18 research outputs found

    Intelligent Scheduling and Memory Management Techniques for Modern GPU Architectures

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    abstract: With the massive multithreading execution feature, graphics processing units (GPUs) have been widely deployed to accelerate general-purpose parallel workloads (GPGPUs). However, using GPUs to accelerate computation does not always gain good performance improvement. This is mainly due to three inefficiencies in modern GPU and system architectures. First, not all parallel threads have a uniform amount of workload to fully utilize GPU鈥檚 computation ability, leading to a sub-optimal performance problem, called warp criticality. To mitigate the degree of warp criticality, I propose a Criticality-Aware Warp Acceleration mechanism, called CAWA. CAWA predicts and accelerates the critical warp execution by allocating larger execution time slices and additional cache resources to the critical warp. The evaluation result shows that with CAWA, GPUs can achieve an average of 1.23x speedup. Second, the shared cache storage in GPUs is often insufficient to accommodate demands of the large number of concurrent threads. As a result, cache thrashing is commonly experienced in GPU鈥檚 cache memories, particularly in the L1 data caches. To alleviate the cache contention and thrashing problem, I develop an instruction aware Control Loop Based Adaptive Bypassing algorithm, called Ctrl-C. Ctrl-C learns the cache reuse behavior and bypasses a portion of memory requests with the help of feedback control loops. The evaluation result shows that Ctrl-C can effectively improve cache utilization in GPUs and achieve an average of 1.42x speedup for cache sensitive GPGPU workloads. Finally, GPU workloads and the co-located processes running on the host chip multiprocessor (CMP) in a heterogeneous system setup can contend for memory resources in multiple levels, resulting in significant performance degradation. To maximize the system throughput and balance the performance degradation of all co-located applications, I design a scalable performance degradation predictor specifically for heterogeneous systems, called HeteroPDP. HeteroPDP predicts the application execution time and schedules OpenCL workloads to run on different devices based on the optimization goal. The evaluation result shows HeteroPDP can improve the system fairness from 24% to 65% when an OpenCL application is co-located with other processes, and gain an additional 50% speedup compared with always offloading the OpenCL workload to GPUs. In summary, this dissertation aims to provide insights for the future microarchitecture and system architecture designs by identifying, analyzing, and addressing three critical performance problems in modern GPUs.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Engineering 201

    Inefficiencies in the Cache Hierarchy: A Sensitivity Study of Cacheline Size with Mobile Workloads

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    With the rising number of cores in mobile devices, the cache hierarchy in mobile application processors gets deeper, and the cache size gets bigger. However, the cacheline size remained relatively constant over the last decade in mobile application processors. In this work, we investigate whether the cacheline size in mobile application processors is due for a refresh, by looking at inefficiencies in the cache hierarchy which tend to be exacerbated when increasing the cacheline size: false sharing and cacheline utilization. Firstly, we look at false sharing, which is more likely to arise at larger cacheline sizes and can severely impact performance. False sharing occurs when non-shared data structures, mapped onto the same cacheline, are being accessed by threads running on different cores, causing avoidable invalidations and subsequent misses. False sharing has been found in various places such as scientific workloads and real applications. We find that whilst increasing the cacheline size does increase false sharing, it still is negligible when compared to known cases of false sharing in scientific workloads, due to the limited level of thread-level parallelism in mobile workloads. Secondly, we look at cacheline utilization which measures the number of bytes in a cacheline actually used by the processor. This effect has been investigated under various names for a multitude of server and desktop applications. As a low cacheline utilization implies that very little of the fetched cachelines was used by the processor, this causes waste in bandwidth and energy in moving data across the memory hierarchy. The energy cost associated with data movements is much higher compared to logic operations, increasing the need for cache efficiency, especially in the case of an energy-constrained platform like a mobile device. We find that the cacheline utilization of mobile workloads is low in general, decreasing when increasing the cacheline size. When increasing the cacheline size from 64 bytes to 128 bytes, the number of misses will be reduced by 10%-30%, depending on the workload. However, because of the low cacheline utilization, this more than doubles the amount of unused traffic to the L1 caches. Using the cacheline utilization as a metric in this way, illustrates an important point. If a change in cacheline size would only be assessed on its local effects, we find that this change in cacheline size will only have advantages as the miss rate decreases. However, at system level, this change will increase the stress on the bus and increase the amount of wasted energy due to unused traffic. Using cacheline utilization as a metric underscores the need for system-level research when changing characteristics of the cache hierarchy

    Reducing the Length of Field-replay Based Load Testing

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    With the development of software, load testing have become more and more important. Load testing can ensure the software system can provide quality service under a certain load. Therefore, one of the common challenges of load testing is to design realistic workloads that can represent the actual workload in the field. In particular, one of the most widely adopted and intuitive approaches is to directly replay the field workloads in the load testing environment, which is resource- and time-consuming. In this work, we propose an automated approach to reduce the length of load testing that is driven by replaying the field workloads. The intuition of our approach is: if the measured performance associated with a particular system behaviour is already stable, we can skip subsequent testing of this system behaviour to reduce the length of the field workloads. In particular, our approach first clusters execution logs that are generated during the system runtime to identify similar system behaviours during the field workloads. Then, we use statistical methods to determine whether the measured performance associated with a system behaviour has been stable. We evaluate our approach on three open-source projects (i.e., OpenMRS, TeaStore, and Apache James). The results show that our approach can significantly reduce the length of field workloads while the workloads-after-reduction produced by our approach are representative of the original set of workloads. More importantly, the load testing results obtained by replaying the workloads after the reduction have high correlation and similar trend with the original set of workloads. Practitioners can leverage our approach to perform realistic field-replay based load testing while saving the needed resources and time

    Evaluation and optimization of Big Data Processing on High Performance Computing Systems

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Investigaci贸n en Tecnolox铆as da Informaci贸n. 524V01[Resumo] Hoxe en d铆a, moitas organizaci贸ns empregan tecnolox铆as Big Data para extraer informaci贸n de grandes volumes de datos. A medida que o tama帽o destes volumes crece, satisfacer as demandas de rendemento das aplicaci贸ns de procesamento de datos masivos faise m谩is dif铆cil. Esta Tese c茅ntrase en avaliar e optimizar estas aplicaci贸ns, presentando d煤as novas ferramentas chamadas BDEv e Flame-MR. Por unha banda, BDEv analiza o comportamento de frameworks de procesamento Big Data como Hadoop, Spark e Flink, moi populares na actualidade. BDEv xestiona a s煤a configuraci贸n e despregamento, xerando os conxuntos de datos de entrada e executando cargas de traballo previamente elixidas polo usuario. Durante cada execuci贸n, BDEv extrae diversas m茅tricas de avaliaci贸n que incl煤en rendemento, uso de recursos, eficiencia enerx茅tica e comportamento a nivel de microarquitectura. Doutra banda, Flame-MR permite optimizar o rendemento de aplicaci贸ns Hadoop MapReduce. En xeral, o seu dese帽o bas茅ase nunha arquitectura dirixida por eventos capaz de mellorar a eficiencia dos recursos do sistema mediante o solapamento da computaci贸n coas comunicaci贸ns. Ademais de reducir o n煤mero de copias en memoria que presenta Hadoop, emprega algoritmos eficientes para ordenar e mesturar os datos. Flame-MR substit煤e o motor de procesamento de datos MapReduce de xeito totalmente transparente, polo que non 茅 necesario modificar o c贸digo de aplicaci贸ns xa existentes. A mellora de rendemento de Flame-MR foi avaliada de maneira exhaustiva en sistemas cl煤ster e cloud, executando tanto benchmarks est谩ndar coma aplicaci贸ns pertencentes a casos de uso reais. Os resultados amosan unha reduci贸n de entre un 40% e un 90% do tempo de execuci贸n das aplicaci贸ns. Esta Tese proporciona aos usuarios e desenvolvedores de Big Data d煤as potentes ferramentas para analizar e comprender o comportamento de frameworks de procesamento de datos e reducir o tempo de execuci贸n das aplicaci贸ns sen necesidade de contar con co帽ecemento experto para elo.[Resumen] Hoy en d铆a, muchas organizaciones utilizan tecnolog铆as Big Data para extraer informaci贸n de grandes vol煤menes de datos. A medida que el tama帽o de estos vol煤menes crece, satisfacer las demandas de rendimiento de las aplicaciones de procesamiento de datos masivos se vuelve m谩s dif铆cil. Esta Tesis se centra en evaluar y optimizar estas aplicaciones, presentando dos nuevas herramientas llamadas BDEv y Flame-MR. Por un lado, BDEv analiza el comportamiento de frameworks de procesamiento Big Data como Hadoop, Spark y Flink, muy populares en la actualidad. BDEv gestiona su configuraci贸n y despliegue, generando los conjuntos de datos de entrada y ejecutando cargas de trabajo previamente elegidas por el usuario. Durante cada ejecuci贸n, BDEv extrae diversas m茅tricas de evaluaci贸n que incluyen rendimiento, uso de recursos, eficiencia energ茅tica y comportamiento a nivel de microarquitectura. Por otro lado, Flame-MR permite optimizar el rendimiento de aplicaciones Hadoop MapReduce. En general, su dise帽o se basa en una arquitectura dirigida por eventos capaz de mejorar la eficiencia de los recursos del sistema mediante el solapamiento de la computaci贸n con las comunicaciones. Adem谩s de reducir el n煤mero de copias en memoria que presenta Hadoop, utiliza algoritmos eficientes para ordenar y mezclar los datos. Flame-MR reemplaza el motor de procesamiento de datos MapReduce de manera totalmente transparente, por lo que no se necesita modificar el c贸digo de aplicaciones ya existentes. La mejora de rendimiento de Flame-MR ha sido evaluada de manera exhaustiva en sistemas cl煤ster y cloud, ejecutando tanto benchmarks est谩ndar como aplicaciones pertenecientes a casos de uso reales. Los resultados muestran una reducci贸n de entre un 40% y un 90% del tiempo de ejecuci贸n de las aplicaciones. Esta Tesis proporciona a los usuarios y desarrolladores de Big Data dos potentes herramientas para analizar y comprender el comportamiento de frameworks de procesamiento de datos y reducir el tiempo de ejecuci贸n de las aplicaciones sin necesidad de contar con conocimiento experto para ello.[Abstract] Nowadays, Big Data technologies are used by many organizations to extract valuable information from large-scale datasets. As the size of these datasets increases, meeting the huge performance requirements of data processing applications becomes more challenging. This Thesis focuses on evaluating and optimizing these applications by proposing two new tools, namely BDEv and Flame-MR. On the one hand, BDEv allows to thoroughly assess the behavior of widespread Big Data processing frameworks such as Hadoop, Spark and Flink. It manages the configuration and deployment of the frameworks, generating the input datasets and launching the workloads specified by the user. During each workload, it automatically extracts several evaluation metrics that include performance, resource utilization, energy efficiency and microarchitectural behavior. On the other hand, Flame-MR optimizes the performance of existing Hadoop MapReduce applications. Its overall design is based on an event-driven architecture that improves the efficiency of the system resources by pipelining data movements and computation. Moreover, it avoids redundant memory copies present in Hadoop, while also using efficient sort and merge algorithms for data processing. Flame-MR replaces the underlying MapReduce data processing engine in a transparent way and thus the source code of existing applications does not require to be modified. The performance benefits provided by Flame- MR have been thoroughly evaluated on cluster and cloud systems by using both standard benchmarks and real-world applications, showing reductions in execution time that range from 40% to 90%. This Thesis provides Big Data users with powerful tools to analyze and understand the behavior of data processing frameworks and reduce the execution time of the applications without requiring expert knowledge

    A survey of near-data processing architectures for neural networks

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    Data-intensive workloads and applications, such as machine learning (ML), are fundamentally limited by traditional computing systems based on the von-Neumann architecture. As data movement operations and energy consumption become key bottlenecks in the design of computing systems, the interest in unconventional approaches such as Near-Data Processing (NDP), machine learning, and especially neural network (NN)-based accelerators has grown significantly. Emerging memory technologies, such as ReRAM and 3D-stacked, are promising for efficiently architecting NDP-based accelerators for NN due to their capabilities to work as both high-density/low-energy storage and in/near-memory computation/search engine. In this paper, we present a survey of techniques for designing NDP architectures for NN. By classifying the techniques based on the memory technology employed, we underscore their similarities and differences. Finally, we discuss open challenges and future perspectives that need to be explored in order to improve and extend the adoption of NDP architectures for future computing platforms. This paper will be valuable for computer architects, chip designers, and researchers in the area of machine learning.This work has been supported by the CoCoUnit ERC Advanced Grant of the EU鈥檚 Horizon 2020 program (grant No 833057), the Spanish State Research Agency (MCIN/AEI) under grant PID2020-113172RB-I00, and the ICREA Academia program.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Improving Performance of Transactional Applications through Adaptive Transactional Memory

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    With the rise of chip multiprocessors (CMPs), it is necessary to use parallel programming to exploit computational power of CMPs. Traditionally, lock-based mechanisms have been used to synchronize shared variables in parallel programs. However, with the complexity associated with locks, writing a correct parallel program is a huge burden for programmers. As an alternative, Transactional Memory (TM) is gaining momentum as a parallel programming model for multi--鈥恈ore processors. TM provides programmers with an atomic construct (transaction), which can be used to guarantee atomicity of accesses to shared variables, as the synchronization is handled through the underlying system. Transactional memory comes in two variants: Software transaction memory (STM) and Hardware transaction memory (HTM). Both STM and HTM systems have advantages and disadvantages that either enhance or penalize performance in transactional applications. In this thesis, the focus is on implementing an adaptive system that exploits both STM and HTM at transaction granularity. The goal is to achieve performance gain by incorporating the benefits of both TM systems. A synchronization technique is developed to seamlessly switch between HTM and STM based on the characteristics of a transaction. We exploit decision tree to predict the optimum system for each transaction in a given application. The decision tree is a form of supervised machine learning to classify transactions based on parameters such as transaction size, transaction write ratio, etc. From the evaluations using STAMP, NAS, and DiscoPoP benchmark suites, the proposed adaptive system is able to improve speed of transactional applications by 20.82% on average