202 research outputs found

    Efficient binocular stereo matching based on SAD and improved census transformation

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    Binocular stereo matching aims to obtain disparities from two very close views. Existing stereo matching methods may cause false matching when there are much image noise and disparity discontinuities. This paper proposes a novel binocular stereo matching algorithm based on SAD and improved Census transformation. We first perform improved Census transformation, and then get the matching costs by combining SAD and improved Census transformation. Finally we cluster the matching costs and calculate the disparities. To generate better disparities, we further propose the improved bilateral and selective filters to enhance the accuracy of disparities. Experimental results show that our binocular stereo matching can produce more accurate and complete disparities, and works well in complex scenes with irregular shapes and more objects , thus has wide applications in stereoscopic image processing

    From pixels to people : recovering location, shape and pose of humans in images

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    Humans are at the centre of a significant amount of research in computer vision. Endowing machines with the ability to perceive people from visual data is an immense scientific challenge with a high degree of direct practical relevance. Success in automatic perception can be measured at different levels of abstraction, and this will depend on which intelligent behaviour we are trying to replicate: the ability to localise persons in an image or in the environment, understanding how persons are moving at the skeleton and at the surface level, interpreting their interactions with the environment including with other people, and perhaps even anticipating future actions. In this thesis we tackle different sub-problems of the broad research area referred to as "looking at people", aiming to perceive humans in images at different levels of granularity. We start with bounding box-level pedestrian detection: We present a retrospective analysis of methods published in the decade preceding our work, identifying various strands of research that have advanced the state of the art. With quantitative exper- iments, we demonstrate the critical role of developing better feature representations and having the right training distribution. We then contribute two methods based on the insights derived from our analysis: one that combines the strongest aspects of past detectors and another that focuses purely on learning representations. The latter method outperforms more complicated approaches, especially those based on hand- crafted features. We conclude our work on pedestrian detection with a forward-looking analysis that maps out potential avenues for future research. We then turn to pixel-level methods: Perceiving humans requires us to both separate them precisely from the background and identify their surroundings. To this end, we introduce Cityscapes, a large-scale dataset for street scene understanding. This has since established itself as a go-to benchmark for segmentation and detection. We additionally develop methods that relax the requirement for expensive pixel-level annotations, focusing on the task of boundary detection, i.e. identifying the outlines of relevant objects and surfaces. Next, we make the jump from pixels to 3D surfaces, from localising and labelling to fine-grained spatial understanding. We contribute a method for recovering 3D human shape and pose, which marries the advantages of learning-based and model- based approaches. We conclude the thesis with a detailed discussion of benchmarking practices in computer vision. Among other things, we argue that the design of future datasets should be driven by the general goal of combinatorial robustness besides task-specific considerations.Der Mensch steht im Zentrum vieler Forschungsanstrengungen im Bereich des maschinellen Sehens. Es ist eine immense wissenschaftliche Herausforderung mit hohem unmittelbarem Praxisbezug, Maschinen mit der FĂ€higkeit auszustatten, Menschen auf der Grundlage von visuellen Daten wahrzunehmen. Die automatische Wahrnehmung kann auf verschiedenen Abstraktionsebenen erfolgen. Dies hĂ€ngt davon ab, welches intelligente Verhalten wir nachbilden wollen: die FĂ€higkeit, Personen auf der BildflĂ€che oder im 3D-Raum zu lokalisieren, die Bewegungen von Körperteilen und KörperoberflĂ€chen zu erfassen, Interaktionen einer Person mit ihrer Umgebung einschließlich mit anderen Menschen zu deuten, und vielleicht sogar zukĂŒnftige Handlungen zu antizipieren. In dieser Arbeit beschĂ€ftigen wir uns mit verschiedenen Teilproblemen die dem breiten Forschungsgebiet "Betrachten von Menschen" gehören. Beginnend mit der FußgĂ€ngererkennung prĂ€sentieren wir eine Analyse von Methoden, die im Jahrzehnt vor unserem Ausgangspunkt veröffentlicht wurden, und identifizieren dabei verschiedene ForschungsstrĂ€nge, die den Stand der Technik vorangetrieben haben. Unsere quantitativen Experimente zeigen die entscheidende Rolle sowohl der Entwicklung besserer Bildmerkmale als auch der Trainingsdatenverteilung. Anschließend tragen wir zwei Methoden bei, die auf den Erkenntnissen unserer Analyse basieren: eine Methode, die die stĂ€rksten Aspekte vergangener Detektoren kombiniert, eine andere, die sich im Wesentlichen auf das Lernen von Bildmerkmalen konzentriert. Letztere ĂŒbertrifft kompliziertere Methoden, insbesondere solche, die auf handgefertigten Bildmerkmalen basieren. Wir schließen unsere Arbeit zur FußgĂ€ngererkennung mit einer vorausschauenden Analyse ab, die mögliche Wege fĂŒr die zukĂŒnftige Forschung aufzeigt. Anschließend wenden wir uns Methoden zu, die Entscheidungen auf Pixelebene betreffen. Um Menschen wahrzunehmen, mĂŒssen wir diese sowohl praezise vom Hintergrund trennen als auch ihre Umgebung verstehen. Zu diesem Zweck fĂŒhren wir Cityscapes ein, einen umfangreichen Datensatz zum VerstĂ€ndnis von Straßenszenen. Dieser hat sich seitdem als Standardbenchmark fĂŒr Segmentierung und Erkennung etabliert. DarĂŒber hinaus entwickeln wir Methoden, die die Notwendigkeit teurer Annotationen auf Pixelebene reduzieren. Wir konzentrieren uns hierbei auf die Aufgabe der Umgrenzungserkennung, d. h. das Erkennen der Umrisse relevanter Objekte und OberflĂ€chen. Als nĂ€chstes machen wir den Sprung von Pixeln zu 3D-OberflĂ€chen, vom Lokalisieren und Beschriften zum prĂ€zisen rĂ€umlichen VerstĂ€ndnis. Wir tragen eine Methode zur SchĂ€tzung der 3D-KörperoberflĂ€che sowie der 3D-Körperpose bei, die die Vorteile von lernbasierten und modellbasierten AnsĂ€tzen vereint. Wir schließen die Arbeit mit einer ausfĂŒhrlichen Diskussion von Evaluationspraktiken im maschinellen Sehen ab. Unter anderem argumentieren wir, dass der Entwurf zukĂŒnftiger DatensĂ€tze neben aufgabenspezifischen Überlegungen vom allgemeinen Ziel der kombinatorischen Robustheit bestimmt werden sollte

    Optical flow estimation via steered-L1 norm

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    Global variational methods for estimating optical flow are among the best performing methods due to the subpixel accuracy and the ‘fill-in’ effect they provide. The fill-in effect allows optical flow displacements to be estimated even in low and untextured areas of the image. The estimation of such displacements are induced by the smoothness term. The L1 norm provides a robust regularisation term for the optical flow energy function with a very good performance for edge-preserving. However this norm suffers from several issues, among these is the isotropic nature of this norm which reduces the fill-in effect and eventually the accuracy of estimation in areas near motion boundaries. In this paper we propose an enhancement to the L1 norm that improves the fill-in effect for this smoothness term. In order to do this we analyse the structure tensor matrix and use its eigenvectors to steer the smoothness term into components that are ‘orthogonal to’ and ‘aligned with’ image structures. This is done in primal-dual formulation. Results show a reduced end-point error and improved accuracy compared to the conventional L1 norm

    Optical flow estimation via steered-L1 norm

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    Global variational methods for estimating optical flow are among the best performing methods due to the subpixel accuracy and the ‘fill-in’ effect they provide. The fill-in effect allows optical flow displacements to be estimated even in low and untextured areas of the image. The estimation of such displacements are induced by the smoothness term. The L1 norm provides a robust regularisation term for the optical flow energy function with a very good performance for edge-preserving. However this norm suffers from several issues, among these is the isotropic nature of this norm which reduces the fill-in effect and eventually the accuracy of estimation in areas near motion boundaries. In this paper we propose an enhancement to the L1 norm that improves the fill-in effect for this smoothness term. In order to do this we analyse the structure tensor matrix and use its eigenvectors to steer the smoothness term into components that are ‘orthogonal to’ and ‘aligned with’ image structures. This is done in primal-dual formulation. Results show a reduced end-point error and improved accuracy compared to the conventional L1 norm

    Mobile object tracker

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