9 research outputs found

    Formation of a Wireless Communication System Based on a Swarm of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    Проблематика. На даний час бурхливо розвивається новий напрямок в техніці рухомих систем, пов'язаний із застосуванням множини/групи рухомих багатофункціональних вузлів, які можуть створювати різні просторово-розподілені структури для різних застосувань: від розважальних шоу, до розвідувальної мережі. Йдеться про техніку малих безпілотних літальних апаратів(БЛА), частіше званих дронами, та їх використання в області побудови телекомунікаційних систем. Мета. Метою роботи є розробка основних принципів і стратегій для формування неоднорідної безпроводової системи зв'язку на базі рою безпілотних літаючих апаратів. Методи. Досліджуються структурно-функціональні методи побудови безпроводової мережі. Результати. Представлені сценарії централізованої і розподіленої побудови безпроводової мережі керування рою БЛА, проведена оцінка ускладнення функціональності вузлів рою в разі розподіленого сценарію. Розроблено схему поетапної реалізації життєвого циклу рою БЛА для послуг зв'язку. Представлений«молекулярний» сценарій просторової самоорганізації дронів-вузлів рою, який може бути реалізований за допомогою процедур«ланцюжка» і«спалаху». Запропоновано побудови деяких стратегій управління роєм: централізоване і децентралізоване з Ведучим, колективне само керування з обміном інформацією, децентралізоване керування з прогнозуванням, самоорганізація без обміну інформацією. Висновки. Розроблено основні принципи і стратегії формування неоднорідної безпроводової системи зв'язку на базі рою безпілотних літаючих апаратів. Розроблено стратегію колективного управління роєм дронів.Background. Currently, a new direction in the technology of mobile systems is rapidly developing, associated with the use of a set / group of mobile multifunctional elements that can create different spatially-distributed structures for various applications: from entertainment shows to intelligence networks. This is a technique of small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), often called drones, and their use in the field of building telecommunication systems. Objective. The aim of the work is to develop the basic principles and strategies for the formation of a heterogeneous wireless communication system based on a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles. Methods. We study the structural and functional methods of building a wireless network. Results. Scenarios of centralized and distributed building of a wireless network of control of a swarm of UAVs are presented, assessment of the complexity of the functionality of swarm nodes inthe case of a distributed scenario is carried out. A schemeof phased implementation of the life cycle of a UAV swarm for communication services has been developed. The “molecular” scenario of spatial self-organization of the swarm-nodes of the swarm is presented, which can beimplemented using the “chain” and “flash” procedures. The proposed construction of some strategies for managing the swarm: centralized and decentralized with the Leader, collective self-management with information sharing,decentralized management withforecasting, self-organization without information sharing. Conclusions. The basic principles and strategies for the formation of a heterogeneous wireless communication system based on a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles have been developed. A collective management strategy for a swarm of drones was developed. Keywords:swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles; drone swarm; communication system; life cycle; control network.Проблематика. В настоящее время очень бурно развивается новое направление в технике подвижных систем, связанное с применением множества/группы подвижных многофункциональных элементов, которые могут создавать различные пространственно-распределенные структуры для различных применений: от развлекательных шоу, до разведывательной сети. Речь идет о технике малых беспилотных летающих аппаратов(БЛА), чаще называемых дронами, и их использование в области построения телекоммуникационных систем. Цель. Целью работы является разработка основных принципов и стратегий для формирования неоднородной беспроводной системы связи на базе роя беспилотных летающих аппаратов. Методы. Исследуются структурно-функциональные методы построения беспроводной сети. Результаты. Представлены сценарии централизованного и распределенного построения беспроводной сети управления роя БЛА, проведена оценка усложнения функциональности узлов роя в случае распределенного сценария. Разработана схема поэтапной реализации жизненного цикла роя БЛА для услуг связи. Представлен«молекулярный» сценарий пространственной самоорганизации дронов-узлов роя, который может быть реализован посредством процедур

    QoE-Driven Video Transmission: Energy-Efficient Multi-UAV Network Optimization

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    This paper is concerned with the issue of improving video subscribers' quality of experience (QoE) by deploying a multi-unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) network. Different from existing works, we characterize subscribers' QoE by video bitrates, latency, and frame freezing and propose to improve their QoE by energy-efficiently and dynamically optimizing the multi-UAV network in terms of serving UAV selection, UAV trajectory, and UAV transmit power. The dynamic multi-UAV network optimization problem is formulated as a challenging sequential-decision problem with the goal of maximizing subscribers' QoE while minimizing the total network power consumption, subject to some physical resource constraints. We propose a novel network optimization algorithm to solve this challenging problem, in which a Lyapunov technique is first explored to decompose the sequential-decision problem into several repeatedly optimized sub-problems to avoid the curse of dimensionality. To solve the sub-problems, iterative and approximate optimization mechanisms with provable performance guarantees are then developed. Finally, we design extensive simulations to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively improve the QoE of subscribers and is 66.75\% more energy-efficient than benchmarks

    Cyber Security of Critical Infrastructures

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    Critical infrastructures are vital assets for public safety, economic welfare, and the national security of countries. The vulnerabilities of critical infrastructures have increased with the widespread use of information technologies. As Critical National Infrastructures are becoming more vulnerable to cyber-attacks, their protection becomes a significant issue for organizations as well as nations. The risks to continued operations, from failing to upgrade aging infrastructure or not meeting mandated regulatory regimes, are considered highly significant, given the demonstrable impact of such circumstances. Due to the rapid increase of sophisticated cyber threats targeting critical infrastructures with significant destructive effects, the cybersecurity of critical infrastructures has become an agenda item for academics, practitioners, and policy makers. A holistic view which covers technical, policy, human, and behavioural aspects is essential to handle cyber security of critical infrastructures effectively. Moreover, the ability to attribute crimes to criminals is a vital element of avoiding impunity in cyberspace. In this book, both research and practical aspects of cyber security considerations in critical infrastructures are presented. Aligned with the interdisciplinary nature of cyber security, authors from academia, government, and industry have contributed 13 chapters. The issues that are discussed and analysed include cybersecurity training, maturity assessment frameworks, malware analysis techniques, ransomware attacks, security solutions for industrial control systems, and privacy preservation methods

    Psychosocial support in emergency situations

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    In recent decades we have witnessed a growing number of major accidents and emergencies caused by natural hazards (floods, earthquakes, cyclones) and human factors (chemical and nuclear accidents, conflicts, terrorism). In such situations, people’s lives are fundamentally changed and accompanied by various social consequences: loss of loved ones, loss of control over one’s own life, loss of the sense of security, hope and initiative, social infrastructure, access to services and assets. Reactions may be various; shock, tears, anger, rage, a sense of hopelessness and an anxiety are just part of the whole range of unpleasant experiences. However, the intensity of the stress responses differs among individuals, but also communities, and thus the needs for interventions are different. The role of organizations dealing with the protection and rescue is to provide immediate assistance and protection, and also psychosocial assistance and support. The psychosocial support is the process of facilitating the recovery of individuals, family and communities from the effects of hazards and it plays a key role in the interventions at major accidents involving large number of victims. Psychosocial support means that in the approach to a person two dimensions are involved influencing each other mutually: psychological (inner, emotional and meditative processes, feelings and reactions of individual) and social (relationships with other people, family networks, social values and culture of the community). The third dimension involves the first responders. Stress can initiate the development of depression, depressive disorders, anxiety, professional burn-out, depersonalization, distress, emotional exhaustion and related mental health problems, as well as other indicators of psychological distress among members of rescue teams. Bearing in mind the importance of psychosocial programs of the nineties, their implementation is supported in many projects and it is proposed that the psychosocial care becomes an integral part of the emergency response of the public health care system

    Tematski zbornik radova međunarodnog značaja. Tom 2 / Međunarodni naučni skup “Dani Arčibalda Rajsa”, Beograd, 3-4. mart 2015

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    In front of you is the Thematic Collection of Papers presented at the International Scientific Confer-ence “Archibald Reiss Days”, which was organized by the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies in Belgrade, in co-operation with the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Education, Science and Techno-logical Development of the Republic of Serbia, National Police University of China, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Volgograd Academy of the Russian Internal Affairs Ministry, Faculty of Security in Skopje, Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security in Ljubljana, Police Academy “Alexandru Ioan Cuza“ in Bucharest, Academy of Police Force in Bratislava and Police College in Banjaluka, and held at the Academy of Crimi-nalistic and Police Studies, on 3 and 4 March 2015.International Scientific Conference “Archibald Reiss Days” is organized for the fifth time in a row, in memory of the founder and director of the first modern higher police school in Serbia, Rodolphe Archibald Reiss, PhD, after whom the Conference was named.The Thematic Collection of Papers contains 168 papers written by eminent scholars in the field of law, security, criminalistics, police studies, forensics, informatics, as well as members of national security system participating in education of the police, army and other security services from Spain, Russia, Ukraine, Bela-rus, China, Poland, Armenia, Portugal, Turkey, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Macedonia, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Srpska and Serbia. Each paper has been reviewed by two reviewers, international experts competent for the field to which the paper is related, and the Thematic Conference Proceedings in whole has been reviewed by five competent international reviewers.The papers published in the Thematic Collection of Papers contain the overview of contemporary trends in the development of police education system, development of the police and contemporary secu-rity, criminalistic and forensic concepts. Furthermore, they provide us with the analysis of the rule of law activities in crime suppression, situation and trends in the above-mentioned fields, as well as suggestions on how to systematically deal with these issues. The Collection of Papers represents a significant contribution to the existing fund of scientific and expert knowledge in the field of criminalistic, security, penal and legal theory and practice. Publication of this Collection contributes to improving of mutual cooperation between educational, scientific and expert institutions at national, regional and international level

    Sustainable agriculture and rural development in terms of the republic of Serbia strategic goals realization within the Danube region. Achieving regional competitiveness

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    International Scientific Conference „SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN TERMS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA STRATEGIC GOALS REALIZATION WITHIN THE DANUBE REGION -achieving regional competitiveness“, which was held in period 5-7th December 2013 in Topola, the Republic of Serbia, through number of presented papers mainly provides an overview of results of scientific research on the integrated and interdisciplinary project no. III 46006 „SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN TERMS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA STRATEGIC GOALS REALIZATION WITHIN THE DANUBE REGION“. International Scientific Conference „SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN TERMS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA STRATEGIC GOALS REALIZATION WITHIN THE DANUBE REGION - achieving regional competitiveness“, gathered number of scientific workers and experts from many countries. Besides the authors from Serbia in Thematic Proceedings are also presented the papers of authors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Moldova, Slovakia, Ukraine, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan and Austria. After all 92 papers were positively reviewed by the reviewers and presented on the International Scientific Conference, they were published in the Thematic Proceedings. Proceedings publisher was Institute of Agricultural Economics Belgrade, together with 34 eminent scientific-educational institutions from Serbia and abroad. In the Plenary Section were presented 3 papers which gave significant contributions to International Scientific Conference. Rest of the papers are systematized in 3 thematic sections: IKNOWLEDGE ECONOMY AND HUMAN CAPITAL IN THE FUNCTION OF IMPROVING REGIONAL COMPETITIVENESS (45 papers); II BIOREGIONALISM AND PERMACULTURE AS A CONCEPTS OF CONSERVATION OF ECOLOGICAL SPECIFICITIES OF RURAL AREAS (27 papers); III THE CONSTRUCTION OF AGRO-REGIONAL IDENTITY THROUGH INSTITUTIONAL REFORM (17 papers)

    Sustainable agriculture and rural development in terms of the republic of Serbia strategic goals realization within the Danube region. Achieving regional competitiveness

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    International Scientific Conference „SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN TERMS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA STRATEGIC GOALS REALIZATION WITHIN THE DANUBE REGION -achieving regional competitiveness“, which was held in period 5-7th December 2013 in Topola, the Republic of Serbia, through number of presented papers mainly provides an overview of results of scientific research on the integrated and interdisciplinary project no. III 46006 „SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN TERMS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA STRATEGIC GOALS REALIZATION WITHIN THE DANUBE REGION“. International Scientific Conference „SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN TERMS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA STRATEGIC GOALS REALIZATION WITHIN THE DANUBE REGION - achieving regional competitiveness“, gathered number of scientific workers and experts from many countries. Besides the authors from Serbia in Thematic Proceedings are also presented the papers of authors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Moldova, Slovakia, Ukraine, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan and Austria. After all 92 papers were positively reviewed by the reviewers and presented on the International Scientific Conference, they were published in the Thematic Proceedings. Proceedings publisher was Institute of Agricultural Economics Belgrade, together with 34 eminent scientific-educational institutions from Serbia and abroad. In the Plenary Section were presented 3 papers which gave significant contributions to International Scientific Conference. Rest of the papers are systematized in 3 thematic sections: IKNOWLEDGE ECONOMY AND HUMAN CAPITAL IN THE FUNCTION OF IMPROVING REGIONAL COMPETITIVENESS (45 papers); II BIOREGIONALISM AND PERMACULTURE AS A CONCEPTS OF CONSERVATION OF ECOLOGICAL SPECIFICITIES OF RURAL AREAS (27 papers); III THE CONSTRUCTION OF AGRO-REGIONAL IDENTITY THROUGH INSTITUTIONAL REFORM (17 papers)