609 research outputs found

    Model of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Linear Motor for an Urban Transport Electric Vehicle

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    Proceeding of: EMS 2015 (2015 IEEE European Modelling Symposium): UKSim-AMSS 9th IEEE European Modelling Symposium on Computer Modelling and Simulation, Madrid, Spain, 6-8 October 2015Also available in: International Journal of Simulation Systems, Science & Technology (IJSSST), (2016), 17(33), pp. 5.1-5.7This work proposes a new linear motor for an electric bus propulsion system. The vehicle is powered by a new topology of permanent magnet synchronous linear motor. The slider of the motor is integrally attached to the floor of the vehicle to propel. The motor is fed with an alternating voltage conveniently applied to a three-phased stator coils which are distributed in the rails that attach the vehicle travel. Therefore, the motor requires no energy storage system. A set of permanent magnets located on the slider and disposed in Hal Bach array, maximize thrust force. The new slider topology is able to reduce the thrust ripple, while maintaining its average value. At the same time it reduces the normal force, which in this type of motor with ferromagnetic slotted stator, is an attraction force. The study of the dynamic behavior of electromagnetic forces concerning the movement of the slider on the stator is shown as well as the motor structural design. A 3D Finite Element simulation tool is used.Publicad

    Modelling for classifying different shadow of obstacles on a c-Si PV panel

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    Shadow of Obstacles (SoO) on a PV Panel is classified depending on time with changing pattern of the shadow. Due to obstacles, the performance of a silicon c-Si PV panel reduces by a significant level. Different types of obstacles cast shadow on the panel and interrupt to get irradiation reducing the generated power. The simulation model is implemented in Matlab/Simulink to observe the changing pattern and variation of output power with changing shadow pattern of the obstacles. The results show identical behaviors. It is clearly viewed in both PV generated I-V and P-V curves. Their pattern of graphs is changed depending on the time for time-dependent obstacles. Graphs pattern is also changed with depending on time-independent obstacles and that does not vary with time. The identification of the behavior of the obstacle is vital to improve the PV system performance

    Modelling Li-ion battery aging for second life business models

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    Versió amb una secció retallada, per raons de confidencialitatPremi extraordinari doctorat UPC curs 2015-2016, àmbit d’Enginyeria IndustrialElectric vehicles are, slowly but steadily, entering into the automotive market. The slow entry is caused, basically, by the high cost of their batteries. Additionally, electric vehicle batteries are considered not useful for traction purposes when they have lost between 20 or 30% of its capacity. At this point, batteries should be recycled by the phew companies capable to do so in Europe, knowing that management of batteries as industrial waste until the recycling factory costs money. In the search of economical incentives and trying to eliminate the recycling costs, the idea of electric vehicle battery reuse for stationary applications appeared, which will take advantage from the benefits of reused batteries selling or by the profit obtained from the 2nd life use. This thesis analyzes the different electric vehicle batteries actually in the market, studying the aspects that should be modified and that have to be taken into account when repurposing them. Moreover, it analyzes the remanufacturing costs taking into account the actual battery checking methods. In order to improve these processes, a novel battery state of health estimation methodology is developed using on-board data. This new methodology observes the voltage recovery evolution when the car stops and relates it to battery aging. This thesis studies the rest of useful life in the different possible applications for second life developing an aging model using Matlab and Simuling tools. This model includes the principal aging factors of a battery and, based on current load requirements and temperature profiles of different stationary applications, it determines their expected lifetime. The presented values can be used, afterwards, for economic evaluation, business model calculations, amortization periods and maintenance schedules. Finally, this thesis finishes with an environmental analysis based on the global warming effect produced by the electric vehicle and the battery reuse during its second life, evaluating their environmental presupposed advantages against internal combustion engine vehicles and the battery reuse in each possible business case. This thesis concludes that electric vehicle battery reuse is surely going to take place sooner or later. The electricity grid is waiting for affordable energy storage systems and battery reuse is foreseen as a good option.Els vehicles elèctrics estan, poc a poc però de manera sostinguda, entrant dins el parc automotriu. La seva entrada és més lenta de l'esperat bàsicament per l'alt cost de les bateries. A més, les bateries de vehicle elèctric es consideren no aptes per a usos de tracció de vehicles quan aquestes han perdut entre un 20 i un 30% de la seva capacitat. Arribades a aquest punt, les bateries han de ser reciclades a les poques empreses que en són capaces i la seva gestió costa diners. Per tal d'intentar trobar incentius econòmics i d'eliminar el cost del reciclatge, ha aparegut la idea d'aprofitar les bateries per a aplicacions estacionaries i, dels beneficis de la venta i els serveis oferts, treure'n certa rendibilitat. Aquesta tesi analitza les bateries de vehicle elèctric que actualment estan al mercat, n'estudia els aspectes que cal modificar i tenir presents a l'hora de preparar-les per a la segona vida. Així mateix, fa un estudi de costs del procés de re-manufactura tenint en compte els mètodes actuals de validació de les bateries. Per tal de millorar-ne els processos, s'ha desenvolupat un sistema d'estimació de l'estat de salut de les bateries mitjançant dades embarcades en el propi vehicle basat en l'evolució del voltatge de recuperació un cop el vehicle s'atura. Així mateix, per tal de determinar la duració de les bateries en les possibles aplicacions en segona vida, s'ha desenvolupat un model d'envelliment en Matlab i les eines del Simulink. Aquest model inclou els factors d'envelliment principal de les bateries i, basant-se en els requeriments de corrent i les condicions de temperatura de diverses aplicacions estacionàries de bateries en segona vida, en determina l'esperança de vida útil. Aquests valors poden ser posteriorment utilitzats per a valoracions econòmiques d'amortitzacions de material i dels períodes de manteniment. Finalment, la tesi acaba amb un anàlisi mediambiental de l'efecte hivernacle que produeix el vehicle elèctric i la reutilització de les bateries en una segona vida, valorant la seva idoneïtat mediambiental, o no, en cada possible ús. Acaba concloent que, la reutilització de bateries de vehicle elèctric és un fet que acabarà per ocórrer amb seguretat, doncs el sistema elèctric està esperant sistemes d'emmagatzematge de baix cost i la reutilització de bateries n'és una bona opció.Award-winningPostprint (published version

    Modelling Li-ion battery aging for second life business models

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    Electric vehicles are, slowly but steadily, entering into the automotive market. The slow entry is caused, basically, by the high cost of their batteries. Additionally, electric vehicle batteries are considered not useful for traction purposes when they have lost between 20 or 30% of its capacity. At this point, batteries should be recycled by the phew companies capable to do so in Europe, knowing that management of batteries as industrial waste until the recycling factory costs money. In the search of economical incentives and trying to eliminate the recycling costs, the idea of electric vehicle battery reuse for stationary applications appeared, which will take advantage from the benefits of reused batteries selling or by the profit obtained from the 2nd life use. This thesis analyzes the different electric vehicle batteries actually in the market, studying the aspects that should be modified and that have to be taken into account when repurposing them. Moreover, it analyzes the remanufacturing costs taking into account the actual battery checking methods. In order to improve these processes, a novel battery state of health estimation methodology is developed using on-board data. This new methodology observes the voltage recovery evolution when the car stops and relates it to battery aging. This thesis studies the rest of useful life in the different possible applications for second life developing an aging model using Matlab and Simuling tools. This model includes the principal aging factors of a battery and, based on current load requirements and temperature profiles of different stationary applications, it determines their expected lifetime. The presented values can be used, afterwards, for economic evaluation, business model calculations, amortization periods and maintenance schedules. Finally, this thesis finishes with an environmental analysis based on the global warming effect produced by the electric vehicle and the battery reuse during its second life, evaluating their environmental presupposed advantages against internal combustion engine vehicles and the battery reuse in each possible business case. This thesis concludes that electric vehicle battery reuse is surely going to take place sooner or later. The electricity grid is waiting for affordable energy storage systems and battery reuse is foreseen as a good option.Els vehicles elèctrics estan, poc a poc però de manera sostinguda, entrant dins el parc automotriu. La seva entrada és més lenta de l'esperat bàsicament per l'alt cost de les bateries. A més, les bateries de vehicle elèctric es consideren no aptes per a usos de tracció de vehicles quan aquestes han perdut entre un 20 i un 30% de la seva capacitat. Arribades a aquest punt, les bateries han de ser reciclades a les poques empreses que en són capaces i la seva gestió costa diners. Per tal d'intentar trobar incentius econòmics i d'eliminar el cost del reciclatge, ha aparegut la idea d'aprofitar les bateries per a aplicacions estacionaries i, dels beneficis de la venta i els serveis oferts, treure'n certa rendibilitat. Aquesta tesi analitza les bateries de vehicle elèctric que actualment estan al mercat, n'estudia els aspectes que cal modificar i tenir presents a l'hora de preparar-les per a la segona vida. Així mateix, fa un estudi de costs del procés de re-manufactura tenint en compte els mètodes actuals de validació de les bateries. Per tal de millorar-ne els processos, s'ha desenvolupat un sistema d'estimació de l'estat de salut de les bateries mitjançant dades embarcades en el propi vehicle basat en l'evolució del voltatge de recuperació un cop el vehicle s'atura. Així mateix, per tal de determinar la duració de les bateries en les possibles aplicacions en segona vida, s'ha desenvolupat un model d'envelliment en Matlab i les eines del Simulink. Aquest model inclou els factors d'envelliment principal de les bateries i, basant-se en els requeriments de corrent i les condicions de temperatura de diverses aplicacions estacionàries de bateries en segona vida, en determina l'esperança de vida útil. Aquests valors poden ser posteriorment utilitzats per a valoracions econòmiques d'amortitzacions de material i dels períodes de manteniment. Finalment, la tesi acaba amb un anàlisi mediambiental de l'efecte hivernacle que produeix el vehicle elèctric i la reutilització de les bateries en una segona vida, valorant la seva idoneïtat mediambiental, o no, en cada possible ús. Acaba concloent que, la reutilització de bateries de vehicle elèctric és un fet que acabarà per ocórrer amb seguretat, doncs el sistema elèctric està esperant sistemes d'emmagatzematge de baix cost i la reutilització de bateries n'és una bona opció

    Electromagnetic Interference from a Wireless Power Transfer System: Experimental Results

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    The paper presents experimental results of measurement and analysis of the electromagnetic fields generated by wireless power transfer system and their possible interaction on data transmission channel. The energy transfer efficiency depends strongly both on the operation of the power transmitter and the operation of the receiver as well. Currently, in the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University Nova high power wireless power transfer systems are being constructed. For the coordination and optimization of the transmitter and receiver of the power transfer system, a set of microcontrollers is in development. The microcontrollers’ mutual communication is of extreme importance especially when high intensity fields will induce highly undesired influence. The two (or more) controllers take the responsibility of the control in the transmitting and the receiving sides, correspondingly. The controllers are supposed to communicate with each other through a RF data channel. The WPT system with the induced electromagnetic interference voltages and currents may influence or completely disrupt the communication which will be a severe problem

    Rapid characterisation of the extremely large landslide threatening the Rules Reservoir (Southern Spain)

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    When an active landslide is first identified in an artificial reservoir, a comprehensive study has to be quickly conducted to analyse the possible hazard that it may represent to such a critical infrastructure. This paper presents the case of the El Arrecife Landslide, located in a slope of the Rules Reservoir (Southern Spain), as an example of geological and motion data integration for elaborating a preliminary hazard assessment. For this purpose, a field survey was carried out to define the kinematics of the landslide: translational in favour of a specific foliation set, and rotational at the foot of the landslide. A possible failure surface has been proposed, as well as an estimation of the volume of the landslide: 14.7 million m3. At the same time, remote sensing and geophysical techniques were applied to obtain historical displacement rates. A mean subsidence rate of the landslide around 2 cm/year was obtained by means of synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) and ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data, during the last 5 and 22 years, respectively. The structure-from-motion (SfM) technique provided a rate up to 26 cm/year during the last 14 years of a slag heap located within the foot of the landslide, due to compaction of the anthropical deposits. All of this collected information will be valuable to optimise the planning of future monitoring surveys (i.e. differential global positioning systems, inclinometers, ground drilling, and InSAR) that should be applied in order to prevent further damage on the reservoir and related infrastructures.This work was mainly supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the project “RISKCOAST” (SOE3/P4/E0868) of the Interreg SUDOE Programme. The work of J.P.G., M.M-S., P.R. and J.M.A. was also supported by the “Ramón y Cajal” Programme (RYC-2017–23335) of the Spanish Ministry of Science, the project “MORPHOMED”—PID2019-107138RB-I00 / SRA (State Research Agency / https://doi.org/10.13039/501100011033) and the project “RADANDALUS” (P18-RT-3632) and B-RNM-305-UGR1818 of the FEDER / Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades

    ICT architectures for TSO-DSO coordination and data exchange: a European perspective

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    The coordination between system operators is a key element for the decarbonization of the power system. Over the past few years, many EU-funded research projects have addressed the challenges of Transmission System Operators (TSO) and Distribution System Operators (DSO) coordination by implementing different data exchange architectures. This paper presents a review of the ICT architectures implemented for the main coordination schemes demonstrated in such projects. The main used technologies are analyzed, considering the type of data exchanged and the communication link. Finally, the paper presents the different gaps and challenges on TSO-DSO coordination related to ICT architectures that must still be faced, paying especial attention to the expected contribution of the EU-funded OneNet project on this topic. IEEECoordiNet H202

    Airborne dust: from R and D to operational forecast. 2013-2015 Activity Report of the SDS-WAS Regional Center for Northern Africa, Middle East and Europe

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    The 17th World Meteorological Congress designated the consortium of AEMET and Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) to host the first WMO Regional Meteorological Center specialized on Atmospheric Sand and Dust Forecast. The new center operationally generates and distributes dust forecasts under the name of Barcelona Dust Forecast Center. This decision recognizes the research activities and the products implemented by AEMET and BSC as a valuable contribution to the WMO Sand and Dust Storm – Warning Advisory and Assessment System (SDS-WAS). The services provided by the Barcelona Dust Forecast Center allow for the development of strategies to minimize the severe impacts caused by atmospheric dust on lives and property in Northern Africa, Middle East and Europe. This report summarizes the activities of the SDS-WAS Regional Center for Northern Africa, Middle East and Europe for 2013-2015 and shows the great success of the SDS-WAS project