17 research outputs found

    Learning Grammars for Architecture-Specific Facade Parsing

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    International audienceParsing facade images requires optimal handcrafted grammar for a given class of buildings. Such a handcrafted grammar is often designed manually by experts. In this paper, we present a novel framework to learn a compact grammar from a set of ground-truth images. To this end, parse trees of ground-truth annotated images are obtained running existing inference algorithms with a simple, very general grammar. From these parse trees, repeated subtrees are sought and merged together to share derivations and produce a grammar with fewer rules. Furthermore, unsupervised clustering is performed on these rules, so that, rules corresponding to the same complex pattern are grouped together leading to a rich compact grammar. Experimental validation and comparison with the state-of-the-art grammar-based methods on four diff erent datasets show that the learned grammar helps in much faster convergence while producing equal or more accurate parsing results compared to handcrafted grammars as well as grammars learned by other methods. Besides, we release a new dataset of facade images from Paris following the Art-deco style and demonstrate the general applicability and extreme potential of the proposed framework

    Deepfacade: A deep learning approach to facade parsing

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    National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapore under International Research Centres in Singapore Funding Initiativ

    High-Level Bottom-Up Cues for Top-Down Parsing of Facade Images

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    International audienceWe address the problem of parsing images of building facades. The goal is to segment images, assigning to the resulting regions semantic labels that correspond to the basic architectural elements. We assume a top-down parsing framework is developed beforehand, based on a 2D shape grammar that encodes a prior knowledge on the possible composition of facades. The algorithm explores the space of feasible solutions by generating the possible configurations of the facade and comparing it to the input data by means of a local, pixel- or patch-based classifier. We propose new bottom-up cues for the algorithm, both for evaluation of a candidate parse and for guiding the exploration of the space of feasible solutions. The method that we propose benefits from detection-based information and leverages on the similar appearance of elements that repeat in a given facade. Experiments performed on standard datasets show that this use of more discriminative bottom-up cues improves the convergence in comparison to state-of-the-art algorithms, and gives better results in terms of precision and recall, as well as computation time and deviation

    Procedural Modeling of a Building from a Single Image

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    International audienceCreating a virtual city is demanded for computer games, movies, and urban planning, but it takes a lot of time to create numerous 3D building models. Procedural modeling has become popular in recent years to overcome this issue, but creating a grammar to get a desired output is difficult and time consuming even for expert users. In this paper, we present an interactive tool that allows users to automatically generate such a grammar from a single image of a building. The user selects a photograph and highlights the silhouette of the target building as input to our method. Our pipeline automatically generates the building components, from large-scale building mass to fine-scale windows and doors geometry. Each stage of our pipeline combines convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and optimization to select and parameterize procedural grammars that reproduce the building elements of the picture. In the first stage, our method jointly estimates camera parameters and building mass shape. Once known, the building mass enables the rectification of the façades, which are given as input to the second stage that recovers the façade layout. This layout allows us to extract individual windows and doors that are subsequently fed to the last stage of the pipeline that selects procedural grammars for windows and doors. Finally, the grammars are combined to generate a complete procedural building as output. We devise a common methodology to make each stage of this pipeline tractable. This methodology consists in simplifying the input image to match the visual appearance of synthetic training data, and in using optimization to refine the parameters estimated by CNNs. We used our method to generate a variety of procedural models of buildings from existing photographs

    High-Level Facade Image Interpretation using Marked Point Processes

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    In this thesis, we address facade image interpretation as one essential ingredient for the generation of high-detailed, semantic meaningful, three-dimensional city-models. Given a single rectified facade image, we detect relevant facade objects such as windows, entrances, and balconies, which yield a description of the image in terms of accurate position and size of these objects. Urban digital three-dimensional reconstruction and documentation is an active area of research with several potential applications, e.g., in the area of digital mapping for navigation, urban planning, emergency management, disaster control or the entertainment industry. A detailed building model which is not just a geometric object enriched with texture, allows for semantic requests as the number of floors or the location of balconies and entrances. Facade image interpretation is one essential step in order to yield such models. In this thesis, we propose the interpretation of facade images by combining evidence for the occurrence of individual object classes which we derive from data, and prior knowledge which guides the image interpretation in its entirety. We present a three-step procedure which generates features that are suited to describe relevant objects, learns a representation that is suited for object detection, and that enables the image interpretation using the results of object detection while incorporating prior knowledge about typical configurations of facade objects, which we learn from training data. According to these three sub-tasks, our major achievements are: We propose a novel method for facade image interpretation based on a marked point process. Therefor, we develop a model for the description of typical configurations of facade objects and propose an image interpretation system which combines evidence derived from data and prior knowledge about typical configurations of facade objects. In order to generate evidence from data, we propose a feature type which we call shapelets. They are scale invariant and provide large distinctiveness for facade objects. Segments of lines, arcs, and ellipses serve as basic features for the generation of shapelets. Therefor, we propose a novel line simplification approach which approximates given pixel-chains by a sequence of lines, circular, and elliptical arcs. Among others, it is based on an adaption to Douglas-Peucker's algorithm, which is based on circles as basic geometric elements We evaluate each step separately. We show the effects of polyline segmentation and simplification on several images with comparable good or even better results, referring to a state-of-the-art algorithm, which proves their large distinctiveness for facade objects. Using shapelets we provide a reasonable classification performance on a challenging dataset, including intra-class variations, clutter, and scale changes. Finally, we show promising results for the facade interpretation system on several datasets and provide a qualitative evaluation which demonstrates the capability of complete and accurate detection of facade objectsHigh-Level Interpretation von Fassaden-Bildern unter Benutzung von Markierten PunktprozessenDas Thema dieser Arbeit ist die Interpretation von Fassadenbildern als wesentlicher Beitrag zur Erstellung hoch detaillierter, semantisch reichhaltiger dreidimensionaler Stadtmodelle. In rektifizierten Einzelaufnahmen von Fassaden detektieren wir relevante Objekte wie Fenster, Türen und Balkone, um daraus eine Bildinterpretation in Form von präzisen Positionen und Größen dieser Objekte abzuleiten. Die digitale dreidimensionale Rekonstruktion urbaner Regionen ist ein aktives Forschungsfeld mit zahlreichen Anwendungen, beispielsweise der Herstellung digitaler Kartenwerke für Navigation, Stadtplanung, Notfallmanagement, Katastrophenschutz oder die Unterhaltungsindustrie. Detaillierte Gebäudemodelle, die nicht nur als geometrische Objekte repräsentiert und durch eine geeignete Textur visuell ansprechend dargestellt werden, erlauben semantische Anfragen, wie beispielsweise nach der Anzahl der Geschosse oder der Position der Balkone oder Eingänge. Die semantische Interpretation von Fassadenbildern ist ein wesentlicher Schritt für die Erzeugung solcher Modelle. In der vorliegenden Arbeit lösen wir diese Aufgabe, indem wir aus Daten abgeleitete Evidenz für das Vorkommen einzelner Objekte mit Vorwissen kombinieren, das die Analyse der gesamten Bildinterpretation steuert. Wir präsentieren dafür ein dreistufiges Verfahren: Wir erzeugen Bildmerkmale, die für die Beschreibung der relevanten Objekte geeignet sind. Wir lernen, auf Basis abgeleiteter Merkmale, eine Repräsentation dieser Objekte. Schließlich realisieren wir die Bildinterpretation basierend auf der zuvor gelernten Repräsentation und dem Vorwissen über typische Konfigurationen von Fassadenobjekten, welches wir aus Trainingsdaten ableiten. Wir leisten dazu die folgenden wissenschaftlichen Beiträge: Wir schlagen eine neuartige Me-thode zur Interpretation von Fassadenbildern vor, die einen sogenannten markierten Punktprozess verwendet. Dafür entwickeln wir ein Modell zur Beschreibung typischer Konfigurationen von Fassadenobjekten und entwickeln ein Bildinterpretationssystem, welches aus Daten abgeleitete Evidenz und a priori Wissen über typische Fassadenkonfigurationen kombiniert. Für die Erzeugung der Evidenz stellen wir Merkmale vor, die wir Shapelets nennen und die skaleninvariant und durch eine ausgesprochene Distinktivität im Bezug auf Fassadenobjekte gekennzeichnet sind. Als Basismerkmale für die Erzeugung der Shapelets dienen Linien-, Kreis- und Ellipsensegmente. Dafür stellen wir eine neuartige Methode zur Vereinfachung von Liniensegmenten vor, die eine Pixelkette durch eine Sequenz von geraden Linienstücken und elliptischen Bogensegmenten approximiert. Diese basiert unter anderem auf einer Adaption des Douglas-Peucker Algorithmus, die anstelle gerader Linienstücke, Bogensegmente als geometrische Basiselemente verwendet. Wir evaluieren jeden dieser drei Teilschritte separat. Wir zeigen Ergebnisse der Liniensegmen-tierung anhand verschiedener Bilder und weisen dabei vergleichbare und teilweise verbesserte Ergebnisse im Vergleich zu bestehende Verfahren nach. Für die vorgeschlagenen Shapelets weisen wir in der Evaluation ihre diskriminativen Eigenschaften im Bezug auf Fassadenobjekte nach. Wir erzeugen auf einem anspruchsvollen Datensatz von skalenvariablen Fassadenobjekten, mit starker Variabilität der Erscheinung innerhalb der Klassen, vielversprechende Klassifikationsergebnisse, die die Verwendbarkeit der gelernten Shapelets für die weitere Interpretation belegen. Schließlich zeigen wir Ergebnisse der Interpretation der Fassadenstruktur anhand verschiedener Datensätze. Die qualitative Evaluation demonstriert die Fähigkeit des vorgeschlagenen Lösungsansatzes zur vollständigen und präzisen Detektion der genannten Fassadenobjekte

    Visualization, Adaptation, and Transformation of Procedural Grammars

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    Procedural shape grammars are powerful tools for the automatic generation of highly detailed 3D content from a set of descriptive rules. It is easy to encode variations in stochastic and parametric grammars, and an uncountable number of models can be generated quickly. While shape grammars offer these advantages over manual 3D modeling, they also suffer from certain drawbacks. We present three novel methods that address some of the limitations of shape grammars. First, it is often difficult to grasp the diversity of models defined by a given grammar. We propose a pipeline to automatically generate, cluster, and select a set of representative preview images for a grammar. The system is based on a new view attribute descriptor that measures how suitable an image is in representing a model and that enables the comparison of different models derived from the same grammar. Second, the default distribution of models in a stochastic grammar is often undesirable. We introduce a framework that allows users to design a new probability distribution for a grammar without editing the rules. Gaussian process regression interpolates user preferences from a set of scored models over an entire shape space. A symbol split operation enables the adaptation of the grammar to generate models according to the learned distribution. Third, it is hard to combine elements of two grammars to emerge new designs. We present design transformations and grammar co-derivation to create new designs from existing ones. Algorithms for fine-grained rule merging can generate a large space of design variations and can be used to create animated transformation sequences between different procedural designs. Our contributions to visualize, adapt, and transform grammars makes the procedural modeling methodology more accessible to non-programmers

    Segmentation d'images de façades de bâtiments acquises d'un point de vue terrestre

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    L'analyse de façades (détection, compréhension et reconstruction) à partir d'images acquises depuis la rue est aujourd'hui un thème de recherche très actif en photogrammétrie et en vision par ordinateur de part ses nombreuses applications industrielles. Cette thèse montre des avancées réalisées dans le domaine de la segmentation générique de grands volumes de ce type d'images, contenant une ou plusieurs zones de façades (entières ou tronquées).Ce type de données se caractérise par une complexité architecturale très riche ainsi que par des problèmes liés à l'éclairage et au point de vue d'acquisition. La généricité des traitements est un enjeu important. La contrainte principale est de n'introduire que le minimum d'a priori possible. Nous basons nos approches sur les propriétés d'alignements et de répétitivité des structures principales de la façade. Nous proposons un partitionnement hiérarchique des contours de l'image ainsi qu'une détection de grilles de structures répétitives par processus ponctuels marqués. Sur les résultats, la façade est séparée de ses voisines et de son environnement (rue, ciel). D'autre part, certains éléments comme les fenêtres, les balcons ou le fond de mur, sans être reconnus, sont extraits de manière cohérente. Le paramétrage s'effectue en une seule passe et s'applique à tous les styles d'architecture rencontrés. La problématique se situe en amont de nombreuses thématiques comme la séparation de façades, l'accroissement du niveau de détail de modèles urbains 3D générés à partir de photos aériennes ou satellitaires, la compression ou encore l'indexation à partir de primitives géométriques (regroupement de structures et espacements entre ellesFacade analysis (detection, understanding and field of reconstruction) in street level imagery is currently a very active field of research in photogrammetric computer vision due to its many applications. This thesis shows some progress made in the field of generic segmentation of a broad range of images that contain one or more facade areas (as a whole or in part).This kind of data is carecterized by a very rich and varied architectural complexity and by problems in lighting conditions and in the choice of a camera's point of view. Workflow genericity is an important issue. One significant constraint is to be as little biased as possible. The approches presented extract the main facade structures based on geometric properties such as alignment and repetitivity. We propose a hierarchic partition of the image contour edges and a detection of repetitive grid patterns based on marked point processes. The facade is set appart from its neighbooring façades and from its environment (the ground, the sky). Some elements such as windows, balconies or wall backgrounds, are extracted in a relevant way, without being recognized. The parameters regulation is done in one step and refers to all architectural styles encountered. The problem originates from most themes such as facade separation, the increase of level of details in 3D city models generated from aerial or satellite imagery, compression or indexation based on geometric primitives (structure grouping and space between them)PARIS-EST-Université (770839901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Architecture: Music, City, and Culture

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    Many scholars have discussed the relationship between architecture and music. Design methodologies have been created to highlight this intersection, attempting to attain the sublime. While architecture theorists have used western music as a foundation, this thesis aims to investigate this relationship in a non-western setting. Music would be used as a cultural identifier, to unlock "hidden dimensions" shared in language, music, and architecture. The case study site is historic Cairo, between the Fatamid Walls. For the past two centuries, Cairo has abandoned its cultural heritage and embarked on a process of westernization. Those who seek to hold onto the city's identity are abusing traditional motifs in a manner that seems cliché and somewhat absurd. The thesis calls for a deeper understanding and evolution of Cairo's heritage, using concepts of the Arabic Melodic modes, Maqams, to create a place for listening, al Masmaa'

    Translating the landscape

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