24 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Naming of Functions in Stripped Binaries

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    Debugging symbols in binary executables carry the names of functions and global variables. When present, they greatly simplify the process of reverse engineering, but they are almost always removed (stripped) for deployment. We present the design and implementation of punstrip, a tool which combines a probabilistic fingerprint of binary code based on high-level features with a probabilistic graphical model to learn the relationship between function names and program structure. As there are many naming conventions and developer styles, functions from different applications do not necessarily have the exact same name, even if they implement the exact same functionality. We therefore evaluate punstrip across three levels of name matching: exact; an approach based on natural language processing of name components; and using Symbol2Vec, a new embedding of function names based on random walks of function call graphs. We show that our approach is able to recognize functions compiled across different compilers and optimization levels and then demonstrate that punstrip can predict semantically similar function names based on code structure. We evaluate our approach over open source C binaries from the Debian Linux distribution and compare against the state of the art

    A Dynamic Self-Structuring Neural Network

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    Creating a neural network based classification model is commonly accomplished using the trial and error technique. However, the trial and error structuring method have several difficulties such as time and availability of experts. In this article, an algorithm that simplifies structuring neural network classification models has been proposed. The algorithm aims at creating a large enough structure to learn models from the training dataset that can be generalised well on the testing dataset. Our algorithm dynamically tunes the structure parameters during the training phase aiming to derive accurate non-overfitting classifiers. The proposed algorithm has been applied to phishing websites classification problem and it shows competitive results with respect to various evaluation measures such as Harmonic Mean (F1-score), precision, accuracy, etc

    Tutorial and Critical Analysis of Phishing Websites Methods

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    The Internet has become an essential component of our everyday social and financial activities. Internet is not important for individual users only but also for organizations, because organizations that offer online trading can achieve a competitive edge by serving worldwide clients. Internet facilitates reaching customers all over the globe without any market place restrictions and with effective use of e-commerce. As a result, the number of customers who rely on the Internet to perform procurements is increasing dramatically. Hundreds of millions of dollars are transferred through the Internet every day. This amount of money was tempting the fraudsters to carry out their fraudulent operations. Hence, Internet users may be vulnerable to different types of web threats, which may cause financial damages, identity theft, loss of private information, brand reputation damage and loss of customers’ confidence in e-commerce and online banking. Therefore, suitability of the Internet for commercial transactions becomes doubtful. Phishing is considered a form of web threats that is defined as the art of impersonating a website of an honest enterprise aiming to obtain user’s confidential credentials such as usernames, passwords and social security numbers. In this article, the phishing phenomena will be discussed in detail. In addition, we present a survey of the state of the art research on such attack. Moreover, we aim to recognize the up-to-date developments in phishing and its precautionary measures and provide a comprehensive study and evaluation of these researches to realize the gap that is still predominating in this area. This research will mostly focus on the web based phishing detection methods rather than email based detection methods

    Effective, Efficient, and Robust Packing Detection and Classification

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    International audiencePacking is a widespread tool to prevent static malware detection and analysis. Detecting and classifying the packer used by a given malware sample is fundamental to being able to unpack and study the malware, whether manually or automatically. Existing literature on packing detection and classification has focused on effectiveness, but does not consider the efficiency required to be part of a practical malware-analysis workflow. This paper studies how to train packing detection and classification algorithms based on machine learning to be both highly effective and efficient. Initially, we create ground truths by labeling more than 280,000 samples with three different techniques. Then we perform feature selection considering the contribution and computation cost of features. Then we iterate over more than 1,500 combinations of features, scenarios, and algorithms to determine which algorithms are the most effective and efficient, finding that a reduction of 1-2% effectiveness can increase efficiency by 17-44 times. Then, we test how the best algorithms perform against malware collected after the training data to assess them against new packing techniques and versions, finding a large impact of the ground truth used on algorithm robustness. Finally, we perform an economic analysis and find simple algorithms with small feature sets to be more economical than complex algorithms with large feature sets based on uptime/training time ratio

    A recent review of conventional vs. automated cybersecurity anti-phishing techniques

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link."In the era of electronic and mobile commerce, massive numbers of financial transactions are conducted online on daily basis, which created potential fraudulent opportunities. A common fraudulent activity that involves creating a replica of a trustful website to deceive users and illegally obtain their credentials is website phishing. Website phishing is a serious online fraud, costing banks, online users, governments, and other organisations severe financial damages. One conventional approach to combat phishing is to raise awareness and educate novice users on the different tactics utilised by phishers by conducting periodic training or workshops. However, this approach has been criticised of being not cost effective as phishing tactics are constantly changing besides it may require high operational cost. Another anti- phishing approach is to legislate or amend existing cyber security laws that persecute online fraudsters without minimising its severity. A more promising anti-phishing approach is to prevent phishing attacks using intelligent machine learning (ML) technology. Using this technology, a classification system is integrated in the browser in which it will detect phishing activities and communicate these with the end user. This paper reviews and critically analyses legal, training, educational and intelligent anti-phishing approaches. More importantly, ways to combat phishing by intelligent and conventional are highlighted, besides revealing these approaches differences, similarities and positive and negative aspects from the user and performance prospective. Different stakeholders such as computer security experts, researchers in web security as well as business owners may likely benefit from this review on website phishing.

    Análise de malware com suporte de hardware

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    Orientadores: Paulo Lício de Geus, André Ricardo Abed GrégioDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: O mundo atual é impulsionado pelo uso de sistemas computacionais, estando estes pre- sentes em todos aspectos da vida cotidiana. Portanto, o correto funcionamento destes é essencial para se assegurar a manutenção das possibilidades trazidas pelos desenvolvi- mentos tecnológicos. Contudo, garantir o correto funcionamento destes não é uma tarefa fácil, dado que indivíduos mal-intencionados tentam constantemente subvertê-los visando benefíciar a si próprios ou a terceiros. Os tipos mais comuns de subversão são os ataques por códigos maliciosos (malware), capazes de dar a um atacante controle total sobre uma máquina. O combate à ameaça trazida por malware baseia-se na análise dos artefatos coletados de forma a permitir resposta aos incidentes ocorridos e o desenvolvimento de contramedidas futuras. No entanto, atacantes têm se especializado em burlar sistemas de análise e assim manter suas operações ativas. Para este propósito, faz-se uso de uma série de técnicas denominadas de "anti-análise", capazes de impedir a inspeção direta dos códigos maliciosos. Dentre essas técnicas, destaca-se a evasão do processo de análise, na qual são empregadas exemplares capazes de detectar a presença de um sistema de análise para então esconder seu comportamento malicioso. Exemplares evasivos têm sido cada vez mais utilizados em ataques e seu impacto sobre a segurança de sistemas é considerá- vel, dado que análises antes feitas de forma automática passaram a exigir a supervisão de analistas humanos em busca de sinais de evasão, aumentando assim o custo de se manter um sistema protegido. As formas mais comuns de detecção de um ambiente de análise se dão através da detecção de: (i) código injetado, usado pelo analista para inspecionar a aplicação; (ii) máquinas virtuais, usadas em ambientes de análise por questões de escala; (iii) efeitos colaterais de execução, geralmente causados por emuladores, também usados por analistas. Para lidar com malware evasivo, analistas tem se valido de técnicas ditas transparentes, isto é, que não requerem injeção de código nem causam efeitos colaterais de execução. Um modo de se obter transparência em um processo de análise é contar com suporte do hardware. Desta forma, este trabalho versa sobre a aplicação do suporte de hardware para fins de análise de ameaças evasivas. No decorrer deste texto, apresenta-se uma avaliação das tecnologias existentes de suporte de hardware, dentre as quais máqui- nas virtuais de hardware, suporte de BIOS e monitores de performance. A avaliação crítica de tais tecnologias oferece uma base de comparação entre diferentes casos de uso. Além disso, são enumeradas lacunas de desenvolvimento existentes atualmente. Mais que isso, uma destas lacunas é preenchida neste trabalho pela proposição da expansão do uso dos monitores de performance para fins de monitoração de malware. Mais especificamente, é proposto o uso do monitor BTS para fins de construção de um tracer e um debugger. O framework proposto e desenvolvido neste trabalho é capaz, ainda, de lidar com ataques do tipo ROP, um dos mais utilizados atualmente para exploração de vulnerabilidades. A avaliação da solução demonstra que não há a introdução de efeitos colaterais, o que per- mite análises de forma transparente. Beneficiando-se desta característica, demonstramos a análise de aplicações protegidas e a identificação de técnicas de evasãoAbstract: Today¿s world is driven by the usage of computer systems, which are present in all aspects of everyday life. Therefore, the correct working of these systems is essential to ensure the maintenance of the possibilities brought about by technological developments. However, ensuring the correct working of such systems is not an easy task, as many people attempt to subvert systems working for their own benefit. The most common kind of subversion against computer systems are malware attacks, which can make an attacker to gain com- plete machine control. The fight against this kind of threat is based on analysis procedures of the collected malicious artifacts, allowing the incident response and the development of future countermeasures. However, attackers have specialized in circumventing analysis systems and thus keeping their operations active. For this purpose, they employ a series of techniques called anti-analysis, able to prevent the inspection of their malicious codes. Among these techniques, I highlight the analysis procedure evasion, that is, the usage of samples able to detect the presence of an analysis solution and then hide their malicious behavior. Evasive examples have become popular, and their impact on systems security is considerable, since automatic analysis now requires human supervision in order to find evasion signs, which significantly raises the cost of maintaining a protected system. The most common ways for detecting an analysis environment are: i) Injected code detec- tion, since injection is used by analysts to inspect applications on their way; ii) Virtual machine detection, since they are used in analysis environments due to scalability issues; iii) Execution side effects detection, usually caused by emulators, also used by analysts. To handle evasive malware, analysts have relied on the so-called transparent techniques, that is, those which do not require code injection nor cause execution side effects. A way to achieve transparency in an analysis process is to rely on hardware support. In this way, this work covers the application of the hardware support for the evasive threats analysis purpose. In the course of this text, I present an assessment of existing hardware support technologies, including hardware virtual machines, BIOS support, performance monitors and PCI cards. My critical evaluation of such technologies provides basis for comparing different usage cases. In addition, I pinpoint development gaps that currently exists. More than that, I fill one of these gaps by proposing to expand the usage of performance monitors for malware monitoring purposes. More specifically, I propose the usage of the BTS monitor for the purpose of developing a tracer and a debugger. The proposed framework is also able of dealing with ROP attacks, one of the most common used technique for remote vulnerability exploitation. The framework evaluation shows no side-effect is introduced, thus allowing transparent analysis. Making use of this capability, I demonstrate how protected applications can be inspected and how evasion techniques can be identifiedMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da ComputaçãoCAPE

    Analyse de vulnérabilités et évaluation de systèmes de détection d'intrusions pour les applications Web.

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    Avec le développement croissant d Internet, les applications Web sont devenues de plus en plus vulnérables et exposées à des attaques malveillantes pouvant porter atteinte à des propriétés essentielles telles que la confidentialité, l intégrité ou la disponibilité des systèmes d information. Pour faire face à ces malveillances, il est nécessaire de développer des mécanismes de protection et de test (pare-feu, système de détection d intrusion, scanner Web, etc.) qui soient efficaces. La question qui se pose est comment évaluer l efficacité de tels mécanismes et quels moyens peut-on mettre en oeuvre pour analyser leur capacité à détecter correctement des attaques contre les applications web.Dans cette thèse nous proposons une nouvelle méthode, basée sur des techniques de clustering de pages Web, qui permet d identifier les vulnérabilités à partir de l analyse selon une approche boîte noire de l application cible. Chaque vulnérabilité identifiée est réellement exploitée ce qui permet de s assurer que la vulnérabilité identifiée ne correspond pas à un faux positif. L approche proposée permet également de mettre en évidence différents scénarios d attaque potentiels incluant l exploitation de plusieurs vulnérabilités successives en tenant compte explicitement des dépendances entre les vulnérabilités.Nous nous sommes intéressés plus particulièrement aux vulnérabilités de type injection de code, par exemple les injections SQL. Cette méthode s est concrétisée par la mise en oeuvre d un nouveau scanner de vulnérabilités et a été validée expérimentalement sur plusieurs exemples d applications vulnérables. Nous avons aussi développé une plateforme expérimentale intégrant le nouveau scanner de vulnérabilités, qui est destinée à évaluer l efficacité de systèmes de détection d intrusions pour des applications Web dans un contexte qui soit représentatif des menaces auxquelles ces applications seront confrontées en opération. Cette plateforme intègre plusieurs outils qui ont été conçus pour automatiser le plus possible les campagnes d évaluation. Cette plateforme a été utilisée en particulier pour évaluer deux techniques de détection d intrusions développées par nos partenaires dans le cadre d un projet de coopération financé par l ANR, le projet DALI.With the increasing development of Internet, Web applications have become increasingly vulnerable and exposed to malicious attacks that could affect essential properties such as confidentiality, integrity or availability of information systems. To cope with these threats, it is necessary to develop efficient security protection mechanisms and testing techniques (firewall, intrusion detection system,Web scanner, etc..). The question that arises is how to evaluate the effectiveness of such mechanisms and what means can be implemented to analyze their ability to correctly detect attacks against Webapplications.This thesis presents a new methodology, based on web pages clustering, that is aimed at identifying the vulnerabilities of a Web application following a black box analysis of the target application. Each identified vulnerability is actually exploited to ensure that the identified vulnerability does not correspond to a false positive. The proposed approach can also highlight different potential attack scenarios including the exploitation of several successive vulnerabilities, taking into account explicitly the dependencies between these vulnerabilities. We have focused in particular on code injection vulnerabilities, such asSQL injections. The proposed method led to the development of a new Web vulnerability scanner and has been validated experimentally based on various vulnerable applications.We have also developed an experimental platform integrating the new web vulnerability scanner, that is aimed at assessing the effectiveness of Web applications intrusion detection systems, in a context that is representative of the threats that such applications face in operation. This platform integrates several tools that are designed to automate as much as possible the evaluation campaigns. It has been used in particular to evaluate the effectiveness of two intrusion detection techniques that have been developed by our partners of the collaborative project DALI, funded by the ANR, the French National Research AgencyTOULOUSE-INSA-Bib. electronique (315559905) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Automated Analysis of ARM Binaries using the Low-Level Virtual Machine Compiler Framework

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    Binary program analysis is a critical capability for offensive and defensive operations in Cyberspace. However, many current techniques are ineffective or time-consuming and few tools can analyze code compiled for embedded processors such as those used in network interface cards, control systems and mobile phones. This research designs and implements a binary analysis system, called the Architecture-independent Binary Abstracting Code Analysis System (ABACAS), which reverses the normal program compilation process, lifting binary machine code to the Low-Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) compiler\u27s intermediate representation, thereby enabling existing security-related analyses to be applied to binary programs. The prototype targets ARM binaries but can be extended to support other architectures. Several programs are translated from ARM binaries and analyzed with existing analysis tools. Programs lifted from ARM binaries are an average of 3.73 times larger than the same programs compiled from a high-level language (HLL). Analysis results are equivalent regardless of whether the HLL source or ARM binary version of the program is submitted to the system, confirming the hypothesis that LLVM is effective for binary analysis