59,358 research outputs found

    Design of a location-based augmented reality game for the development of key 21st century competences in primary education

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    The use of augmented reality games (ARGs) in education has gained increased attention from curriculum developers, teachers, and researchers in the past decade. Research findings show that ARGs can promote meaningful learning environments that foster key competences for the 21st century. This paper presents the design process of “EcoAegean”, an ARG for mobile devices, which was implemented in primary classroom environments to support the development of students’ key competences in the context of sustainability. The game was created using an open augmented reality software platform and its design was based on contemporary theoretical underpinnings regarding the use of such games in educational contexts. In the first section of the paper, we describe the design procedures of the learning scenario as well as the game itself. In the last section of the paper, we offer a set of critical insights on the design and implementation of mobile augmented reality games for the purpose of supporting students’ development of key 21st century competences.</p


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    The purpose of this study was to present findings on endangered species, specifically focusing on endangered animals worldwide. Several species were selected for investigation, including orangutans, Komodo dragons, Kakapo (Strigops habroptilus), Javan rhinos, Amur leopards, and vaquitas (Phocoena sinus). Augmented reality, a technology that merges the real and virtual worlds through computer devices, was employed by the author to develop an animal recognition application. The aim was to create an engaging educational tool, particularly targeting school children, to facilitate learning about endangered animals. The research progressed through three stages: gathering information on endangered animals globally, examining existing augmented reality applications, and designing markers for detection using the fast corner detection algorithm. Android, a Linux-based mobile operating system, offered an open platform for developers to create applications compatible with various mobile devices. Consequently, the outcome of this study manifested as an augmented reality-based application that delivers comprehensive information on endangered species. The application's potential to serve as a captivating medium for education and knowledge acquisition is highly anticipated

    The Urban CoCreation Lab—An Integrated Platform for Remote and Simultaneous Collaborative Urban Planning and Design through Web-Based Desktop 3D Modeling, Head-Mounted Virtual Reality and Mobile Augmented Reality: Prototyping a Minimum Viable Product and Developing Specifications for a Minimum Marketable Product

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    Both policy and research highlight the importance of diverse stakeholder input in urban development processes but visualizing future built environments and creating two-way design communication for non-expert stakeholders are challenging. The present study develops an intuitive and simplified 3D modeling platform that integrates web-based desktop, virtual reality and mobile augmented reality technologies for remote simultaneous urban design collaboration. Through iterative prototyping, based on two series of workshops with stakeholders, the study resulted in such an integrated platform as a minimum viable product as well as specifications for a minimum marketable product to be used in real projects. Further study is required to evaluate the minimum level of detail in the 3D modeling necessary for good perception of scale and environmental impact simulation

    Design of a Mobile Augmented Reality Platform with Game-Based Learning Purposes

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    Augmented reality (AR) is an emergent technology that overlays virtual objects into the real environment. Lately, AR is gaining prominence in education because of its increasing affordability through computers or mobile technologies. In addition, research sustaining the benefits of AR to promote student’s engagement to learn is increasing every day. However, the literature identifies lack of studies about the use of AR in education, namely, studies focused on the development of AR games designed over specific learning objectives (game-based learning). This paper presents a mobile augmented reality platform with learning purposes. The platform includes a mobile application that consists of a location-based game targeted to promote learning about the universe. Furthermore, it includes a back-office that allows teachers to introduce information about celestial bodies and also develop a set of multiple-choice questions to assess student’s learning about the subject matters they teach. The mobile application provides the users with physical movement and social interaction in the real world, while playing the game and for this reason it is included in the pervasive games’ paradigm. Besides engaging the students to play the game, we argue that this platform may be used as a resource to be implemented in informal and formal learning environments.Funding: This work is supported by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I. P., in the context of the project PTDC/CED-EDG/32422/2017, and through the Médio Tejo Intermunicipal Community,under project “Ciências nas Escolas”. Acknowledgments: The authors wish to thank the Computer Engineering Teacher André Carvalho, and the Computer Engineering BSc students of Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Miguel Silva, Rafael Lopes, Telmo Faria and Bernardo Alegria, for their effort on the development of the PlanetarySystem platform.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    This project paper is about Augmented Reality (AR) using location-based visualization and implementation on the smartphone devices. That is partly because smartphone comes packed with built-in sensors have grown and become popular over the years. This will explore the interactive and interaction Location Based Services that AR allows on Android devices. The use of mobile applications and advancement in mobile technology such as Global Positioning System (GPS), compass and accelerometer sensors are able to identify and determine the location and orientation of the device, location-based applications with augmented reality views are possible. AR combines the real world with virtual, the integration of information in the user's environment in real time, the user interaction techniques of representing rich, intuitive information data of the real world. The AR application which typically takes the image of the integrated camera, positioning location as a representation of the real world and project objects on top of this image to create the AR view. The research was initiated by exploring and reviewing literature related domain and existing AR application available on Android devices. There are a number of AR applications available and the rapid development of Android smartphone devices has provided an improved platform for the application of mobile AR technologies. Developing application will help the researcher explore the topic while going through this technology. The aim of this study is to develop a combination of location-based information and AR features by blending both visual, map-based and nonmap based elements like live projection of a nearby landmark on camera preview on mobile devices, utilizing free and open source software development tools. In the context of this paper a prototype application, based on the Android platform and Mixare engine library is developed. This paper showed the initial thoughts on this application and overall process that leads to the final system development. This report describes MyARTGuide, a prototype application of augmented reality designed to be run over Android based smartphone. The user can now look through their phone as if taking a picture to look at the augmented world which leads to a better user experience. MyARTGuide is developed for experiment, simulation and to test the AR functionality of these project objectives is not a fully functional product. Thus, there are still more areas that can be improved and new features can be added. With the use of AR and Andorid technology it is possible to spread the experience which will be shown in this report. (ABSTRACT BY AUTHOR

    Aceh's Historic Tourist Attractions: An Augmented Reality-Based Prototype of a Virtual Tour Application

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    Indonesia has attractive tourist destinations for tourism such as beautiful interior areas and historical places. The purpose of this research is to design and build a virtual tour application for Aceh tourism objects using augmented reality. One of the problems that occur in tourist objects is that foreign tourists do not have an idea about the tourist objects they want to visit. The technology used in this study and previous research is Augmented Reality, but previous research only displays 3D tourist objects, while in this study, augmented reality technology is incorporated into the design of the 4 Aceh tourist attractions by showing a 3-dimensional illustration of the object as a whole. for the outside of the building and displays a virtual tour image in the form of a video to illustrate the inside of the tourist attraction building on the Android mobile platform. Based on the results of distance and angle testing, the best (ideal) distance that produces clear and bright marker detection is found at a distance between 25 to 45 cm, while the best angle is between an angle with a slope of 0° to 60°. Measurements of distances and angles are carried out using threads, bows and measuring tapes. The 3D object is successfully displayed by pointing the camera at the marker to be detected.

    Java ME:n ja WRT:n soveltuvuus GPS-sisältöpalveluun

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    Opinnäytetyö käsittelee Java ME- ja WRT-ohjelmointiympäristöjen soveltuvuutta paikkatietoon sidonnaisen sisältöpalvelun toteutukseen. Opinnäytetyössä käsitellään opastuspalveluita laajennetun todellisuuden palveluiden näkökulmasta. Työn tavoitteena oli valittuja ohjelmointiympäristöjä vertailemalla löytää teknisiltä ominaisuuksiltaan paremmin palvelumuotoon soveltuva vaihtoehto. Vertailun lähtökohdaksi työssä tutkittiin laajennetun todellisuuden palveluiden määritteitä sekä aiemmin Pohjois-Karjalassa toteutetuissa laajennetun todellisuuden palveluissa esiintyneitä ongelmia. Työn toiminnallinen tavoite oli toteuttaa kaksi matkapuhelinsovellusta valittuja ohjelmointiympäristöjä käyttämällä. Matkapuhelinsovellukset toimivat laajennetun todellisuuden palveluina tarjoten ääni- ja kuvasisältöjä. Sovelluksissa käytettiin paikkatietoa yhdistämään tarjotut sisällöt opastuskohteisiin. Palvelun kohdeympäristönä toimi Lieksassa sijaitseva Vuonislahden kylä. Työssä vertailtiin toteutettuja matkapuhelinsovelluksia sekä tarkasteltiin niiden soveltuvuutta laajennetun todellisuuden palvelualustoiksi. Vertailun tulokset osoittivat, että WRT oli parempi vaihtoehto laajennetun todellisuuden palvelualustaksi. Vaikka Java ME toimi WRT:tä useammassa matkapuhelinmallissa, on WRT käytettävyyden ja suorituskyvyn kannalta parempi vaihtoehto. Työssä käsiteltiin matkapuhelinsovelluksia kirjoittajan omien kokemusten ja taustatiedon pohjalta. Lähdeaineistona työssä käytettiin laajennetun todellisuuden palveluita käsittelevää kirjallisuutta, internetlähteitä sekä aiemmin toteutettuja palveluita. Toiminnallisena lopputuloksena syntyneet sovellukset jäävät pilottitoteutuksina Pohjois-Karjalan ammattikorkeakoulun TG4NP-hankkeen testaus- ja tutkimuskäyttöön.This bachelor’s thesis deals with the suitability of Java ME and WRT-software development environments in implementing location based mobile phone content service. The thesis deals with the guidance services from the perspective of augmented reality services. The goal of this thesis was to find a better software development environment for the service by comparing technical features of selected environments. As a baseline for comparison the thesis used the main features of augmented reality services and examined development needs and problems from previously carried out services in North Karelia. The functional purpose of the thesis was to create two augmented reality mobile phone applications by using selected software development environments. The created applications work as augmented reality mobile phone services and contain audio and visual contents. Mobile applications used the location based services to combine the contents to the real world places. The service was located in Vuonislahti-village in Lieksa, North Karelia. The thesis compared the created mobile applications and examined their suitability as a platform for augmented reality services. The result of the comparison was that WRT software development environment found to be a better option to be used as a platform for augmented reality service. Even though Java ME -environment supports more devices, the WRT was better both in usability and performance. The thesis used the author’s previous experiences and background knowledge of mobile phone applications as a source. Other used sources were professional literature about augmented reality services, internet sources and knowledge from previously carried out services. The applications will remain with NKUAS TG4NP project for testing and research purposes

    Website Technology Trends for Augmented Reality Development

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    Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that is gaining increasing attention from academics and industry. AR is relied upon to be an innovative technology to enrich ways of interacting with the physical and cyberspace around users that can enhance user experience in various fields. Platforms for AR applications are usually hardware based and mobile based, for mobile applications AR is usually based. AR-based hardware requires quite expensive support, this is seen from the rendering space requirements and this makes it inflexible while AR-based applications on mobile smartphones require large storage space and do not make it convenient for cross-platform use. Currently many researchers are trying to create and develop website-based AR, as a solution to the spread of AR to be flexible and save storage space, website technology development trends are used as a method for improving the performance of website-based AR. Other support comes from open-source software and more developer platforms and program courses for Web AR that are made public. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art, various methods, technologies and challenges of existing AR, this can be a trigger for more research interest and efforts to provide AR experienc