284 research outputs found

    catena-Poly[4-methyl­morpholin-4-ium [[dichloridobismuth(III)]-di-μ-chlorido]]

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    The asymmetric unit of the title complex, {(C5H12NO)[BiCl4]}n, contains two bridging and two cis non-bridging chloride ligands coordinated to a central BiIII atom, and one 4-methyl­morpholin-4-ium cation. The BiIII atoms are linked by the bridging chloride ligands into linear chains parallel to the c axis. The chloride ions create a pseudo-octa­hedral geometry about each BiIII atom. Bifurcated N—H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds link the cations to the anionic chains

    The Iowa Crop Management Database: An Agronomic and Economic Information Recording Tool

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    The Iowa Crop Management Database (CMD) is designed to record field-by-field agronomic and economic information for crop production in Iowa. Iowa State University Extension is promoting use of such comprehensive records by producers and crop consultants to improve management decisions and farm profitability. Extension staff can use this information and summaries of these records in educational programs, and to document pollution prevention through refined crop management practices. The CMD program is a relational database designed on a model first developed by Pennsylvania State University. The Iowa version was expanded and developed to include a wider range of information resources needed by Iowa producers as a result of a cooperative effort between Extension, state agencies, and agribusiness organizations. The program can meet record-keeping needs for field-by-field agronomic planning, economic analysis, and regulatory documentation. The CMD program is being widely advertised in Iowa by newsletters, direct mailing, brochures displayed at ISU Extension offices, over the World Wide Web and on local radio stations. ISU Extension field specialists with responsibilities for crop production and farm management have been trained in the use of the program. ISU Extension Agribusiness Education is offering a one day short course to train CMD program users. The course will be held on December 10, 1997, January 14 & 21, 1998 and February 11, 1998

    Povezanost uspešnosti savladavanja osnovne obuke u skijanju sa dimenzijama izometrijske mišićne sile opružača nogu kod studenata Policijske akademije

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    The aim of the research was to define the relationship between success in teaching basic skiing skills to students of Police Academy and the dimensions of isometric knee extensor muscle force. The sample consisted of 183 students of Police Academy (Age = 20.100.50 years, VH = 1.8140.005 cm, BM = 78.427.29 kg) who had no previous experience in skiing. The mark that the students got at the final skiing test was used as the criterion variable, where the system of 29 predictor variables was represented by the characteristics of isometric knee extensor muscle force, which were used to assess the level of maximal isometric force at 10% from 10 to 100% of Fmax (NogeF10% - NogeF100%), absolute rate of force development (explosibility index) at 10% from 10 to 100% of Fmax (NogeRFD10% -NogeRFD100%), and muscle unit involvement velocity assessment index at every 10% of the force realised (NogeC10%-NogeC90%). The predictors gave a statistically significant description of the criterion with 10.30% describing common variance (R2=0.103, Fratio=3.114, pvalue=0.0037). As for the individual variables, the criterion was significantly described by two variables that were used to assess the level of maximal force at 20 and 30% of Fmax (NogeF20% and NogeF20%), muscle unit involvement velocity at 50 and 60% of Fmax (NogeC50% and NogeC60%), and rate of force development at 60 and 70% of Fmax (NogeRFD60% and NogeRFD70%). The results were used to define the equation of criterion prediction (success in skiing instruction) with the assessment error of 0.82 of the mark. The formula we obtained for the equation of model prediction has the following form: Mark = 8.03238 - 0.301976*NogeF20% + 0.198425*NogeF30% + 0.161689*NogeC50% - 0.564403*NogeC60% + 0.00319422*NogeRFD60% - 0.00232235*NogeRFD70%.Predmet istraživanja je definisanje povezanosti između uspešnosti savladavanja osnovne obuke u skijanju kod studenata Policijske akademije i dimenzija izometrijske mišićne sile mišića opružača nogu. Uzorak ispitanika se sastojao od 183 studenta Policijske akademije (Uzrast = 20.100.50 godina, TV = 1.8140.005 cm, TM = 78.427.29 kg) bez prethodnog znanja skijanja. Kriterijsku varijablu je predstavljala ocena studenta dobijena na završnom ispitu iz skijanja, dok su sistem od 29 prediktorskih varijabli predstavljale karakteristike izometrijske sile mišića opružača nogu kojima je procenjivan nivo maksimalne sile na 10% od 10 do 100% od Fmax (NogeF10% - NogeF100%), intenzitet ispoljavanja sile na 10% od 10 do 100% od Fmax (NogeRFD10% - NogeRFD100%) i indeks procene brzine uključenja motornih jedinica na svakih 10% realizovane sile (NogeC10% - NogeC90%). Prediktori su statistički značajno opisali kriterijum sa 10.30% objašnjenja zajedničke varijanse (R2=0.103, Fratio=3.114, pvalue=0.0037). Od pojedinačnih varijabli kriterijum su statistički značajno opisale po dve varijable kojima je procenjivan nivo maksimalne sile na 20 i 30% od Fmax (NogeF20% i NogeF20%), brzina uključenja motornih jedinica na 50 i 60% od Fmax (NogeC50% i NogeC60%) i intenzitet ispoljavanja sile na 60 i 70% od Fmax (NogeRFD60% i NogeRFD70%). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata definisana je jednačina predikcije kriterija (uspešnost obuke skijanja) sa greškom procene od 0.82 ocene. Dobijena formula jednačine predikcije modela ima sledeći oblik: Ocena = 8.03238 - 0.301976*NogeF20% + 0.198425*NogeF30% + 0.161689*NogeC50% - 0.564403*NogeC60% + 0.00319422*NogeRFD60% - 0.00232235*NogeRFD70%

    Three hundred and first annual report of the town officers of the town of Hampton, New Hampshire for the year ending January 31, 1939.

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    This is an annual report containing vital statistics for a town/city in the state of New Hampshire

    Povezanost uspešnosti savladavanja osnovne obuke u skijanju sa dimenzijama izometrijske mišićne sile opružača nogu kod studenata Policijske akademije

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    The aim of the research was to define the relationship between success in teaching basic skiing skills to students of Police Academy and the dimensions of isometric knee extensor muscle force. The sample consisted of 183 students of Police Academy (Age = 20.100.50 years, VH = 1.8140.005 cm, BM = 78.427.29 kg) who had no previous experience in skiing. The mark that the students got at the final skiing test was used as the criterion variable, where the system of 29 predictor variables was represented by the characteristics of isometric knee extensor muscle force, which were used to assess the level of maximal isometric force at 10% from 10 to 100% of Fmax (NogeF10% - NogeF100%), absolute rate of force development (explosibility index) at 10% from 10 to 100% of Fmax (NogeRFD10% -NogeRFD100%), and muscle unit involvement velocity assessment index at every 10% of the force realised (NogeC10%-NogeC90%). The predictors gave a statistically significant description of the criterion with 10.30% describing common variance (R2=0.103, Fratio=3.114, pvalue=0.0037). As for the individual variables, the criterion was significantly described by two variables that were used to assess the level of maximal force at 20 and 30% of Fmax (NogeF20% and NogeF20%), muscle unit involvement velocity at 50 and 60% of Fmax (NogeC50% and NogeC60%), and rate of force development at 60 and 70% of Fmax (NogeRFD60% and NogeRFD70%). The results were used to define the equation of criterion prediction (success in skiing instruction) with the assessment error of 0.82 of the mark. The formula we obtained for the equation of model prediction has the following form: Mark = 8.03238 - 0.301976*NogeF20% + 0.198425*NogeF30% + 0.161689*NogeC50% - 0.564403*NogeC60% + 0.00319422*NogeRFD60% - 0.00232235*NogeRFD70%.Predmet istraživanja je definisanje povezanosti između uspešnosti savladavanja osnovne obuke u skijanju kod studenata Policijske akademije i dimenzija izometrijske mišićne sile mišića opružača nogu. Uzorak ispitanika se sastojao od 183 studenta Policijske akademije (Uzrast = 20.100.50 godina, TV = 1.8140.005 cm, TM = 78.427.29 kg) bez prethodnog znanja skijanja. Kriterijsku varijablu je predstavljala ocena studenta dobijena na završnom ispitu iz skijanja, dok su sistem od 29 prediktorskih varijabli predstavljale karakteristike izometrijske sile mišića opružača nogu kojima je procenjivan nivo maksimalne sile na 10% od 10 do 100% od Fmax (NogeF10% - NogeF100%), intenzitet ispoljavanja sile na 10% od 10 do 100% od Fmax (NogeRFD10% - NogeRFD100%) i indeks procene brzine uključenja motornih jedinica na svakih 10% realizovane sile (NogeC10% - NogeC90%). Prediktori su statistički značajno opisali kriterijum sa 10.30% objašnjenja zajedničke varijanse (R2=0.103, Fratio=3.114, pvalue=0.0037). Od pojedinačnih varijabli kriterijum su statistički značajno opisale po dve varijable kojima je procenjivan nivo maksimalne sile na 20 i 30% od Fmax (NogeF20% i NogeF20%), brzina uključenja motornih jedinica na 50 i 60% od Fmax (NogeC50% i NogeC60%) i intenzitet ispoljavanja sile na 60 i 70% od Fmax (NogeRFD60% i NogeRFD70%). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata definisana je jednačina predikcije kriterija (uspešnost obuke skijanja) sa greškom procene od 0.82 ocene. Dobijena formula jednačine predikcije modela ima sledeći oblik: Ocena = 8.03238 - 0.301976*NogeF20% + 0.198425*NogeF30% + 0.161689*NogeC50% - 0.564403*NogeC60% + 0.00319422*NogeRFD60% - 0.00232235*NogeRFD70%

    HIV and TB in the Rural Southeast

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    This presentation will review the management of TB in HIV patients as well as address issues for TB Control programs and HIV providers who are working to provide state of the art care to their co-infected patients

    Idiosyncratic Volatility Matter? New Zealand Evidence

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    Standard asset pricing models ignore idiosyncratic risk. In this study we examine if stock idiosyncratic or unique risk affects returns for New Zealand stocks using the factor portfolio mimicking approach of Fama and French (1993, 1996). We find evidence of a negative relationship between firm size and a stock’s idiosyncratic volatility. Small firms and firms with high idiosyncratic risk also generate positive risk premia after controlling for market returns. We find no evidence of seasonal effects that can explain our findings. Our study provides support for an asset-pricing model with multiple risk factors.Idiosyncratic volatility, Asset Pricing, Unique risk