12 research outputs found

    Diversity and Inclusion in Engineering Education: Looking Through the Gender Question

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    The STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) field in general, and Engineering, suffer from a lack of diversity. Yet there is growing evidence that more diverse organizations are more successful and effective. There is also a global shortage of STEM and engineering skills that can be tackled by addressing the lack of diversity in the field. One obvious way to view this problem is by looking at gender. Women make up 50% of the population, but in Engineering the number of female students and professionals is clearly less than this, often around 10 – 25% in many parts of the world. This underrepresentation of women leads us to think about other groups that are underrepresented in Engineering; these include Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) and those from socially deprived backgrounds. This paper examines a number of approaches to support diversity and inclusion to encourage a greater uptake of engineering by underrepresented groups and to retain people in the sector

    Centro de Apoio à Matemática na Engenharia: um processo de integração dos alunos nas licenciaturas em Engenharia

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    Como já referido, a candidata é docente do ISEC, leciona há vários anos UC-CDI nas licenciaturas em Engenharia e tem, ao longo destes anos, constatado grandes dificuldades dos alunos na integração naquelas UC. A sua experiência profissional e a preocupação frequente pela melhoria do seu desempenho têm produzido reflexões constantes através da análise dos resultados obtidos nas avaliações dos alunos. Assim, permite-se afirmar que são inúmeros os exemplos de alunos que ingressam nas licenciaturas em engenharia, vindos de cursos de especialização tecnológica ou através do regime maiores de 23 anos e que, usufruindo de ações de apoio à formação nas disciplinas de base promovidas pelo ISEC, revelam grande sucesso na instituição. Acredita por isso que, independentemente da sua forma de ingresso, a maioria dos alunos é possuidora de capacidades intelectuais e humanas suficientes para ter sucesso nesse projeto pessoal, desde que lhes seja dada a oportunidade de colmatar as lacunas de formação aquando do acesso ao ensino superior, nomeadamente nas ciências de base, como a Matemática

    Coding as literacy in preschool: a case study

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    Coding is increasingly recognized as a new literacy that should be encouraged at a young age. This understanding has recontextualized computer science as a compulsory school subject and has informed several developmentally appropriate approaches to computation, including for preschool children. This study focuses on the introduction of three approaches to computation in preschool (3–6 years), specifically computational thinking, programming, and robotics, from a cross-curricular perspective. This paper presents preliminary findings from one of the case studies currently being developed as part of project KML II—Laboratory of Technologies and Learning of Programming and Robotics for Preschool and Elementary School. The purpose of the KML II project is to characterize how approaches to computation can be integrated into preschool and elementary education, across different knowledge domains. The conclusions point to “expression and communication” as an initial framework for computational approaches in preschool, but also to multidisciplinary and more creative methodological activities that offer greater scope for the development of digital and computational competences, as well as for personal and social development.This research was funded under the project KML II—Laboratory of technologies and learning of programming and robotics for preschool and elementary school, which is co-funded by FEDER through the COMPETE 2020- Operational Thematic Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI) and national funds through FCT- Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under project reference number PTDC/CED-EDG/28710/2017

    Recent Advances in Reducing Food Losses in the Supply Chain of Fresh Agricultural Produce

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    Fruits and vegetables are highly nutritious agricultural produce with tremendous human health benefits. They are also highly perishable and as such are easily susceptible to spoilage, leading to a reduction in quality attributes and induced food loss. Cold chain technologies have over the years been employed to reduce the quality loss of fruits and vegetables from farm to fork. However, a high amount of losses (≈50%) still occur during the packaging, transportation, and storage of these fresh agricultural produce. This study highlights the current state-of-the-art of various advanced tools employed to reducing the quality loss of fruits and vegetables during the packaging, storage, and transportation cold chain operations, including the application of imaging technology, spectroscopy, multi-sensors, electronic nose, radio frequency identification, printed sensors, acoustic impulse response, and mathematical models. It is shown that computer vision, hyperspectral imaging, multispectral imaging, spectroscopy, X-ray imaging, and mathematical models are well established in monitoring and optimizing process parameters that affect food quality attributes during cold chain operations. We also identified the Internet of Things (IoT) and virtual representation models of a particular fresh produce (digital twins) as emerging technologies that can help monitor and control the uncharted quality evolution during its postharvest life. These advances can help diagnose and take measures against potential problems affecting the quality of fresh produce in the supply chains. Plausible future pathways to further develop these emerging technologies and help in the significant reduction of food losses in the supply chain of fresh produce are discussed. Future research should be directed towards integrating IoT and digital twins in order to intensify real-time monitoring of the cold chain environmental conditions, and the eventual optimization of the postharvest supply chains. This study gives promising insight towards the use of advanced technologies in reducing losses in the postharvest supply chain of fruits and vegetables

    Proyecto Docente e Investigador, Trabajo Original de Investigación y Presentación de la Defensa, preparado por Germán Moltó para concursar a la plaza de Catedrático de Universidad, concurso 082/22, plaza 6708, área de Ciencia de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial

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    Este documento contiene el proyecto docente e investigador del candidato Germán Moltó Martínez presentado como requisito para el concurso de acceso a plazas de Cuerpos Docentes Universitarios. Concretamente, el documento se centra en el concurso para la plaza 6708 de Catedrático de Universidad en el área de Ciencia de la Computación en el Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación de la Universitat Politécnica de València. La plaza está adscrita a la Escola Técnica Superior d'Enginyeria Informàtica y tiene como perfil las asignaturas "Infraestructuras de Cloud Público" y "Estructuras de Datos y Algoritmos".También se incluye el Historial Académico, Docente e Investigador, así como la presentación usada durante la defensa.Germán Moltó Martínez (2022). Proyecto Docente e Investigador, Trabajo Original de Investigación y Presentación de la Defensa, preparado por Germán Moltó para concursar a la plaza de Catedrático de Universidad, concurso 082/22, plaza 6708, área de Ciencia de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18903

    Advances in Postharvest Process Systems

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    This Special Issue presents a range of recent technologies and innovations to help the agricultural and food industry to manage and minimize postharvest losses, enhance reliability and sustainability, and generate high-quality products that are both healthy and appealing to consumers. It focuses on three main topics of food storage and preservation technologies, food processing technologies, and the applications of advanced mathematical modelling and computer simulations. This presentation of the latest research and information is particularly useful for people who are working in or associated with the fields of agriculture, the agri-food chain and technology development and promotion

    Developing employability and job-related skills at mobile learning environments:a case study at an industrial training centre

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    This study investigates how mobile technologies play a role in the development of employability and job-related skills for trainees at Saudi Aramco’s Industrial Training Centres (SAITCs) in Saudi Arabia. Adopting a case study approach, qualitative and quantitative data was collected from 133 trainees and 29 instructors participating in an iPad training programme at SAITCs. The data was collected through semi-structured online questionnaires, interviews, onsite observations, and program documents. Findings of this study were linked to existing literature on mobile learning (M-Learning); especially in Vocational and Technical Education and Training (VTET) contexts. It is anticipated that the findings of this study will contribute to the community of researchers and educators in the field of educational research generally, the field of M-Learning, and VTET in particular, in a number of ways. Firstly, this study provides new insights on how mobile devices play a role in the development of employability and job-related skills in industrial training workplaces. Secondly, it offers a better understanding of the key aspects, dynamics, and features of M-Learning environments in the field of VTET. Third, it presents new insights on how mobile devices are linked with specific learning and teaching approaches and practices that have the potential to impact the learning and teaching experience. It is suggested that the findings of this study will have some impact on the perceptions and practices of curriculum developers and the pedagogical considerations of trainees and instructors in terms of learning and teaching with mobile devices. Finally, this research will offer some insights to Saudi Aramco policy makers and administrators that will enable them to improve the full implementation of the iPad program across the training centres

    Advances in postharvest process systems

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    This books presents a range of recent technologies and innovations to help the agricultural and food industry to manage and minimize postharvest losses, enhance reliability and sustainability, and generate high-quality products that are both healthy and appealing to consumers. It focuses on three main topics of food storage and preservation technologies, food processing technologies, and the applications of advanced mathematical modelling and computer simulations. This latest research and information is particularly useful for people who are working in or are associated with the fields of agriculture, agri-food chain and technology development and promotion

    Rural Science Teachers\u27 Intentions of Integrating STEM Career-Related Lessons

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    Researchers have shown rural elementary and middle-grade science teachers\u27 inability to integrate STEM career-related lessons into their curricula despite engagement in professional development linked to the teachers\u27 intent-driven beliefs. Researchers, however, have not investigated the influence of intentions on teachers\u27 abilities to integrate STEM career-related lessons into science instruction. The purpose of this transcendental phenomenological study was to understand how intentions impacted rural elementary and middle-grade teachers\u27 ability to integrate STEM career-related lessons during science instruction. Guided by Ajzen\u27s (1988) theory of planned behavior, this study was designed to examine teachers\u27 intentions to integrate STEM career-related lessons during science instruction and the underlying causes of such intentions. In this transcendental phenomenological study, reflective journal entries and interview data were collected through purposeful sampling of 10 rural elementary and middle-grade science teachers. Data were analyzed using a modification of the Van Kaam method of analysis. Findings showed that teachers intended to regularly integrate STEM career-related lessons, but needed more support from their administrators, colleagues, and community partners in fulfilling their intents to integrate STEM career-related lessons. Additional studies are needed for an increased understanding of how teachers in rural areas intend to integrate STEM career-related lessons amid challenges rural teachers face. This study may be of benefit to administrators and teachers who want to unite efforts in constructing a positive climate of integrating STEM career-related lessons during science instruction

    Dictionaries in the European Enlightenment: a testimony to the civilization of its time and the foundations of modern Europe

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    The text presents a plan for an international and multidisciplinary research project that is under preparation now and which is looking for collaborators from other universities or research centers. It aims to investigate the role that played monolingual, bilingual, and multilingual dictionaries published in the 18th century in the constitution of modern Europe as we know it now. It is well known that in the 18th century there appeared many dictionaries in various European countries. These dictionaries were mainly monolingual but there appeared many bilingual or plurilingual ones as well. They had a wide range of functions: linguistic (to write and understand texts), but also symbolic, representing the development and the level of civilization and prestige that a given language of culture had in times previous to 19th-century European linguistic nationalisms. Another aspect is text-oriented and text-based: the 18th-century dictionaries used to be built on relatively large sources of contemporary texts and they reflected the level of knowledge in various subjects. Therefore, they can be considered testimonies of contemporary linguistic thinking and the applied linguistics, but at the same time, they resume the development of science, legal thought, political science, etc., illustrating how knowledge spread in the Enlightenment at the international level. The project seeks to unite researchers dedicated to the linguistic historiography of philologies of European languages, historians of natural sciences, law, and social and political history, among other disciplines. It aims to offer a map of the intellectual and political globalization that began to take place in the 18th century as it is reflected in its dictionaries. The project currently counts with a small group of researchers from linguistic historiography of Romance languages. Researchers of the historiography of other European philologies are welcome and needed, and so are historians of natural and social sciences specialized in the 18th century. The main aim of the project is to stop working in parallel, horizontal and vertical, tunnels and to form a network, necessary for this type of transdisciplinary research