56 research outputs found

    Austrian Research and Technology Report 2022

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    Der Forschungs-und Technologiebericht 2022 gibt einen Überblick ĂŒber die aus Bundesmitteln geförderte Forschung, Technologie und Innovation (FTI) in Österreich. Neben der Darstellung aktueller forschungspolitischer Entwicklungen, die den Stand der Umsetzung der mit Ende 2020 verabschiedeten FTI-Strategie 2030, forschungsrelevante Teilstrategien und neueste Entwicklungen im Hochschulbereich behandelt, werden auf Grundlage rezenter Daten aus diversen internationalen Rankings, aus der F&E (Forschung & Entwicklung)-Erhebung 2019 und der GlobalschĂ€tzung 2022 Analysen zur nationalen und internationalen FTI-Performance Österreichs erstellt

    Le Magazine for education, training and youth in Europe. 1998 Issue 10

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    National models of ISR: Belgium

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    Education and training monitor 2016, Country analysis.

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    Using citation analysis techniques for computer-assisted legal research in continental jurisdictions

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    The following research investigates the use of citation analysis techniques for relevance ranking in computer-assisted legal research systems. Overviews on information retrieval, legal research, computer-assisted legal research (CALR), and the role of citations in legal research enable the formulation of a proposition: Relevance ranking in contemporary CALR systems could profit from the use of citation analysis techniques. After examining potential previous work in the areas of Web search, legal network analysis, and legal citation analysis, the proposition is further developed into a testable hypothesis: A basic citation-based algorithm, despite all its shortcomings, could be used to significantly improve relevance ranking in computer-assisted legal research. By computing and analysing the distribution of 242,078 headnote citations across 80,195 opinions written by the Austrian Supreme Court of Justice between 1985 and 2008, proof for this hypothesis is presented

    Education and training monitor 2017, Country analysis.

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