46,978 research outputs found

    La gallina criolla colombiana

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    Después de 15 años de investigaciones a lo largo y ancho del territorio Colombiano, se presenta el primer libro relacionado con la gallina criolla colombiana Gallus domesticus (L), se identificaron 12 tipos y se describen desde la subespecie de donde provienen, además se observaron 8 variedades de la subespecie nanus, se resaltan las características generales de cada subespecie, reconociendo que ha existido un cruzamiento constante entre ellas desde antes del descubrimiento de América (1492), y al mismo tiempo "selección" por parte de las comunidades rurales (indígenas, negras y campesinas) por conservar caracteres raciales y productivas de su interés, contribuyendo a embellecer el entorno rural.La avicultura moderna se transformó en una industria donde se producen líneas mejoradas de alta productividad para producción de huevos y/o para carne, en tal contexto la gallina criolla no puede competir, ¿por qué motivo la gallina criolla no ha desaparecido?, se han expuesto diversas explicaciones como la posible rusticidad y la resistencia a enfermedades, dicha respuesta radica en la contradicción de quienes realizan la selección avícola de tipo empresarial y la campesina, los primeros buscan eliminar la cloquera en las gallinas, mientras que las comunidades indígenas, negras o campesinas por el valor adquirido dentro de la cultura rural, buscan que las aves se reproduzcan en forma natural como alternativa de seguridad alimentaria para sus familias.Introducción Gallus domesticus L. subespecie illauris Gallus domesticus L. subespecie barbatus Gallus domesticus L. subespecie ecaudatus Gallus domesticus L. subespecie l1lulicollisGallus domesticus L. subespecie crispusGallus (Iomesticus L. subespecie lallatusGallus domesticus L. subespecie gigallteus Gallus domesticus L. subespecie cristatus Gallus domesticus L. subespecie pugllax Gallus domesticus L. subespecie morio Gallus domesticus L. subespecie dorkillgellsis Gallus domesticus L. subespecie Ilallus Gallus domesticus L subespecie Ilallus (variedades)Bibliografí

    "L. Cossonius L. f. Stell(atina tribu) Gallus Vecilius Crispinus Mansuanius Marcellinus Numisius Sabinus pro consule provinciae Sardiniae" e la constitutio del "Forum Traiani"

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    The study analyzes the career of clarissimus L. Cossonius Gallus developed between Domitian, Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian. In particular, we analyze the charges under Trajan, including, in 111 AD, the proconsul of Sardinia. In the same year the proconsul L. Cossonius Gallus by order of Trajan proceeded to constitutio of Forum Traiani in the center of Sardinia. Subsequently (113-115 AD) Cossonius became legatus Augusti in the provinciae of Galatia, Pisidia and Paphlagonia, was consul suffectus in 116 AD, and around 120AD legatus provinciae Iudeae.L. Cossonius L. f. Stell(atina tribu) Gallus Vecilius Crispinus Mansuanius Marcellinus Numisius Sabinus pro consule provinciae Sardiniae e la constitutio del Forum TraianiLo studio analizza la carriera del clarissimus L. Cossonius Gallus sviluppatasi fra Domiziano, Nerva, Traiano e Adriano. In particolare si analizzano le cariche sotto Traiano, fra le quali, nel 111 d.C. il proconsolato della Sardinia. Nello stesso anno il proconsole L. Cossonio Gallo per ordine di Traiano procedette alla constitutio di Forum Traiani, al centro della Sardinia. Successivamente Cossonio divenne nel 113-115 legatus Augusti delle provinciae della Galatia, Pisidia e Paphlagonia, nel 116 fu consul suffectus, e verso il 120 legatus provinciae Iudeae

    Laju Pertumbuhan Populasi Brachionus Plicatilis O. F. Muller Dengan Pemberian Kotoran Ayam Kampung (Gallus Varius L.) Dan Ayam Broiler (Gallus Demostica L.) Pada Media Kombinasi Pupuk Urea Dan Tsp

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    The relationship between growth rate of Brachionus plicatilis O. F. Muller population and feeding that contain addition of local chicken manure (Gallus varius L.) and broiler chicken's (Gallus domestica L.) in urea and triple superphosphat (TSP) was conducted on September 2012 in Animal Systematic Laboratory, Biology Department, Mathematics and Sains Faculty, Sumatera Utara University. This research used complete randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments chicken manure, that is M1 (300 mg/2 L local), M2 (400 mg/2 L local), M3 (300 mg/2 L broiler) and M4 (400/2 L broiler), with 6 times repeated and 8 times observation during 16 days. The result showed that the growth rate of B. plicatilis the highest on medium M4 is 8.492 indx2x10-3xday-1 and have the lowest on the medium M1 is 8.386 indx2x10-3xday-1. These showed that using broiler chicken's manure is better than local chicken's manure

    Isolation and Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria from the Digestive Tract of Kampung Chicken (Gallus gallus Domesticus)

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    The aim of this study was to isolate and identify lactic acid bacteria (LAB) derived from the digestive tract of Kampung chicken or Indonesian native chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus). This study used ten 20-week old male native chicken with an average body weight of 1 kg, slaughtered and processed in accordance with Halal methods. Ten-centimeter sections of the esophagus, crop, proventriculus and ventriculus were obtained, stored in sterile bottles and placed in an icebox. LAB were isolated from the chickens’ gastrointestinal tract. LAB identifcation was done through microscopic morphology, gram staining, catalase test and biochemical tests. Isolates were gram positive, negative on catalase test, non-motile and rodshaped. Isolates YL 117, YL 217, and YL 317 can ferment glucose, sucrose and lactose; isolate YL 117 can ferment xylose, sorbitol, arabinose and raffnose; and isolate YL 317 can ferment malonate, arabinose and raffnose. This study suggests the presence of three LAB isolates from the gastrointestinal tract of Gallus gallus domesticus: Lactobacillus plantarum, L. acidophilus and L. casei. Key words: Gallus gallus domesticus, Kampung chicken, lactic acid bacteri

    Causes de pollution des œufs et des viandes de la Poule domestique (Gallus-Gallus L.) par des résidus de pesticides organo-chlorés

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    Rousseau Michel, Pourtallier J., Taliercio Y. Causes de pollution des œufs et des viandes de la Poule domestique (Gallus-Gallus L.) par des résidus de pesticides organo-chlorés. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 125 n°1, 1972. pp. 39-45

    Potensi dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Alami Pencernaan Ayam Broiler Pedaging (Gallus gallus domesticus L.) Sebagai Kandidat Probiotik Pakan Ayam Broiler

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    A study about potential and characterization of native bacteria of intestinebroiler (Gallus gallus domesticus L.) as probiotic candidate of a broiler poultry product were conducted from December 2012 to March 2013 at Microbiology Laboratory, Department of Biology, Andalas University, Padang. This study aimed to obtainbacterial isolates and to describe morphological characters of each isolate of native bacteria as probiotic candidate for thebroiler.This study used an experimental method and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that rough material of intestine consisted of fermentative bacteria (57x107cfu/g), amylolitic (118x107cfu/g), cellulolytic (63x107cfu/g) and proteolytic bacteria (52x107cfu/g). Two isolates were potensial probioticcandidates; amylolytic bacteria and cellulolytic bacteria. The characteristics both probiotic candidates were gram negative, non-sporulating, positive catalase and motile.Keywords: Gallus gallus domesticus, intestine bacteria, characterizatio


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    The Reduviidae includes predatory bugs such as Arilus gallus (Stål, 1872), which contribute to the natural control of pests in productive agroecosystems and to the ecological balance in protected areas. These insects have natural enemies, such as the egg parasitoid Neorileya albipes Girault, 1913 (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae). The purpose of this study was to report the parasitoid species of A. gallus eggs found in the Fortuna Forest Reserve, Chiriquí, Panama. For this, a group of 125 A. gallus eggs was collected, attached to a dry leaf that covered an internode of gutter straw (Saccharum spontaneum L.), on the edge of the road within the Reserve. 25 samplings were carried out along seven (7) transects of 1 kilometre each; on a 7-kilometre trail. Oviposition time at the site (9:20 am – 2:30 pm) of the parasitoid wasp on A. gallus eggs was observed and recorded. In addition, behavioral, biological and ecological observations of the parasitoid were made when it was parasitizing. The eggs were transferred to the laboratory, and it was possible to obtain two adult parasitoid wasps; confirming the identification of N. albipes. Each wasp hatched from an A. gallus egg, 38 days after oviposition. Neither nymph hatching of A. gallus nor parasitoids were obtained from the other 123 eggs. This finding confirms the importance of knowing the trophic interactions both in agroecosystems and in natural vegetation, even more so when considering the implementation of Integrated Pest Management.La Reduviidae, incluye chinches depredadores como Arilus gallus (Stål, 1872), que contribuyen con el control natural de plagas en agroecosistemas productivos y con el balance ecológico en áreas protegidas. Estos insectos tienen enemigos naturales, como el parasitoide de huevos Neorileya albipes Girault, 1913 (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae). El propósito del presente estudio fue reportar la especie parasitoide de huevos de A. gallus encontrada en la Reserva Forestal Fortuna, Chiriquí, Panamá. Para ello, se recolectó un grupo de 125 huevos de A. gallus, adherido a una hoja seca que cubría un entrenudo de paja canalera (Saccharum spontaneum L.), en el borde del camino dentro de la Reserva. Se realizaron 25 muestreos a lo largo de siete (7) transectos de 1 kilómetro cada transecto; en un sendero de 7 kilómetros. Se observó y registró el tiempo de oviposición en el lugar (9:20 a. m.–2:30 p. m.) de la avispa parasitoide sobre los huevos de A. gallus. Además, se logró realizar observaciones conductuales, biológicas y ecológicas del parasitoide cuando estaba parasitando. Los huevos fueron trasladados al laboratorio y se logró obtener dos avispas parasitoides adultos; confirmándose la identificación de N. albipes. Cada avispa eclosionó de un huevo de A. gallus, después de 38 días de la oviposición. No se obtuvo ni eclosión de ninfas de A. gallus ni de parasitoides de los otros 123 huevos. Este hallazgo confirma la importancia de conocer las interacciones tróficas tanto en agroecosistemas como en vegetación natural, más aún al contemplarse la implementación del Manejo Integrado de Plagas

    Performance of Gallus gallus domesticus Induced by Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) Powder before Puberty

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    The lack of use of turmeric powder by farmers to increase the production of native chicken eggs such as increasing egg weight. The purpose of the research was to determine the effect of turmeric powder supplement (Curcuma longa L.) on the weight of native chicken eggs (Gallus gallus domesticus) that had been induced on standard feed before entering the pebertas period. The design of this study is to use a complete randomized design with a total of 3 treatments. Treatment consists of the first; chicken that is not given turmeric powder supplement (P0). Second; native chickens are given turmeric powder supplements at a dose of 216 mg/ chicken /day (P1). Third; is a native chicken given turmeric powder supplement with a dose of 324 mg/ chicken /day. Egg weight data is obtained from the results of measurements made every day when all chickens have laid eggs. One month's measurement data is taken from 28 days of measurement. All measurement data is analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA). If the data is influential, it is then tested with a Duncan test with a trust of 95 % (α>0.05).  Supplementation of turmeric powder mixed in daily standard feed before entering puberty can have an effect on increasing the weight of free-range chicken eggs (Gallus gallus domesticus). There was a significant difference in free-range chickens that were given turmeric powder supplements at a dose of 324 mg/ chicken /day (483.6 mg) compared to chickens that did not receive turmeric powder supplements (405.4 mg)