734 research outputs found

    Museum augmented interface for historical scale models: towards a new way for cultural heritage promotion

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    International audienceIn this paper, we describe an interactive museum application dedicated to historical scale models. This comes from a joint work between multidisciplinary teams: industrial engineering researchers, historians, museum curators and interactive interface designers. We present here theresult of the project, based on scientific methodology. Results include system architecture, hardware and software, some use cases and user evaluation figures. This paper also underlines some methodology issues that illustrate future possibilities

    Unveiling Damnatio Memoriae. The use of 3D digital technologies for the virtual reconstruction of archaeological finds and artefacts

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    [EN] In ancient Rome, damnatio memoriae was a practice of erasing the memory of condemned persons from historical records after their death. This practice was usually addressed by the Senate to Roman elites and emperors who were declared enemies of the State, in order to preserve the honour of Rome. This condemnation usually included practices such as, for example, the erasure of names sculpted on inscriptions and the destruction or reworking of statues and of any other image of the person. Emperor Nero, for example, was condemned to this practice immediately after his death and a wide iconographic repertoire on him was therefore destroyed or deeply damaged. This lack of information can actually be improved thanks to the possibilities of virtual restoration and reconstruction offered by 3D digital technologies.The aim of this paper is to show how the possibility to acquire 3D reality-based data from archaeological finds allows to build 3D digital models that can be analysed and managed in a virtual environment and can be relocated, assembled or restored in order to suggest or graphically support archaeologists’ interpretations and reconstructions. The paper shows the methodology developed for the virtual restoration of the statue of Nero starting from the 3D digitization of the torso that was found 500 years ago by the Roman theatre of Bologna, Italy, the ancient Bononia.Manferdini, AM.; Gasperoni, S.; Guidi, F.; Marchesi, M. (2016). Unveiling Damnatio Memoriae. The use of 3D digital technologies for the virtual reconstruction of archaeological finds and artefacts. Virtual Archaeology Review. 7(15):9-17. doi:10.4995/var.2016.5871.SWORD91771

    From Physical to Digital, From Interactive to Immersive: Archaeological Uses of 3D, AR, VR, and More

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    The combination of improved methods and tools, widespread adoption, and continuously-falling barriers to entry has prompted the claim that we are currently living in a ‘golden age of digital archaeology’. This paper provides a background discussion of the use and evolution of digital methods and tools in archaeology, as well as a summary of the conference session “From Physical to Digital, from Interactive to Immersive: Uses of Three– Dimensional Representation, Mixed Reality, and More in the Sharing and Exploration of Archaeological Data,” held at the CAA 2017 conference in Atlanta

    Art and Science in the Age of Digital Reproduction: From Mimetic Representation to Interactive Virtual Reality

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    [EN] This paper places the digital humanities generally and virtual archaeology in particular into the larger context of the evolution of the arts and sciences from antiquity through the Middle Ages and Renaissance to the present, postmodern period.The argument is made that the basis of virtual reality representations of cultural objects is not primarily mimetic but interactive and that in this sense virtual archaeology reflects larger trends in contemporary science and the arts.[ES] Este artículo sitúa a las humanidades digitales en general y a la arqueología virtual en particular dentro del largo contexto de la evolución de las artes y las ciencias desde la antigüedad a través de la Edad Media y del Renacimiento hasta el presente, el período posmoderno.Frischer, B. (2011). Art and Science in the Age of Digital Reproduction: From Mimetic Representation to Interactive Virtual Reality. Virtual Archaeology Review. 2(4):19-32. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2011.4544OJS193224ANON. 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