22 research outputs found

    An Empirical Evaluation of Effort Prediction Models Based on Functional Size Measures

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    Software development effort estimation is among the most interesting issues for project managers, since reliable estimates are at the base of good planning and project control. Several different techniques have been proposed for effort estimation, and practitioners need evidence, based on which they can choose accurate estimation methods. The work reported here aims at evaluating the accuracy of software development effort estimates that can be obtained via popular techniques, such as those using regression models and those based on analogy. The functional size and the development effort of twenty software development projects were measured, and the resulting dataset was used to derive effort estimation models and evaluate their accuracy. Our data analysis shows that estimation based on the closest analogues provides better results for most models, but very bad estimates in a few cases. To mitigate this behavior, the correction of regression toward the mean proved effective. According to the results of our analysis, it is advisable that regression to the mean correction is used when the estimates are based on closest analogues. Once corrected, the accuracy of analogy-based estimation is not substantially different from the accuracy of regression based models

    Quality of Design, Analysis and Reporting of Software Engineering Experiments:A Systematic Review

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    Background: Like any research discipline, software engineering research must be of a certain quality to be valuable. High quality research in software engineering ensures that knowledge is accumulated and helpful advice is given to the industry. One way of assessing research quality is to conduct systematic reviews of the published research literature. Objective: The purpose of this work was to assess the quality of published experiments in software engineering with respect to the validity of inference and the quality of reporting. More specifically, the aim was to investigate the level of statistical power, the analysis of effect size, the handling of selection bias in quasi-experiments, and the completeness and consistency of the reporting of information regarding subjects, experimental settings, design, analysis, and validity. Furthermore, the work aimed at providing suggestions for improvements, using the potential deficiencies detected as a basis. Method: The quality was assessed by conducting a systematic review of the 113 experiments published in nine major software engineering journals and three conference proceedings in the decade 1993-2002. Results: The review revealed that software engineering experiments were generally designed with unacceptably low power and that inadequate attention was paid to issues of statistical power. Effect sizes were sparsely reported and not interpreted with respect to their practical importance for the particular context. There seemed to be little awareness of the importance of controlling for selection bias in quasi-experiments. Moreover, the review revealed a need for more complete and standardized reporting of information, which is crucial for understanding software engineering experiments and judging their results. Implications: The consequence of low power is that the actual effects of software engineering technologies will not be detected to an acceptable extent. The lack of reporting of effect sizes and the improper interpretation of effect sizes result in ignorance of the practical importance, and thereby the relevance to industry, of experimental results. The lack of control for selection bias in quasi-experiments may make these experiments less credible than randomized experiments. This is an unsatisfactory situation, because quasi-experiments serve an important role in investigating cause-effect relationships in software engineering, for example, in industrial settings. Finally, the incomplete and unstandardized reporting makes it difficult for the reader to understand an experiment and judge its results. Conclusions: Insufficient quality was revealed in the reviewed experiments. This has implications for inferences drawn from the experiments and might in turn lead to the accumulation of erroneous information and the offering of misleading advice to the industry. Ways to improve this situation are suggested

    Developing Web Applications For Different Architectures: The MoWebA Approach

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    This study presents the Architecture Specific Model (ASM) defined by the MoWebA approach to improve the development of web applications for different architectures. MoWebA is a model-driven approach to web applications development. The article presents a general overview of MoWebA, including the methodological aspects related to its modeling and transformation processes, the process of defining the ASM, and an example of an ASM model.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    The impact of employee participation on the use of an electronic process guide: A longitudinal case study

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    -Many software companies disseminate process knowledge through electronic process guides. A common problem with such guides is that they are not used. Through a case study, we investigated how participation in creating an electronic process guide, through process workshops, influenced the use of the guide. We studied developer and project manager usage with respect to three factors: frequency of use, used functionality, and reported advantages and disadvantages. We collected data from three rounds of interviews and 19 months of usage logs in a longitudinal study in a medium-size software company. Employees who participated in process workshops showed a higher degree of usage, used a larger number of functions, and expressed more advantages and disadvantages than those not involved. Our study suggests that employee participation has a long-term positive effect on electronic process guide usage

    Exploiting Parts-of-Speech for Effective Automated Requirements Traceability

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    Context: Requirement traceability (RT) is defined as the ability to describe and follow the life of a requirement. RT helps developers ensure that relevant requirements are implemented and that the source code is consistent with its requirement with respect to a set of traceability links called trace links. Previous work leverages Parts Of Speech (POS) tagging of software artifacts to recover trace links among them. These studies work on the premise that discarding one or more POS tags results in an improved accuracy of Information Retrieval (IR) techniques. Objective: First, we show empirically that excluding one or more POS tags could negatively impact the accuracy of existing IR-based traceability approaches, namely the Vector Space Model (VSM) and the Jensen Shannon Model (JSM). Second, we propose a method that improves the accuracy of IR-based traceability approaches. Method: We developed an approach, called ConPOS, to recover trace links using constraint-based pruning. ConPOS uses major POS categories and applies constraints to the recovered trace links for pruning as a filtering process to significantly improve the effectiveness of IR-based techniques. We conducted an experiment to provide evidence that removing POSs does not improve the accuracy of IR techniques. Furthermore, we conducted two empirical studies to evaluate the effectiveness of ConPOS in recovering trace links compared to existing peer RT approaches. Results: The results of the first empirical study show that removing one or more POS negatively impacts the accuracy of VSM and JSM. Furthermore, the results from the other empirical studies show that ConPOS provides 11%-107%, 8%-64%, and 15%-170% higher precision, recall, and mean average precision (MAP) than VSM and JSM. Conclusion: We showed that ConPosout performs existing IR-based RT approaches that discard some POS tags from the input documents

    Visualizing and Understanding Code Duplication in Large Software Systems

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    Code duplication, or code cloning, is a common phenomena in the development of large software systems. Developers have a love-hate relationship with cloning. On one hand, cloning speeds up the development process. On the other hand, clone management is a challenging task as software evolves. Cloning has commonly been considered as undesirable for software maintenance and several research efforts have been devoted to automatically detect clones and eliminate clones aggressively. However, there is little empirical work done to analyze the consequences of cloning with respect to the software quality. Recent studies show that cloning is not necessarily undesirable. Cloning can used to minimize risks and there are cases where cloning is used as a design technique. In this thesis, three visualization techniques are proposed to aid researchers in analyzing cloning in studying large software systems. All of the visualizations abstract and display cloning information at the subsystem level but with different emphases. At the subsystem level, clones can be classified as external clones and internal clones. External clones refer to code duplicates that reside in the same subsystem, whereas external clones are clones that are spread across different subsystems. Software architecture quality attributes such as cohesion and coupling are introduced to contribute to the study of cloning at the architecture level. The Clone Cohesion and Coupling (CCC) Graph and the Clone System Hierarchy (CSH) Graph display the cloning information for one single release. In particular, the CCC Graph highlights the amount of internal and external cloning for each subsystems; whereas the CSH Graph focuses more on the details of the spread of cloning. Finally, the Clone System Evolution (CSE) Graph shows the evolution of cloning over a period of time

    Testaus Scrum-prosessimallissa

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    Testaus ketterissä menetelmissä (agile) on kirjallisuudessa heikosti määritelty, ja yritykset toteuttavat laatu- ja testauskäytäntöjä vaihtelevasti. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli löytää malli testauksen järjestämiseen ketterissä menetelmissä. Tavoitetta lähestyttiin keräämällä kirjallisista lähteistä kokemuksia, vaihtoehtoja ja malleja. Löydettyjä tietoja verrattiin ohjelmistoyritysten käytännön ratkaisuihin ja näkemyksiin, joita saatiin suorittamalla kyselytutkimus kahdessa Scrum-prosessimallia käyttävässä ohjelmistoyrityksessä. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa selvisi, että laatusuunnitelman ja testausstrategian avulla voidaan tunnistaa kussakin kontekstissa tarvittavat testausmenetelmät. Menetelmiä kannattaa tarkastella ja suunnitella iteratiivisten prosessien aikajänteiden (sydämenlyönti, iteraatio, julkaisu ja strateginen) avulla. Tutkimuksen suurin löytö oli, että yrityksiltä puuttui laajempi ja suunnitelmallinen näkemys testauksen ja laadun kehittämiseen. Uusien laatu- ja testaustoimenpiteiden tarvetta ei analysoitu järjestelmällisesti, olemassa olevien käyttöä ei kehitetty pitkäjänteisesti, eikä yrityksillä ollut kokonaiskuvaa tarvittavien toimenpiteiden keskinäisistä suhteista. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa selvisi, etteivät tiimit kyenneet ottamaan vastuuta laadusta, koska laatuun liittyviä toimenpiteitä tehdään iteraatioissa liian vähän. Myös Scrum-prosessimallin noudattamisessa oli korjaamisen varaa. Yritykset kuitenkin osoittivat halua ja kykyä kehittää toimintaansa ongelmien tunnistamisen jälkeen. ACM Computing Classification System (CCS 1998): D.2.5 Testing and Debugging, D.2.9 Management, K.6.1 Project and People Management, K.6.3 Software Managemen

    Meta-data to enhance case-based prediction.

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    The focus of this thesis is to measure the regularity of case bases used in Case-Based Prediction (CBP) systems and the reliability of their constituent cases prior to the system's deployment to influence user confidence on the delivered solutions. The reliability information, referred to as meta-data, is then used to enhance prediction accuracy. CBP is a strain of Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) that differs from the latter only in the solution feature which is a continuous value. Several factors make implementing such systems for prediction domains a challenge. Typically, the problem and solution spaces are unbounded in prediction problems that make it difficult to determine the portions of the domain represented by the case base. In addition, such problem domains often exhibit complex and poorly understood interactions between features and contain noise. As a result, the overall regularity in the case base is distorted which poses a hindrance to delivery of good quality solutions. Hence in this research, techniques have been presented that address the issue of irregularity in case bases with an objective to increase prediction accuracy of solutions. Although, several techniques have been proposed in the CBR literature to deal with irregular case bases, they are inapplicable to CBP problems. As an alternative, this research proposes the generation of relevant case-specific meta-data. The meta-data is made use of in Mantel's randomisation test to objectively measure regularity in the case base. Several novel visualisations using the meta-data have been presented to observe the degree of regularity and help identify suspect unreliable cases whose reuse may very likely yield poor solutions. Further, performances of individual cases are recorded to judge their reliability, which is reflected upon before selecting them for reuse along with their distance from the problem case. The intention is to overlook unreliable cases in favour of relatively distant yet more reliable ones for reuse to enhance prediction accuracy. The proposed techniques have been demonstrated on software engineering data sets where the aim is to predict the duration of a software project on the basis of past completed projects recorded in the case base. Software engineering is a human-centric, volatile and dynamic discipline where many unrecorded factors influence productivity. This degrades the regularity in case bases where cases are disproportionably spread out in the problem and solution spaces resulting in erratic prediction quality. Results from administering the proposed techniques were helpful to gain insight into the three software engineering data sets used in this analysis. The Mantel's test was very effective at measuring overall regularity within a case base, while the visualisations were learnt to be variably valuable depending upon the size of the data set. Most importantly, the proposed case discrimination system, that intended to reuse only reliable similar cases, was successful at increasing prediction accuracy for all three data sets. Thus, the contributions of this research are some novel approaches making use of meta-data to firstly provide the means to assess and visualise irregularities in case bases and cases from prediction domains and secondly, provide a method to identify unreliable cases to avoid their reuse in favour to more reliable cases to enhance overall prediction accuracy

    Detection and analysis of near-miss clone genealogies

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    It is believed that identical or similar code fragments in source code, also known as code clones, have an impact on software maintenance. A clone genealogy shows how a group of clone fragments evolve with the evolution of the associated software system, and thus may provide important insights on the maintenance implications of those clone fragments. Considering the importance of studying the evolution of code clones, many studies have been conducted on this topic. However, after a decade of active research, there has been a marked lack of progress in understanding the evolution of near-miss software clones, especially where statements have been added, deleted, or modified in the copied fragments. Given that there are a significant amount of near-miss clones in the software systems, we believe that without studying the evolution of near-miss clones, one cannot have a complete picture of the clone evolution. In this thesis, we have advanced the state-of-the-art in the evolution of clone research in the context of both exact and near-miss software clones. First, we performed a large-scale empirical study to extend the existing knowledge about the evolution of exact and renamed clones where identifiers have been modified in the copied fragments. Second, we have developed a framework, gCad that can automatically extract both exact and near-miss clone genealogies across multiple versions of a program and identify their change patterns reasonably fast while maintaining high precision and recall. Third, in order to gain a broader perspective of clone evolution, we extended gCad to calculate various evolutionary metrics, and performed an in-depth empirical study on the evolution of both exact and near-miss clones in six open source software systems of two different programming languages with respect to five research questions. We discovered several interesting evolutionary phenomena of near-miss clones which either contradict with previous findings or are new. Finally, we further improved gCad, and investigated a wide range of attributes and metrics derived from both the clones themselves and their evolution histories to identify certain attributes, which developers often use to remove clones in the real world. We believe that our new insights in the evolution of near-miss clones, and about how developers approach and remove duplication, will play an important role in understanding the maintenance implications of clones and will help design better clone management systems