1,519 research outputs found

    Scholarly Program Notes on the Graduate Vocal Recital of Zhang Lu

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    This document presents scholarly program notes on the Graduate Recital of Master of Music in Vocal Performance candidate Zhang Lu. This document introduces Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s “Laudamus te” from his Great Mass in C Minor; five songs on the poetry of Friedrich Rückert as set by Gustav Mahler; Mimì’s third act aria “Donde lieta uscí” from La Bohème by Giacomo Puccini; three French mélodies by Pauline Viardot; American art songs “The Lordly Hudson” by Ned Rorem and “Lady of the Harbor” by Lee Hoiby; and Il Bacio by Luigi Arditi. A summary of each of piece is presented along with a brief history of the composer and the historical context of their compositions

    Junior Recital: Fred Diengott, bass/baritone

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    Graduate Recital: LiAn Chen, soprano

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    Senior Recital: Stephen Wilkins, baritone

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    The Boston University Collegium in Early Music, December 2, 1983

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    This is the concert program of the The Boston University Collegium in Early Music performance on Friday, December 2, 1983 at 8:00 p.m., at Marsh Chapel, 735 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were Capriccio sopra il Cucho from "First Book of Capriccios, Ricercars, and Canzonas" by Girolamo Frescobaldi, La Messa delli Apostoli from "Fiori musicali" by G. Frescobaldi, Toccata Quinta, sopra i pedali per l'organo, e senza from "Second Book of Toccatas, Canzonas, etc." by G. Frescobaldi, Missa Rosa Playsant by Jacob Obrecht, and La Pazzia Senile by Adriano Banchieri. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    L’Écho des jeunes  : Une avant‑garde inachevée

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    La fin du XIXe siècle a connu, au Canada comme en Europe, une floraison de revues littéraires, parmi lesquelles L'Écho des Jeunes, publié à Montréal, se distingue par son éclectisme et sa modernité. Cette revue est la création d'un groupe de jeunes qui, depuis la petite municipalité de Sainte-Cunégonde, noue des rapports étroits avec une partie de l'avant-garde française contemporaine. Elle s'efforcera pendant quelques années d'imposer un ton nouveau, entre décadence et symbolisme, parmi les jeunes poètes canadiens-français, juste avant la création de l'École littéraire de Montréal, dont beaucoup de ses collaborateurs deviendront membres. L'écho des Jeunes réussit à donner une expression convaincante de l'esprit fin de siècle répandu dans de petits milieux montréalais très originaux, trop négligés par l'histoire littéraire

    Cartas de Marco Antonio Patanella a Antonio Perrenot de Granvela (1546-1558). Edición y notas.

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    La presente investigación muestra una edición de cartas del ecónomo de Milán, Marco Antonio Patanella, con Antonio Perrenot de Granvela, consejero de Carlos V y Felipe II, comprendidas entre los años 1546-1558. La abundante correspondencia de Antonio Perrenot de Granvela, que se conserva en la Real Biblioteca y en la Biblioteca Nacional de España, permitió identificar un número de 140 cartas y minutas, que intercambiaron Marco Antonio Patanella y Antonio Perrenot de Granvela a mediados del siglo XVI. La correspondencia es autógrafa e inédita. El epistolario aborda asuntos públicos de la administración del Ducado de Milán, el control del economato regio, así como asuntos privados de la familia Granvela. Entre estos últimos se encuentra la administración de sus bienes y pensiones, o encargos de tejidos y objetos de arte para ser enviados a Besançon, donde la familia Granvela tenía su residencia oficial. Los precios, dificultades, envíos por postas, devoluciones de los objetos porque no cumplían los requisitos solicitados permitieron reconstruir la vida de lujo de los miembros de la familia Granvela en el siglo XVI. Se ha seguido una metodología adecuada a la edición de textos italianos del siglo XVI. Tras la recensio de las cartas de Marco Antonio Patanella, que se conservan en la Real Biblioteca y en la Biblioteca Nacional de España, se procedió a la transcripción y edición de las cartas, según unos criterios establecidos. La editio va acompañada de una introducción, una descripción codicológica, índices de nombres y cartas, editadas y mencionadas, un aparato de notas históricas para la identificación de los personajes y de los acontecimientos históricos mencionados. La investigación se acompaña de una extensa bibliografía.This research shows part of the edited correspondence between Milano’s bursar Marco Antonio Patanella, and Antonio Perrenot de Granvelle, counsellor of Charles V and Philip II, that was exchanged between 1546 and 1558. The extensive correspondence of Antonio Perrenot de Granvelle that has been preserved in the Real Biblioteca and the Biblioteca Nacional de España made possible to identify 140 letters and minutes, exchanged between Milano’s bursar Marco Antonio Patanella and Antonio Perrenot de Granvelle in the mid-16th century. The correspondence is original and unpublished. The collected letters tackle public issues related to the administration of the Duchy of Milano, the control of the royal bursary, as well as private issues of the Granvelle family. The latter include, among other, the administration of their goods and pensions, as well as orders of fabric and pieces of art that needed to be sent to Besançon. The prices of these orders, the problems encountered, postal deliveries, the return of some of these objects due to non-compliance with the requested demands among other issues have made possible to retrace the luxurious lifestyle of the members of the Granvelle family in the 16th century. A thorough methodology to edit 16th century Italian texts has been applied. The recensio of Marco Antonio Patanella’s letters, kept in the RB and the BNE, has been ensued by the transcription and edition of the letters following pre-established criteria. The editio is then followed by an introduction, a description of the codex, indexes of names and of edited and mentioned letters, as well as a compendium of historical references that provide contextual elements to identify the personalities and historical events mentioned in the text. A thorough and extensive bibliography is provided at the end

    Il giardino dei Finzi-Contini: le cuciture del tessuto narrativo

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    The underlying narrative techniques of the novel Il giardino dei Finzi Contini are revealed through close analysis of the text. The wide variety of these techniques include different forms of dilation, especially that of temporal digression. Taken together, they reflect the disturbances in the world and in historical time represented in the novel. The study of all these techniques is carried out in the light of other works by Bassani and the considerable volume of critical essays on him that have been published in recent years