5,836 research outputs found

    Spectrum imaging of complex nanostructures using DualEELS: I. digital extraction replicas

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    This paper shows how it is possible to use Dual Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (DualEELS) to digitally extract spectrum images for one phase of interest in a complex nanostructured specimen. The specific cases studied here concern Nb or V precipitates, a few nanometres in size, in high manganese steels. The procedures outlined allow the extraction of the precipitate signal from the Fe–Mn matrix, as well as correction for surface oxide and any surface carbon contamination. The resulting precipitate-only spectrum images are then suitable for quantitative analysis of the precipitate chemistry. This procedure results in much improved background shapes under all edges of interest, mainly as a result of the removal of the extended electron loss fine structure (EXELFS) from the elements in the matrix. This allows the reliable extraction of even tiny quantities of elements, such as low levels of nitrogen in some carbide precipitates. As well as being relevant to precipitation in steels, these techniques will be widely applicable to the separation of chemically-distinct phases in complex nanostructured samples, and can be viewed as a digital version of the extraction replica technique

    Linear chemically sensitive electron tomography using DualEELS and dictionary-based compressed sensing

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    We have investigated the use of DualEELS in elementally sensitive tilt series tomography in the scanning transmission electron microscope. A procedure is implemented using deconvolution to remove the effects of multiple scattering, followed by normalisation by the zero loss peak intensity. This is performed to produce a signal that is linearly dependent on the projected density of the element in each pixel. This method is compared with one that does not include deconvolution (although normalisation by the zero loss peak intensity is still performed). Additionaly, we compare the 3D reconstruction using a new compressed sensing algorithm, DLET, with the well-established SIRT algorithm. VC precipitates, which are extracted from a steel on a carbon replica, are used in this study. It is found that the use of this linear signal results in a very even density throughout the precipitates. However, when deconvolution is omitted, a slight density reduction is observed in the cores of the precipitates (a so-called cupping artefact). Additionally, it is clearly demonstrated that the 3D morphology is much better reproduced using the DLET algorithm, with very little elongation in the missing wedge direction. It is therefore concluded that reliable elementally sensitive tilt tomography using EELS requires the appropriate use of DualEELS together with a suitable reconstruction algorithm, such as the compressed sensing based reconstruction algorithm used here, to make the best use of the limited data volume and signal to noise inherent in core-loss EELS

    An ensemble architecture for forgery detection and localization in digital images

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    Questa tesi presenta un approccio d'insieme unificato - "ensemble" - per il rilevamento e la localizzazione di contraffazioni in immagini digitali. Il focus della ricerca è su due delle più comuni ma efficaci tecniche di contraffazione: "copy-move" e "splicing". L'architettura proposta combina una serie di metodi di rilevamento e localizzazione di manipolazioni per ottenere prestazioni migliori rispetto a metodi utilizzati in modalità "standalone". I principali contributi di questo lavoro sono elencati di seguito. In primo luogo, nel Capitolo 1 e 2 viene presentata un'ampia rassegna dell'attuale stato dell'arte nel rilevamento di manipolazioni ("forgery"), con particolare attenzione agli approcci basati sul deep learning. Un'importante intuizione che ne deriva è la seguente: questi approcci, sebbene promettenti, non possono essere facilmente confrontati in termini di performance perché tipicamente vengono valutati su dataset personalizzati a causa della mancanza di dati annotati con precisione. Inoltre, spesso questi dati non sono resi disponibili pubblicamente. Abbiamo poi progettato un algoritmo di rilevamento di manipolazioni copy-move basato su "keypoint", descritto nel capitolo 3. Rispetto a esistenti approcci simili, abbiamo aggiunto una fase di clustering basato su densità spaziale per filtrare le corrispondenze rumorose dei keypoint. I risultati hanno dimostrato che questo metodo funziona bene su due dataset di riferimento e supera uno dei metodi più citati in letteratura. Nel Capitolo 4 viene proposta una nuova architettura per predire la direzione della luce 3D in una data immagine. Questo approccio sfrutta l'idea di combinare un metodo "data-driven" con un modello di illuminazione fisica, consentendo così di ottenere prestazioni migliori. Al fine di sopperire al problema della scarsità di dati per l'addestramento di architetture di deep learning altamente parametrizzate, in particolare per il compito di scomposizione intrinseca delle immagini, abbiamo sviluppato due algoritmi di generazione dei dati. Questi sono stati utilizzati per produrre due dataset - uno sintetico e uno di immagini reali - con lo scopo di addestrare e valutare il nostro approccio. Il modello di stima della direzione della luce proposto è stato sfruttato in un nuovo approccio di rilevamento di manipolazioni di tipo splicing, discusso nel Capitolo 5, in cui le incoerenze nella direzione della luce tra le diverse regioni dell'immagine vengono utilizzate per evidenziare potenziali attacchi splicing. L'approccio ensemble proposto è descritto nell'ultimo capitolo. Questo include un modulo "FusionForgery" che combina gli output dei metodi "base" proposti in precedenza e assegna un'etichetta binaria (forged vs. original). Nel caso l'immagine sia identificata come contraffatta, il nostro metodo cerca anche di specializzare ulteriormente la decisione tra attacchi splicing o copy-move. In questo secondo caso, viene eseguito anche un tentativo di ricostruire le regioni "sorgente" utilizzate nell'attacco copy-move. Le prestazioni dell'approccio proposto sono state valutate addestrandolo e testandolo su un dataset sintetico, generato da noi, comprendente sia attacchi copy-move che di tipo splicing. L'approccio ensemble supera tutti i singoli metodi "base" in termini di prestazioni, dimostrando la validità della strategia proposta.This thesis presents a unified ensemble approach for forgery detection and localization in digital images. The focus of the research is on two of the most common but effective forgery techniques: copy-move and splicing. The ensemble architecture combines a set of forgery detection and localization methods in order to achieve improved performance with respect to standalone approaches. The main contributions of this work are listed in the following. First, an extensive review of the current state of the art in forgery detection, with a focus on deep learning-based approaches is presented in Chapter 1 and 2. An important insight that is derived is the following: these approaches, although promising, cannot be easily compared in terms of performance because they are typically evaluated on custom datasets due to the lack of precisely annotated data. Also, they are often not publicly available. We then designed a keypoint-based copy-move detection algorithm, which is described in Chapter 3. Compared to previous existing keypoints-based approaches, we added a density-based clustering step to filter out noisy keypoints matches. This method has been demonstrated to perform well on two benchmark datasets and outperforms one of the most cited state-of-the-art methods. In Chapter 4 a novel architecture is proposed to predict the 3D light direction of the light in a given image. This approach leverages the idea of combining, in a data-driven method, a physical illumination model that allows for improved regression performance. In order to fill in the gap of data scarcity for training highly-parameterized deep learning architectures, especially for the task of intrinsic image decomposition, we developed two data generation algorithms that were used to produce two datasets - one synthetic and one of real images - to train and evaluate our approach. The proposed light direction estimation model has then been employed to design a novel splicing detection approach, discussed in Chapter 5, in which light direction inconsistencies between different regions in the image are used to highlight potential splicing attacks. The proposed ensemble scheme for forgery detection is described in the last chapter. It includes a "FusionForgery" module that combines the outputs of the different previously proposed "base" methods and assigns a binary label (forged vs. pristine) to the input image. In the case of forgery prediction, our method also tries to further specialize the decision between splicing and copy-move attacks. If the image is predicted as copy-moved, an attempt to reconstruct the source regions used in the copy-move attack is also done. The performance of the proposed approach has been assessed by training and testing it on a synthetic dataset, generated by us, comprising both copy-move and splicing attacks. The ensemble approach outperforms all of the individual "base" methods, demonstrating the validity of the proposed strategy

    Automatic Reassembly Method of 3D Thin-wall Fragments Based on Derivative Dynamic Time Warping

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    In order to address the automatic virtual reassembling of 3D thin-wall fragments, this paper proposes a 3D fragment reassembly method based on derivative dynamic time warping. Firstly, a calculation method of discrete curvature and torsion is designed to solve the difficulty of calculating curvature and torsion of discrete data points and eliminate effectively the noise interferences in the calculation process. Then, it takes curvature and torsion as the feature descriptors of the curve, searches the candidate matching line segments by the derivative dynamic time warping (DDTW) method with the feature descriptors, and records the positions of the starting and ending points of each candidate matching segment. After that, it designs a voting mechanism with the geometric invariant as the constraint information to select further the optimal matching line segments. Finally, it adopts the least squares method to estimate the rotation and transformation matrices and uses the iterative closest point (ICP) method to complete the reassembly of fragments. The experimental results show that the reassembly error is less than 1mm and that the reassembly effect is good. The method can solve the 3D curve matching in case there are partial feature defects, and can achieve the virtual restoration of the broken thin-wall fragment model quickly and effectively

    Deep Learning for Genomics: A Concise Overview

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    Advancements in genomic research such as high-throughput sequencing techniques have driven modern genomic studies into "big data" disciplines. This data explosion is constantly challenging conventional methods used in genomics. In parallel with the urgent demand for robust algorithms, deep learning has succeeded in a variety of fields such as vision, speech, and text processing. Yet genomics entails unique challenges to deep learning since we are expecting from deep learning a superhuman intelligence that explores beyond our knowledge to interpret the genome. A powerful deep learning model should rely on insightful utilization of task-specific knowledge. In this paper, we briefly discuss the strengths of different deep learning models from a genomic perspective so as to fit each particular task with a proper deep architecture, and remark on practical considerations of developing modern deep learning architectures for genomics. We also provide a concise review of deep learning applications in various aspects of genomic research, as well as pointing out potential opportunities and obstacles for future genomics applications.Comment: Invited chapter for Springer Book: Handbook of Deep Learning Application

    Systems modeling of white matter microstructural abnormalities in Alzheimer's disease

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    INTRODUCTION: Microstructural abnormalities in white matter (WM) are often reported in Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, it is unclear which brain regions have the strongest WM changes in presymptomatic AD and what biological processes underlie WM abnormality during disease progression. METHODS: We developed a systems biology framework to integrate matched diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), genetic and transcriptomic data to investigate regional vulnerability to AD and identify genetic risk factors and gene subnetworks underlying WM abnormality in AD. RESULTS: We quantified regional WM abnormality and identified most vulnerable brain regions. A SNP rs2203712 in CELF1 was most significantly associated with several DTI-derived features in the hippocampus, the top ranked brain region. An immune response gene subnetwork in the blood was most correlated with DTI features across all the brain regions. DISCUSSION: Incorporation of image analysis with gene network analysis enhances our understanding of disease progression and facilitates identification of novel therapeutic strategies for AD


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    Degenerative joint disease, or osteoarthritis, is a major cause of lameness and morbidity in horses, humans, and dogs. There are no truly satisfactory cures for this widespread problem and current treatments all have limitations or unwanted side effects. New cell-based strategies to repair joint surface lesions have generated a high level of interest, but have yet to achieve the full restoration of articular cartilage structure and function. Currently used therapy cells include autologous chondrocytes and adult mesenchymal cells such as bone marrow derived cells and adipose derived cells. Unfortunately, the resultant repair tissue is biomechanically inferior fibrocartilage. A critical gap in knowledge in this regard is a limited understanding of the specific cellular phenotype of normal, robust articular chondrocytes. This thesis examines the global mRNA transcriptome of equine articular cartilage to test the hypothesis that adult articular chondrocytes have a unique gene expression profile. In the first part of the study, RNA-sequencing was used to compare the mRNA transcriptome of normal adult articular cartilage with five other cartilaginous tissues. From these comparisons, locus level gene expression and alternative splicing patterns have been identified that clearly distinguish articular cartilage. In the second part of the study, fetal (interzone, cartilage anlagen chondrocytes, dermal fibroblasts) and adult (bone marrow derived, adipose derived, articular chondrocytes, dermal fibroblasts) primary cells were grown in culture and stimulated to differentiate into chondrocytes. The chondrogenic differentiation potential as assessed by matrix proteoglycan and the expression of cartilage biomarker genes was highly variable among cell types. Together, these results advance our understanding of the specific phenotype of articular chondrocytes and the potential of prospective therapeutic progenitor cells to differentiate into articular chondrocytes. This new knowledge will improve efforts to optimize cell-based therapies for osteoarthritis and the repair of joint cartilage lesions