374 research outputs found

    Održiva konkurentska prednost malih i srednjih poduzeća kroz resursni i institucijski menadžment: empirijsko istraživanje malih i srednjih poduzeća, proizvođača batika u središnjoj Javi, Indonezija

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    Purpose – The aim of this study is to find out and to analyze the capacity for developing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of batik in Central Java, Indonesia. Batik is a traditional hand-crafted dye-resist textile, rich in intangible cultural values that has been passed down for generations. Batik refers to either a technique of wax-resist dyeing applied to whole cloth or cloth made using this technique originating from Indonesia. Design/Methodology/Approach – The primary data was collected by interview method with one hundred respondents who are batik entrepreneurs in Central Java, Indonesia. The data collection was carried out using the focus group discussion (FGD) method. Secondary data was used to enrich the analysis. A quantitative model was examined through empirical analysis to fulfill the proposed aim of the research. Findings and implications – The result of this research shows that business scale, market access capacity, and financial capacity all influence the competitiveness level of batik SMEs. Furthermore, cooperatives can strengthen the influences of market capacity and financial capacity on the competitiveness of SMEs although they are not effective in strengthening the technological and innovative capacities of SMEs. This study shows that SMEs in the form of batik industries can become a high-earning industry with high performance if they have the ability to compete. Limitations – This research is limited in scope with regard to its approach to resources. The institutional study is only viewed from the angle of cooperatives, which are one of various forms of non-market management. Originality – The novelty of this research lies in the discovery of the role of cooperatives in supporting the competitiveness of SMEs.Svrha – Cilj je ovog istraživanja otkriti i analizirati kapacitete za razvoj malih i srednjih poduzeća za proizvodnju batika u središnjoj Javi u Indoneziji. Batik je tradicionalna ručno izrađena, obojana i otporna tkanina bogata neopipljivim kulturnim vrijednostima koje se prenose s generacije na generaciju. To je tehnika bojanja tkanine uz primjenu voska. Tkanina izrađena korištenjem ove tehnike potječe iz Indonezije. Metodološki pristup – Primarni podaci prikupljeni su intervjuiranjem stotinu ispitanika, poduzetnika malih i srednjih poduzeća za proizvodnju batika u središnjoj Javi u Indoneziji. Prikupljanje podataka provedeno je metodom fokus grupe. Za obogaćivanje analize korišteni su sekundarni podaci. Kako bi se ispunio predloženi cilj istraživanja, predloženi je model ispitan kvantitativnom empirijskom analizom. Rezultati i implikacije – Rezultat istraživanja pokazuje da poslovni razmjeri, kapaciteti pristupa tržištu i financijski kapaciteti utječu na razinu konkurentnosti malih i srednjih poduzeća proizvođača batika. Nadalje, zadruge mogu pomoći jačanju tržišnih i financijskih kapaciteta te konkurentnosti malih i srednjih poduzeća, iako one nisu učinkovite u jačanju njihovih tehnoloških i inovativnih kapaciteta. Istraživanje pokazuje da mala i srednja poduzeća u industriji batika mogu postati industrije visoke učinkovitosti ako imaju sposobnost međusobnog konkuriranja. Ograničenja – Istraživanje ima određena ograničenja u pogledu opsega koji se koristi za pristup resursima iz perspektive kapaciteta poduzeća. Istraživanje daje pogled iz perspektive zadruga kao jednog od oblika netržišnog menadžmenta. Doprinos – ovog istraživanja jest u otkrivanju uloge zadruga u podupiranju konkurentnosti malih i srednjih poduzeća

    Bayer CropScience model village project: Contributions to agricultural suppliers’ competitiveness and human development

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    Bayer CropScience is carrying out a Model Village Project (MVP) in rural India as part of their supply chain management and their corporate social responsibility activities. The MVP includes actions related to future business cases and higher competitiveness as well as philanthropic activities. The preparation of future business case actions aims at creating prerequisites for win-win-situations. In the long run, these prerequisites, such as long-term business relations with suppliers based on trust from both sides, can lead to a higher competitiveness of the whole supply chain and simultaneously improve human development. The impacts on the latter are evaluated using the capability approach (CA) developed by Amartya Sen (2000, c1999). The case of the MVP indicates the potential of companies to contribute to human development on a strategic win-win basis. Actions have to be distinguished based on the living and financial conditions different supplier groups face. In the future, the MVP aims at assessing whether and how MNCs may be able to combine competitive enhancement with human development, provided that potential corporate risks for the villagers’ human development are also taken into account


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    In 2011 the European Commission changed the definition and strategy for corporate social responsibility (CSR) with the creation of shared value as one core element of the new concept. In the same year Porter and Kramer published in the Harvard Business Review their approach of creating shared value (CSV) as core element of long-term business strategies. The starting point of both approaches is the societal legitimation of enterprises to do business. CSR respective CSV are evaluated to be a mean for reaching this legitimation and to further to gain back trust of the society that was lost during the financial crisis. This paper describes the two concepts and analyzes similarities and differences. From the overall aim and intention the EU concept has a wider focus and much higher requirements for enterprises. The European Commission assesses CSR as a measure for business to contribute to inclusive growth, employment and well-being of the society. Hence, companies have to take into account economic, social and environmental targets further include ethical, human rights and consumer concerns when developing their long-term business strategy. CSV of Porter and Kramer also goes beyond the pure business case of CSR because CSV also is defined as a long-term measure which has to be integrated systematically in the strategic core business of companies. The Commission see shareholder as just one common group of a company\u27s stakeholder and gives no preference to them. For Porter and Kramer the simultaneous creation of profit and societal value are decisive.Keywords: Shared value creation, corporate social responsibility, European CSR policy</p

    Ринок торгівельного обладнання в Україні : сучасний стан, тенденції розвитку та особливості конкуренції

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    In the article conducted research of the modern state and progress of market of trade equipment trends, and also determination of factors of competitiveness of enterprises - producers of such equipment


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    The end of XX and early XXI century marks the beginning of a new "dynamic era" of business. Constant rapid change, rapid industrial development and globalization encourage new thinking on the mode of action of organizations and their functions in order to gain competitive advantage. Because the world as a global village, conditions keeping up with the current trends and implementing new, modern concepts, methods and principles by the management of organizations. Modern management and modern business are the basis for building a successful organization that will be competitive on the market. The modern "managerial revolution" that is currently taking place forces managers within organizations to use more modern, contemporary means and methods of management that would face current challenges. Competitive advantage is accomplished by those organizations that are prepared for radical changes and which apply methods and concepts of continuous improvement. Sustainable competitive advantage is achieved by organizations that significantly stand out, in terms of competition, i.e. organizations that are capable of raising their performance comparatively to the competition, applying innovative techniques,&nbsp; developing new superior products and offering services to build a strong brand and positive image applying targeted advertising. This paper is focused on the analysis of a very important view of modern management and modern business in organizations, for the sake of gaining competitiveness. Namely, the paper examines the impact of contemporary challenges on the overall operation of organizations both in manufacturing and in the services sector, in order to achieve competitive advantage