87 research outputs found

    GigaHertz Symposium 2010

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    System and Circuit Design Techniques for Silicon-based Multi-band/Multi-standard Receivers

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    Today, the advances in Complementary MetalOxideSemiconductor (CMOS) technology have guided the progress in the wireless communications circuits and systems area. Various new communication standards have been developed to accommodate a variety of applications at different frequency bands, such as cellular communications at 900 and 1800 MHz, global positioning system (GPS) at 1.2 and 1.5 GHz, and Bluetooth andWiFi at 2.4 and 5.2 GHz, respectively. The modern wireless technology is now motivated by the global trend of developing multi-band/multistandard terminals for low-cost and multifunction transceivers. Exploring the unused 10-66 GHz frequency spectrum for high data rate communication is also another trend in the wireless industry. In this dissertation, the challenges and solutions for designing a multi-band/multistandard mobile device is addressed from system-level analysis to circuit implementation. A systematic system-level design methodology for block-level budgeting is proposed. The system-level design methodology focuses on minimizing the power consumption of the overall receiver. Then, a novel millimeter-wave dual-band receiver front-end architecture is developed to operate at 24 and 31 GHz. The receiver relies on a newly introduced concept of harmonic selection that helps to reduce the complexity of the dual-band receiver. Wideband circuit techniques for millimeterwave frequencies are also investigated and new bandwidth extension techniques are proposed for the dual-band 24/31 GHz receiver. These new techniques are applied for the low noise amplifier and millimeter-wave mixer resulting in the widest reported operating bandwidth in K-band, while consuming less power consumption. Additionally, various receiver building blocks, such as a low noise amplifier with reconfigurable input matching network for multi-band receivers, and a low drop-out regulator with high power supply rejection are analyzed and proposed. The low noise amplifier presents the first one with continuously reconfigurable input matching network, while achieving a noise figure comparable to the wideband techniques. The low drop-out regulator presented the first one with high power supply rejection in the mega-hertz frequency range. All the proposed building blocks and architecture in this dissertation are implemented using the existing silicon-based technologies, and resulted in several publications in IEEE Journals and Conferences

    Integrated Circuits and Systems for Smart Sensory Applications

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    Connected intelligent sensing reshapes our society by empowering people with increasing new ways of mutual interactions. As integration technologies keep their scaling roadmap, the horizon of sensory applications is rapidly widening, thanks to myriad light-weight low-power or, in same cases even self-powered, smart devices with high-connectivity capabilities. CMOS integrated circuits technology is the best candidate to supply the required smartness and to pioneer these emerging sensory systems. As a result, new challenges are arising around the design of these integrated circuits and systems for sensory applications in terms of low-power edge computing, power management strategies, low-range wireless communications, integration with sensing devices. In this Special Issue recent advances in application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC) and systems for smart sensory applications in the following five emerging topics: (I) dedicated short-range communications transceivers; (II) digital smart sensors, (III) implantable neural interfaces, (IV) Power Management Strategies in wireless sensor nodes and (V) neuromorphic hardware

    Integrated Microwave Photonic Processors using Waveguide Mesh Cores

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    Integrated microwave photonics changes the scaling laws of information and communication systems offering architectural choices that combine photonics with electronics to optimize performance, power, footprint and cost. Application Specific Photonic Integrated Circuits, where particular circuits/chips are designed to optimally perform particular functionalities, require a considerable number of design and fabrication iterations leading to long-development times and costly implementations. A different approach inspired by electronic Field Programmable Gate Arrays is the programmable Microwave Photonic processor, where a common hardware implemented by the combination of microwave, photonic and electronic subsystems, realizes different functionalities through programming. Here, we propose the first-ever generic-purpose Microwave Photonic processor concept and architecture. This versatile processor requires a powerful end-to-end field-based analytical model to optimally configure all their subsystems as well as to evaluate their performance in terms of the radiofrequency gain, noise and dynamic range. Therefore, we develop a generic model for integrated Microwave Photonics systems. The key element of the processor is the reconfigurable optical core. It requires high flexibility and versatility to enable reconfigurable interconnections between subsystems as well as the synthesis of photonic integrated circuits. For this element, we focus on a 2-dimensional photonic waveguide mesh based on the interconnection of tunable couplers. Within the framework of this Thesis, we have proposed two novel interconnection schemes, aiming for a mesh design with a high level of versatility. Focusing on the hexagonal waveguide mesh, we explore the synthesis of a high variety of photonic integrated circuits and particular Microwave Photonics applications that can potentially be performed on a single hardware. In addition, we report the first-ever demonstration of such reconfigurable waveguide mesh in silicon. We demonstrate a world-record number of functionalities on a single photonic integrated circuit enabling over 30 different functionalities from the 100 that could be potentially obtained with a simple seven hexagonal cell structure. The resulting device can be applied to different fields including communications, chemical and biomedical sensing, signal processing, multiprocessor networks as well as quantum information systems. Our work is an important step towards this paradigm and sets the base for a new era of generic-purpose photonic integrated systems.Los dispositivos integrados de fotónica de microondas ofrecen soluciones optimizadas para los sistemas de información y comunicación. Generalmente, están compuestos por diferentes arquitecturas en las que subsistemas ópticos y electrónicos se integran para optimizar las prestaciones, el consumo, el tamaño y el coste del dispositivo final. Hasta ahora, los circuitos/chips de propósito específico se han diseñado para proporcionar una funcionalidad concreta, requiriendo así un número considerable de iteraciones entre las etapas de diseño, fabricación y medida, que origina tiempos de desarrollo largos y costes demasiado elevados. Una alternativa, inspirada por las FPGA (del inglés Field Programmable Gate Array), es el procesador fotónico programable. Este dispositivo combina la integración de subsistemas de microondas, ópticos y electrónicos para realizar, mediante la programación de los mismos y sus interconexiones, diferentes funcionalidades. En este trabajo, proponemos por primera vez el concepto del procesador de propósito general, así como su arquitectura. Además, con el fin de diseñar, optimizar y evaluar las prestaciones básicas del dispositivo, hemos desarrollado un modelo analítico extremo a extremo basado en las componentes del campo electromagnético. El modelo desarrollado proporciona como resultado la ganancia, el ruido y el rango dinámico global para distintas configuraciones de modulación y detección, en función de los subsistemas y su configuración. El elemento principal del procesador es su núcleo óptico reconfigurable. Éste requiere un alto grado de flexibilidad y versatilidad para reconfigurar las interconexiones entre los distintos subsistemas y para sintetizar los circuitos para el procesado óptico. Para este subsistema, proponemos el diseño de guías de onda reconfigurables para la creación de mallados bidimensionales. En el marco de esta tesis, hemos propuesto dos nuevos nodos de interconexión óptica para mallas reconfigurables, con el objetivo de obtener un mayor grado de versatilidad. Una vez escogida la malla hexagonal para el núcleo del procesador, hemos analizado la configuración de un gran número de circuitos fotónicos integrados y de funcionalidades de fotónica de microondas. El trabajo se ha completado con la demonstración de la primera malla reconfigurable integrada en un chip de silicio, demostrando además la síntesis de 30 de las 100 funcionalidades que potencialmente se pueden obtener con la malla diseñada compuesta de 7 celdas hexagonales. Este hecho supone un record frente a los sistemas de propósito específico. El sistema puede aplicarse en diferentes campos como las comunicaciones, los sensores químicos y biomédicos, el procesado de señales, la gestión y procesamiento de redes y los sistemas de información cuánticos. El conjunto del trabajo realizado representa un paso importante en la evolución de este paradigma, y sienta las bases para una nueva era de dispositivos fotónicos de propósito general.Els dispositius integrats de Fotònica de Microones oferixen solucions optimitzades per als sistemes d'informació i comunicació. Generalment, estan compostos per diferents arquitectures en què subsistemes òptics i electrònics s'integren per a optimitzar les prestacions, el consum, la grandària i el cost del dispositiu final. Fins ara, els circuits/xips de propòsit específic s'han dissenyat per a proporcionar una funcionalitat concreta, requerint així un nombre considerable d'iteracions entre les etapes de disseny, fabricació i mesura, que origina temps de desenrotllament llargs i costos massa elevats. Una alternativa, inspirada per les FPGA (de l'anglés Field Programmable Gate Array), és el processador fotònic programable. Este dispositiu combina la integració de subsistemes de microones, òptics i electrònics per a realitzar, per mitjà de la programació dels mateixos i les seues interconnexions, diferents funcionalitats. En este treball proposem per primera vegada el concepte del processador de propòsit general, així com la seua arquitectura. A més, a fi de dissenyar, optimitzar i avaluar les prestacions bàsiques del dispositiu, hem desenrotllat un model analític extrem a extrem basat en els components del camp electromagnètic. El model desenrotllat proporciona com resultat el guany, el soroll i el rang dinàmic global per a distintes configuracions de modulació i detecció, en funció dels subsistemes i la seua configuració. L'element principal del processador és el seu nucli òptic reconfigurable. Este requerix un alt grau de flexibilitat i versatilitat per a reconfigurar les interconnexions entre els distints subsistemes i per a sintetitzar els circuits per al processat òptic. Per a este subsistema, proposem el disseny de guies d'onda reconfigurables per a la creació de mallats bidimensionals. En el marc d'esta tesi, hem proposat dos nous nodes d'interconnexió òptica per a malles reconfigurables, amb l'objectiu d'obtindre un major grau de versatilitat. Una vegada triada la malla hexagonal per al nucli del processador, hem analitzat la configuració d'un gran nombre de circuits fotónicos integrats i de funcionalitats de fotónica de microones. El treball s'ha completat amb la demostració de la primera malla reconfigurable integrada en un xip de silici, demostrant a més la síntesi de 30 de les 100 funcionalitats que potencialment es poden obtindre amb la malla dissenyada composta de 7 cèl·lules hexagonals. Este fet suposa un rècord enfront dels sistemes de propòsit específic. El sistema pot aplicarse en diferents camps com les comunicacions, els sensors químics i biomèdics, el processat de senyals, la gestió i processament de xarxes i els sistemes d'informació quàntics. El conjunt del treball realitzat representa un pas important en l'evolució d'este paradigma, i assenta les bases per a una nova era de dispositius fotónicos de propòsit general.Pérez López, D. (2017). Integrated Microwave Photonic Processors using Waveguide Mesh Cores [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/91232TESI

    Analysis and design of wideband voltage controlled oscillators using self-oscillating active inductors.

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    Voltage controlled oscillators (VCOs) are essential components of RF circuits used in transmitters and receivers as sources of carrier waves with variable frequencies. This, together with a rapid development of microelectronic circuits, led to an extensive research on integrated implementations of the oscillator circuits. One of the known approaches to oscillator design employs resonators with active inductors electronic circuits simulating the behavior of passive inductors using only transistors and capacitors. Such resonators occupy only a fraction of the silicon area necessary for a passive inductor, and thus allow to use chip area more eectively. The downsides of the active inductor approach include: power consumption and noise introduced by transistors. This thesis presents a new approach to active inductor oscillator design using selfoscillating active inductor circuits. The instability necessary to start oscillations is provided by the use of a passive RC network rather than a power consuming external circuit employed in the standard oscillator approach. As a result, total power consumption of the oscillator is improved. Although, some of the active inductors with RC circuits has been reported in the literature, there has been no attempt to utilise this technique in wideband voltage controlled oscillator design. For this reason, the dissertation presents a thorough investigation of self-oscillating active inductor circuits, providing a new set of design rules and related trade-os. This includes: a complete small signal model of the oscillator, sensitivity analysis, large signal behavior of the circuit and phase noise model. The presented theory is conrmed by extensive simulations of wideband CMOS VCO circuit for various temperatures and process variations. The obtained results prove that active inductor oscillator performance is obtained without the use of standard active compensation circuits. Finally, the concept of self-oscillating active inductor has been employed to simple and fast OOK (On-Off Keying) transmitter showing energy eciency comparable to the state of the art implementations reported in the literature

    Advanced Microwave Circuits and Systems

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    Nonlinear models and algorithms for RF systems digital calibration

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    Focusing on the receiving side of a communication system, the current trend in pushing the digital domain ever more closer to the antenna sets heavy constraints on the accuracy and linearity of the analog front-end and the conversion devices. Moreover, mixed-signal implementations of Systems-on-Chip using nanoscale CMOS processes result in an overall poorer analog performance and a reduced yield. To cope with the impairments of the low performance analog section in this "dirty RF" scenario, two solutions exist: designing more complex analog processing architectures or to identify the errors and correct them in the digital domain using DSP algorithms. In the latter, constraints in the analog circuits' precision can be offloaded to a digital signal processor. This thesis aims at the development of a methodology for the analysis, the modeling and the compensation of the analog impairments arising in different stages of a receiving chain using digital calibration techniques. Both single and multiple channel architectures are addressed exploiting the capability of the calibration algorithm to homogenize all the channels' responses of a multi-channel system in addition to the compensation of nonlinearities in each response. The systems targeted for the application of digital post compensation are a pipeline ADC, a digital-IF sub-sampling receiver and a 4-channel TI-ADC. The research focuses on post distortion methods using nonlinear dynamic models to approximate the post-inverse of the nonlinear system and to correct the distortions arising from static and dynamic errors. Volterra model is used due to its general approximation capabilities for the compensation of nonlinear systems with memory. Digital calibration is applied to a Sample and Hold and to a pipeline ADC simulated in the 45nm process, demonstrating high linearity improvement even with incomplete settling errors enabling the use of faster clock speeds. An extended model based on the baseband Volterra series is proposed and applied to the compensation of a digital-IF sub-sampling receiver. This architecture envisages frequency selectivity carried out at IF by an active band-pass CMOS filter causing in-band and out-of-band nonlinear distortions. The improved performance of the proposed model is demonstrated with circuital simulations of a 10th-order band pass filter, realized using a five-stage Gm-C Biquad cascade, and validated using out-of-sample sinusoidal and QAM signals. The same technique is extended to an array receiver with mismatched channels' responses showing that digital calibration can compensate the loss of directivity and enhance the overall system SFDR. An iterative backward pruning is applied to the Volterra models showing that complexity can be reduced without impacting linearity, obtaining state-of-the-art accuracy/complexity performance. Calibration of Time-Interleaved ADCs, widely used in RF-to-digital wideband receivers, is carried out developing ad hoc models because the steep discontinuities generated by the imperfect canceling of aliasing would require a huge number of terms in a polynomial approximation. A closed-form solution is derived for a 4-channel TI-ADC affected by gain errors and timing skews solving the perfect reconstruction equations. A background calibration technique is presented based on cyclo-stationary filter banks architecture. Convergence speed and accuracy of the recursive algorithm are discussed and complexity reduction techniques are applied

    Contribution à l’étude et la réalisation d’un générateur de signaux radiofréquences analogiques pour la radio logicielle intégrale

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    The increasing density of wireless devices and the associated communication flows sharing the same air interface will require a smart and agile use of frequency resources. This thesis proposes a flexible, low cost and low power disruptive transmitter architecture. It uses a differentiating coding scheme which leverages a mathematical and technological reduction of the energy cost of information conversion. The design of a DAC suited to this architecture is developed and its performances are assessed toward RF signal generation. The measurements of a demonstrator designed in 65 nm CMOS technology bring a proof of concept.Une utilisation intelligente de l’espace Hertzien sera nécessaire pour permettre au nombre croissant d’objets sans-fil connectés de communiquer dans le même espace de propagation. Ces travaux de thèse proposent une architecture d’émetteur radiofréquence flexible, faible coût et faible consommation, en rupture avec les techniques conventionnelles. Cet émetteur est fondé sur un encodage de la dérivée du signal à générer, ce qui permet de réduire le coût énergétique de la conversion de l’information. Un convertisseur numérique analogique compatible avec cette architecture est présenté et ses performances sont évaluées dans le cadre de la génération de signaux radiofréquence. Les résultats de mesures obtenus avec un prototype réalisé en technologie CMOS 65 nm apporte la preuve du concept

    Contribution à l'étude et à la réalisation d'un générateur de signaux radiofréquences analogiques pour la radio logicielle intégrale

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    The increasing density of wireless devices and the associated communication flowssharing the same air interface will require a smart and agile use of frequency resources. Thisthesis proposes a flexible, low cost and low power disruptive transmitter architecture. It usesa differentiating coding scheme which leverages a mathematical and technological reduction ofthe energy cost of information conversion. The design of a DAC suited to this architecture isdeveloped and its performances are assessed toward RF signal generation. The measurementsof a demonstrator designed in 65 nm CMOS technology bring a proof of concept.Une utilisation intelligente de l’espace Hertzien sera nécessaire pour permettre aunombre croissant d’objets sans-fil connectés de communiquer dans le même espace de propagation.Ces travaux de thèse proposent une architecture d’émetteur radiofréquence flexible, faiblecoût et faible consommation, en rupture avec les techniques conventionnelles. Cet émetteur estfondé sur un encodage de la dérivée du signal à générer, ce qui permet de réduire le coût énergétiquede la conversion de l’information. Un convertisseur numérique analogique compatibleavec cette architecture est présenté et ses performances sont évaluées dans le cadre de la générationde signaux radiofréquence. Les résultats de mesures obtenus avec un prototype réalisé entechnologie CMOS 65 nm apporte la preuve du concept

    RF MEMS technology for millimeter-wave radar sensors

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    The dissertation discusses RF MEMS technology for millimeter-wave radar sensors. RF MEMS, which stands for radio frequency micro-electromechanical system, and radar sensor fundamentals are briefly introduced. Of particular interest are: Firstly, a self-aligned fabrication process for capacitive fixed-fixed beam RF MEMS components is disclosed. It enables scaling of the critical dimensions and reduces the number of processing steps by 40% as compared with a conventional RF MEMS fabrication process. Scaling of the critical dimensions of RF MEMS components offers the potential of submicrosecond T/R switching times. RF MEMS varactors with beam lengths of 30 μm are demonstrated using the self-aligned fabrication process, and the performance of a 4 by 4 RF MEMS varactor bank is discussed as well. At 20 GHz, the measured capacitance values range between 180.5 fF and 199.2 fF. The measured capacitance ratio is 1.15, when a driving voltage of 35 V is applied, and the measured loaded Q factor ranges between 14.5 and 10.8. The measured cold-switched power handling is 200 mW. The simulated switching time is 354.6 ns. Secondly, an analog RF MEMS slotline TTD phase shifter is disclosed, for use in conjunction with ultra wideband (UWB) tapered slot antennas, such as the Vivaldi aerial and the double exponentially tapered slot antenna. It is designed for transistor to transistor logic (TTL) bias voltage levels and exhibits a measured phase shift of 28.2°/dB (7.8 ps/dB) and 59.2°/cm at 10 GHz, maintaining a 75 Ω; differential impedance match (S11dd ≤ -15.8 dB). The input third-order intercept point (IIP3) is 5 dBm at 10 GHz for a Δf of 50 kHz, measured in a 100 Ω differential transmission line system.Ph.D.Electrical EngineeringUniversity of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/61348/1/vcaeken.pd
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