15 research outputs found

    Trust-empowered, IoT-driven legitimate data offloading

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    In an IoT environment deployed on top of fog and/or cloud nodes, offloading data between nodes is a common practice that aims at lessening the burden on these nodes and hence, meeting some real-time processing requirements. Existing initiatives put emphasis on “when to offload” and “where to offload” using criteria like resource constraint, load balancing, and data safety during transfer. However, there is limited emphasis on the trustworthiness of those nodes that will accept the offloaded data putting these data at risk of misuse. To address this limited emphasis, this paper advocates for trust as a decision criterion for identifying the appropriate nodes for hosting the offloaded data. A trust model is designed and then, developed considering factors like legitimacy, quality-of-service, and quality-of-experience. A system demonstrating the technical doability of the trust model is presented in the paper, as well

    Contributions to Desktop Grid Computing : From High Throughput Computing to Data-Intensive Sciences on Hybrid Distributed Computing Infrastructures

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    Since the mid 90’s, Desktop Grid Computing - i.e the idea of using a large number of remote PCs distributed on the Internet to execute large parallel applications - has proved to be an efficient paradigm to provide a large computational power at the fraction of the cost of a dedicated computing infrastructure.This document presents my contributions over the last decade to broaden the scope of Desktop Grid Computing. My research has followed three different directions. The first direction has established new methods to observe and characterize Desktop Grid resources and developed experimental platforms to test and validate our approach in conditions close to reality. The second line of research has focused on integrating Desk- top Grids in e-science Grid infrastructure (e.g. EGI), which requires to address many challenges such as security, scheduling, quality of service, and more. The third direction has investigated how to support large-scale data management and data intensive applica- tions on such infrastructures, including support for the new and emerging data-oriented programming models.This manuscript not only reports on the scientific achievements and the technologies developed to support our objectives, but also on the international collaborations and projects I have been involved in, as well as the scientific mentoring which motivates my candidature for the Habilitation `a Diriger les Recherches

    An information security model based on trustworthiness for enhancing security in on-line collaborative learning

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    L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és incorporar propietats i serveis de la seguretat en sistemes d'informació en l'aprenentatge col·laboratiu en línia, seguint un model funcional basat en la valoració i predicció de la confiança. Aquesta tesi estableix com a punt de partença el disseny d'una solució de seguretat innovadora, basada en una metodologia pròpia per a oferir als dissenyadors i gestors de l'e-learning les línies mestres per a incorporar mesures de seguretat en l'aprenentatge col·laboratiu en línia. Aquestes guies cobreixen tots els aspectes sobre el disseny i la gestió que s'han de considerar en els processos relatius a l'e-learning, entre altres l'anàlisi de seguretat, el disseny d'activitats d'aprenentatge, la detecció d'accions anòmales o el processament de dades sobre confiança. La temàtica d'aquesta tesi té una naturalesa multidisciplinària i, al seu torn, les diferents disciplines que la formen estan íntimament relacionades. Les principals disciplines de què es tracta en aquesta tesi són l'aprenentatge col·laboratiu en línia, la seguretat en sistemes d'informació, els entorns virtuals d'aprenentatge (EVA) i la valoració i predicció de la confiança. Tenint en compte aquest àmbit d'aplicació, el problema de garantir la seguretat en els processos d'aprenentatge col·laboratiu en línia es resol amb un model híbrid construït sobre la base de solucions funcionals i tecnològiques, concretament modelatge de la confiança i solucions tecnològiques per a la seguretat en sistemes d'informació.El principal objetivo de esta tesis es incorporar propiedades y servicios de la seguridad en sistemas de información en el aprendizaje colaborativo en línea, siguiendo un modelo funcional basado en la valoración y predicción de la confianza. Esta tesis establece como punto de partida el diseño de una solución de seguridad innovadora, basada en una metodología propia para ofrecer a los diseñadores y gestores del e-learning las líneas maestras para incorporar medidas de seguridad en el aprendizaje colaborativo en línea. Estas guías cubren todos los aspectos sobre el diseño y la gestión que hay que considerar en los procesos relativos al e-learning, entre otros el análisis de la seguridad, el diseño de actividades de aprendizaje, la detección de acciones anómalas o el procesamiento de datos sobre confianza. La temática de esta tesis tiene una naturaleza multidisciplinar y, a su vez, las diferentes disciplinas que la forman están íntimamente relacionadas. Las principales disciplinas tratadas en esta tesis son el aprendizaje colaborativo en línea, la seguridad en sistemas de información, los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje (EVA) y la valoración y predicción de la confianza. Teniendo en cuenta este ámbito de aplicación, el problema de garantizar la seguridad en los procesos de aprendizaje colaborativo en línea se resuelve con un modelo híbrido construido en base a soluciones funcionales y tecnológicas, concretamente modelado de la confianza y soluciones tecnológicas para la seguridad en sistemas de información.This thesis' main goal is to incorporate information security properties and services into online collaborative learning using a functional approach based on trustworthiness assessment and prediction. As a result, this thesis aims to design an innovative security solution, based on methodological approaches, to provide e-learning designers and managers with guidelines for incorporating security into online collaborative learning. These guidelines include all processes involved in e-learning design and management, such as security analysis, learning activity design, detection of anomalous actions, trustworthiness data processing, and so on. The subject of this research is multidisciplinary in nature, with the different disciplines comprising it being closely related. The most significant ones are online collaborative learning, information security, learning management systems (LMS), and trustworthiness assessment and prediction models. Against this backdrop, the problem of securing collaborative online learning activities is tackled by a hybrid model based on functional and technological solutions, namely, trustworthiness modelling and information security technologies

    New concepts integration on e-learning platforms

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    The learning experience has evolved into the virtual world of the Internet, where learners have the possibility to shift from face-to-face learning environments to virtual learning environments supported by technologies. This concept, called e-learning, emerged in the early 1960s where a group of researchers from the Stanford University, USA began experimenting different ways to publish and assign learning content using a computer. These experiments were the beginning that led to the creation of countless learning platforms, initially constructed in standalone environments and later ported to the Internet as Webbased learning platforms. As initial objectives, these learning platforms include a collection of features to support instructors and learners in the learning process. However, some of these platforms continued to be based on an old instructor-centered learning model and created a collection of outdated technologies that, given the current need to a learner-center learning model and the existence of Web 2.0 technologies, become inadequate. As a solution to address and overcome these challenges, a friendly user interface and a correct root incorporation of Web 2.0 services a platform designed to focus the learning experience and environment personalization into the learner is needed to propose. In an operating system (OS) context the graphic user interface (GUI) is guided by a collection of approaches that details how human beings should interact with computers. These are the key ideas to customize, install, and organize virtual desktops. The combination of desktop concepts into a learning platform can be an asset to reduce the learning curve necessary to know how to use the system and also to create a group of flexible learning services. However, due to limitations in hypertext transfer protocol-hypertext markup language (HTTP-HTML) traditional solutions, to shift traditional technologies to a collection of rich Internet application (RIA) technologies and personal learning environments (PLEs) concepts is needed, in order to construct a desktop-like learning platform. RIA technologies will allow the design of powerful Web solutions containing many of the characteristics of desktop-like applications. Additionally, personal learning environments (PLEs) will help learners to manage learning contents. In this dissertation the personal learning environment box (PLEBOX) is presented. The PLEBOX platform is a customizable, desktop-like platform similar to the available operating systems, based on personal learning environments concepts and rich Internet applications technologies that provide a better learning environment for users. PLEBOX developers have a set of tools that allow the creation of learning and management modules that can be installed on the platform. These tools are management learning components and interfaces built as APIs, services, and objects of the software development kit (SDK). A group of prototype modules were build for evaluation of learning and management services, APIs, and SDKs. Furthermore, three case studies were created in order to evaluate and demonstrate the learning service usage in external environments. The PLEBOX deployment and corresponding features confirms that this platform can be seen as a very promising e-learning platform. Exhaustive experiments were driven with success and it is ready for use.A experiência de aprendizagem baseada em tecnologias evoluiu para o mundo virtual da Internet, onde os alunos têm a possibilidade de mudar uma aprendizagem presencial em sala de aula para uma aprendizagem baseada em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem suportados por tecnologias. O conceito de e-learning surgiu nos anos sessenta (1960) quando um grupo de investigadores da Universidade de Standford, nos Estados Unidos, começaram a experimentar diferentes formas de publicar e atribuir conteúdos de aprendizagem através do computador. Estas experiências marcaram o começo que levou à criação de inúmeras plataformas de aprendizagem, inicialmente construídas em ambientes isolados e depois migradas para a Internet como plataformas de aprendizagem baseadas na Web. Como objectivos inicias, estas plataformas de aprendizagem incluem um conjunto de recursos para apoiar professores e alunos no processo de aprendizagem. No entanto, algumas destas plataformas continuam a ser baseadas em velhos modelos de aprendizagem centrados no professor, criadas com base em tecnologias ultrapassadas que, dadas as necessidades actuais de um modelo de aprendizagem centrado no aluno e da existência de tecnologias baseadas na Web 2.0, se tornaram inadequadas. Como abordagem para enfrentar e superar estes desafios propõem-se uma plataforma focada na personalização do ambiente de aprendizagem do aluno, composta por uma interface amigável e uma correcta incorporação de raiz de serviços da Web 2.0. No contexto dos sistemas operativos (SOs) o graphic user interface (GUI) é desenhado tendo em conta um conjunto de abordagens que detalha como as pessoas devem interagir com os computadores. Estas são as ideias chave para personalizar, instalar e organizar áreas de trabalho virtuais. A combinação do conceito desktop com uma plataforma de aprendizagem pode ser um trunfo para reduzir a curva de aprendizagem necessária para saber como utilizar o sistema e também para criar um grupo de serviços flexíveis de aprendizagem. No entanto, devido as limitações em soluções tradicionais hypertext transfer protocol - hypertext markup language (HTTP - HTML), é necessário migrar estas tecnologias para um grupo de tecnologias rich Internet application (RIA) e conceitos presentes em ambientes personalizados de aprendizagem (personal learning environment - PLE) para construir uma plataforma baseada em ambientes de trabalho virtuais de aprendizagem. As tecnologias RIA irão permitir a criação de soluções Web poderosas que contêm muitas das características disponíveis em aplicações desktop. Adicionalmente, o conceitos de PLE irá ajudar os alunos a gerir os seus próprios conteúdos de aprendizagem. Nesta dissertação, com base nas características apresentadas anteriormente, é apresentada a personal learning environment box (PLEBOX). A plataforma PLEBOX é uma solução de aprendizagem parametrizável com um ambiente de trabalho semelhante aos sistemas operativos actuais, baseando-se em personal learning environments e tecnologias RIA que fornecem um melhor ambiente de aprendizagem para os seus utilizadores. Os programadores da PLEBOX têm ao seu dispor um conjunto de ferramentas que permitem a criação de módulos de aprendizagem e administração que podem ser instalados na plataforma. Estas ferramentas são componentes de aprendizagem e interfaces construídos como APIs, serviços e objectos do software development kit (SDK). Foi construído um conjunto de módulos com o objectivo de avaliar e demonstrar os serviços de aprendizagem, os serviços de gestão, APIs e SDKs. Para além disso, foram criados três casos de estudo para avaliar e demonstrar a utilização dos serviços de aprendizagem em ambientes externos. O desenvolvimento efectuado até ao momento na PLEBOX e respectivos recursos confirma que esta plataforma pode ser vista com uma promissora plataforma de aprendizagem (e-learning), totalmente modular e adaptativa. Realizaram-se experiências exaustivas para testar a plataforma e estas foram realizadas com sucesso num ambiente real, estando assim a plataforma pronta para exploração real

    Bridging a Gap Between Research and Production: Contributions to Scheduling and Simulation

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    Large scale distributed computing infrastructures (e.g., data centers, grids, or clouds) are used by scientists from various domains to produce outstanding research results, such as the discovery of the Higgs Boson in High Energy Physics. These infrastructures are also studied by Computer Scientists to produce their own set of scientific results. Ideally, a virtuous circle should exist between Domain and Computer Scientists: the former raising challenges that could be addressed by the latter. Unfortunately, in many occasions, a gap exists that prevents such an ideal and fostering collaboration. This habilitation covers research works conducted in the fields of scheduling and simulation that contribute to the filling of this gap. It discusses the necessary conditions to achieve this goal and details concrete initiatives in this endeavor

    筑波大学計算科学研究センター 平成22年度 年次報告書

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    1 平成22年度 重点施策・改善目標 …… 42 平成22年度 実績報告 …… 73 各研究部門の報告 …… 11Ⅰ.素粒子物理研究部門 …… 11Ⅱ.宇宙・原子核物理研究部門 …… 23 Ⅱ-1.宇宙分野 …… 23 Ⅱ-2.原子核分野 …… 41Ⅲ.量子物性研究部門 …… 50Ⅳ.生命科学研究部門 …… 76 Ⅳ-1.生命機能情報分野 …… 76 Ⅳ-2.分子進化分野 …… 83Ⅴ.地球環境研究部門 …… 89Ⅵ.高性能計算システム研究部門 …… 99Ⅶ.計算情報学研究部門 …… 107 Ⅶ-1.データ基盤分野 …… 107 Ⅶ-2.計算メディア分野 …… 12

    Advances in Information Security and Privacy

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    With the recent pandemic emergency, many people are spending their days in smart working and have increased their use of digital resources for both work and entertainment. The result is that the amount of digital information handled online is dramatically increased, and we can observe a significant increase in the number of attacks, breaches, and hacks. This Special Issue aims to establish the state of the art in protecting information by mitigating information risks. This objective is reached by presenting both surveys on specific topics and original approaches and solutions to specific problems. In total, 16 papers have been published in this Special Issue

    Data Hiding and Its Applications

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    Data hiding techniques have been widely used to provide copyright protection, data integrity, covert communication, non-repudiation, and authentication, among other applications. In the context of the increased dissemination and distribution of multimedia content over the internet, data hiding methods, such as digital watermarking and steganography, are becoming increasingly relevant in providing multimedia security. The goal of this book is to focus on the improvement of data hiding algorithms and their different applications (both traditional and emerging), bringing together researchers and practitioners from different research fields, including data hiding, signal processing, cryptography, and information theory, among others

    Technology-based non-pharmacological interventions for stress and distress in dementia care: a systematic review; and, A mixed-method multiple-baseline single-case study exploring the impact of the Tovertafel (Magic Table) on factors impacting staff burnout in an acute dementia care hospital ward

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    Technology-based non-pharmacological interventions are a fast-growing area of dementia care and are being applied in a variety of care settings. Due to the readily available nature of many technology-based interventions which often have high face validity and are perceived to have very minimal side effects, research can lag behind clinical applications. Current research suggests that these interventions may be beneficial people to with dementia, but the extent of their effectiveness in specific aspects of dementia care and the impact on the wider care system is still being determined. A systematic review of the literature was conducted to review the effectiveness of technology based non-pharmacological interventions on stress and distress in dementia care settings. The term ‘stress and distress’ encompasses behaviour, affect, perception or thought disturbance symptoms in dementia, such as depression, anxiety, agitation, poor sleep and high levels of distress. While there is evidence that technology-based non-pharmacological interventions can be effective in reducing for stress and distress for people with dementia, the findings of the studies included in the review are mixed, meaning that there is not yet a clear indication of which, if any interventions are most effective. These results are discussed in relation to findings from other studies, with recommendations for future research and clinical applications. Current research on technology-based non-pharmacological interventions in dementia care often fails to consider staff as a significant factor in the application of interventions. A mixed method multiple-baseline single-case study methodology was used to assess the impact of the Tovertafel, a technology-based non-pharmacological intervention, on factors related to staff burnout in an acute dementia care ward. The Tovertafel (meaning Magic Table in Dutch) is a digital projection device which provides an interactive and playful recreation activity for people with dementia. The results suggested that the majority of participants demonstrated improvement in factors related to burnout, and a meta-analysis suggested small to medium effect sizes across participants. The thematic analysis of a qualitative staff experience questionnaire established three themes: patient’s positive engagement and response to the Tovertafel; benefits to staff from using the Tovertafel; and opportunities to enhance care with no changes to the normal workload. These results suggest that the Tovertafel may have the potential to improve staff outcomes in relation to burnout factors. Potential directions for future research are discussed