217 research outputs found


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    Let M and N be two monoids consisting of idempotent elements. By the help of the presentation which defines Mx N, the period of 2-step sequences and 3-step sequences in MxN is given

    Fibonacci lengths of all finite p-groups of exponent p²

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    The Fibonacci lengths of finite p-groups were studied by Dikici and coauthors since 1992. All considered groups are of exponent p and the lengths depend on the Wall number k(p). The p-groups of nilpotency class 3 and exponent p were studied in 2004 also by Dikici. In the paper, we study all p-groups of nilpotency class 3 and exponent p². Thus, we complete the study of Fibonacci lengths of all p-groups of order p⁴ by proving that the Fibonacci length is k(p²).Довжини Фібоначчі скінченних p-rpyn вивчалися Дікічі та співавторами з 1992 року. Всі групи, що розглядалися, були групами експоненти p, а всі довжини залежали від числа Уолла k(p). p-Групи класу нільпотентності 3 i експоненти p були також досліджені Дікічі у 2004 році. У даній статті ми вивчаємо всі p-групи класу нільпотентності 3 і експоненти p². Цим завершується дослідження довжини Фібоначчі всіх p-груп порядку p⁴; при цьому доведено, що довжина Фібоначчі дорівнює k(p²)

    Orbit structure and (reversing) symmetries of toral endomorphisms on rational lattices

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    We study various aspects of the dynamics induced by integer matrices on the invariant rational lattices of the torus in dimension 2 and greater. Firstly, we investigate the orbit structure when the toral endomorphism is not invertible on the lattice, characterising the pretails of eventually periodic orbits. Next we study the nature of the symmetries and reversing symmetries of toral automorphisms on a given lattice, which has particular relevance to (quantum) cat maps.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figure

    Heisenberg characters, unitriangular groups, and Fibonacci numbers

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    Let \UT_n(\FF_q) denote the group of unipotent n×nn\times n upper triangular matrices over a finite field with qq elements. We show that the Heisenberg characters of \UT_{n+1}(\FF_q) are indexed by lattice paths from the origin to the line x+y=nx+y=n using the steps (1,0),(1,1),(0,1),(1,1)(1,0), (1,1), (0,1), (1,1), which are labeled in a certain way by nonzero elements of \FF_q. In particular, we prove for n1n\geq 1 that the number of Heisenberg characters of \UT_{n+1}(\FF_q) is a polynomial in q1q-1 with nonnegative integer coefficients and degree nn, whose leading coefficient is the nnth Fibonacci number. Similarly, we find that the number of Heisenberg supercharacters of \UT_n(\FF_q) is a polynomial in q1q-1 whose coefficients are Delannoy numbers and whose values give a qq-analogue for the Pell numbers. By counting the fixed points of the action of a certain group of linear characters, we prove that the numbers of supercharacters, irreducible supercharacters, Heisenberg supercharacters, and Heisenberg characters of the subgroup of \UT_n(\FF_q) consisting of matrices whose superdiagonal entries sum to zero are likewise all polynomials in q1q-1 with nonnegative integer coefficients.Comment: 25 pages; v2: material significantly revised and condensed; v3: minor corrections, final versio

    On Linear Differential Equations Involving a Para-Grassmann Variable

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    As a first step towards a theory of differential equations involving para-Grassmann variables the linear equations with constant coefficients are discussed and solutions for equations of low order are given explicitly. A connection to n-generalized Fibonacci numbers is established. Several other classes of differential equations (systems of first order, equations with variable coefficients, nonlinear equations) are also considered and the analogies or differences to the usual (''bosonic'') differential equations discussed

    On the Periods of 2-Step General Fibonacci Sequences in the Generalized Quaternion Groups

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    We study 2-step general Fibonacci sequences in the generalized quaternion groups Q4n. In cases where the sequences are proved to be simply periodic, we obtain the periods of 2-step general Fibonacci sequences