19,291,785 research outputs found


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    Teknologi Komputer semakin hari semakin maju, dan semakin mengubah gaya hidup manusia. Gaya hidup yang sederhana menjadi gaya hidup yang modern. Hampir semua bidang kehidupan manusia menggunakan computer. Seiring dengan kemajuan ini, muncul suatu teknologi informasi yang sangat luas jangkauannya, yaitu internet. PT. Unilever Indonesia, yang bergerak dalam penjualan barang, ingin meningkatkan pelayanannya kepada masyarakat luas. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan adalah dengan membuat suatu media yang online. Dengan dibuatnya system yang online ini akan menekan biaya yang besar jika akan membuka cabang disetiap kota. Untuk itu dibuat suatu Sistem Penjualan Barang Secara OnLine, agar dapat diakses oleh siapa saja dan kapan saja. Secara Online adalah bahwa program yang dijalankan dapat terhubung ke seluruh dunia melalui media internet. Program ini dibuat untuk mendukung penjualan secara Online yang nantinya konsumen dapat memesan barang kapan saja dan tidak harus datang langsung. Sistem ini dibuat untuk lebih meningkatkan pelayanan kepada konsumen. Program ini sangat mudah dioperasikan, sehingga operator program ini akan mudah untuk menjalankan program ini.Program ini juga dibuat semudah mungkin, hal ini dimaksudkan agar konsumen tidak mengalami kesulitan dalam melakukan pemesanan barang yang diinginkan.Selain itu bahasa yang digunakan dalam program ini adalah bahasa Indonesia.Sistem ini juga mendukung keamanan yang tinggi, konsumen yang akan melakukan transaksi diharuskan untuk login terlebih dahulu. Bagi konsumen yang belum pernah melakukan transaksi, harus mendaftar terlebih dahulu. Pendantaran konsumen sangatlah mudah, konsumen hanya diminta untuk mengisi data dari form yang telah disediakan dalam program ini.Dalam pembelian barang ini, konsumen hanya dapat membeli barang yang ada di layanan web ini. Harapan dari Sistem Penjualan Barang Secara Online ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kepada konsumen, yaitu konsumen dapat lebih mudah dalam melakukan transaksi pemesanan barang

    Determining a National Trauma Prognostic Scale (TPS) to Predict Preventable Trauma Death in Iran: the Research Protocol

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    Methods: A 7-phases methodology will be applied to conduct this study as following; 1- Identification of trauma severity parameters and scales predicting mortality from literature, 2- Developing a data collection tool for research data collection), 3- Data collection in selected clinical settings, 4- Statistical modeling, 5- Model adaptation with three levels of trauma care settings including pre-hospitals, general hospitals and trauma specialty hospitals, 6- Scale-up and extrapolation, and 7- comparison with international models and selection of Iranian national model. Results: The content validity of the tool was confirmed with a total scale-level content validity (S-CVI) = 0.93. The reliability of the final instrument was calculated using the Pearson correlation coefficient and the Spearman correlation was evaluated above 0.7 for all cases. Up to date April 2020, From the hospital of the study, 210 patients participated in the study. The mean and standard age deviation of patients was 35.18 ± 18.44 and 165 (78.57 %) of these patients were male. The most important cause of trauma in patients was a motorcycle accident (27.62 %). Keywords: Trauma, Modeling, Injury severity assessment, Mortality predictor, Trauma scal

    Determining a National Trauma Prognostic Scale (TPS) to Predict Preventable Trauma Death in Iran: the Research Protocol

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    Methods: A 7-phases methodology will be applied to conduct this study as following; 1- Identification of trauma severity parameters and scales predicting mortality from literature, 2- Developing a data collection tool for research data collection), 3- Data collection in selected clinical settings, 4- Statistical modeling, 5- Model adaptation with three levels of trauma care settings including pre-hospitals, general hospitals and trauma specialty hospitals, 6- Scale-up and extrapolation, and 7- comparison with international models and selection of Iranian national model. Results: The content validity of the tool was confirmed with a total scale-level content validity (S-CVI) = 0.93. The reliability of the final instrument was calculated using the Pearson correlation coefficient and the Spearman correlation was evaluated above 0.7 for all cases. Up to date April 2020, From the hospital of the study, 210 patients participated in the study. The mean and standard age deviation of patients was 35.18 ± 18.44 and 165 (78.57 %) of these patients were male. The most important cause of trauma in patients was a motorcycle accident (27.62 %). Keywords: Trauma, Modeling, Injury severity assessment, Mortality predictor, Trauma scal

    Modular divisor functions and quadratic reciprocity

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    It is a well-known result by B. Riemann that the terms of a conditionally convergent series of real numbers can be rearranged in a permutation such that the resulting series converges to any prescribed sum s: add p1 consecutive positive terms until their sum is greater than s; then subtract q1 consecutive negative terms until the sum drops below s, and so on. For the alternating harmonic series, with the aid of a computer program, it can be noticed that there are some fascinating patterns in the sequences pn and qn. For example, if s = log 2 + (1/2) log (38/5) the sequence pn is 5, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, . . . in which we notice the repetition of the pattern 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, while if s = log 2+ (1/2) log (37/5) the sequence pn is 5, 7, 7, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 7, 8, 7, 8, . . . in which the pattern is 7, 7, 8, 7, 8. Where do these patterns come from? Let us observe that 38/5 = 7 + 3/5 and 37/5 = 7 + 2/5. The length of the repeating pattern is the denominator 5, the values of pn, at least from some n on, are 7 and 8, and the number 8 appears 3 times in the pattern of the first example, and 2 times in that of the second one. These are not coincidences: we explain them in this paper

    Development of human limbs.

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    This work offers a new view on the developmental history of tetrapods. It proposes an original evolution model of human limbs based on metameric formation of osteogenic buds in accordance to primary segmentation and biplanar symmetry. While going through evolution, osteogenic buds initially identical to each other were changing their sizes, realigning, regressing, uniting while keeping the direction of the formation in accordance to the following formula (taking into account sesamoid bones):
2; 1; 2; 3; 2; 3; 5; 5; 8; 8 (in the upper limb together with the upper limb girdle); 3; 2; 3; 2; 1; 2; 8; 8; 5; 5 (in the lower limb together with the pelvic bones)

    Dirhenium Carbonyl Complexes Bearing 2-Vinylpyridine, Morpholine and 1-Methylimidazole Ligands

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    Treatment of the labile compound [Re2(CO)8(MeCN)2] with 2-vinylpyridine in refluxing benzene affords exclusively the new compound [Re2(CO)8(μ-η1:η2-NC5H4CHCH2)] (1) in 39% yield in which the μ-η1:η2-vinylpyridine ligand is coordinated to one Re atom through the nitrogen and to the other Re atom via the olefinic double bond. Reaction of [Re2(CO)8(MeCN)2] with morpholine in refluxing benzene furnishes two compounds, [Re2(CO)9(η1-NC4H9O)] (2) and [Re2(CO)8(η1-NC4H9O)2] (3) in 5% and 29% yields, respectively. Reaction of [Re2(CO)8(MeCN)2] with 1-methylimidazole gives [Re2(CO)8{η1-NC3H3N(CH3)}2] (4) and the mononuclear compound fac-[ReCl(CO)3{η1-NC3H3N(CH3)}2] (5) in 18% and 26% yields, respectively. In the disubstituted compounds 2 and 4, the heterocyclic ligands occupy equatorial coordination sites. The mononuclear compound 5 consists of three CO groups, two N coordinated η1-1-methylimidazole ligands and a terminal Cl ligand. The XRD structures of complexes 1, 3 and 5 are reported

    Use of biologics for the management of Crohn's disease: IG-IBD clinical guidelines based on the GRADE methodology

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    A cure for Crohn's disease (CD), a chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract of unknown etiology, is not available, so patients require lifelong management to keep inflammation under control. The therapeutic armamentarium has expanded with approval of several biological drugs, including in-fliximab, adalimumab, vedolizumab and ustekinumab - monoclonal antibodies that target different in-flammatory pathways - and darvadstrocel, a suspension of expanded human allogeneic, adipose-derived, mesenchymal stromal cells for the treatment of refractory complex perianal fistula. Notwithstanding ex-isting practice guidelines on medical therapy for CD, the Italian Group for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease felt the need to issue new guidelines focused on the use of biologics for managing the intestinal manifestations of CD and based on the GRADE methodology. This document presents recom-mendations regarding six clinical settings, from the induction to the maintenance of clinical remission, and from optimization and de-escalation of treatments to dealing with perianal CD and post-operative recurrence. The 19 evidence-based statements are supported by information on the quality of the evi-dence, agreement rate among panel members, and panel comments mainly based on evidence from real world studies

    Frustrated two-dimensional Josephson junction array near incommensurability

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    To study the properties of frustrated two-dimensional Josephson junction arrays near incommensurability, we examine the current-voltage characteristics of a square proximity-coupled Josephson junction array at a sequence of frustrations f=3/8, 8/21, 0.382 ((35)/2)(\approx (3-\sqrt{5})/2), 2/5, and 5/12. Detailed scaling analyses of the current-voltage characteristics reveal approximately universal scaling behaviors for f=3/8, 8/21, 0.382, and 2/5. The approximately universal scaling behaviors and high superconducting transition temperatures indicate that both the nature of the superconducting transition and the vortex configuration near the transition at the high-order rational frustrations f=3/8, 8/21, and 0.382 are similar to those at the nearby simple frustration f=2/5. This finding suggests that the behaviors of Josephson junction arrays in the wide range of frustrations might be understood from those of a few simple rational frustrations.Comment: RevTex4, 4 pages, 4 eps figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Dizajniranje i sinteza novih derivata tiofenkarbohidrazida, tienopirazola i tienopirimidina s antioksidativnim i antitumorskim djelovanjem

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    2-Amino-5-acetyl-4-methyl-thiophene-3-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (1) and 5-acetyl-2-amino-4-methylthiophene-3-carbohydrazide (2) were synthesized and used as starting materials for the synthesis of new series of 1-(5-amino-4-(3,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrazole-1-carbonyl)-3-methylthiophen-2-yl) ethanone (3a), 1-(5-amino-4-(4-chloro-3,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrazole-1-carbonyl)-3-methylthiophen-2-yl) ethanone (3b), 1-(4-methyl-2-amino-5-acetylthiophene-3-carbonyl) pyrazolidine-3,5-dione (4), (Z)-N\u27-(4-methyl-2-amino-5-acetylthiophene-3-carbonyl) formohydrazonic acid (5a), (Z)-ethyl-N\u27-(4-methyl-2-amino-5-acetylthiophene-3-carbonylformo hydrazonate (5b), 6-acetyl-3-amino-2,5-dimethylthieno2,3-dpyrimidin-4(3H)-one (8), 5-methyl-3-amino-2-mercapto-6-acetylthieno2,3-dpyrimidin-4(3H)-one (10) and 5-methyl-6-acetyl-2-thioxo-2,3-dihydrothieno2,3-dpyrimidin-4(1H)-one (12) as potential antioxidant and antitumor agents. Pharmacological results showed that compounds 6a, 6b, 8, 10 and 12 exhibited promising antitumor and antioxidant activity.Etilni ester 2-amino-5-acetil-4-metil-tiofen-3-karboksilne kiseline (1) i 5-acetil-2-amino-4-metiltiofen-3-karbohidrazid (2) sintetizirani su i upotrebljeni kao reaktanti u sintezi novih spojeva 1-(5-amino-4-(3,5-dimetil-1H-pirazol-1-karbonil)-3-metiltiofen-2-il) etanona (3a), 1-(5-amino-4-(4-klor-3,5-dimetil-1H-pirazol-1-karbonil)-3-metiltiofen-2-il) etanona (3b), 1-(4-metil-2-amino-5-acetiltiofen-3-karbonil) pirazolidin-3,5-diona (4), (Z)-N\u27-(4-metil-2-amino-5-acetiltiofen-3-karbonil) formohidrazonske kiseline (5a), (Z)-etil-N\u27-(4-metil-2-amino-5-acetiltiofen-3-karbonilformo hidrazonata (5b), 6-acetil-3-amino-2,5-dimetiltieno2,3-dpirimidin-4(3H)-one (8), 5-metil-3-amino-2-merkapto-6-acetiltieno2,3-dpirimidin-4(3H)-ona (10) i 5-metil-6-acetil-2-tiokso-2,3-dihidrotieno2,3-dpirimidin-4(1H)-ona (12) kao potencijalnih antioksidansa i citostatika. Farmakološka ispitivanja ukazuju na to da spojevi 6a, 6b, 8, 10 i 12 imaju značajno antitumorsko i antioksidativno djelovanje