1,022 research outputs found


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    Fast moving era nowadays results in huge uncertainty and changes in our daily life. It is never easy to commit a fixed routine of training with a personal trainer. On the other hand, money spent on a gym membership without proper exercise will be worthless or in the worst case counterfeit ones physical health. Smartphone with a mobile fitness application are getting into a trend and might substitute personal trainers with its multifunction to benefit users. Despite hectic daily schedule, users can still get a great workout with these mobile apps to help them exercise regularly, track goals and performance, eventually push you in the right direction you are targeting for. Personal mobile fitness application guide users with some baseline about your current health condition, targeted health goals and then help users work towards them. Customized offering motivate and encourage users along the way as users can easily switch to different apps each day to cater their own workout desire

    Is It Human? The Role of Anthropomorphism as a Driver for the Successful Acceptance of Digital Voice Assistants

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    The market of digital voice has grown significantly over the recent years. Big players like Amazon, Google, Apple, Microsoft and Samsung are focusing on the development and expansion of their assistants. Especially smart speakers are on the rise but also in smartphone integrated voice applications are getting more popular. The main characteristics of this new technology are both elements of human-computer-interaction and especially the attribution of human characteristics. Although there is an increase of the number of current users as well as of consumers intending to use digital voice assistants in the future, drivers and barriers of digital voice assistants have not yet been sufficiently empirically investigated, especially concerning the phenomenon of anthropomorphism. This study points to additional key factors that are important to foster broader acceptance. Our empirical study is based on the UTAUT2 and highlights the importance of anthropomorphism in relation to other determinants known from the literature


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    Fast moving era nowadays results in huge uncertainty and changes in our daily life. It is never easy to commit a fixed routine of training with a personal trainer. On the other hand, money spent on a gym membership without proper exercise will be worthless or in the worst case counterfeit ones physical health. Smartphone with a mobile fitness application are getting into a trend and might substitute personal trainers with its multifunction to benefit users. Despite hectic daily schedule, users can still get a great workout with these mobile apps to help them exercise regularly, track goals and performance, eventually push you in the right direction you are targeting for. Personal mobile fitness application guide users with some baseline about your current health condition, targeted health goals and then help users work towards them. Customized offering motivate and encourage users along the way as users can easily switch to different apps each day to cater their own workout desire

    Understanding and supporting mobile application usage

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    In recent years mobile phones have evolved significantly. While the very first cellular phones only provided functionality for conducting phone calls, smartphones nowadays provide a rich variety of functionalities. Additional hardware capabilities like new sensors (e.g.~for location) and touch screens as new input devices gave rise to new use cases for mobile phones, such as navigation support, taking pictures or making payments. Mobile phones not only evolved with regard to technology, they also became ubiquitous and pervasive in people\u27s daily lives by becoming capable of supporting them in various tasks. Eventually, the advent of mobile application stores for the distribution of mobile software enabled the end-users themselves to functionally customize their mobile phones for their personal purposes and needs. So far, little is known about how people make use of the large variety of applications that are available. Thus, little support exists for end-users to make effective and efficient use of their smartphones given the huge numbers of applications that are available. This dissertation is motivated by the evolution of mobile phones from mere communication devices to multi-functional tool sets, and the challenges that have arisen as a result. The goal of this thesis is to contribute systems that support the use of mobile applications and to ground these systems\u27 designs in an understanding of user behavior gained through empirical observations. The contribution of this dissertation is twofold: First, this work aims to understand how people make use of, organize, discover and multitask between the various functionalities that are available for their smartphones. Findings are based on observations of user behavior by conducting studies in the wild. Second, this work aims to assist people in leveraging their smartphones and the functionality that is available in a more effective and efficient way. This results in tools and improved user interfaces for end-users. Given that the number of available applications for smartphones is rapidly increasing, it is crucial to understand how people make use of such applications to support smartphone use in everyday life with better designs for smartphone user interfaces.Mobiltelefone haben sich innerhalb der letzten Jahre signifikant weiterentwickelt. Während erste Modelle lediglich Sprachtelefonie zur Verfügung stellten, ermöglichen heutige Smartphones vielseitige Dienste. Technologische Fortschritte, wie beispielsweise GPS-Lokalisierung und berührungsempfindliche Displays, haben neue Einsatzbereiche für Mobiltelefone eröffnet, wie solche als Navigationsgerät oder als Fotoapparat. Doch nicht nur in Bezug auf die Technologie haben sich Mobiltelefone weiterentwickelt, sondern auch in der Verbreitung ist die Anzahl der Geräte enorm gestiegen. Sie werden allgegenwärtig im täglichen Leben genutzt, da sie ihre Anwender bei verschiedensten Aufgaben unterstützen können. Das Aufkommen von Vetriebsplattformen für die Verbreitung mobiler Software erlaubt es dem Anwender selbstständig Modifikationen an der Funktionalität seines Geräts vorzunehmen und dieses an persönliche Zwecke und Ansprüche anzupassen. Bisher ist wenig darüber bekannt, wie sich Anwender die Vielfalt zu Verfügung stehender Applikationen zu Nutze machen. Als Folge daraus gibt es bisher nur rudimentäre Unterstützung für Anwender, die Vielfalt von Applikationen effektiv und effizient einzusetzen. Diese Dissertation ist durch den Wandel des Mobiltelefons vom reinen Kommunikationsgerät hin zum multifunktionalen Werkzeug motiviert. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, Systeme für die Unterstützung einer besseren mobilen Applikationsnutzung zu entwickeln, deren Design auf dem neuen Verständnis von Benutzerverhalten beruht, das durch empirische Studien gewonnen wird. Diese Dissertation hat einen zweiteiligen Beitrag: Zum einen werden theoretische Erkenntnisse dazu erarbeitet, wie Anwender die Applikationsvielfalt nutzen, installierte Applikationen auf ihren Geräten organisieren, neue Applikationen entdecken und zwischen diesen in der Ausführung wechseln. Die Erkenntnisse hierzu beruhen auf der empirischen Beobachtung von Nutzungsverhalten. Zum anderen hat diese Arbeit ingenieurwissenschaftliche Ziele dahingehend, die Anwender von Applikationen dabei zu unterstützen, ihre Smartphones sowie deren Funktionsvielfalt effektiver und effizienter einzusetzen. Dieser Beitrag resultiert in der Beschreibung implementierter Systeme und verbesserter Benutzerschnittstellen für Anwender. Angesichts der rapide wachsenden Zahl zur Verfügung stehender mobiler Applikationen ist es wichtig, zu verstehen wie Endanwender diese nutzen, denn nur so kann die Nutzung von Smartphones gebrauchstauglicher und einfacher gestaltet werden