170 research outputs found

    Research on Ground Reinforcement Technology of Offshore Wind Power Monopile Foundation

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    [Introduction] Under the guidance of energy policy with the goal of "double carbon", offshore wind power generation, as a new energy technology, has been widely applied and rapidly developed in China. Monopile foundation is the most economical and widely used foundation in offshore wind power. In order to solve the problem of deformation and erosion protection of monopile foundation, a foundation reinforcement technology is proposed, and the reinforcement technology is studied and analyzed, and the basis of reinforcement method is given. [Method] Researched and demonstrated the method of pile foundation reinforcement technology, selected a foundation reinforcement technology suitable for offshore construction through research on the technology roadmap and process of reinforcement, and used numerical analysis method to conduct a detailed analysis of the reinforcement effect and reinforcement influence range. [Result] The results show that under 1.15 times of load, the horizontal bearing capacity of monopile foundation strengthened by foundation can be increased by more than 15%, and it can be applied to larger capacity models through foundation reinforcement. In this analysis case, when the depth and horizontal range of foundation reinforcement reach 8 m, the benefits obtained from the soil in the direction of reinforcement depth are greater than those in the direction of reinforcement plane. [Conclusion] The technical scheme of using cement soil reinforcement has been verified to be reliable through numerical analysis, significantly improving the bearing capacity of monopile, and the reinforcement range is reasonable and economical. It can provide reference for the application of monopile foundation reinforcement technology in subsequent offshore wind power engineering


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    Experimental Research on Scour Protection Range and Protection Effect of Large Diameter Monopile Foundation

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    [Introduction] Under the wave-current combinations during the service period of offshore wind turbine, local scour inevitably occurs around pile foundation, which threatens the overall stability and safety of offshore wind turbine. [Method] In this paper, the normal physical model test at a scale of 1∶30 was carried out for the wind power foundation with a diameter of 8.0 m to study the scour depth, sand cover, solidified soil protection range, and protection effect. [Result] The results show that due to the good hydrodynamic conditions considered in this test, the maximum scour depth is 0.133 cm. In this case, the 1 cm-thick sand cover with a splicing size of 1.0 m×1.0 m can meet the stability requirements. When solidified soil is adopted for protection, the protection range shall not be less than 5 times the pile diameter, and block stones shall be laid at the edge of solidified soil to avoid scouring at the lower part of solidified soil. [Conclusion] The test results can provide reference for scouring test and engineering design of similar projects


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    The artilce can be viewed at: http://www.tcea168.com.tw/075366270/images/files/10956.pdf建造業作為全球碳排放的主要來源之一,在 全球節能減排的趨勢下將發揮舉足輕重的作 用。近年來,爲了推行綠色環保建築,各國 都在積極地發展綠色建築評審標準和認證體 系。然而,這些標準和認證體系很少提及建 築材料和建築設備在生命週期內的碳排放量。 由於缺乏相關的量化和評核基準,建造業在 減少能耗,循環再造等減碳的發展方向上勢 必會受到極大的限制。 本文開頭介紹了相關的綠色建築評審標準和 認證體系,並闡述了這些體系的重點和理念。 由於目前世界上並沒有一個得到廣泛認可和 應用的建築物碳排放計算標準,本文引入了 生命週期分析法(LCA),並重點闡述了其 在建築項目應用時如何設定一個合適的界限 (boundary)。文章亦簡介了一個評估建築 物料隱含碳足蹟的平台,以及碳排放分析在 應用上存在的一些潛在困難。我們希望可以 藉此研究,把建築物的生命週期碳排放分析 和綠色建築評審互相融合,從而為建築項目 由設計、建造到拆卸提供一個更加全面和有 效的環境影響分析評估。這樣也可以幫助業 主或發展商在節能減排方面提供最佳方案

    A Study of MR Plaza Project Investment

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    投资活动是促进生产力发展,提高社会物质文明程度,改善人民生活水平的主要经济动力。一个国家的经济增长和社会发展需要项目投资的充分支持,但是项目投资需要消耗大量的资源,而在一定时期内社会可供利用的资源却是十分有限。因此,为了实现项目投资的预期目标,我们必须采用切实有效的分析方法和分析工具,对投资项目进行科学合理的规划﹑评价和论证,从而有效地利用有限的资源。在这个意义上,本文主要针对MR广场投资项目的经营策划以及经济效益和投资风险等问题进行研究,从而论证该项目投资的经济价值,为企业的投资决策提供有意义的帮助和参考。 本文的结构及主要内容如下: 第一章:概述了MR广场投资项目的基本情况,主要介绍项...Investment activity is the main economy power for promoting productivity development, advancing society material civilization and improving people living standard. The economy increase and society development of one country needs the strong support of project investment. But project investment will consume a mass of resource and the resource we can be supplied is quite limited. Thus, for achieving...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X200115026

    Corrosion environment evaluation and durability design requirements of coastal concrete bridge

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    依据JTg/T b07—01—2006《公路工程混凝土结构防腐技术规范》和gb/T 50476—2008《混凝土结构耐久性设计规范》,结合海南一个沿海混凝土大桥的具体环境条件和工程结构情况,对大桥所处腐蚀环境评价中环境分区、环境作用分级以及耐久性设计要求等问题进行了研究。大桥的环境作用分为一般环境、土中环境、海洋环境和滨海环境四个区域。一般环境处于海南东北部沿海腐蚀偏高范围,腐蚀性较高,分级提高加以考虑。土中环境主要由于砖红壤地质腐蚀加重的影响,在工程详细勘探和耐久性设计时给于关注。海洋环境由于海南炎热地区水温高、盐度高会加重腐蚀,耐久性设计中给于考虑。滨海环境主要考虑海洋大气影响范围扩大、影响程度增高、海水入侵和盐渍化影响会不断扩大范围和程度等,对滨海大气和滨海土壤环境的耐久性加以重视。在大桥的设计、施工的不同阶段贯彻和实施规范的技术措施是保证耐久性的关键,对特殊形式和部位的构件和结构耐久性要给于专门措施。According to JTG/T B07—01—2006"Specification for deterioration prevention of highway concrete structures"and GB/T 50476—2008"Code for durability design of concrete structures",The corrosion environmental classification,environmental action grade and durability design requirements of a coastal concrete bridge in Hainan province are researched combining the bridge environment condition and engineering structure.The environment condition of the bridge is divided into four districts:the general environment,soil environment,ocean environment and coastal environment.The general environment is placed in northeast coast of Hainan and belongs to higher corrosion scope.The corrosion is higher so the grade is exalted.The influence in soil environment mainly is the Latosols geology corrosion.at the detailed investigation and design this must pay attention.because of in the south blazing hot region,the water temperature is high and the salt degree is high so the ocean environment will aggravate corrosion,the durability design must considered.The coastal environment mainly considers the ocean atmosphere spread,increasing corrosion degree,the sea water invading and salinization.The durability of the coastal atmosphere and coastal soil environment should be attached importance to.At the different stage of bridge design and construction the specialized technique measure is the key that promises durability.The special form and the part of bridge must carry out the specialized measure


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    Discussion on Recycling and Reusing way of building waste left by Wenchuan Earthquake

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    四川汶川大地震带来巨大量的建筑垃圾成了重建工作的巨大障碍,建筑垃圾的科学合理、及时处理关系到灾区重建能否顺利进行,更是保证灾区生态环境和社会可持续发展的重要组成部分。基于灾区建筑垃圾处理的重要性本文探讨了建筑垃圾再利用途径,分析了各种途径所产生的效益。A huge amount of building waste was left after Wenchuan earthquake.A barrier which meets us is how to handle this horrible solid waste.In this paper,According to some positive results and experience home and abroad in studying and reutilizing building waste,some reusing and recycling methods on building waste are illustrated and the efficiency achieved are analyzed