860 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of College Art Students BBS System Based on .NET

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    高校的学生BBS论坛是校园文化的新载体之一。目前我国大部分高校都有专门的论坛,例如厦门大学的“鼓浪听涛”BBS,清华大学的“水木社区”等。大学生通过这些虚拟社区可以实现知识的共享,在线交流等。虚拟社区与现实社区的最大区别是具有虚拟性,以网络、计算机技术为基本支持;虚拟社区也不同于两两互动的网络服务,它的互动具有群体性和聚集性,大家都可以参与。随着技术的发展年轻一代的社交也发生的很大的变化,出现的“屏社交”等名词。但是纵观各大论坛、BBS、贴吧等,很少有专门针对艺术生的虚拟社区,雅昌网是我国最大的艺术品艺术人的门户,但也不是针对高校艺术生这一特殊群体。 基于这一现状,本文提出了一个基于微软.N...The college students' BBS forum is a new field of campus culture. Most of our universities have special forum, such as the Xiamen University "Gu Lang Ting Tao" BBS, of the Tsinghua University "Shui Mu community" etc. Students through these virtual communities can realize knowledge sharing, online communication. The biggest difference between virtual community and realistic community is virtual, to...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323005


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    基于中国219家免费开放科技馆的互联网平台信息、科技馆年度统计资料和第三方网 站评论数据,结合针对性的问卷调查,依据科学传播五要素模型,利用自然语言处理和可视 化等技术,开展科技馆科普影响力现状多源数据融合分析,探究了中国公众的科普爱好及其 影响因素。研究发现:公众对与生活实践密切相关的科学知识及方法的兴趣度较高,且乐于 接受以微信公众号、官方微博和官网为主的新媒体科普方式;科技馆的展示环境、内容和服 务等软硬件设施是公众关注的重点;女性对科技馆的关注度和表达意愿明显高于男性;重大 政策发布时间节点前后公众前往科技馆参观的意愿较强,可认为政策是影响免费开放科技 馆即时性传播效果的重要要素。</p

    A Qualitative Analysis of the Business Models of Shared Workspaces

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    abstract: The emergence and fast growth of shared workspaces have attracted increasing attention from investors, practitioners, and researchers. Overall, this industry is still at an early stage of development and the business models of shared workspace providers are still evolving. To enhance the understanding of the different business models adopted by the leading shared workspace providers, I conduct an in-depth qualitative analysis of three current market leaders - Regus, WeWork, and UrWork – using the Business Model Canvas proposed by Osterwalder (2008). My analysis suggests that shared workspace providers creates value by offering three tiers of services: (1) satisfying users’ needs for physical office spaces, (2) helping them build an enterprise eco-system, and (3) facilitating the development of a user community. I further use the PEST model to analyze how the macro-environmental factors in China and U.S. may have contributed to the development of different shared workspace business models in these two countries. Based on the above analyses, I propose a list of factors that may be critical to investors’ valuations of shared workspace companies.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Business Administration 201

    A Comparative Study on the Chinese Government Publicity Weibo: Shanghai vs. Tianjin

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    政府宣传微博是传统政府宣传工作的新运用,也是中国政务微博中的重要一支。然而,处于相同的大环境下,不同城市的宣传微博却拥有迥异的影响力。为了解释这一差距,本文用内容分析法,从信息来源、栏目安排、议题设置等方面比较了影响力上相差较大的“@上海发布”与“@天津发布”。我们发现,虽同属发布型微博,“@上海发布”信息源更多来自于政府部门和公共机构,栏目设置更便民,突发事件报道更为及时。我们认为,主要原因是两个政府对政务微博的重视程度和管理理念的差别。同时,突发事件也一定程度推动了政务微博的发展。Chinese governments have been actively employing the Internet technology to facilitate its propaganda work. Micro-blogging or Weibo of government publicity departments is one such example, which disseminates local official information authoritatively. However, while some of the publicity Weibo have actively gained much influence, others have been rather dormant. To explain this difference, we take the publicity Weibo of Shanghai and Tianjin as examples, and compare them in details. We find that, though sharing similar administrative and economic backgrounds, publicity Weibo of Shanghai garners more information from other governmental departments and public organizations, and responds more rapidly to local emergencies. Moreover, we argue the quality of publicity Weibo largely depends on the local government’s attitude towards government Weibo’s importance in political communication and public administration, and its management concept of government Weibo. Local emergencies may also speed up the development of government Weibo.postprin

    社群归属感、生活形态与忠诚度:高净值社群运营的关键影响因素研究 ——以上海嘉庭俱乐部为例

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    abstract: 随着中国经济过去30多年的高速发展,出现了一大批的高收入人群,他们更注重生活的品质,如追求自然、简约、低调的休闲生活方式,更看重健康生活、自身的身心修养,和提高自身修养的内涵式生活,以及注重子女的内涵气质教育。 同时,具有很强烈地获得心理认同的需求,参加各种以消费和交往为媒介和主体活动的社群或“社交圈子”,在心理和情感上自我获得与其在财富、生活方式以及生活品位等诸方面都类似的群体间的身份认同感和归属感;更看着与其社会阶层相匹配的身份地位、社交人脉、兴趣爱好等。 因此,从运营的角度来看,如何增加上述这些高净值人群对高净值社群的归属感,进而提高其对高净值社群的忠诚度,是高净值社群进一步可持续经营和发展的基石。本研究以上海嘉庭俱乐部为例,在对问卷调查的基础上,通过实证研究,探讨影响高净值社群归属感与忠诚度的关键因素,高净值社群中会员的归属感与忠诚度的关系,会员生活型态的差异使得归属感与忠诚度的影响关系呈现显著的不同。 实证研究表明,“时尚流行”会员较为理性,其更注重休闲风尚;而“优雅休闲与享受尊荣”的会员则偏感性,其相当注重心灵感受与宁静舒适的感觉,强调全家共享以及纯封闭式的会员享受,能够更多地认识到与个人品味和品位相同的人,如对生活品质的追求、价值观、子女教育等;内心更开放、所接受教育程度更高的家庭,在嘉庭会感受到的归属感意识更高、其忠诚度也更高。Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Business Administration 201

    Research on Sales & Marketing Channel Models and Innovations in China's Nutrition and Wellness Health Industry—Based on By-Health

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    abstract: Health is among the most basic needs of the people and driving force of social and economic development. The health nutrition & wellness industry is gradually becoming a global sunrise industry . However, the industry is faced many problems and challenges including weaknesses in the industry structure, fragmentations of supply chain, low efficiency in resources allocation, and lacking in quality on personnel training. To achieve core competitiveness and value creation, it is important that the health nutrition & wellness industry must meet the needs of Chinese market and its customers with a customer centric perspective to design a firm’s organization strucrture and management processes. This thesis is based on an analysis of the competitive landscape faced by the nutrition & wellness industry as exemplified by By-Health.Ltd. The investigation begins with an analysis and synthsis of the common industry practices on sales & distribution channels for their underlying similarities and differences in product strategies, branding strategies, and agency models on incentive design and profit sharing mechanisms. Through an empirical survey, this thesis also investigate customer’s demand for nutritious and healthy products. The results through factor analysis reveal that such demands are driven by individual factor, product factor, enterprise factor and environmental factor. The study concludes with a proposed framework to link customer value through three innovative designs in sales and distribution: community marketing model, sharing marketing model and Internet factory marketing model.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Business Administration 201

    Analysis of the Impact of Strong Ties Between a Retail Company and its Customer – An Empirical Analysis and Case Study of Kid’s Want, a Maternal and Child Products Retail Company

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    abstract: Due to the booming young mothers and fathers in the new era as well as the changes in the concept of parenting and the favorable liberalization of China's second child policy, the maternal-baby nursing market continues to grow, and it has become a must for businesses nowadays. In 2020, the size of the maternal-baby nursing market will reach 3.6 trillion. (Data: Yibang Power China's Maternal and Child Industry White Paper 2017). The rapid development of mobile Internet, highly transparent information, consumers grasp the sovereignty, along with the rise of the middle class, consumption increase encouraged personalized, customized needs. The boundaries between online and offline are becoming increasingly blurred. Consumers are more inclined to choose multi-category with service channel providers. If the retailers still rely on good market resources, and the difference between the sales and purchase of commodities, they will face a huge challenge of the decrease in passenger flow and a decline in performance. The paper takes the relationship between maternal-baby nursing retailers and targets customers as the study object, based on customer service of maternal-baby nursing retailer data, empirical studies, we found that this particular group, mothers and babies, especially value safety, quality, public praise and community review. If the retail enterprise attaches importance to establishing relationships with customers and enhances the relational viscosity through mutual trust, emotional formation and spread of public praise, it will help to increase the traffic volume and increase the output value of single customers. The maternal-baby nursing retailers form a strong relationship between enterprises and customers by establishing a strong relationship between products and customers, employees and customers, and customers to customers. Maternal-baby nursing retailers operate single-customer value deeply, build a heavy membership system and manage customer assets, thereby enhancing their brand and performance. The research on the method of establishing the strong tie can be considered as an analysis of feasibility. The research results of this paper will help to improve the overall customer service experience and satisfaction of the mother and infant retail industry, enhance the development of the whole industry and draw significance lessons from other service industries.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Business Administration 201


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    PPP模式是推动电子政务平台健康发展的良药吗? --来自华东地区50个城市政务App的面板数据分析

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    abstract: 当前各个城市都在努力推动“互联网+政务”的公共服务新模式,打造政府公共服务平台,提供“一站式”的服务资源,以民众需求为中心,解决民众信息查询、政府办事预约、政策咨询等公共活动的需要。可以看出,政务平台给民众的生活带来极大的便利,是当前各地政府响应中央建立“智慧城市”“数字中国”的重要举措。 本课题发现当前的政务平台逐步引入PPP模式,借助社会资源开发政务平台。但是,PPP模式是否有利于政务平台的建设,受到哪些因素的制约,如何更好地利用PPP模式进行开发工作,这些问题在现前的研究中没有得到很好地探索。带着这些问题,本课题对PPP模式在政务平台建设中的作用进行了深入剖析。主要研究内容如下: 在第一部分中,本课题政府公共服务和政务相关理论进行了全面整理,发现政务平台要想走出一条健康发展之路,需要借助社会资源进行市场化,而PPP模式符合当前政务平台建设的需要。本文对PPP模式在国内外电子政务的应用进行了分析,提出了本文的研究主题。 在第二部分中,本文对华东地区50座城市的政务平台进行了调研,对常见问题进行了整理,发现PPP模式已经广泛应用于政务平台建设中,且主要有四种模式,本文对50座城市的政务平台建设情况进行了数据采集,并进行了深入分析。 在第三部分中,结合调研现状和文献研究成果,提出了PPP模式影响政务平台建设的相关假设,并构建了计量模型。通过短面板分析验证假设,并进行了Robust分析,证实结论的普适性。 在第四部分中,本文分析了研究结果,认为政务平台采用PPP模式能够有效促进政务平台的建设水平,提高用户满意度;并且PPP模式与合作企业的估摸、信息的透明程度和平台的交互能力存在显著的交互作用,共同影响用户对政务平台的评价。政府引入PPP模式,充分对接可利用资源,并加强盈利控制,对当前政务平台的建设是具有积极意义的。Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Business Administration 201