86 research outputs found

    Millennial perception of gamification as a form of engagement in the workplace

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    Objectives The main objectives of this study were to determine whether millennials prefer gamification over traditional approaches in the workplace and if millennials perceive gamification in the workplace as engaging. Summary Using Perryer, Clestine, Scott-Ladd, & Leighton (2016) findings outlined in the literature review a survey was built around this with the aim to answer the research questions. Conclusions After educating millennials about gamification, the survey respondents did prefer the gamified approach over traditional approaches. Moreover, the survey results showed that millennials did perceive gamification as engaging. Specifically, organizational goals and challenging tasks in a gamified setting

    Serious gaming approach framework for construction hazards identification

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    Construction-related workers are always exposed to occupational hazards ona construction site. Hence, safety training is inevitable to reduce the alarming rate ofaccidents on sites. However, due to the nature of construction environment which ishazardous and harmful current safety training is still lacks hands-on approaches.Training assisted by affordable technology such as serious game would be aneffective tool to improve learning and has become a new approach to trainingdelivery. It offers safer, interactive and entertaining learning environment for theconstruction-related workers. Therefore, the aim of this study is to develop a seriousgame framework for hazard identification training module. To develop thisframework, the Garris‘s Input-Process-Outcome game model is adopted as thefoundation and five objectives are laid out. The first objective is to determine themost suitable instructional design method and the second objective is to determineserious game attributes to support the effective learning. Through content analysismethods, the findings show that there are 12 attributes of the serious game andGagne‘s Nine Events Instructional Methods Design is able to support an effectivelearning. The third objective is to understand user characteristics. Data wascollected from 319 construction-related workers using questionnaires and analysedusing mean comparison and ANOVA. Findings confirmed that they belong toindependent learners‘ category and inclined to ‗vigilant‘ and ‗brooding‘ types ofdecision-making style. These objectives become the basis for Input phases of theframework. The Gagne‘s instructional method also laid out the learning expectationfor Outcome phase i.e. skills, cognitive and affective learning. The fourth objectiveis to design the process of hazard identification. Through content analysis,Recognition-Primed Decision making model (RPD) is chosen and merged withhazard identification process and hierarchy of control to establish the Process phaseof the framework. All the findings are incorporated to achieve the fifth objectivewhich is to develop the serious game framework. The framework is validated bythree experts specialised in education, construction safety, and informationtechnology. They agreed that this framework would be able to enhance learning interm of skills, cognitive and affective learning. Finally, this serious game frameworkwill provide a safer, more affordable and interactive as well as entertaining forhazard identification training delivery in the construction industry

    Gamification and Advanced Technology to Enhance Motivation in Education

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    This book, entitled “Gamification and Advanced Technology to Enhance Motivation in Education”, contains an editorial and a collection of ten research articles that highlight the use of gamification and other advanced technologies as powerful tools for motivation during learning. Motivation is the driving force behind many human activities, especially learning. Motivated students are ready to make a significant mental effort and use deeper and more effective learning strategies. Numerous studies indicate that playing promotes learning, since when fun pervades the learning process, motivation increases and tension is reduced. Therefore, games can be very powerful tools in the improvement of learning processes from three different and complementary perspectives: as tools for teaching content or skills, as an object of the learning project itself and as a philosophy to be taken into account when designing the training process. Each contributions presented in this book falls into one of these categories; that is to say, they all deal with the use of games or related technologies, and they all study how playing enhances motivation in education

    Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for June to December 2015

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    The 33rd edition of the conference list covers selected events that primarily focus on the use of technology in educational settings and on teaching, learning, and educational administration. Only listings until December 2015 are complete as dates, locations, or Internet addresses (URLs) were not available for a number of events held from January 2016 onward. In order to protect the privacy of individuals, only URLs are used in the listing as this enables readers of the list to obtain event information without submitting their e-mail addresses to anyone. A significant challenge during the assembly of this list is incomplete or conflicting information on websites and the lack of a link between conference websites from one year to the next

    Proceedings of the 4th International Network-Based Education 2011 Conference

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