25 research outputs found

    Architecture Information Communication in Two OSS Projects: the Why, Who, When, and What

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    Architecture information is vital for Open Source Software (OSS) development, and mailing list is one of the widely used channels for developers to share and communicate architecture information. This work investigates the nature of architecture information communication (i.e., why, who, when, and what) by OSS developers via developer mailing lists. We employed a multiple case study approach to extract and analyze the architecture information communication from the developer mailing lists of two OSS projects, ArgoUML and Hibernate, during their development life-cycle of over 18 years. Our main findings are: (a) architecture negotiation and interpretation are the two main reasons (i.e., why) of architecture communication; (b) the amount of architecture information communicated in developer mailing lists decreases after the first stable release (i.e., when); (c) architecture communications centered around a few core developers (i.e., who); (d) and the most frequently communicated architecture elements (i.e., what) are Architecture Rationale and Architecture Model. There are a few similarities of architecture communication between the two OSS projects. Such similarities point to how OSS developers naturally gravitate towards the four aspects of architecture communication in OSS development.Comment: Preprint accepted for publication in Journal of Systems and Software, 202

    An Empirical Simulation-based Study of Real-Time Speech Translation for Multilingual Global Project Teams

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    ABSTRACT Context: Real-time speech translation technology is today available but still lacks a complete understanding of how such technology may affect communication in global software projects. Goal: To investigate the adoption of combining speech recognition and machine translation in order to overcome language barriers among stakeholders who are remotely negotiating software requirements. Method: We performed an empirical simulation-based study including: Google Web Speech API and Google Translate service, two groups of four subjects, speaking Italian and Brazilian Portuguese, and a test set of 60 technical and non-technical utterances. Results: Our findings revealed that, overall: (i) a satisfactory accuracy in terms of speech recognition was achieved, although significantly affected by speaker and utterance differences; (ii) adequate translations tend to follow accurate transcripts, meaning that speech recognition is the most critical part for speech translation technology. Conclusions: Results provide a positive albeit initial evidence towards the possibility to use speech translation technologies to help globally distributed team members to communicate in their native languages

    Architecture design in global and model-centric software development

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    This doctoral dissertation describes a series of empirical investigations into representation, dissemination and coordination of software architecture design in the context of global software development. A particular focus is placed on model-centric and model-driven software development.LEI Universiteit LeidenAlgorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    Factors impacting on tacit knowledge transfer within Scrum software development teams

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    Over time, there has been a high failure rate of information systems development (ISD) projects, although Agile development has brought recent improvements. Knowledge management is also known to be one of the critical factors to Agile and project success; however, there are some knowledge transfer studies in Agile development. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to present a theoretical model examining what makes individuals successful at transferring knowledge in teams using Scrum, Agile’s most popular methodology. Twelve semi-structured interviews were conducted at two Scrum companies in Cape Town. Participants interviewed ranged from project managers and Scrum masters to software developers, business analyst and testers. The interviews were all transcribed, then analysed using thematic analysis. The findings produced new relationships between characteristics already well known to impact knowledge transfer as well as newly defined characteristics impacting knowledge transfer in Scrum teams: empathy and articulation skills of the source. The results have shown that the recipient should perceive the person wanting to transfer knowledge as having these characteristics to enable successful knowledge transfer: empathy, motivation, capability, credibility, articulate and ability to communicate enough. The contribution of this study to practice is a list of attributes for HR managers to help improve the knowledge transfer of Scrum team members. The contribution to Scrum research is a new theoretical model that suggests which characteristics a person needs to transfer knowledge successfully in Scrum teams, adapted from Joshi, Sarker and Sarker’s (2007) knowledge transfer model. This model can also be extended in the future by looking more deeply into the new relationships between constructs, such as how motivation together with capability of the source affect knowledge transfer in Scrum teams

    A influência de fatores na produtividade do desenvolvimento de software de acordo com um modelo de estruturas teóricas

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    This work presents an evidence-based model describing the effects of a set of factors on software development productivity, obtained through an evidence synthesis method in Software Engineering. Thus, the relationships among this set and the software development productivity (observed phenomena) are described as results of combining theoretical structures capable of expressing and dealing with differences between different effects and uncertainties varying according to the types of studies found in the literature. Besides, to evaluate the model found, its findings are confronted with a survey capturing the practitioners’ perception (managers and leaders of software projects in Brazilian organizations). The degree of agreement between research (the model) and practice (the practitioners’ perception) shows that scientific knowledge does not differ considerably from the reality experienced by software projects when both of them refer to the influence of factors on software development productivity. The impression that research and practice on the theme go through different paths persists. According to this work, the reasons for this impression are more related to the use of non-standardized and, perhaps, inappropriate measures used to perceive and monitor the influence of factors as well as to measure the software development productivityEste trabalho apresenta um modelo baseado em evidências que descreve efeitos de alguns fatores na produtividade do desenvolvimento de software, obtidos através de um método de síntese de evidências em Engenharia de Software. Deste modo, as relações entre um conjunto de fatores e a produtividade do desenvolvimento de software (fenômenos observados) são descritas como resultados da combinação de estruturas teóricas capazes de expressar e tratar diferenças entre efeitos e incertezas variadas de acordo com os tipos de estudos primários encontrados na literatura. Além disso, para avaliar o modelo encontrado, seus achados são confrontados com uma pesquisa de opinião realizada para capturar a percepção de profissionais da prática (gestores e líderes de projetos de software em organizações brasileiras). O grau de concordância entre a pesquisa (o modelo) e a prática (a percepção dos profissionais) demonstra que, aparentemente, o conhecimento científico não diverge consideravelmente da realidade vivenciada pelos projetos de software no Brasil, quando ambos se referem à influência de fatores na produtividade do desenvolvimento de software. Persiste a impressão, entretanto, de que a pesquisa e a prática no tema percorrem caminhos distintos. De acordo com este trabalho, a impressão do distanciamento parece estar relacionadas à questão do uso de medidas não-padronizadas e, talvez, inapropriadas para mensurar os fatores e a produtividade do desenvolvimento de softwar

    Arcabouço de arquitetura da informação para ciclo de vida de projeto de vocabulário controlado : uma aplicação em Engenharia de Software

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciência da Informação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, 2017.A pesquisa que resultou nesta tese investigou processos de desenvolvimento e de avaliação de vocabulários controlados. Esta tese inclui os seguintes elementos: resultado de pesquisa bibliográfica sobre arquitetura da informação, recuperação da informação, organização da informação e representação da informação; proposta de arcabouço para ciclo de vida de projeto de vocabulário controlado; e exemplo de uso de elementos desse arcabouço na construção de um protótipo de vocabulário controlado no domínio da Engenharia de Software. O arcabouço proposto é composto por arquitetura de referência, modelo de domínio, modelo de qualidade e lista de atividades. Entre os elementos do modelo de qualidade proposto, existe uma lista de características de qualidade de vocabulários controlados. Os modelos propostos estão parcialmente alinhados a ferramentas semânticas existentes.The research that resulted in this thesis has investigated development and evaluation processes of controlled vocabularies. This thesis includes the following elements: results of a bibliographic research on information architecture, information recovery, information organization and information representation; proposal of a framework for controlled vocabulary project life cycle; and example of use of this framework during the construction of a prototype of a controlled vocabulary on the Software Engineering domain. The proposed framework is composed of reference architecture, domain model, quality model and list of activities. Among the elements of the proposed quality model, there is a list of controlled vocabulary quality characteristics. The proposed models are partially aligned to existing semantic tools

    Impact of assistive technologies in supporting people with dementia.

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    In recent decades, many Assistive Technologies (ATs) have been developed to promote independence among people with dementia (PWD). Although there is a high rate of AT abandonment, only a handful of studies have focused on AT usability evaluation from the user point of view. The aim of this thesis is to empirically investigate the usability of ATs from the PWD and to measure its impacts on their lives. Following the Multi-methods research approach, the first part of the thesis uses secondary research methods including literature review and systematic mapping studies. The second part uses primary research methods including interviews (N=20) and questionnaire (N=327) based surveys for data collection and requirements elicitation. The third part is based on the design, development, and testing of an assistive software application through case studies (N=8). The first mapping study categorised existing general ATs into five major categories: robotics, monitoring, reminders, communication, and software. The second mapping study categorised software-based ATs into nine categories: cognitive help, reminders, health/activity monitoring, socialization, leisure, travel help, dementia detection, dementia prevention, and rehabilitation. The qualitative results showed that most of the PWD use ATs for socialization, and highlighted user interface efficacy, tailoring individual needs, and simplified functions as the major limitations of existing ATs. The quantitative results identified eleven factors for ATs usage: operational support, physical support, psychological support, social support, cultural match, reduced external help, affordability, travel help, compatibility, effectiveness, and retention. The statistical analysis showed that improved (social, psychological and travel) support and reduced need of external help for operating ATs, greatly impact AT effectiveness and retention. Based on PWD requirements, an assistive software application named E-Community for Dementia (ECD) was developed and tested through case studies involving 8 PWD and 40 volunteers. The participants were able to get their daily needed items in less time and with a friendlier manner through the help of their neighbours. The involvement of the caregivers for medication, meals, prayers etc. reduced significantly. The painting function helped evoke their memories, and encouraged them to perform activities from their youth. The news and weather functions kept them updated about the world around them. The travel tutor guided them in safe travel outside home and made sure that they got back home independently. The enhanced interaction between the PWD and their neighbours significantly reduced their social isolation. The results support the idea to create dementia-friendly communities at street levels, which is a cost-effective and reliable solution. The major outcomes from this thesis are AT categorization, evaluation of user experiences, factor identification and ranking, user requirements elicitation, assistive software application development, and case studies. This thesis helps considerably towards empirical investigation of the impact of ATs in supporting the PWD. The implementation of the ECD contributes towards the wellbeing of the PWD and saves costs spent on caregivers and carer companies. In future, the same study could be conducted in other settings to analyse the role of culture in AT acceptance

    An evaluation of the challenges of Multilingualism in Data Warehouse development

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    In this paper we discuss Business Intelligence and define what is meant by support for Multilingualism in a Business Intelligence reporting context. We identify support for Multilingualism as a challenging issue which has implications for data warehouse design and reporting performance. Data warehouses are a core component of most Business Intelligence systems and the star schema is the approach most widely used to develop data warehouses and dimensional Data Marts. We discuss the way in which Multilingualism can be supported in the Star Schema and identify that current approaches have serious limitations which include data redundancy and data manipulation, performance and maintenance issues. We propose a new approach to enable the optimal application of multilingualism in Business Intelligence. The proposed approach was found to produce satisfactory results when used in a proof-of-concept environment. Future work will include testing the approach in an enterprise environmen