17 research outputs found

    Temporal stability of chimpanzee social culture

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    Culture is a hallmark of the human species, both in terms of the transmission of material inventions (e.g. tool manufacturing) and the adherence to social conventions (e.g. greeting mannerisms). While material culture has been reported across the animal kingdom, indications of social culture in animals are limited. Moreover, there is a paucity of evidencing cultural stability in animals. Here, based on a large dataset spanning 12 years, I show that chimpanzees adhere to arbitrary group-specific handclasp preferences that cannot be explained by genetics or the ecological environment. Despite substantial changes in group compositions across the study period, and all chimpanzees having several behavioural variants in their repertoires, chimpanzees showed and maintained the within-group homogeneity and between-group heterogeneity that are so characteristic of the cultural phenomenon in the human species. These findings indicate that human culture, including its arbitrary social conventions and long-term stability, is rooted in our evolutionary history

    Kinase inhibitors for the treatment of inflammatory and autoimmune disorders

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    Drugs targeting inhibition of kinases for the treatment of inflammation and autoimmune disorders have become a major focus in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry. Multiple kinases from different pathways have been the targets of interest in this endeavor. This review describes some of the recent developments in the search for inhibitors of IKK2, Syk, Lck, and JAK3 kinases. It is anticipated that some of these compounds or newer inhibitors of these kinases will be approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, organ transplantation, and other autoimmune diseases


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    Стаття присвячена актуальним питанням стратегічного розвитку авіатранспортних підприємств в конкурентних умовах. Авторами поставлено за мету обґрунтувати методичні підходи до розробки програми стратегічного розвитку підвищення конкурентоспроможності підприємств авіаційної галузі. Увагу зосереджено на побудові механізму стратегічного розвитку авіаційних підприємств в сучасних умовах функціонування авіаційної галузі шляхом виокремлення стратегічних завдань, які забезпечать сталий розвиток для авіапідприємств. Застосовано моделювання стратегічного розвитку авіаційного підприємства шляхом практичного застосування методу експоненційного згладжування для прогнозування розвитку авіатранспортних підприємств. Запропоновано оптимальну програму розвитку підприємств авіаційної галузі через визначення напрямів конкурентоспроможності авіапідприємств

    Similarity in Food Cleaning Techniques within Matrilines in Wild Vervet Monkeys

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    Social learning and the formation of traditions rely on the ability and willingness to copy one another. A central question is under which conditions individuals adapt behaviour to social influences. Here, we demonstrate that similarities in food processing techniques emerge on the level of matrilines (mother – offspring) but not on the group level in an experiment on six groups of wild vervet monkeys that involved grapes covered with sand. Monkeys regularly ate unclean grapes but also used four cleaning techniques more similarly within matrilines: rubbing in hands, rubbing on substrate, open with mouth, and open with hands. Individual cleaning techniques evolved over time as they converged within matrilines, stabilised at the end and remained stable in a follow-up session more than one year later. The similarity within matrilines persisted when we analyzed only foraging events of individuals in the absence of other matriline members and matriline members used more similar methods than adult full sisters. Thus, momentary conversion or purely genetic causation are unlikely explanations, favouring social learning as mechanism for within matriline similarities. The restriction of traditions to matriline membership rather than to the group level may restrict the development of culture in monkeys relative to apes or humans

    A theoretical entropy score as a single value to express inhibitor selectivity

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Designing maximally selective ligands that act on individual targets is the dominant paradigm in drug discovery. Poor selectivity can underlie toxicity and side effects in the clinic, and for this reason compound selectivity is increasingly monitored from very early on in the drug discovery process. To make sense of large amounts of profiling data, and to determine when a compound is sufficiently selective, there is a need for a proper quantitative measure of selectivity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we propose a new theoretical entropy score that can be calculated from a set of IC<sub>50 </sub>data. In contrast to previous measures such as the 'selectivity score', Gini score, or partition index, the entropy score is non-arbitary, fully exploits IC<sub>50 </sub>data, and is not dependent on a reference enzyme. In addition, the entropy score gives the most robust values with data from different sources, because it is less sensitive to errors. We apply the new score to kinase and nuclear receptor profiling data, and to high-throughput screening data. In addition, through analyzing profiles of clinical compounds, we show quantitatively that a more selective kinase inhibitor is not necessarily more drug-like.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>For quantifying selectivity from panel profiling, a theoretical entropy score is the best method. It is valuable for studying the molecular mechanisms of selectivity, and to steer compound progression in drug discovery programs.</p

    Tail walking in a bottlenose dolphin community : the rise and fall of an arbitrary cultural 'fad'

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    M.B. was supported by multiple grants from Whale & Dolphin Conservation (WDC).Social learning of adaptive behaviour is widespread in animal populations, but the spread of arbitrary behaviours is less common. In this paper, we describe the rise and fall of a behaviour called tail walking, where a dolphin forces the majority of its body vertically out of the water and maintains the position by vigourously pumping its tail, in a community of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus). The behaviour was introduced into the wild following the rehabilitation of a wild female individual, Billie, who was temporarily co-housed with trained dolphins in a dolphinarium. This individual was sighted performing the behaviour seven years after her 1988 release, as was one other female dolphin named Wave. Initial production of the behaviour was rare, but following Billie's death two decades after her release, Wave began producing the behaviour at much higher rates, and several other dolphins in the community were subsequently sighted performing the behaviour. Social learning is the most likely mechanism for the introduction and spread of this unusual behaviour, which has no known adaptive function. These observations demonstrate the potential strength of the capacity for spontaneous imitation in bottlenose dolphins, and help explain the origin and spread of foraging specializations observed in multiple populations of this genus.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Assessment of agricultural information needs in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States for CTA’s Products and Services: Country Study: Angola

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    Executive summary Introduction CTA works primarily through intermediary organisations and partners (non-governmental organisations, farmers’ organisations, regional organisations) to promote agriculture and rural development and to deliver its various information products and capacity building services. By partnering with these organisations, CTA seeks to increase the number of ACP organisations capable of generating and managing information and developing their own information and communication management strategies. This study is one of six country assessment studies of needs for agricultural information needs in countries emerging from prolonged conflict situations in Africa. Objectives The objectives of this study are to develop a strategy for CTA’s approach to post-conflict countries, to improve the effectiveness of CTA’s support for post-conflict countries and to compile baseline data on the status of ICM and ICTs in agriculture and rural development in Angola. Methodology The country profile was produced through a desktop study that relied heavily on information available on the Internet. Additional information was obtained from informants through e-mail contacts. Using the desktop study we compiled a list of key institutions to interview. This list was discussed via e-mail with CTA and informants in Angola. Informants of nine key institutions were then interviewed face-to-face. Expected results This study will provide: 1) an inventory of the status of agricultural information services, institutions and other actors and their needs as their relate to physical infrastructure, information availability and access and human capacity development; 2) an assessment of the current and / or planned interventions of the government and bi- or multilateral agencies in the field of information for agriculture and rural development; 3) an overview of the needs of potential partners for CTA activities and services in terms of building capacity for information and communication management; 4) a short-list of potential partners / beneficiaries for CTA activities and services; 5) baseline data to facilitate subsequent monitoring activities. The study will also provide a framework for CTA to develop a framework for action and fashion a strategy aimed at institutions in countries emerging from conflict situations and provide input into its 2006 – 2010 strategic plan. Findings During the civil war between UNITA and the Angolan Government that lasted until 2002, the infrastructure in Angola, especially in rural areas, was almost completely destroyed. Since 2002, up to 4.5 million displaced people were resettled in their area of origin or preference and received emergency support. About 2.2 million households (75% of the population) are engaged in subsistence agriculture. Agricultural production is still low but growing rapidly. Since 2002 the area under cultivation has increased with 50 % to 3.2 million hectare but that represents still only 5% of all arable land and Angola still imports about half of its cereal requirements. The main export crops are coffee and palm oil. Livestock numbers are also increasing rapidly since 2002. The production is concentrated in the southern provinces. Access to water is the main constraint for livestock holders in these areas. Fisheries are an important sector, providing direct employment to 35,000 people. Firewood and charcoal are an important source of income for up to 18% of the rural households and the only source of energy to almost all rural households. Timber production is concentrated in Cabinda province. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries contribute 8% to the GNP. Because of the weak infrastructure and the focus on emergency projects, which spent only the minimum on obtaining information and ICM, there is limited information available about the situation in rural areas. The information that is available is fragmented and scattered in many project evaluation reports. To cope with this situation, an informal network of information exchange has developed between NGOs, GoA and bi- and multilateral agencies in Angola over the last four years. The language barrier and outdated libraries are the main obstacles encountered by organisations searching for technical information on agriculture. Limited access to mass media and weak infrastructure are the main obstacles encountered in extension activities. There is currently no national strategy on information management and none of the organisations interviewed had an organisational strategy on information management. Organisations working in the area of agriculture and rural development are now changing to development activities and this change is accompanied by some important changes in information demands. Firstly, there is an increased need for active participation in the planning and implementation of activities by the target group. Secondly, new actors are coming in, while present ones are leaving. Thirdly, it is expected that rural households in Angola will increase production above subsistence level in the near future and will be looking for opportunities to market excess production or divert resources to cash crops. Fourthly, the government is relaxing media controls, allowing freer communication between all stakeholders and a potential increase in the use of media by NGOs. Conclusions Most respondents need information on the actual situation on the ground. Existing information produced between 2002 and 2006 is scattered over many organisations and reports. This information must be consolidated in a data-base before the main implementers leave Angola. Respondents also need information about developments in thinking on food security, rural livelihoods, participatory approaches to resource management and rural development preferably in the form of reference books. Furthermore, information is needed on micro credit and support to associations. This information should be in the form of manuals and exchange visits to successful projects, preferably in Portuguese speaking and/or African countries. Finally, technical information on food crops and fisheries is needed. Respondents need capacity building in information management to increase the effectiveness of the organisation. Especially government officials requested training in the analysis of socio-economic data. Training in the design of questionnaires and in training the interviewers is also necessary. Furthermore, respondents wanted training in the use of the Internet to obtain information and in the design and development of websites, in effective writing and the development of extension materials, in the use of participatory methods and in demand driven extension. Finally, some respondents wanted training in the use of mass media, especially radio and in the production and use of audio-visual training material. Recommendations We recommend that CTA support IDA with the development of a national IMC strategy for agricultural information that will encourage a pro-poor and gender sensitive development strategy. CTA should also supports IDA, FONGA and ADRA with the establishment of an institutional ICM. This would include building a data-base with all information produced to date. Additionally CTA should support a policy for the use of mass media, especially community radio in extension programmes. Simultaneously, the most needed information will have to be made available at central level for ongoing work. Small libraries can be set up for this at IDA and FONGA. Second, a programme of capacity building is needed to enable all actors to implement the policies formulated in the first phase. This programme should be accompanied by a limited provision of resources (Internet access, increased libraries). Trained personnel musts have the resources to use their new skills to implement activities. Successful approaches used at central level can be replicated at provincial level during this stage. Care must be taken that the information system remains pro-poor and gender sensitive. Possibly, specific actions to help prevent the spread of HIV and mitigate its effects should be taken during this phase. Finally, in the long term, specific technical information will need to be supplied for specific target groups such as fish breeders and farmers specialising in niche markets.The objectives of this study are to develop a strategy for CTA’s approach to post-conflict countries, to improve the effectiveness of CTA’s support for post-conflict countries and to compile baseline data on the status of ICM and ICTs in agriculture.

    A divergência de entendimento entre o Supremo Tribunal Federal e o Tribunal de Contas da União acerca da prescritibilidade das ações de ressarcimento de prejuízos ao erário

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    O presente artigo científico tem como objetivo analisar a divergência entre os entendimentos adotados pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal e pelo Tribunal de Contas da União, acerca da prescritibilidade das ações de ressarcimento de prejuízos ao erário. Devido à lacuna legislativa existente sobre esse tema, doutrinadores e julgadores do Direito interpretam este assunto de diversas formas e, apesar de o STF já ter se posicionado mediante a fixação de temas de repercussão geral (tais como se verifica com as matérias examinadas nos Temas 666, 899, e 897), o TCU, ao que se verifica, continua aplicando a essas mesmas questões decisões que divergem da orientação indicada nesses temas pela Corte Suprema, até o momento. Entende-se que a falta de uma interpretação que contemple entendimentos que estejam em sintonia, que não sejam conflitantes, traz aos possíveis agentes envolvidos uma enorme insegurança jurídica. Conclui-se que, para buscar a estabilidade jurídica, não surpreendendo as partes com uma pretensão que se postergue indefinidamente, é necessário que seja reconhecida e aplicada a regra de prescritibilidade das ações, inclusive pelo Tribunal de Contas da União, uma vez que essa orientação está inserida na Constituição Federal e, também, albergada pelo entendimento firmado recentemente pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal. A unificação da concepção sobre o prazo prescricional das ações de ressarcimento ao erário, produziria o efeito de garantir às partes implicadas o direito ao devido processo legal, ao contraditório e à ampla defesa, princípios constitucionais fundamentais aos cidadãos

    Estudio del comportamiento hídrico de una cuenca hidrológica en Angola

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    [ES] La gestión de espacios naturales en países en vías de desarrollo requiere hoy día el uso de herramientas modernas para la obtención rápida y eficiente de información de apoyo. En este sentido, la modelización hidrológica y del comportamiento erosivo de cuencas frente a las escorrentías generadas por la precipitación pluvial reviste especial interés. En este proyecto, se llevará a cabo una recopilación bibliográfica de las variables medioambientales determinantes del comportamiento hidrológico del terreno, así como de datos geográficos de acceso libre, aspecto este último fundamental en estos países. El tratamiento de la información se realizará en el entorno de un Sistema de Información Geográfica en el cual se implementarán modelos hidrológicos especialmente validados a nivel de cuenca (USLE, SWAT, etc.)[EN] Today the management of natural areas in developing countries requires, the use of modern tools for quick and efficient information support. In this sense, the hydrologic modeling and erosion behavior of river basins in front of the runoff generated by the precipitation is of special interest. In this project, we will conduct a bibliographic collection of the environmental variables determining the hydrological behavior of the field, as well as geo-free access, data which is crucial in these countries. The treatment of the information will be held in the environment of a Geographic Information System which will implement hidrologic models especially validated at the basin level (USLE, SWAT, etc.)Argente Sanz, JC. (2014). Estudio del comportamiento hídrico de una cuenca hidrológica en Angola. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/49259Archivo delegad