es, die diversen Herausforderungen zu untersuchen, die bei der Bereitstellung von konsistenten und skalierbaren Visualisierungsanwendungen auf heterogenen Plattformen eine Rolle spielen. Während wir nicht die Vielzahl an möglichen Anwendungsfällen abdecken konnten, haben wir eine repräsentative Auswahl an Rendering-Architekturen in den Kernbereichen wissenschaftliche Visualisierung, web-basierte 3D-Anwendungen, und virtuelle Filmproduktion entwickelt. Um die geforderte Qualität, Leistung, und Skalierbarkeit für verschiedene Client-Geräte und -Anzeigen zu gewährleisten, fokussieren sich unsere Architekturen auf die effiziente Nutzung und Kombination der verfügbaren Client-, Server-, und Netzwerkressourcen. Wir präsentieren innovative Lösungen, die hybrides und verteiltes Rendering als auch das Verwalten der Datensätze und Streaming der 3D-Ausgabe umfassen. Wir etablieren den Web-Browser als vielversprechende Plattform für zugängliche und portierbare Visualisierungsdienste. Um die Verwendbarkeit unserer Technologie in realitätsnahen Szenarien zu testen, haben wir mit Experten aus der Medizin und Filmindustrie zusammengearbeitet. Unsere Architekturen erreichen eine umfassende Abdeckung von Anzeige- und Rendering-Szenarien und teilen sich gleichzeitig wesentliche Komponenten und Konzepte. Sie bilden daher eine starke Grundlage für ein einheitliches System, das eine Vielzahl an Anwendungsfällen unterstützt

    Application-driven visual computing towards industry 4.0 2018

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    245 p.La Tesis recoge contribuciones en tres campos: 1. Agentes Virtuales Interactivos: autónomos, modulares, escalables, ubicuos y atractivos para el usuario. Estos IVA pueden interactuar con los usuarios de manera natural.2. Entornos de RV/RA Inmersivos: RV en la planificación de la producción, el diseño de producto, la simulación de procesos, pruebas y verificación. El Operario Virtual muestra cómo la RV y los Co-bots pueden trabajar en un entorno seguro. En el Operario Aumentado la RA muestra información relevante al trabajador de una manera no intrusiva. 3. Gestión Interactiva de Modelos 3D: gestión online y visualización de modelos CAD multimedia, mediante conversión automática de modelos CAD a la Web. La tecnología Web3D permite la visualización e interacción de estos modelos en dispositivos móviles de baja potencia.Además, estas contribuciones han permitido analizar los desafíos presentados por Industry 4.0. La tesis ha contribuido a proporcionar una prueba de concepto para algunos de esos desafíos: en factores humanos, simulación, visualización e integración de modelos

    Computer Music and Digital Media Art Through a Web-Based Collaborative Interface

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    A dissertação apresentada é resultado de uma investigação em interfaces colaborativas usando tecnologias web, feita no contexto do Braga Media Arts. Como resultado é apresentado um ambiente audiovisual em rede como desenvolvimento prático, o Akson. O Akson foi inicialmente concebido como uma exploração do que poderia ser construído aproveitando a infraestrutura global da Internet, bem como a reprodução musical e visual em vários dispositivos. Este sistema foi feito pensando em seu uso em performance ao vivo e é capaz de interagir com os dispositivos do público.The dissertation presented is the result of an investigation into collaborative interfaces using web technologies, done in the context of Braga Media Arts. As a result an audiovisual environment is presented as a practical development, Akson. Akson was initially conceived of as an exploration into what could be built by leveraging global internet infrastructure as well as musical and visual playback across multiple devices. This system was done thinking about its use in live performance and is able to interact with the devices of the public