112 research outputs found

    A unified view of parameterized verification of abstract models of broadcast communication

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    We give a unified view of different parameterized models of concurrent and distributed systems with broadcast communication based on transition systems. Based on the resulting formal models, we discuss related verification methods and tools based on abstractions and symbolic state exploration

    Parameterized verification

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    The goal of parameterized verification is to prove the correctness of a system specification regardless of the number of its components. The problem is of interest in several different areas: verification of hardware design, multithreaded programs, distributed systems, and communication protocols. The problem is undecidable in general. Solutions for restricted classes of systems and properties have been studied in areas like theorem proving, model checking, automata and logic, process algebra, and constraint solving. In this introduction to the special issue, dedicated to a selection of works from the Parameterized Verification workshop PV \u201914 and PV \u201915, we survey some of the works developed in this research area

    Parameterized verification of publish/subcribe protocols via Infinite-State Model Checking

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    We apply the Infinite-State Model Checking to formally specify and validate protocol skeletons for distributed systems with asynchronous communication and synchronous access to local data structures. More precisely, we validate the Redis Pub/Sub key-value Server. Redis is based on a publish-subscribe architecture used in Cloud Storage and Internet of Things ecosystems. For the considered protocol, we present a formal specification that combines ideas coming from round-based and shared-memory specification languages. The resulting model is validated via the SMT-based Infinite-state Model Checker Cubicle. In this setting we use unbounded arrays to model (1) arbitrary collections of publishers and subscribers, (2) unbounded shared memory used as a communication media between processes. Our model is validated using the symbolic backward reachability algorithm implemented in the tool. The peculiarity of the algorithm is that, upon termination, the resulting correctness proof is guaranteed to hold for every number of process instances

    Diamonds for Security: A Non-Interleaving Operational Semantics for the Applied Pi-Calculus

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    We introduce a non-interleaving structural operational semantics for the applied ?-calculus and prove that it satisfies the properties expected of a labelled asynchronous transition system (LATS). LATS have well-studied relations with other standard non-interleaving models, such as Mazurkiewicz traces or event structures, and are a natural extension of labelled transition systems where the independence of transitions is made explicit. We build on a considerable body of literature on located semantics for process algebras and adopt a static view on locations to identify the parallel processes that perform a transition. By lifting, in this way, work on CCS and ?-calculus to the applied ?-calculus, we lay down a principled foundation for reusing verification techniques such as partial-order reduction and non-interleaving equivalences in the field of security. The key technical device we develop is the notion of located aliases to refer unambiguously to a specific output originating from a specific process. This light mechanism ensures stability, avoiding disjunctive causality problems that parallel extrusion incurs in similar non-interleaving semantics for the ?-calculus

    Automated Detection of Serializability Violations Under Weak Consistency

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    While a number of weak consistency mechanisms have been developed in recent years to improve performance and ensure availability in distributed, replicated systems, ensuring the correctness of transactional applications running on top of such systems remains a difficult and important problem. Serializability is a well-understood correctness criterion for transactional programs; understanding whether applications are serializable when executed in a weakly-consistent environment, however remains a challenging exercise. In this work, we combine a dependency graph-based characterization of serializability and leverage the framework of abstract executions to develop a fully-automated approach for statically finding bounded serializability violations under any weak consistency model. We reduce the problem of serializability to satisfiability of a formula in First-Order Logic (FOL), which allows us to harness the power of existing SMT solvers. We provide rules to automatically construct the FOL encoding from programs written in SQL (allowing loops and conditionals) and express consistency specifications as FOL formula. In addition to detecting bounded serializability violations, we also provide two orthogonal schemes to reason about unbounded executions by providing sufficient conditions (again, in the form of FOL formulae) whose satisfiability implies the absence of anomalies in any arbitrary execution. We have applied the proposed technique on TPC-C, a real-world database program with complex application logic, and were able to discover anomalies under Parallel Snapshot Isolation (PSI), and verify serializability for unbounded executions under Snapshot Isolation (SI), two consistency mechanisms substantially weaker than serializability

    Stackelberg-Pareto Synthesis

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    In this paper, we study the framework of two-player Stackelberg games played on graphs in which Player 0 announces a strategy and Player 1 responds rationally with a strategy that is an optimal response. While it is usually assumed that Player 1 has a single objective, we consider here the new setting where he has several. In this context, after responding with his strategy, Player 1 gets a payoff in the form of a vector of Booleans corresponding to his satisfied objectives. Rationality of Player 1 is encoded by the fact that his response must produce a Pareto-optimal payoff given the strategy of Player 0. We study the Stackelberg-Pareto Synthesis problem which asks whether Player 0 can announce a strategy which satisfies his objective, whatever the rational response of Player 1. For games in which objectives are either all parity or all reachability objectives, we show that this problem is fixed-parameter tractable and NEXPTIME-complete. This problem is already NP-complete in the simple case of reachability objectives and graphs that are trees

    The Complexity of Rational Synthesis

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    We study the computational complexity of the cooperative and non-cooperative rational synthesis problems, as introduced by Kupferman, Vardi and co-authors. We provide tight results for most of the classical omega-regular objectives, and show how to solve those problems optimally

    Reachability in Concurrent Uninterpreted Programs

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    We study the safety verification (reachability problem) for concurrent programs with uninterpreted functions/relations. By extending the notion of coherence, recently identified for sequential programs, to concurrent programs, we show that reachability in coherent concurrent programs under various scheduling restrictions is decidable by a reduction to multistack pushdown automata, and establish precise complexity bounds for them. We also prove that the coherence restriction for these various scheduling restrictions is itself a decidable property

    Synchronizing Data Words for Register Automata

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    Register automata (RAs) are finite automata extended with a finite set of registers to store and compare data from an infinite domain. We study the concept of synchronizing data words in RAs: does there exist a data word that sends all states of the RA to a single state? For deterministic RAs with k registers (k-DRAs), we prove that inputting data words with 2k+1 distinct data from the infinite data domain is sufficient to synchronize. We show that the synchronization problem for DRAs is in general PSPACE-complete, and it is NLOGSPACE-complete for 1-DRAs. For nondeterministic RAs (NRAs), we show that Ackermann(n) distinct data (where n is the size of the RA) might be necessary to synchronize. The synchronization problem for NRAs is in general undecidable, however, we establish Ackermann-completeness of the problem for 1-NRAs. Another main result is the NEXPTIME-completeness of the length-bounded synchronization problem for NRAs, where a bound on the length of the synchronizing data word, written in binary, is given. A variant of this last construction allows to prove that the length-bounded universality problem for NRAs is co-NEXPTIME-complete
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