130 research outputs found

    Deep Learning for Mobile Multimedia: A Survey

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    Deep Learning (DL) has become a crucial technology for multimedia computing. It offers a powerful instrument to automatically produce high-level abstractions of complex multimedia data, which can be exploited in a number of applications, including object detection and recognition, speech-to- text, media retrieval, multimodal data analysis, and so on. The availability of affordable large-scale parallel processing architectures, and the sharing of effective open-source codes implementing the basic learning algorithms, caused a rapid diffusion of DL methodologies, bringing a number of new technologies and applications that outperform, in most cases, traditional machine learning technologies. In recent years, the possibility of implementing DL technologies on mobile devices has attracted significant attention. Thanks to this technology, portable devices may become smart objects capable of learning and acting. The path toward these exciting future scenarios, however, entangles a number of important research challenges. DL architectures and algorithms are hardly adapted to the storage and computation resources of a mobile device. Therefore, there is a need for new generations of mobile processors and chipsets, small footprint learning and inference algorithms, new models of collaborative and distributed processing, and a number of other fundamental building blocks. This survey reports the state of the art in this exciting research area, looking back to the evolution of neural networks, and arriving to the most recent results in terms of methodologies, technologies, and applications for mobile environments

    SoC-based FPGA architecture for image analysis and other highly demanding applications

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    Al giorno d'oggi, lo sviluppo di algoritmi si concentra su calcoli efficienti in termini di prestazioni ed efficienza energetica. Tecnologie come il field programmable gate array (FPGA) e il system on chip (SoC) basato su FPGA (FPGA/SoC) hanno dimostrato la loro capacità di accelerare applicazioni di calcolo intensive risparmiando al contempo il consumo energetico, grazie alla loro capacità di elevato parallelismo e riconfigurazione dell'architettura. Attualmente, i cicli di progettazione esistenti per FPGA/SoC sono lunghi, a causa della complessità dell'architettura. Pertanto, per colmare il divario tra le applicazioni e le architetture FPGA/SoC e ottenere un design hardware efficiente per l'analisi delle immagini e altri applicazioni altamente demandanti utilizzando lo strumento di sintesi di alto livello, vengono prese in considerazione due strategie complementari: tecniche ad hoc e stima delle prestazioni. Per quanto riguarda le tecniche ad-hoc, tre applicazioni molto impegnative sono state accelerate attraverso gli strumenti HLS: discriminatore di forme di impulso per i raggi cosmici, classificazione automatica degli insetti e re-ranking per il recupero delle informazioni, sottolineando i vantaggi quando questo tipo di applicazioni viene attraversato da tecniche di compressione durante il targeting dispositivi FPGA/SoC. Inoltre, in questa tesi viene proposto uno stimatore delle prestazioni per l'accelerazione hardware per prevedere efficacemente l'utilizzo delle risorse e la latenza per FPGA/SoC, costruendo un ponte tra l'applicazione e i domini architetturali. Lo strumento integra modelli analitici per la previsione delle prestazioni e un motore design space explorer (DSE) per fornire approfondimenti di alto livello agli sviluppatori di hardware, composto da due motori indipendenti: DSE basato sull'ottimizzazione a singolo obiettivo e DSE basato sull'ottimizzazione evolutiva multiobiettivo.Nowadays, the development of algorithms focuses on performance-efficient and energy-efficient computations. Technologies such as field programmable gate array (FPGA) and system on chip (SoC) based on FPGA (FPGA/SoC) have shown their ability to accelerate intensive computing applications while saving power consumption, owing to their capability of high parallelism and reconfiguration of the architecture. Currently, the existing design cycles for FPGA/SoC are time-consuming, owing to the complexity of the architecture. Therefore, to address the gap between applications and FPGA/SoC architectures and to obtain an efficient hardware design for image analysis and highly demanding applications using the high-level synthesis tool, two complementary strategies are considered: ad-hoc techniques and performance estimator. Regarding ad-hoc techniques, three highly demanding applications were accelerated through HLS tools: pulse shape discriminator for cosmic rays, automatic pest classification, and re-ranking for information retrieval, emphasizing the benefits when this type of applications are traversed by compression techniques when targeting FPGA/SoC devices. Furthermore, a comprehensive performance estimator for hardware acceleration is proposed in this thesis to effectively predict the resource utilization and latency for FPGA/SoC, building a bridge between the application and architectural domains. The tool integrates analytical models for performance prediction, and a design space explorer (DSE) engine for providing high-level insights to hardware developers, composed of two independent sub-engines: DSE based on single-objective optimization and DSE based on evolutionary multi-objective optimization
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