23 research outputs found

    10291 Abstracts Collection -- Automation in Digital Preservation

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    Digital Preservation has evolved into a specialized, interdisciplinary research discipline of its own, seeing significant increases in terms of research capacity, results, but also challenges. However, with this specialization and subsequent formation of a dedicated subgroup of researchers active in this field, limitations of the challenges addressed can be observed. Digital preservation research may seem to react to problems arising, fixing problems that exist now, rather than proactively researching new solutions that may be applicable only after a few years of maturing. Recognising the benefits of bringing together researchers and practitioners with various professional backgrounds related to digital preservation, a seminar was organized in Schloss Dagstuhl, at the Leibniz Center for Informatics (18-23 July 2010), with the aim of addressing the current digital preservation challenges, with a specific focus on the automation aspects in this field. The main goal of the seminar was to outline some research challenges in digital preservation, providing a number of “research questions” that could be immediately tackled, e.g. in Doctoral Thesis. The seminar intended also to highlight the need for the digital preservation community to reach out to IT research and other research communities outside the immediate digital preservation domain, in order to jointly develop solutions

    Space program benefits

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    Visualising the intellectual and social structures of digital humanities using an invisible college model

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    This thesis explores the intellectual and social structures of an emerging field, Digital Humanities (DH). After around 70 years of development, DH claims to differentiate itself from the traditional Humanities for its inclusiveness, diversity, and collaboration. However, the ‘big tent’ concept not only limits our understandings of its research structure, but also results in a lack of empirical review and sustainable support. Under this umbrella, whether there are merely fragmented topics, or a consolidated knowledge system is still unknown. This study seeks to answer three research questions: a) Subject: What research topics is the DH subject composed of? b) Scholar: Who has contributed to the development of DH? c) Environment: How diverse are the backgrounds of DH scholars? The Invisible College research model is refined and applied as the methodological framework that produces four visualised networks. As the results show, DH currently contributes more towards the general historical literacy and information science, while longitudinally, it was heavily involved in computational linguistics. Humanistic topics are more popular and central, while technical topics are relatively peripheral and have stronger connections with non-Anglophone communities. DH social networks are at the early stages of development, and the formation is heavily influenced by non-academic and non-intellectual factors, e.g., language, working country, and informal relationships. Although male scholars have dominated the field, female scholars have encouraged more communication and built more collaborations. Despite the growing appeals for more diversity, the level of international collaboration in DH is more extensive than in many other disciplines. These findings can help us gain new understandings on the central and critical questions about DH. To the best of the candidate’s knowledge, this study is the first to investigate the formal and informal structures in DH with a well-grounded research model

    Development of a complete advanced computational workflow for high-resolution LDI-MS metabolomics imaging data processing and visualization

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    La imatge per espectrometria de masses (MSI) mapeja la distribució espacial de les molècules en una mostra. Això permet extreure informació Metabolòmica espacialment corralada d'una secció de teixit. MSI no s'usa àmpliament en la metabolòmica espacial a causa de diverses limitacions relacionades amb les matrius MALDI, incloent la generació d'ions que interfereixen en el rang de masses més baix i la difusió lateral dels compostos. Hem desenvolupat un flux de treball que millora l'adquisició de metabòlits en un instrument MALDI utilitzant un "sputtering" per dipositar una nano-capa d'Au directament sobre el teixit. Això minimitza la interferència dels senyals del "background" alhora que permet resolucions espacials molt altes. S'ha desenvolupat un paquet R per a la visualització d'imatges i processament de les dades MSI, tot això mitjançant una implementació optimitzada per a la gestió de la memòria i la programació concurrent. A més, el programari desenvolupat inclou també un algoritme per a l'alineament de masses que millora la precisió de massa.La imagen por espectrometría de masas (MSI) mapea la distribución espacial de las moléculas en una muestra. Esto permite extraer información metabolòmica espacialmente corralada de una sección de tejido. MSI no se usa ampliamente en la metabolòmica espacial debido a varias limitaciones relacionadas con las matrices MALDI, incluyendo la generación de iones que interfieren en el rango de masas más bajo y la difusión lateral de los compuestos. Hemos desarrollado un flujo de trabajo que mejora la adquisición de metabolitos en un instrumento MALDI utilizando un “sputtering” para depositar una nano-capa de Au directamente sobre el tejido. Esto minimiza la interferencia de las señales del “background” a la vez que permite resoluciones espaciales muy altas. Se ha desarrollado un paquete R para la visualización de imágenes y procesado de los datos MSI, todo ello mediante una implementación optimizada para la gestión de la memoria y la programación concurrente. Además, el software desarrollado incluye también un algoritmo para el alineamiento de masas que mejora la precisión de masa.Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) maps the spatial distributions of molecules in a sample. This allows extracting spatially-correlated metabolomics information from tissue sections. MSI is not widely used in spatial metabolomics due to several limitations related with MALDI matrices, including the generation of interfering ions and in the low mass range and the lateral compound delocalization. We developed a workflow to improve the acquisition of metabolites using a MALDI instrument. We sputter an Au nano-layer directly onto the tissue section enabling the acquisition of metabolites with minimal interference of background signals and ultra-high spatial resolution. We developed an R package for image visualization and MSI data processing, which is optimized to manage datasets larger than computer’s memory using a mutli-threaded implementation. Moreover, our software includes a label-free mass alignment algorithm for mass accuracy enhancement

    Energy: A continuing bibliography with indexes (Issue 29)

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    This bibliography lists 1360 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system from January 1, 1981 through March 31, 1981