67 research outputs found

    A survey on adaptive random testing

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    Random testing (RT) is a well-studied testing method that has been widely applied to the testing of many applications, including embedded software systems, SQL database systems, and Android applications. Adaptive random testing (ART) aims to enhance RT's failure-detection ability by more evenly spreading the test cases over the input domain. Since its introduction in 2001, there have been many contributions to the development of ART, including various approaches, implementations, assessment and evaluation methods, and applications. This paper provides a comprehensive survey on ART, classifying techniques, summarizing application areas, and analyzing experimental evaluations. This paper also addresses some misconceptions about ART, and identifies open research challenges to be further investigated in the future work

    Mutation Testing Advances: An Analysis and Survey

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    A influência de fatores na produtividade do desenvolvimento de software de acordo com um modelo de estruturas teóricas

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    This work presents an evidence-based model describing the effects of a set of factors on software development productivity, obtained through an evidence synthesis method in Software Engineering. Thus, the relationships among this set and the software development productivity (observed phenomena) are described as results of combining theoretical structures capable of expressing and dealing with differences between different effects and uncertainties varying according to the types of studies found in the literature. Besides, to evaluate the model found, its findings are confronted with a survey capturing the practitioners’ perception (managers and leaders of software projects in Brazilian organizations). The degree of agreement between research (the model) and practice (the practitioners’ perception) shows that scientific knowledge does not differ considerably from the reality experienced by software projects when both of them refer to the influence of factors on software development productivity. The impression that research and practice on the theme go through different paths persists. According to this work, the reasons for this impression are more related to the use of non-standardized and, perhaps, inappropriate measures used to perceive and monitor the influence of factors as well as to measure the software development productivityEste trabalho apresenta um modelo baseado em evidências que descreve efeitos de alguns fatores na produtividade do desenvolvimento de software, obtidos através de um método de síntese de evidências em Engenharia de Software. Deste modo, as relações entre um conjunto de fatores e a produtividade do desenvolvimento de software (fenômenos observados) são descritas como resultados da combinação de estruturas teóricas capazes de expressar e tratar diferenças entre efeitos e incertezas variadas de acordo com os tipos de estudos primários encontrados na literatura. Além disso, para avaliar o modelo encontrado, seus achados são confrontados com uma pesquisa de opinião realizada para capturar a percepção de profissionais da prática (gestores e líderes de projetos de software em organizações brasileiras). O grau de concordância entre a pesquisa (o modelo) e a prática (a percepção dos profissionais) demonstra que, aparentemente, o conhecimento científico não diverge consideravelmente da realidade vivenciada pelos projetos de software no Brasil, quando ambos se referem à influência de fatores na produtividade do desenvolvimento de software. Persiste a impressão, entretanto, de que a pesquisa e a prática no tema percorrem caminhos distintos. De acordo com este trabalho, a impressão do distanciamento parece estar relacionadas à questão do uso de medidas não-padronizadas e, talvez, inapropriadas para mensurar os fatores e a produtividade do desenvolvimento de softwar

    Accident causation model for building construction sites

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    Construction safety at Malaysian building and construction project sites is of utmost importance due to the nature of the construction industry. Workplace safety is a care consideration for all types of organizations or stakeholders. However, statistics shows that safety at project sites is not adequately considered. Reports on site accidents represented nearly 50% of overall fatality cases across all industries. These statistics are indications of a continuing severity of building site accidents compared to others. Malaysian building site accidents are the results of various factors which are crucial to be identified. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the factors or the root causes that contribute to site accidents is essential. Thus, the aim of this study was to develop an accident causation model (ACM) at building construction projects sites, focusing on determining the significant factors that cause site accidents. These factors consisted of 93 items and they were divided into seven constructs. The study was undertaken in two stages. Firstly, relevant literatures were reviewed to identify the factors. The data were gathered to assess the suitability of the factors based on experts’ judgement and survey. Data obtained were statistically analyzed using the statistical tools in the Statistical Package for Science Social (SPSS) 20.0 and the proposed model was recognized. Then, data collected from actual survey involving 420 respondents were analyzed to test the research model validity and the proposed hypothesis using the Partial Least Squares - Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) tool. From the results, it was revealed that the seven constructs have a direct positive effect on accident causation. The developed model is fit (R2 value) and the identification of the seven constructs are significant (t-value). The model indicates that the highest impact on construction site accidents with a path coefficient β (beta) value is unsafe equipment, followed by job site conditions, natural disaster, unique nature of the industry, unsafe methods, organization and management, and human elements. In conclusion, the findings through the ACM model of this study are reliable and very useful for construction organizations or stakeholders understand the significant root cause of the project site accidents. Hence, this can assist them to further implement an appropriate control measures to prevent accidents in Malaysian building construction site projects

    Privacy-preserved security-conscious framework to enhance web service composition

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    The emergence of loosely coupled and platform-independent Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) has encouraged the development of large computing infrastructures like the Internet, thus enabling organizations to share information and offer valueadded services tailored to a wide range of user needs. Web Service Composition (WSC) has a pivotal role in realizing the vision of implementing just about any complex business processes. Although service composition assures cost-effective means of integrating applications over the Internet, it remains a significant challenge from various perspectives. Security and privacy are among the barriers preventing a more extensive application of WSC. First, users possess limited prior knowledge of security concepts. Second, WSC is hindered by having to identify the security required to protect critical user information. Therefore, the security available to users is usually not in accordance with their requirements. Moreover, the correlation between user input and orchestration architecture model is neglected in WSC with respect to selecting a high performance composition execution process. The proposed framework provides not only the opportunity to securely select services for use in the composition process but also handles service users’ privacy requirements. All possible user input states are modelled with respect to the extracted user privacy preferences and security requirements. The proposed approach supports the mathematical modelling of centralized and decentralized orchestration regarding service provider privacy and security policies. The output is then utilized to compare and screen the candidate composition routes and to select the most secure composition route based on user requests. The D-optimal design is employed to select the best subset of all possible experiments and optimize the security conscious of privacy-preserving service composition. A Choreography Index Table (CIT) is constructed for selecting a suitable orchestration model for each user input and to recommend the selected model to the choreographed level. Results are promising that indicate the proposed framework can enhance the choreographed level of the Web service composition process in making adequate decisions to respond to user requests in terms of higher security and privacy. Moreover, the results reflect a significant value compared to conventional WSC, and WSC optimality was increased by an average of 50% using the proposed CIT

    Open source software GitHub ecosystem: a SEM approach

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    Open source software (OSS) is a collaborative effort. Getting affordable high-quality software with less probability of errors or fails is not far away. Thousands of open-source projects (termed repos) are alternatives to proprietary software development. More than two-thirds of companies are contributing to open source. Open source technologies like OpenStack, Docker and KVM are being used to build the next generation of digital infrastructure. An iconic example of OSS is 'GitHub' - a successful social site. GitHub is a hosting platform that host repositories (repos) based on the Git version control system. GitHub is a knowledge-based workspace. It has several features that facilitate user communication and work integration. Through this thesis I employ data extracted from GitHub, and seek to better understand the OSS ecosystem, and to what extent each of its deployed elements affects the successful development of the OSS ecosystem. In addition, I investigate a repo's growth over different time periods to test the changing behavior of the repo. From our observations developers do not follow one development methodology when developing, and growing their project, and such developers tend to cherry-pick from differing available software methodologies. GitHub API remains the main OSS location engaged to extract the metadata for this thesis's research. This extraction process is time-consuming - due to restrictive access limitations (even with authentication). I apply Structure Equation Modelling (termed SEM) to investigate the relative path relationships between the GitHub- deployed OSS elements, and I determine the path strength contributions of each element to determine the OSS repo's activity level. SEM is a multivariate statistical analysis technique used to analyze structural relationships. This technique is the combination of factor analysis and multiple regression analysis. It is used to analyze the structural relationship between measured variables and/or latent constructs. This thesis bridges the research gap around longitude OSS studies. It engages large sample-size OSS repo metadata sets, data-quality control, and multiple programming language comparisons. Querying GitHub is not direct (nor simple) yet querying for all valid repos remains important - as sometimes illegal, or unrepresentative outlier repos (which may even be quite popular) do arise, and these then need to be removed from each initial OSS's language-specific metadata set. Eight top GitHub programming languages, (selected as the most forked repos) are separately engaged in this thesis's research. This thesis observes these eight metadata sets of GitHub repos. Over time, it measures the different repo contributions of the deployed elements of each metadata set. The number of stars-provided to the repo delivers a weaker contribution to its software development processes. Sometimes forks work against the repo's progress by generating very minor negative total effects into its commit (activity) level, and by sometimes diluting the focus of the repo's software development strategies. Here, a fork may generate new ideas, create a new repo, and then draw some original repo developers off into this new software development direction, thus retarding the original repo's commit (activity) level progression. Multiple intermittent and minor version releases exert lesser GitHub JavaScript repo commit (or activity) changes because they often involve only slight OSS improvements, and because they only require minimal commit/commits contributions. More commit(s) also bring more changes to documentation, and again the GitHub OSS repo's commit (activity) level rises. There are both direct and indirect drivers of the repo's OSS activity. Pulls and commits are the strongest drivers. This suggests creating higher levels of pull requests is likely a preferred prime target consideration for the repo creator's core team of developers. This study offers a big data direction for future work. It allows for the deployment of more sophisticated statistical comparison techniques. It offers further indications around the internal and broad relationships that likely exist between GitHub's OSS big data. Its data extraction ideas suggest a link through to business/consumer consumption, and possibly how these may be connected using improved repo search algorithms that release individual business value components

    Traceability Links Recovery among Requirements and BPMN models

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] Throughout the pages of this document, I present the results of the research that was carried out in the context of my PhD studies. During the aforementioned research, I studied the process of Traceability Links Recovery between natural language requirements and industrial software models. More precisely, due to their popularity and extensive usage, I studied the process of Traceability Links Recovery between natural language requirements and Business Process Models, also known as BPMN models. In order to carry out the research, I focused my work on two main objectives: (1) the development of the Traceability Links Recovery techniques between natural language requirements and BPMN models, and (2) the validation and analysis of the results obtained by the developed techniques in industrial domain case studies. The results of the research have been redacted and published in forums, conferences, and journals specialized in the topics and context of the research. This thesis document introduces the topics, context, and objectives of the research, presents the academic publications that have been published as a result of the work, and then discusses the outcomes of the investigation.[ES] A través de las páginas de este documento, presento los resultados de la investigación realizada en el contexto de mis estudios de doctorado. Durante la investigación, he estudiado el proceso de Recuperación de Enlaces de Trazabilidad entre requisitos especificados en lenguaje natural y modelos de software industriales. Más concretamente, debido a su popularidad y uso extensivo, he estudiado el proceso de Recuperación de Enlaces de Trazabilidad entre requisitos especificados en lenguaje natural y Modelos de Procesos de Negocio, también conocidos como modelos BPMN. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, mi trabajo se ha centrado en dos objetivos principales: (1) desarrollo de técnicas de Recuperación de Enlaces de Trazabilidad entre requisitos especificados en lenguaje natural y modelos BPMN, y (2) validación y análisis de los resultados obtenidos por las técnicas desarrolladas en casos de estudio de dominios industriales. Los resultados de la investigación han sido redactados y publicados en foros, conferencias y revistas especializadas en los temas y contexto de la investigación. Esta tesis introduce los temas, contexto y objetivos de la investigación, presenta las publicaciones académicas que han sido publicadas como resultado del trabajo, y expone los resultados de la investigación.[CA] A través de les pàgines d'aquest document, presente els resultats de la investigació realitzada en el context dels meus estudis de doctorat. Durant la investigació, he estudiat el procés de Recuperació d'Enllaços de Traçabilitat entre requisits especificats en llenguatge natural i models de programari industrials. Més concretament, a causa de la seua popularitat i ús extensiu, he estudiat el procés de Recuperació d'Enllaços de Traçabilitat entre requisits especificats en llenguatge natural i Models de Processos de Negoci, també coneguts com a models BPMN. Per a dur a terme aquesta investigació, el meu treball s'ha centrat en dos objectius principals: (1) desenvolupament de tècniques de Recuperació d'Enllaços de Traçabilitat entre requisits especificats en llenguatge natural i models BPMN, i (2) validació i anàlisi dels resultats obtinguts per les tècniques desenvolupades en casos d'estudi de dominis industrials. Els resultats de la investigació han sigut redactats i publicats en fòrums, conferències i revistes especialitzades en els temes i context de la investigació. Aquesta tesi introdueix els temes, context i objectius de la investigació, presenta les publicacions acadèmiques que han sigut publicades com a resultat del treball, i exposa els resultats de la investigació.Lapeña Martí, R. (2020). Traceability Links Recovery among Requirements and BPMN models [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/149391TESISCompendi

    Construction risk management among construction companies in Nigeria : moderated by government regulation

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    Substantial empirical studies have established that certain organizational internal and external factors do influence construction risk management of companies. Conjugated with the recent substantial attention on risk management in Nigeria, and the demand for Nigerian construction companies to implement risk management in order to tackle the challenges they are facing, studies on risk management in Nigerian construction companies are few. The objectives of this study are to assess the extent of construction risk management among construction companies operating in Abuja and Lagos state in Nigeria, and to examine the organizational internal and external factors influencing their risk management, moderated by government regulation. A proportionate stratified random sampling was used to select 338 construction companies obtained from Nigeria Galleria and Lagos State Government Tender Board database. A total of 238 completed and valid questionnaires were returned, yielding a 72 percent response rate. Descriptive statistics, the 5-point Likert scale rendition and PMBOK’s risk management category were used to achieve the first research objective. The extent of risk management among Nigerian construction companies was found to be at a moderate level. Drawing upon organisational control theory, this study also examined the role of government regulation on the relationship between organizational factors and construction risk management. Furthermore, the moderating effects of government regulation revealed a negative relationship between organizational internal factors and construction risk management, while government regulation moderated a positive relationship between organizational external factors and construction risk management. Likewise, all the hypotheses on the direct relationship between organizational factors and construction risk management were supported. In summary, the findings in this research demonstrate that government regulation can enhance risk management among construction companies operating in Nigeria. To enhance risk management among construction companies, project managers should give considerable attention to the organizational factors found to be influencing their risk management

    Reliability in open source software

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    Open Source Software is a component or an application whose source code is freely accessible and changeable by the users, subject to constraints expressed in a number of licensing modes. It implies a global alliance for developing quality software with quick bug fixing along with quick evolution of the software features. In the recent year tendency toward adoption of OSS in industrial projects has swiftly increased. Many commercial products use OSS in various fields such as embedded systems, web management systems, and mobile software’s. In addition to these, many OSSs are modified and adopted in software products. According to Netcarf survey more than 58% web servers are using an open source web server, Apache. The swift increase in the taking on of the open source technology is due to its availability, and affordability. Recent empirical research published by Forrester highlighted that although many European software companies have a clear OSS adoption strategy; there are fears and questions about the adoption. All these fears and concerns can be traced back to the quality and reliability of OSS. Reliability is one of the more important characteristics of software quality when considered for commercial use. It is defined as the probability of failure free operation of software for a specified period of time in a specified environment (IEEE Std. 1633-2008). While open source projects routinely provide information about community activity, number of developers and the number of users or downloads, this is not enough to convey information about reliability. Software reliability growth models (SRGM) are frequently used in the literature for the characterization of reliability in industrial software. These models assume that reliability grows after a defect has been detected and fixed. SRGM is a prominent class of software reliability models (SRM). SRM is a mathematical expression that specifies the general form of the software failure process as a function of factors such as fault introduction, fault removal, and the operational environment. Due to defect identification and removal the failure rate (failures per unit of time) of a software system generally decreases over time. Software reliability modeling is done to estimate the form of the curve of the failure rate by statistically estimating the parameters associated with the selected model. The purpose of this measure is twofold: 1) to estimate the extra test time required to meet a specified reliability objective and 2) to identify the expected reliability of the software after release (IEEE Std. 1633-2008). SRGM can be applied to guide the test board in their decision of whether to stop or continue the testing. These models are grouped into concave and S-Shaped models on the basis of assumption about cumulative failure occurrence pattern. The S-Shaped models assume that the occurrence pattern of cumulative number of failures is S-Shaped: initially the testers are not familiar with the product, then they become more familiar and hence there is a slow increase in fault removing. As the testers’ skills improve the rate of uncovering defects increases quickly and then levels off as the residual errors become more difficult to remove. In the concave shaped models the increase in failure intensity reaches a peak before a decrease in failure pattern is observed. Therefore the concave models indicate that the failure intensity is expected to decrease exponentially after a peak was reached. From exhaustive study of the literature I come across three research gaps: SRGM have widely been used for reliability characterization of closed source software (CSS), but 1) there is no universally applicable model that can be applied in all cases, 2) applicability of SRGM for OSS is unclear and 3) there is no agreement on how to select the best model among several alternative models, and no specific empirical methodologies have been proposed, especially for OSS. My PhD work mainly focuses on these three research gaps. In first step, focusing on the first research gap, I analyzed comparatively eight SRGM, including Musa Okumoto, Inflection S-Shaped, Geol Okumoto, Delayed S-Shaped, Logistic, Gompertz and Generalized Geol, in term of their fitting and prediction capabilities. These models have selected due to their wide spread use and they are the most representative in their category. For this study 38 failure datasets of 38 projects have been used. Among 38 projects, 6 were OSS and 32 were CSS. In 32 CSS datasets 22 were from testing phase and remaining 10 were from operational phase (i.e. field). The outcomes show that Musa Okumoto remains the best for CSS projects while Inflection S-Shaped and Gompertz remain best for OSS projects. Apart from that we observe that concave models outperform for CSS and S-Shaped outperform for OSS projects. In the second step, focusing on the second research gap, reliability growth of OSS projects was compared with that of CSS projects. For this purpose 25 OSS and 22 CSS projects were selected with related defect data. Eight SRGM were fitted to the defect data of selected projects and the reliability growth was analyzed with respect to fitted models. I found that the entire selected models fitted to OSS projects defect data in the same manner as that of CSS projects and hence it confirms that OSS projects reliability grows similarly to that of CSS projects. However, I observed that for OSS S-Shaped models outperform and for CSS concave shaped models outperform. To overcome the third research gap I proposed a method that selects the best SRGM among several alternative models for predicting the residuals of an OSS. The method helps the practitioners in deciding whether to adopt an OSS component, or not in a project. We test the method empirically by applying it to twenty one different releases of seven OSS projects. From the validation results it is clear that the method selects the best model 17 times out of 21. In the remaining four it selects the second best model