1 research outputs found

    Study on Several Key Technologies of Spirit Diagnosing by Eye Features Based on Visual Features and Consistency Detection in Traditional Chinese Medicine

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    中医诊断客观化研究是中医信息化领域的热门研究课题。多年来,该领域的研究工作主要集中在面色、舌像和脉诊等信息获取和利用方面,而在中医察目望神客观化研究方面则基本处于空白。针对这种现状,本文进行了基于视觉特征与一致性检测的中医察目望神客观化若干关键技术研究,对于填补中医察目望神客观化诊断研究的空白,进一步完善中医诊断客观化研究的理论体系,丰富该领域的研究成果,促进中医诊断信息化的早日实用及应用推广,具有重要的理论意义和良好的应用价值。本文的主要创新性工作概述如下: (1)论文首次提出了一种利用眼部视觉信息的察目望神客观化诊断模型,并围绕该模型进行了一系列创新性研究。首先给出了专门针对中医察目望...The objectification Of TCM diagnosing is a hot research topic in the field of TCM information. Researches have been carried for many years, but mainly focused on the access and usage of the information about facial color, tongue images and pulse diagnosis. Till now TCM automatic extraction of diagnostic information in the area of eye features computation in the spirit diagnosing is almost blank. A...学位:理学博士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_人工智能基础学号:2302006015336