190 research outputs found

    High capacity photonic integrated switching circuits

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    As the demand for high-capacity data transfer keeps increasing in high performance computing and in a broader range of system area networking environments; reconfiguring the strained networks at ever faster speeds with larger volumes of traffic has become a huge challenge. Formidable bottlenecks appear at the physical layer of these switched interconnects due to its energy consumption and footprint. The energy consumption of the highly sophisticated but increasingly unwieldy electronic switching systems is growing rapidly with line rate, and their designs are already being constrained by heat and power management issues. The routing of multi-Terabit/second data using optical techniques has been targeted by leading international industrial and academic research labs. So far the work has relied largely on discrete components which are bulky and incurconsiderable networking complexity. The integration of the most promising architectures is required in a way which fully leverages the advantages of photonic technologies. Photonic integration technologies offer the promise of low power consumption and reduced footprint. In particular, photonic integrated semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) gate-based circuits have received much attention as a potential solution. SOA gates exhibit multi-terahertz bandwidths and can be switched from a high-gain state to a high-loss state within a nanosecond using low-voltage electronics. In addition, in contrast to the electronic switching systems, their energy consumption does not rise with line rate. This dissertation will discuss, through the use of different kind of materials and integration technologies, that photonic integrated SOA-based optoelectronic switches can be scalable in either connectivity or data capacity and are poised to become a key technology for very high-speed applications. In Chapter 2, the optical switching background with the drawbacks of optical switches using electronic cores is discussed. The current optical technologies for switching are reviewed with special attention given to the SOA-based switches. Chapter 3 discusses the first demonstrations using quantum dot (QD) material to develop scalable and compact switching matrices operating in the 1.55µm telecommunication window. In Chapter 4, the capacity limitations of scalable quantum well (QW) SOA-based multistage switches is assessed through experimental studies for the first time. In Chapter 5 theoretical analysis on the dependence of data integrity as ultrahigh line-rate and number of monolithically integrated SOA-stages increases is discussed. Chapter 6 presents some designs for the next generation of large scale photonic integrated interconnects. A 16x16 switch architecture is described from its blocking properties to the new miniaturized elements proposed. Finally, Chapter 7 presents several recommendations for future work, along with some concluding remark

    100-Gbps per-channel all-optical wavelength conversion without pre-amplifiers based on an integrated nanophotonic platform

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    All-optical wavelength conversion based on four-wave mixing attracts intense interest in many areas, especially in optical fiber communications, due to the advantages of femtosecond response, modulation-format transparency, and high flexibility in optical network management. In this paper, we present the first optical translation of 32-GBaud 16QAM signals with an integrated Si3N4 nonlinear nanophotonic waveguide. An on-chip continuous-wave conversion efficiency of up to -0.6dB from S band to C band is achieved in the dispersion-engineered low-loss Si3N4 nonlinear waveguide that is back-end compatible with complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor processes. The high conversion efficiency avoids the use of external optical amplifiers for signal demodulation. The converted idler is successfully received with a sensitivity penalty of less than 0.5dB. Moreover, pre-amplifier-free multichannel wavelength conversion of over-100-Gbps coherent signals in C band is also demonstrated using the same Si3N4 nanophotonic waveguide via changing the pump wavelength, which shows good flexibility in all-optical signal processing. Additionally, wavelength conversion with a bandwidth over 100nm can be expected by optimizing the current Si3N4 nanophotonic waveguide, which is promising for commercial coherent fiber communications and has bright prospects in various areas including optical signal processing, imaging, optical spectroscopy, and quantum optics

    Photonic techniques for indoor spatially-multiplexed wireless communication

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    Development of high-performance, cost-effective quantum dot lasers for data-centre and Si photonics applications

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    Photonic technologies have been considered new methods to achieve high bandwidth data communication and transmission. Si-photonics was proposed to address the discrepancy between bulky photonic devices and advanced electronics and create high-density integrated photonics. One of the challenges is integrating all the components necessary for full-functionality photonic integrated circuits (PIC). Great efforts have been devoted to overcoming the inherent limitations of Group-IV materials to provide sufficient gain, efficient modulation and sensitive detections. Making Si the host material for efficient light emission poses the most stringent requirements and is the primary missing component in the Si-photonics platform. Incorporating III-V materials with the Si photonics platform and quantum dot (QD) structure is a promising solution to the problem of a fully-integrated and high-functioning PIC. High-performance QD lasers on III-V substrate or epitaxially on silicon have been developed in the last few decades with low threshold current density, low-temperature sensitivity, great reliability and large injection efficiency. Moreover, from the dynamic aspect, the intrinsic frequency of direct modulated laser and noise intensity is important for its applications in a data centre. QD is considered an alternative to quantum wells (QWs); however, the demonstrated QD laser has not fulfilled initial expectations, mainly due to its high gain compression and low differential gain. Another feature that needs to be noticed is feedback sensitivity, as the properties of semiconductor lasers are greatly degraded by reflection from external reflectors, such as the fibre connects and facets of integrated devices. QD devices are predicted to have stronger feedback resistance due to their large damping and small linewidth enhancement factor (LEF). These properties have attracted much research, and high-performance QD devices have been developed. In this thesis, we comprehensively investigated QD laser performance and applied our QD laser in the optical module instead of the commercial QW distributed feedback (DFB) laser. The background of Si photonics, the development of QD devices, and the fundamentals of QD lasers are presented in Chapter 1. The basic static and dynamic performances are demonstrated in Chapters 2 and 3. The GaAs-based QD laser provides a low threshold, high-temperature stability, and low noise operation with a limited small signal bandwidth. Chapter 4 provides a comprehensive study of the feedback resistance of the QD laser. The onset of coherence collapse is determined as -14 dB, verified by the static optical and electrical spectra and small signal response. Based on previous measurements, the QD laser is proven to be a high-performance, low-cost candidate for the Si-photonics module. In Chapter 5, the QD laser is used in practical applications, including a large signal transmission system with and without feedback and a commercial optical module. Although the intrinsic bandwidth of the QD laser is limited to around 5GHz due to the large damping and unoptimised capacitance, 30 Gbps data transmission has been demonstrated by a directly modulated QD laser. Large, high-speed signal modulation is achieved due to its high gain compression factor. Regarding the laser with intentional feedback, there is little degradation in the eye diagram under the whole feedback level up to -8dB. We also replaced the commercial QW DFB laser in 100G data-centre reach (DR)-1 optical module with our QD Fabry Perot (FP) laser without an isolator which gives a clear eye diagram under 53 Gbps 4-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM4) with an extinction ratio (ER) of 4.7 dB. In conclusion, this thesis verifies the feasibility of adopting the QD laser as a light source for the Si-photonics module. The QD laser is selected over other lasers because of its low threshold, high-temperature stability and maximum operating temperature, and strong tolerance to unintentional feedback. This is the first project to measure critical feedback levels with different characteristics and to theoretically analyse the inconsistent value. More importantly, this thesis’ most original contribution is investigating the commercial applications of QD lasers in a Si-photonics module in an isolator-free state. In summary, the QD laser has been proven to be a feasible solution for the next-generation optical system

    State-of-the-art InAs/GaAs quantum dot material for optical telecommunication

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    This thesis reports on the characterization of the state-of-the-art In(Ga)As/GaAs quantum dot (QD) material grown by molecular beam epitaxy for optical telecommunication applications. A wide variety of characterization methods are employed to investigate the material properties and characteristics of a number of QD-based devices enabling future device optimization. The motivation that prompted this study was predicated mainly upon two technological advantages. First, that the QDs gain spectra exhibits a symmetric gain shape and thus the change of refractive index with respect to gain is negligible at the lasing wavelength. This is therefore expected to result in a zero or a very small linewidth enhancement factor (LEF), which is desirable for instance, for high-speed modulation purposes where frequency chirp under modulation, which is directly proportional to the LEF, may be substantially reduced. Second, the fact that not only QDs exhibit a damped frequency response attributed to the carrier relaxation dynamics but also as the resilience of a laser to optical feedback is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the LEF, QD lasers are expected to demonstrate a relatively higher feedback insensitivity. This bodes well for operating these devices isolator free, which would be greatly cost-effective. The absorption and gain spectra of the QD active material are investigated in chapters 2 and 3, respectively. The LEF of QD lasers at a range of temperatures is studied in chapter 3, which confirms the expectation for the first time for In(Ga)As/GaAs QD lasers from -10 oC to 85 oC. Subsequently, the findings of chapters 2 and 3 are employed in chapter 4 with an electro absorption modulator device in mind which would be able to operate with chirp control. In chapter 5, the modulation response of QD lasers is investigated through examining the relative intensity noise (RIN) spectra in the electrical domain. The resilience of the devices to optical feedback is subsequently studied through the RIN characteristics at a range of temperatures. Chapter 6 provides a summary of the thesis findings and possible future works that may be carried out as continuation to this project, which fell outside of the remit of this work

    Optical packet networks : enabling innovative switching technologies

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    Les réseaux informatiques avec une grande capacité nécessitent des liaisons de transmission de données rapides et fiables pour prendre en charge les applications web en pleine croissance. Comme le nombre de serveurs interconnectés et la capacité de stockage des médias ne cessent daugmenter, les communications optiques et les technologies de routage sont devenues intéressantes grâce au taux binaire élevé et à lencombrement minimum offert par la fibre optique. Les réseaux optiques à commutation de paquets (OPSNs) offrent une flexibilité accrue dans la gestion de réseau. OPSNs exploitent les convertisseurs de longueur donde accordables (WC) pour minimiser la probabilité de blocage et fournir une allocation dynamique des longueurs donde. Les émetteurs optiques basés sur des sources multi-longueurs donde se présentent comme une solution intéressante en termes de coût, dencombrement et defficacité énergétique par rapport aux autres types de lasers. Les convertisseurs de longueurs donde doivent permettre des taux binaires élevés et une transparence à une grande variété de formats de modulation, tout en offrant une réponse rapide, des niveaux de puissance modérés et un rapport de signal à bruit optique (OSNR) acceptable à la sortie. Plusieurs technologies de conversion de longueur donde ont été proposées dans la littérature. Lutilisation du mélange à quatre ondes (FWM) dans les amplificateurs optiques à semi-conducteurs (SOA) permet lutilisation de faibles niveaux de puissance dentrée et offre une bonne efficacité de conversion ainsi que la possibilité dintégration photonique. Les SOAs offrent donc un excellent compromis par rapport aux autres solutions. Pour couvrir une plus large bande de conversion, nous utilisons le schéma exploitant le FWM avec doubles pompes dans les SOAs. Pour la stabilité de phase, les pompes viennent d’un laser en mode bloqué (QDMLL) qui sert comme source multi-longueurs donde. Deux modes du QDMLL sont sélectionnés par un filtrage accordable et servent comme doubles pompes. Un filtre accordable placé à la sortie du SOA sert à sélectionner le produit du FWM pour le signal final. Nous étudions le convertisseur de longueur donde proposé et comparons sa performance pour différents formats de modulation (modulation dintensité et de phase) et à différents débits binaires (10 et 40 Gbit/s). Le taux derreur binaire, lefficacité de conversion et la mesure de lOSNR sont présentés. Nous démontrons aussi la possibilité de simultanément convertir en longueurs donde les données et l’étiquette. Les données à haut débit et l’étiquette à faible débit se retrouvent dans une seule bande de longueurs d’onde, et ils sont convertis ensemble avec une bonne efficacité. Notre démonstration se concentre sur les performances de conversion, donc les données et létiquette sont des signaux continus plutôt que de paquets optiques. Des mesures de taux derreur binaire ont été effectuées à la fois pour les données et pour létiquette. Nous proposons aussi lutilisation de QDMLL comme source de transmetteurs WDM pour deux applications différentes: unicast et multicast. Nous démontrons aussi sa compatibilité avec le format de transmission DQPSK à haut débit binaire. Nous évaluons la performance du DQPSK en terme de taux derreur binaire et comparons sa performance à celle dune source laser à cavité externe.Large scale computer networks require fast and reliable data links in order to support growing web applications. As the number of interconnected servers and storage media increases, optical communications and routing technologies become interesting because of the high speed and small footprint of optical fiber links. Furthermore, optical packet switched networks (OPSN) provide increased flexibility in network management. Future networks are envisaged to be wavelength dependent routing, therefore OPSN will exploit tunable wavelength converters (WC) to enable contention resolution, reduce wavelength blocking in wavelength routing and switching, and provide dynamic wavelength assignment. Optical transmitters based on multi-wavelength sources are presented as an attrative solution compared to a set of single distributed feedback lasers in terms of cost, footprint and power consumption. Wavelength converters should support high bit rates and a variety of signal formats, have fast setup time, moderate input power levels and high optical signal-to-noise ratio at the output. Several wavelength conversion technologies have been demonstrated. The use of four wave mixing (FWM) in semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) provides low input power levels, acceptable conversion efficiency and the possibility of photonic integration. SOAs therefore offer excellent trade-offs compared to other solutions. To achieve wide wavelength coverage and integrability, we use a dual pump scheme exploiting four-wave mixing in semiconductor optical amplifiers. For phase stability, we use a quantum-dash mode-locked laser (QD-MLL) as a multi-wavelength source for the dual pumps, with tunability provided by the frequency selective filter. We investigate the proposed wavelength converter and compare its performance of wavelength conversion for different non-return-to-zero (NRZ) intensity and phase modulation formats at different bit rates (10 and 40 Gbit/s). Bit error rate, conversion efficiency and optical signal-to-noise ratio measurements are reported. We demonstrate the possibility of tightly packed payload and label wavelength conversion at very high data baud rate over wide tuning range with good conversion efficiency. Our demonstration concentrates on conversion performance, hence continuous payload and label signals were used without gating into packets. Bit error measurements for both payload and label were performed. We propose the use of QD-MLL as multi-wavelength source for WDM unicast and multicast applications and we investigated its compatibility with DQPSK transmission at high bit rate. We quantify DQPSK performance via bit error rate measurements and compare performance to that of an external cavity laser (ECL) source