614 research outputs found

    Virtual library:a technical implementation for a virtual reality library interface

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    Abstract. Libraries, as traditional information storages, serve an important role in providing free access to civilization’s knowledge to the public. In the advent of the information society, conventional means of knowledge seeking slowly become obsolete. As technologies advance, libraries shall discover how available inventions could be utilized in enhancing library services and raising public awareness. The offer to discover Virtual Library project was given to the author by the Center for Ubiquitous Computing in the University of Oulu, with the idea originating from Oulu City Library. The goal of the project was to implement an interactive application that would provide a unique experience for library users and show off capabilities of modern virtual technologies. The requirements for it were elicited and refined in a series of participatory design workshops held in Oulu City Library, and as a result, the content of initial web prototype was utilized in the creation of standalone virtual reality application on Unreal Engine 4. The application works with Oculus Rift headset and Oculus Touch motion controllers and lets the user explore the virtual model of Oulu City Library premises as well as some fictional places, added for diverse experience, and experience several activities. Virtual Library was evaluated in a series of testing sessions held in the Oulu City Library with a total of 12 participants, which were primarily the library’s staff members. Overall, the application was positively acclaimed, providing an interesting and unusual library experience, and presenting capabilities of modern virtual reality technologies.Virtuaalikirjasto : tekninen kuvaus virtuaalitodellisuutta hyödyntävälle kirjastopalvelulle. Tiivistelmä. Kirjastoilla on perinteisesti tärkeä rooli tiedon välittäjinä ja tallentajina. Kirjastojen tulee myös mahdollistaa pääsy tiedon ääreen. Siirryttäessä lähemmäksi tietoyhteiskuntaa, perinteiset tavat käsitellä ja havainnoida tietoa ovat jäämässä historiaan. Myös kirjastot kehittyvät ja oppivat kuinka uusia teknologioita on mahdollista hyödyntää tiedon välittämisessä yhteisöille. Virtuaalikirjasto-projekti lähti Oulun kaupungin kirjaston pyynnöstä Oulun yliopiston Jokapaikan tietotekniikan tutkimusryhmälle. Projektin päämääränä oli toteuttaa interaktiivinen sovellus, joka tarjoaisi kirjaston asiakkaille elämyksellistä sisältöä samalla havainnollistaen virtuaalitodellisuuden ja siihen liittyvien teknologioiden mahdollisuuksia. Sovelluksen toteutusta hiottiin Oulun kaupunginkirjastossa sarjalla osallistavan suunnittelun mukaisia työpajoja. Virtuaalitodellisuussovellus toteutettiin Unreal Engine 4 -pelimoottorilla. Se toimii Oculus Rift -virtuaalilaseilla ja Oculus Touch -ohjaimilla. Sovelluksessa on mahdollista kulkea vapaasti virtuaalisessa Oulun kaupunginkirjastossa, sekä tilaan liitetyissä mielikuvituksellisemmissa maailmoissa. Virtuaalikirjasto-sovellus evaluoitiin Oulun kaupunginkirjastossa sarjalla käyttäjätestejä. Testikäyttäjiä oli kaikkiaan 12 ja he olivat pääosin kirjaston työntekijöitä. Sovelluksen vastaanotto oli positiivinen. Käyttäjät totesivat sen havainnollistavan käytettävissä olevan tekniikan mahdollisuuksia samalla tarjoten mielenkiintoisen ja epätavallisen kirjastokokemuksen

    JSB Composability and Web Services Interoperability Via Extensible Modeling & Simulation Framework (XMSF), Model Driven Architecture (MDA), Component Repositories, and Web-based Visualization

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    Study Report prepared for the U. S. Air Force, Joint Synthetic Battlespace Analysis of Technical Approaches (ATA) Studies & Prototyping Overview: This paper summarizes research work conducted by organizations concerned with interoperable distributed information technology (IT) applications, in particular the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and Old Dominion University (ODU). Although the application focus is distributed modeling & simulation (M&S) the results and findings are in general easily applicable to other distributed concepts as well, in particular the support of operations by M&S applications, such as distributed mission operations. The core idea of this work is to show the necessity of applying open standards for component description, implementation, and integration accompanied by aligned management processes and procedures to enable continuous interoperability for legacy and new M&S components of the live, virtual, and constructive domain within the USAF Joint Synthetic Battlespace (JSB). JSB will be a common integration framework capable of supporting the future emerging simulation needs ranging from training and battlefield rehearsal to research, system development and acquisition in alignment with other operational requirements, such as integration of command and control, support of operations, integration of training ranges comprising real systems, etc. To this end, the study describes multiple complementary Integrated Architecture Framework approaches and shows, how the various parts must be orchestrated in order to support the vision of JSB effectively and efficiently. Topics of direct relevance include Web Services via Extensible Modeling & Simulation Framework (XMSF), the Object Management Group (OMG)’s Model Driven Architecture (MDA), XML-based resource repositories, and Web-based X3D visualization. To this end, the report shows how JSB can − Utilize Web Services throughout all components via XMSF methodologies, − Compose diverse system visualizations using Web-based X3D graphics, − Benefit from distributed modeling methods using MDA, and − Best employ resource repositories for broad and consistent composability. Furthermore, the report recommends the establishment of necessary management organizations responsible for the necessary alignment of management processes and procedures within the JSB as well as with neighbored domains. Continuous interoperability cannot be accomplished by technical standards alone. The application of technical standards targets the implementation level of the system of systems, which results in an interoperable solution valid only for the actual 2 implementation. To insure continuity, the influence of updates, upgrades and introduction of components on the system of systems must be captured in the project management procedures of the participating systems. Finally, the report proposes an exemplifying set of proof-of-capability demonstration prototypes and a five-year technical/institutional transformation plan. All key references are online available at http://www.movesinstitute.org/xmsf/xmsf.html (if not explicitly stated otherwise)

    A multimodal framework for interactive sonification and sound-based communication

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    Transmedia storytelling and transcendental experience: using media archaeology in creative practice to explore narrative and space within the virtual screen

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    "Transmedia Storytelling and Transcendental Experience: Using Media Archaeology in Creative Practice to Explore Narrative and Space within the Virtual Screen" is a PhD by Published Work comprised of four video-based transmedia projects. As a collective body of work, they are orientated around conceptual approaches to multi-platform production that aim for an intended transcendental experience, an approach that centralises the spectator. The study develops work undertaken by the author as an undergraduate in Psychology and Philosophy, later focusing at Masters level on subliminal imaging within digital media. The approach to production developed in this thesis is drawn from phenomenological understandings of audience experience in relation to content across iterations of the virtual screen, informed by psychology theories such as Gestalt and Jungian theories. These transmedia productions engage with creative opportunities and issues around the proliferation and fragmentation of video content and audiences, across multi-platform media, as well as the distinct challenges involved in authoring online and offline iterations of the virtual screen. The contribution to knowledge consists in the development of alternative production-based methodologies for transmedia authoring through extending the use of existing technological applications. My production-based methodology is based on the modelling of an intended transcendental experience which is catalysed through novel and/or experimental combinations of already available media tools. This production methodology creates new knowledge by extending the function of phenomenological psychology mechanisms established within still and moving image production. This extension materialises through the application of concepts such as "figure and ground" from Gestalt psychology and the language of Jungian archetypes, which are used as a guiding principle to re-structuring transmedia authorship with the intention to generate a transcendental experience. This model of production applies a media archaeological approach to the implementation of technological tools, implementing the "new" into the "old" and the "old" into the "new" in making choices regarding format and positioning of the virtual screen. The works submitted in support of the thesis have been produced by implementing this conceptual approach. These transmedia projects explore configurations of platforms positioned at an intersection of digital arts practice and more mainstream narrative video, spanning documentary and fiction. Overall, they demonstrate diversity in the implementation of the conceptual approach of intended transcendental experience across a range of online and offline applications that include gallery installation, interactive web-based storytelling, cinema style presentation and printed outputs. The submission comprises of four transmedia productions J9 (2010), Telenesia (2011), The Interactive Forest (2014) and A Polish Journey (2015), these are examined within their production and theoretical contexts before being analysed as implementations of an 'intended transcendental experience'

    Speak Clearly, If You Speak at All; Carve Every Word Before You Let It Fall: Problems of Ambiguous Terminology in eLearning System Development

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    This paper addresses issues associated with the development of eLearning software systems. The development of software systems in general is a highly complex process, and a number of methodologies and models have been developed to help address some of these complexities. Generally the first stage in most development processes is the gathering of requirements which involves elicitation from end-users. This process is made more complex by problems associated with ambiguous terminology. Types of ambiguous terminology include homonymous, polysemous and inaccurate terms. This range of ambiguous terminology can cause significant misunderstandings in the requirements gathering process, which in turn can lead to software systems that do not meet the requirements of the end-users. This research seeks to explore some of the more common terms that can be ambiguously interpreted in the development of eLearning systems, and suggests software engineering approaches to help alleviate the potentially erroneous outcomes of these ambiguities

    Computer-Assisted Interactive Documentary and Performance Arts in Illimitable Space

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    This major component of the research described in this thesis is 3D computer graphics, specifically the realistic physics-based softbody simulation and haptic responsive environments. Minor components include advanced human-computer interaction environments, non-linear documentary storytelling, and theatre performance. The journey of this research has been unusual because it requires a researcher with solid knowledge and background in multiple disciplines; who also has to be creative and sensitive in order to combine the possible areas into a new research direction. [...] It focuses on the advanced computer graphics and emerges from experimental cinematic works and theatrical artistic practices. Some development content and installations are completed to prove and evaluate the described concepts and to be convincing. [...] To summarize, the resulting work involves not only artistic creativity, but solving or combining technological hurdles in motion tracking, pattern recognition, force feedback control, etc., with the available documentary footage on film, video, or images, and text via a variety of devices [....] and programming, and installing all the needed interfaces such that it all works in real-time. Thus, the contribution to the knowledge advancement is in solving these interfacing problems and the real-time aspects of the interaction that have uses in film industry, fashion industry, new age interactive theatre, computer games, and web-based technologies and services for entertainment and education. It also includes building up on this experience to integrate Kinect- and haptic-based interaction, artistic scenery rendering, and other forms of control. This research work connects all the research disciplines, seemingly disjoint fields of research, such as computer graphics, documentary film, interactive media, and theatre performance together.Comment: PhD thesis copy; 272 pages, 83 figures, 6 algorithm

    ISAR: Ein Autorensystem für Interaktive Tische

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    Developing augmented reality systems involves several challenges, that prevent end users and experts from non-technical domains, such as education, to experiment with this technology. In this research we introduce ISAR, an authoring system for augmented reality tabletops targeting users from non-technical domains. ISAR allows non-technical users to create their own interactive tabletop applications and experiment with the use of this technology in domains such as educations, industrial training, and medical rehabilitation.Die Entwicklung von Augmented-Reality-Systemen ist mit mehreren Herausforderungen verbunden, die Endbenutzer und Experten aus nicht-technischen Bereichen, wie z.B. dem Bildungswesen, daran hindern, mit dieser Technologie zu experimentieren. In dieser Forschung stellen wir ISAR vor, ein Autorensystem für Augmented-Reality-Tabletops, das sich an Benutzer aus nicht-technischen Bereichen richtet. ISAR ermöglicht es nicht-technischen Anwendern, ihre eigenen interaktiven Tabletop-Anwendungen zu erstellen und mit dem Einsatz dieser Technologie in Bereichen wie Bildung, industrieller Ausbildung und medizinischer Rehabilitation zu experimentieren