232 research outputs found


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    The problem of load balancing in intrusion detection systems is considered in this paper. The analysis of existing problems of load balancing and modern methods of their solution are carried out. Types of intrusion detection systems and their description are given. A description of the intrusion detection system, its location, and the functioning of its elements in the computer system are provided. Comparative analysis of load balancing methods based on packet inspection and service time calculation is performed. An analysis of the causes of load imbalance in the intrusion detection system elements and the effects of load imbalance is also presented. A model of a network intrusion detection system based on packet signature analysis is presented. This paper describes the multifractal properties of traffic. Based on the analysis of intrusion detection systems, multifractal traffic properties and load balancing problem, the method of balancing is proposed, which is based on the funcsioning of the intrusion detection system elements and analysis of multifractal properties of incoming traffic. The proposed method takes into account the time of deep packet inspection required to compare a packet with signatures, which is calculated based on the calculation of the information flow multifractality degree. Load balancing rules are generated by the estimated average time of deep packet inspection and traffic multifractal parameters. This paper presents the simulation results of the proposed load balancing method compared to the standard method. It is shown that the load balancing method proposed in this paper provides for a uniform load distribution at the intrusion detection system elements. This allows for high speed and accuracy of intrusion detection with high-quality multifractal load balancing.У даній роботі розглянута проблема балансування навантаження в системах виявлення вторгнень. Проведено аналіз існуючих проблем балансування навантаження та сучасних методів їх вирішення. Наведено типи систем виявлення вторгнень та їх опис. Представлено опис мережної системи виявлення вторгнень, розташування та функціонування її елементів в комп’ютерній системі. Проведено порівняльний аналіз методів балансування навантаження на основі прийому пакетів та на основі розрахунку часу обслуговування. Також представлено аналіз причин дисбалансу навантаження в елементах системи виявлення вторгнень та наслідків дисбалансу навантаження. Представлено модель мережної системи виявлення вторгнень на основі сигнатурного аналізу пакетів. В даній роботі зазначено мультифрактальні властивості трафіку. На основі проведеного аналізу систем виявлення вторгнень, мультифрактальних властивостей трафіку та проблеми балансування навантаження запропоновано метод балансування, який заснований на роботі елементів системи виявлення вторгнень і аналізі мультифрактальних властивостей вхідного трафіку. Запропонований метод враховує час глибокої перевірки пакетів, що необхідний для порівняння пакета з сигнатурами, який обчислюється на основі розрахунку ступеня мультифрактальності інформаційного потоку. Правила балансування навантаження генеруються за допомогою оціненого середнього часу глибокої перевірки пакетів і параметрів мультифрактальності вхідного навантаження. В даній роботі наведено результати імітаційного моделювання запропонованого методу балансування навантаження в порівнянні зі стандартним методом. Показано, що запропонований в даній роботі метод балансування навантаження забезпечує рівномірний розподіл навантаження на вузлах системи виявлення вторгнень. Це дозволяє забезпечити високу швидкість і точність визначення вторгнень при якісному балансуванні мультифрактального навантаження

    Internet traffic prediction using recurrent neural networks

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    Network traffic prediction (NTP) represents an essential component in planning large-scale networks which are in general unpredictable and must adapt to unforeseen circumstances. In small to medium-size networks, the administrator can anticipate the fluctuations in traffic without the need of using forecasting tools, but in the scenario of large-scale networks where hundreds of new users can be added in a matter of weeks, more efficient forecasting tools are required to avoid congestion and over provisioning. Network and hardware resources are however limited; and hence resource allocation is critical for the NTP with scalable solutions. To this end, in this paper, we propose an efficient NTP by optimizing recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to analyse the traffic patterns that occur inside flow time series, and predict future samples based on the history of the traffic that was used for training. The predicted traffic with the proposed RNNs is compared with the real values that are stored in the database in terms of mean squared error, mean absolute error and categorical cross entropy. Furthermore, the real traffic samples for NTP training are compared with those from other techniques such as auto-regressive moving average (ARIMA) and AdaBoost regressor to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. It is shown that the proposed RNN achieves a better performance than both the ARIMA and AdaBoost regressor when more samples are employed

    Contributions aux systèmes répartis en environnements ubiquitaires : adaptation, sensibilité au contexte et tolérance aux fautes

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    D'années en années, nous observons l'arrivée sur le marche d'ordinateurs personnels de plus en plus petits pour des utilisateurs de plus en plus nombreux, ainsi des assistants personnels numériques et des objets dits connectés, en passant par les téléphones mobiles. Tous ces dispositifs tendent à être interchangeables du point de vue des ressources en mémoire, en calcul et en connectivité : par exemple, les téléphones mobiles sont devenus des équipements informatiques de moins en moins spécialisés ou de plus en plus universels et font dorénavant office en la matière de portails d'accès aux capteurs présents dans l'environnement immédiat de l'utilisateur. L'enjeu abordé dans nos travaux est la construction de systèmes répartis incluant ces nouveaux dispositifs matériels. L'objectif de mes recherches est la conception des paradigmes d'intermédiation génériques sous-jacents aux applications réparties de plus en plus ubiquitaires. Plus particulièrement, la problématique générale de mes travaux est la définition du rôle des intergiciels dans l'intégration des dispositifs mobiles et des objets connectés dans les architectures logicielles réparties. Ces architectures logicielles reposaient très majoritairement sur des infrastructures logicielles fixes au début des travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit. Dans ce manuscrit, je décris mes travaux sur trois sujets : 1) l'adaptation des applications réparties pour la continuité de service pendant les déconnexions, 2) la gestion des informations du contexte d'exécution des applications réparties pour leur sensibilité au contexte, et 3) les mécanismes de détection des entraves dans les environnements fortement dynamiques tels que ceux construits avec des réseaux mobiles spontanés. Sur le premier sujet, nous fournissons une couche intergicielle générique pour la gestion des aspects répartis de la gestion des déconnexions en utilisant une stratégie d'adaptation collaborative dans les architectures à base d'objets et de composants. Sur le deuxième sujet, nous étudions les paradigmes architecturaux pour la construction d'un service de gestion de contexte générique, afin d'adresser la diversité des traitements (fusion et agrégation, corrélation, détection de situation par apprentissage, etc.), puis nous adressons le problème de la distribution des informations de contexte aux différentes échelles de l'Internet des objets. Enfin, sur le troisième sujet, nous commençons par la détection des modes de fonctionnement pour l'adaptation aux déconnexions afin de faire la différence, lorsque cela est possible, entre une déconnexion et une défaillance, et ensuite nous spécifions et construisons un service de gestion de groupe partitionnable. Ce service est assez fort pour interdire la construction de partitions ne correspondant pas à la réalité de l'environnement à un instant donné et est assez faible pour être mis en oeuvre algorithmiquemen

    A container orchestration development that optimizes the etherpad collaborative editing tool through a novel management system

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    The use of collaborative tools has notably increased recently. It is common to see distinct users that need to work simultaneously on shared documents. In most cases, large companies provide tools whose implementations have been a very complicated and expensive task. Likewise, their platform deployment requirements should be robust hardware infrastructures. It becomes even more critical when their main target is to reach scalability and highavailability. Therefore, this study aims to design and implement a microservices-based collaborative architecture using assembled containers in the cloud, enabling them to deploy Etherpad instances to guarantee high availability. To ensure such a task, we developed and optimized a central management system that creates Etherpad instances and continuously interacts with other Etherpad tools running on Docker containers. This design goes from the monolithic Etherpad instantiation and handling towards a service architecture, where every Etherpad is offered as a microservice. Furthermore, the management system follows (implements) the Observer, Factory Method, Proxy, and Service Layerpopular design patterns. This allows users to gain more privacy through access to validations and shared resources. Our results indicate both the correct operation in the automation of containers’ creation for new users who register in the system and quantifiable improvement in performance.The funding of this research is provided by the Mobility Regulation of the Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, from Sangolquí, Ecuado

    Explainable and Resource-Efficient Stream Processing Through Provenance and Scheduling

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    In our era of big data, information is captured at unprecedented volumes and velocities, with technologies such as Cyber-Physical Systems making quick decisions based on the processing of streaming, unbounded datasets. In such scenarios, it can be beneficial to process the data in an online manner, using the stream processing paradigm implemented by Stream Processing Engines (SPEs). While SPEs enable high-throughput, low-latency analysis, they are faced with challenges connected to evolving deployment scenarios, like the increasing use of heterogeneous, resource-constrained edge devices together with cloud resources and the increasing user expectations for usability, control, and resource-efficiency, on par with features provided by traditional databases.This thesis tackles open challenges regarding making stream processing more user-friendly, customizable, and resource-efficient. The first part outlines our work, providing high-level background information, descriptions of the research problems, and our contributions. The second part presents our three state-of-the-art frameworks for explainable data streaming using data provenance, which can help users of streaming queries to identify important data points, explain unexpected behaviors, and aid query understanding and debugging. (A) GeneaLog provides backward provenance allowing users to identify the inputs that contributed to the generation of each output of a streaming query. (B) Ananke is the first framework to provide a duplicate-free graph of live forward provenance, enabling easy bidirectional tracing of input-output relationships in streaming queries and identifying data points that have finished contributing to results. (C) Erebus is the first framework that allows users to define expectations about the results of a streaming query, validating whether these expectations are met or providing explanations in the form of why-not provenance otherwise. The third part presents techniques for execution efficiency through custom scheduling, introducing our state-of-the-art scheduling frameworks that control resource allocation and achieve user-defined performance goals. (D) Haren is an SPE-agnostic user-level scheduler that can efficiently enforce user-defined scheduling policies. (E) Lachesis is a standalone scheduling middleware that requires no changes to SPEs but, instead, directly guides the scheduling decisions of the underlying Operating System. Our extensive evaluations using real-world SPEs and workloads show that our work significantly improves over the state-of-the-art while introducing only small performance overheads

    A review of cyber-ranges and test-beds:current and future trends

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    Cyber situational awareness has been proven to be of value in forming a comprehensive understanding of threats and vulnerabilities within organisations, as the degree of exposure is governed by the prevailing levels of cyber-hygiene and established processes. A more accurate assessment of the security provision informs on the most vulnerable environments that necessitate more diligent management. The rapid proliferation in the automation of cyber-attacks is reducing the gap between information and operational technologies and the need to review the current levels of robustness against new sophisticated cyber-attacks, trends, technologies and mitigation countermeasures has become pressing. A deeper characterisation is also the basis with which to predict future vulnerabilities in turn guiding the most appropriate deployment technologies. Thus, refreshing established practices and the scope of the training to support the decision making of users and operators. The foundation of the training provision is the use of Cyber-Ranges (CRs) and Test-Beds (TBs), platforms/tools that help inculcate a deeper understanding of the evolution of an attack and the methodology to deploy the most impactful countermeasures to arrest breaches. In this paper, an evaluation of documented CR and TB platforms is evaluated. CRs and TBs are segmented by type, technology, threat scenarios, applications and the scope of attainable training. To enrich the analysis of documented CR and TB research and cap the study, a taxonomy is developed to provide a broader comprehension of the future of CRs and TBs. The taxonomy elaborates on the CRs/TBs dimensions, as well as, highlighting a diminishing differentiation between application areas

    Contributions à la réplication de données dans les systèmes distribués à grande échelle

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    Data replication is a key mechanism for building a reliable and efficient data management system. Indeed, by keeping several replicas for each piece of data, it is possible to improve durability. Furthermore, well-placed copies reduce data accesstime. However, having multiple copies for a single piece of data creates consistency problems when the data is updated. Over the last years, I made contributions related to these three aspects: data durability, data access performance and data consistency. RelaxDHT and SPLAD enhance data durability by placing data copies smartly. Caju, AREN and POPS reduce access time by improving data locality and by taking popularity into account. To enhance data lookup performance, DONUT creates efficient shortcuts taking data distribution into account. Finally, in the replicated database context, Gargamel parallelizes independent transactions only, improving database performance and avoiding aborting transactions. My research has been carried out in collaboration with height PhD students, four of which have defended. In my future work, I plan to extend these contributions by (i) designing a storage system tailored for MMOGs, which are very demanding, and (ii) designing a data management system that is able to re-distribute data automatically in order to scale the number of servers up and down according to the changing workload, leading to a greener data management.La réplication de données est une technique clé pour permettre aux systèmes de gestion de données distribués à grande échelle d'offrir un stockage fiable et performant. Comme il gère un nombre suffisant de copies de chaque donnée, le système peut améliorer la pérennité. De plus, la présence de copies bien placées réduit les temps d'accès. Cependant, cette même existence de plusieurs copies pose des problèmes de cohérence en cas de modification. Ces dernières années, mes contributions ont porté sur ces trois aspects liés à la réplication de données: la pérennité des données, la performance desaccès et la gestion de la cohérence. RelaxDHT et SPLAD permettent d'améliorer la pérennité des données en jouant sur le placement des copies. Caju, AREN et POPS permettent de réduire les temps d'accès aux données en améliorant la localité et en prenant en compte la popularité. Pour accélérer la localisation des copies, DONUT crée des raccourcis efficaces prenant en compte la distribution des données. Enfin, dans le contexte des bases de données répliquées,Gargamel permet de ne paralléliser que les transactions qui sont indépendantes, améliorant ainsi les performances et évitant tout abandon de transaction pour cause de conflit. Ces travaux ont été réalisés avec huit étudiants en thèse dont quatre ont soutenu. Pour l'avenir, je me propose d'étendre ces travaux, d'une part en concevant un système de gestion de données pour les MMOGs, une classe d'application particulièrement exigeante; et, d'autre part, en concevant des mécanismes de gestion de données permettant de n'utiliser que la quantité strictement nécessaire de ressources, en redistribuant dynamiquement les données en fonction des besoins, un pas vers une gestion plus écologique des données